The X Factor (Greek series 1)

The first series of the music talent show The X Factor Greece began airing on ANT1 on 4 October 2008 and was won by Loukas Giorkas of Larnaca, Cyprus on 30 January 2009. The show was presented by Sakis Rouvas. It was also broadcast abroad via ANT1's international stations.

The X Factor
Season 1
Broadcast from4 October 2008 
30 January 2009
JudgesGeorge Levendis
Giorgos Theofanous
Katerina Gagaki
Nikos Mouratidis
Host(s)Sakis Rouvas (live shows)
Giorgos Lianos (audition shows)
Despina Kampouri (audition shows)
Loukas Giorkas
OriginLarnaca, Cyprus
Song"Ladadika", "Piretos", "Party"
Nikolas Metaxas

Selection process


Public auditions by aspiring pop singers began in July 2008 and concluded in September 2008. The auditions were held in three cities: in Athens and Thessaloniki (Greece) and Larnaka (Cyprus).


Following initial auditions, the "Boot camp" stage took place in September 2008. Approximately 200 acts attended Boot Camp. They were initially split into groups of three, and judges gave instant decisions on who would leave based on the group performances, bringing the number of acts down to 150. The judges then cut the number of acts down to 80. They were split into four categories: Boys, Girls, Over 25s and Groups, before the judges discovered which category they would mentor for the rest of the competition. The Boys (16–24) were mentored by Katerina Gagaki, George Levendis had the Girls (16–24), Nikos Mouratidis mentored the Over 25s, and Giorgos Theofanous took charge of the Groups. At the last stage of boot camp only 32 remained.

Judges Houses

During "Judges' Houses", the judges welcomed the eight acts from their selected category to their "homes". Each act had only one chance to impress their mentor who had the task of selecting which three acts were to go through to the live shows and which three would be eliminated.

The sixteen eliminated acts were:

  • Boys 16-24 – Mixalis Zeis, Vasilis Pachis, Maurikios Maurikiou, Akis Panagiotidis
  • Girls 16-24 – Eugenia Mpalafa, Eua Tsachra, Ifigenia Stefanou, Basiliki Papada
  • Over 25s
  • Groups

Finalists and categories

The final 16 acts were confirmed as follows:


     Third Place
Category (Mentor)Acts
Girls 16-24 (George Levendis) Ioanna Protopappa Eirini Papadopoulou Anthi Simiou Polyxeni Bifsa
Boys 16-24 (Katerina Gagaki) Louis Georgiou Nikolas Metaxas Loukas Giorkas Christos Kalliatsas
Over 25s (Nikos Mouratidis) Kelly Kaltsi Giorgos Klakoumanos Vasiliki Tsiomi Konstantinos Tsimouris
Groups (Giorgos Theofanous) Kokkina Xalia Crowns Juke Box Triimitonio

Live shows

The live shows started on 23 October 2009. The acts are performing every Friday night with the results announced on the same day.

Results summary

Colour key
     Contestant was in the bottom two/three and had to sing again in the final showdown
Table showing weekly results, indicating which contestants were eliminated or safe, how each judge voted, and positions in each week's public vote where known.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13
Loukas Giorkas Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Winner
Nikolas Metaxas Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Runner-Up
Triimitonio Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Bottom 2 3rd
Kokkina Xalia Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Bottom 2 Safe Safe Safe 5th Safe 4th
Ioanna Protopappa Safe Safe Safe Safe Bottom 2 Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Bottom 2 Eliminated (week 12)
Kelly Kaltsi Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Bottom 2 Bottom 2 Bottom 2 6th Eliminated (week 11)
Konstantinos Tsimouris Safe Safe Safe Bottom 2 Safe 10th Safe Safe Safe Bottom 2 Eliminated (week 10)
Louis Giorgiou Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Bottom 2 Eliminated (week 9)
Christos Kalliatsas Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Bottom 2 Eliminated (week 8)
Giorgos Klakoumanos Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Bottom 2 Eliminated (week 7)
Eirini Papadopoulou Bottom 2 Safe Safe Safe Safe 11th Eliminated (week 6)
Juke Box Safe Safe Safe Safe Bottom 2 Eliminated (week 5)
Polyxeni Bifsa Safe Bottom 2 Bottom 2 Bottom 2 Eliminated (week 4)
Anthi Simiou Safe Safe Bottom 2 Eliminated (week 3)
Crowns Safe Bottom 2 Eliminated (week 2)
Vasiliki Tsiomi Bottom 2 Eliminated (week 1)
Final showdown Eirini Papadopoulou,
Vasiliki Tsiomi
Polyxeni Bifsa
Anthi Simiou,
Polyxeni Bifsa
Konstantinos Tsimouris,
Polyxeni Bifsa
Ioanna Protopappa,
Juke Box
Eirini Papadopoulou,
Konstantinos Tsimouris
Giorgos Klakoumanos,
Kokkina Xalia
Christos Kalliatsas,
Kelly Kaltsi
Kelly Kaltsi,
Louis Georgiou
Kelly Kaltsi,
Konstantinos Tsimouris
Kelly Kaltsi,
Kokkina Xalia
Ioanna Protopappa,
No final showdown or judges' vote: results are based on public votes alone
Mouratidis's vote to eliminate Eirini PapadopoulouCrownsPolyxeni BifsaJuke BoxKokkina XaliaChristos KalliatsasLouis GeorgiouKelly KaltsiKokkina XaliaIoanna Protopappa
Gagaki's vote to eliminate Vasiliki TsiomiCrownsPolyxeni BifsaJuke BoxGiorgos KlakoumanosKelly KaltsiKelly KaltsiKonstantinos TsimourisKokkina XaliaIoanna Protopappa
Levendis's vote to eliminate Vasiliki TsiomiCrownsKonstantinos TsimourisJuke BoxGiorgos KlakoumanosChristos KalliatsasLouis GeorgiouKonstantinos TsimourisKelly KaltsiTriimitonio
Theofamous's vote to eliminate Vasiliki TsiomiPolyxeni BifsaPolyxeni BifsaJuke BoxGiorgos KlakoumanosChristos KalliatsasLouis GeorgiouKonstantinos TsimourisKelly KaltsiIoanna Protopappa
Eliminated Vasiliki Tsiomi
3 of 4 votes
3 of 4 votes
Anthi Simiou
? of 4 votes
Polyxeni Bifsa
3 of 4 votes
Juke Box
4 of 4 votes
Eirini Papadopoulou
2 of 4 votes
Giorgos Klakoumanos
3 of 4 votes
Christos Kalliatsas
3 of 4 votes
Louis Georgiou
3 of 4 votes
Konstantinos Tsimouris
? of 4 votes
Kelly Kaltsi
2 of 4 votes
Ioanna Protopappa
3 of 4 votes
Third Place
Loukas Giorkas
Kokkina Xalia
Fourth Place
Nikolas Metaxas

Week 12 (23 January Semi-Final)

  • Themes: Mentor's choice and Free choice
  • Celebrity performers: Tamta "Koita me", "Agapise me" / Korgialas and Evridiki "Mia fora", "xwris esena", "geia sou", "Comme Ci, Comme Ça"
Contestants' performances on the twelfth live show
Act Order First song (Mentor's choice) Order Second song (Contestant's choice) Result
Triimitonio 1 "Dust in the wind" 6 "Karagiozis" Bottom two
Nikolas Metaxas 2 "O proskinitis" 7 "Bring me to life" Safe
Loukas Giorkas 3 "Agriolouloudo" 8 "Didimotixo Blues" Safe
Kokkina Xalia 4 "O basilias tis skonis" 9 "I'll Be There for You" Safe
Ioanna Protopappa 5 "Giati Fobase" 10 "Hot n Cold" Bottom two
Final showdown details
Triimitonio 1 "Anoites Agapes & Trenaki" Safe
Ioanna Protopappa 2 "Un-Break My Heart" Eliminated
Judges' votes to eliminate

Week 13 (30 January Final)

  • Themes: Mentor's choice, Free choice and Final choice
  • Celebrity performers: Natasha Theodoridou "Fegari", "Dipla Se Sena", "Apantise mou", "Oneiro"
OrderArtistMentorContestant's ChoiceMentor's ChoiceContestant's FavouriteResult
1Kokkina XaliaGiorgos TheofanousHartaetos unknown unknownFourth Place
2Loukas GiorkasKaterina Gagaki"Ladadika" "Piretos" "Party"Winner
3Nikolas MetaxasKaterina Gagaki"Dream on""Anthropoi Monahoi" "Let me entertain you" Runner Up
4TriimitonioGiorgos Theofanousunknown unknown unknownThird Place

* Eliminated by public vote, after the judges forced a tie.

gollark:**Have**: CB autumn**Want**: CB hatchlings, or xenowyrm(s), or code(s), or SAltkin(s)
gollark:**HAVE**: CB "polished stone" (pyralspite or something) egg**WANT**: CB hatchlings (>1) (more than 1) (multiple) (not 1)
gollark:**Have**: a slightly oddly lineaged 3G prize**Want**: CB hatchlings or a CB mageia xenowyrm**Have**: a *really* oddly lineaged 4G prize**Want**: any hatchling
gollark: **Have**: A CB neglected and slight annoyance at whoever must have offered on that 2G SAltkin first.**Want** (sorted by priority):- 2G SAltkin.- IOU of many reds, xenowyrms, balloons, whatever. I don't care too much about their lineage.- Programming language etc. codes (caps doesn't matter) (there's a wikipedia list of programming languages if you want to know).- CB metals, especially green coppers.- A few (6? It depends) higher-gen SAltkins and prizes, ideally as hatchlings.- A 2G prize, ideally from a xenowyrm. I guess I'd also accept a few xenowyrm prizekins. Praise Xenowyrms!- Cool offers not listed here.Offer simple offers here: me otherwise.
gollark:**Have** a CB neglected, don't know the gender.**Want**:- IOU for MOAR REDS, new releases (in a while), balloons, xenowyrms, whatever; DM me!- 2G prize (I like shimmerscales most)- 2G SAltkin (not much preference, but from xenowyrm would be cool)- CB metals; green coppers especially nice- Many xenowyrms- Interesting codes - palindromes or programming languages- Any offers you think are actually good~~I can also throw in a CB purple siyat! Do people *want* CB purple siyats? I don't know.~~ gone.If you have offers which don't work via the trade hub, please DM me to discuss. Otherwise, offer there; expect some wait even if I like your offer, but really bad offers *will* be declined.Now unavailable. I offered on a 2G SAltkin trade.
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