The Grantville Gazettes

The Grantville Gazettes are anthologies of short stories set in the 1632 universe introduced in Eric Flint's novel 1632.

Grantville Gazette
AuthorEric Flint
Series1632 series
GenreAlternate History, Anthology
PublisherBaen Books
Publication date
Semi-periodic, and Periodic (bi-monthly)
Various dates from
February 2003 and
from 2004
(in print as books)
Media typee-zine and ebook
Paperback and hardcover
PagesGrantville Gazette I,
361 pp (first edition)
Preceded byRing of Fire (anthology) 
Followed byGrantville Gazette II

The Gazettes started as an experiment: a professionally edited, officially sanctioned "fan magazine" published electronically. Initially released as serialized e-magazines, they were later published as e-books (taking a page from the Baen Books experience with E-ARCs—Electronic Advance Reader Copies, which had been instituted several years earlier.) Because the electronic sales were successful, Baen contracted with Flint for more issues, to be published 3-4 times per year (bimonthly, starting in 2007[1]). Each would form part of the canonical background for the other works (novels and anthologies) in the rapidly growing 1632 series.

As of mid-2012, e-magazines are published bimonthly, and six books have been published (five of those as both hardcover and mass market paperback) excerpted from the first 17 issues of the magazine. A seventh book is promised.[1][2]


Separating 1632-verse history from the internet web fora at Baen Books web site Baen's Bar is impossible, for the forum has shaped the series, as the series has, in part, shaped the forum. Only the Honorverse web forums of best selling author David Weber have been busier than the eventual three special fora set up for 1632-verse topics since 2000, and according to Flint, by 2005 over two hundred-thousand posts had been made on the '1632 Tech' forum alone. Hence, while fan fiction, the Gazettes from the outset differed in important ways from most fan fiction:

  1. Flint himself had sought out and accepted ideas and input from fans when beginning the writing of the lead novel 1632. Some of those discussions became back plot for the series, and some were submitted to him as stories.
  2. Flint, caught unaware and unprepared by the demand for a sequel, decided to open up the universe and invite other established authors to help shape the milieu. With all the internet buzz, and having already sought and gotten months of input from the new 1632verse business-only forum "1632 Tech Manual", he and Baen agreed to include meritorious fan fiction in the collection envisioned. That anthology became Ring of Fire, but was delayed for business reasons—sound marketing. David Weber and Flint had threshed out a backplot and agreed to do a 1632 sequel as a novel, and it built upon and integrated the thoughts submitted for Ring of Fire. Jim Baen sat on Ring of Fire, as anthologies in today's fiction market generally don't sell well, and a series with an anthology as its second work was new ground.
  3. It was professionally edited and produced by experienced persons in the publishing industry, and Flint as gate-keeper for the series canon was unhesitant in turning back poor writing for rewrite or just rejecting same.
  4. If accepted and published, the story background and back plot thereafter was canon for the universe—if material was published in a Gazette, it became part of the basis of the series thereafter.

Issued initially as an electronic quasi-magazine using the publisher's e-ARC distribution system, the original magazine came out only sporadically—as Flint and Baen copy editors had time to put early issues together. By the time of the seventh issue in June 2006, three years from the first volume, having proved to be a self-funding success, the publication changed. Along the way, Jim Baen had agreed to try another experiment, and brought out volume 1 in print as a paperback. In March 2006 Baen published volume 2 in hardcover, which became a New York Times best seller.

No longer were issues serialized in three installments, the form of the promotional Baen Webscriptions value packs, but began coming out as a single ebook at a much greater regularity. By volume 10, the magazine had hit a regular publication rate of one issue every other month released the first day of odd numbered months, and migrated from being an offering within Baen's catalog of offerings (where they are still listed as ebooks) to having a subscription system administered and accessed from its own website. It is particularly notable in that is composed of short fiction which has spawned no less than three best sellers in an age when the market for short fiction (anthologies) is very poor. In addition, the Grantville Gazettes have served as the source of new ideas and relationships which energize the popular series and find their way into the novels of the 1632 series.

Beginning in early 2007, the Gazette's publishers added an on-line web based edition published quarterly (eventually bimonthly). Additionally, the publishers switched to paying full professional rates instead of the semi-pro rates that had been paid and became an SFWA qualifying market.[3] After the first four volumes, the published book became a "Best of" annual collection.

The Anthology Authors Process

The various authors featured in the Gazettes are part of Flint's online experiment (Phase II) in developing a milieu with input from many others on the webforum Baen's Bar. The 1632 Tech Manual (oldstyle: '1632 Tech') sub-section of the Bar focuses on reproducing modern technology in the 17th century. The 1632 Slushpile forum is where authors first submit to a tough peer review process. Once critical readers have deemed the nascent story worthy, the work passes to an editorial board, which also considers how the work will fit into and impact the milieu as currently planned out and plotted. Some stories have thus served as the genesis of their own 1632 universe sub-series or plot thread. This is chaired by Eric Flint, who retains veto power over all work in the 1632 verse, and Eric then decides in which issue or volume of the Gazette the story should be allocated. Authors get paid a sub-professional rate upon the acceptance of the work, and additional financial remuneration and considerations when the anthology reaches print at a later time.

The Gazettes thus contain short stories based in the world of Flint's 1632 series, as well as articles about the restrictions on technology available in the time-stranded town and the plausibility of items and redeveloped technology within the milieu of the 1632 multiverse. The latter essays are written by members based on findings and results from a more formal subset of contributor-advisors known as the 1632 Technical board. Part of this group also sits on the 1632 Editorial Board.

Importance of the Gazettes

The impact of individual stories submitted for inclusion into the Grantville Gazettes will likely never be truly known, because even the bad or 'unaccepted' ones have shaped ideas, the action, commentary, and thought on the web-forums 1632 Tech and 1632 Comments. Even those that fail to meet the final test of espousing 'canon' developments in the neohistory have influenced later written works, including those by Flint, who is the final determiner as the sole person involved in each work in the milieu of what is acceptable canon, and who has acknowledged a debt to all such submissions and discussions. Considered one way, each story written has the ability of setting a new Point of divergence, affecting various storylines. Several fan-written stories have suggested major plotlines, even before the concept of the Grantville Gazettes eMagazine experiment was approved by Jim Baen. Those stories were published alongside established writers in the Ring of Fire, and according to Flint, affected other main plotlines like 1634: The Ram Rebellion.

Other Gazette stories have filled in important gaps in terms of economics, sociology, and technology: "The Sewing Circle" deals with four precocious teen friends and their stubborn insistence on making adult contributions. When they succeed, they establish a model for uptimers starting downtime businesses, setting an example that ripples through Grantville. In the sequel, "Other People's Money", they shake up the European stock markets, and not inconsequentially, interest the downtime populace in learning more about investing and uptime financial knowledge. Sociologically, their success doomed tailoring guilds, and spawned down-timer publication of popular fiction, inculcating up-timer sociology et cetera via modern novels, especially perhaps, Romance novels. Apparently even downtimers like their soaps! "A Lineman for the Country" along with a couple of other short stories created the forthcoming important Eastern European thread , and so on.

Flint has stated that he intends that short stories featuring major characters, or establishing points that will be important in future novels will be collected into the Ring of Fire anthologies, and that The Grantville Gazettes anthologies will feature the stories of characters that don't establish new background for the novels. However, many of the characters or events become more important in retrospect than either the author or editor expected, so this rule is fairly weak, as shown in the Other People's Money example.

On another level entirely, the gazette stories are just stories. Since they tend to focus on the ground-level interactions of their protagonists, and those characters tend to repeat, not only in subsequent stories by the same author, but in stories by others, Flint has characterized them in part as soap-operas in the preface to Grantville Gazette IV.

Starting in November 2004, the first Gazette was also released experimentally in a paper edition with issue I as a paperback. The second volume was released in hardcover in March 2006, this and subsequent titles use Roman Numerals for titles such as are listed below in the section List of Gazettes, as appear on the print publication covers.

Each print edition contains an additional story that was not published in any e-magazine. Starting with volume V, each print edition contains stories from several of the magazines, and not all magazine stories are published in the books. The List of Gazettes section below gives the publication dates and a rough guide to which magazines are collected into particular books.

Print title Publication date ISBN e-Vols covered Additional Flint story
Grantville Gazette I November 2004[4] 0-7434-8860-1 Whole issue 1 Portraits
Grantville Gazette II March 2006[5] 1-4165-2051-1 Whole issue 2 Steps In The Dance
Grantville Gazette III January 2007[6] 1-4165-0941-0 Whole issue 3 Postage Due
Grantville Gazette IV June 2008[7] 1-4165-5554-4 Whole issue 4 The Anatomy Lesson
Grantville Gazette V August 2009[8] 1-4391-3279-8 From issues 5–10 Steady Girl
Grantville Gazette VI January 2012[9] 1-4516-3853-1 From issues 11–19 The Masque
Grantville Gazette VII April 2015[10] 9781476780290 From issues 20–30 An Aukward Situation
Grantville Gazette VIII June 2018[11] 9781481483292 From issues 31–45 Descartes Before the Whores

Overall literary criticism and reception of the printed versions

Sales of the printed versions of the Grantville Gazette I[12][13] and Grantville Gazette II[14] were high enough to have these issues listed on the Locus (magazine) Bestsellers Lists with Volume I topping at number 9 in 2005 for Paperbacks and Volume II at 10 in 2006 for Hardcovers respectively.

Overall, most reviewers wrote favorable reviews[15][16] while only a small number were negative.[17] Roland Green of Booklist wrote that "Flint’s 1632 universe seems to be inspiring a whole new crop of gifted alternate historians."[18]

Reception of printed volumes that do not have their own page yet

Grantville Gazette IV

The reviewer for Observe and See wrote that the printed version of the Grantville Gazette IV is "It is every bit as enjoyable as the other editions" and reviewed each story in this edition.[19] The reviewer for The Billion Light-Year Bookshelf wrote extensive individual reviews for each of the included stories.[20] The reviewer also noted that one of the stories from the Gazette was a part of the backstory of one of the novels that she had previously reviewed.

Grantville Gazette V

The reviewer for Booklist wrote that the printed edition of the Grantville Gazette V "add[s] dimensions to Flint’s singular alternate-history creation."[21] The reviewer for The Billion Light-Year Bookshelf wrote individual reviews for each of the included stories.[22] Most were positive, however she did warn the reader that at least one story could be incomprehensible unless the reader have already read most of the books in the series.

Grantville Gazette VI

Bill Lawhorn of SFRevu reviewed the printed version of Grantville Gazette VI and wrote that "This is another great collection for fans of the Ring of Fire series. There is a little something for everyone, history, mystery and adventure."[23] The reviewer for the San Francisco Book Review wrote that "all of the stories are well-written and peopled with fascinating characters."[24] The reviewer for the Library Journal also gave a positive review.[25]

Grantville Gazette VII

The reviewer for the SFRevu wrote that "The stories run quite a gamut. There are mysteries, action adventure, and little bit of rewritten history." Some of the stories are quirky and that "the characters have a sense of humor" while some of the other "stories aren't all humorous, they also deal with subjects related to inequality and opportunity. The reviewer also wrote that "Another really good part of the series, is the serious discussion of technology and how old technologies can be recreated until the equipment needed to build the modern technology is available." The reviewer also states that "The Gazette has been a pipeline for developing authors."[26] The reviewer for the Midwest Book Review wrote that the book "provides a lively set of vignettes and tales that juxtapose well with the primary books in the series and fill in many gaps with new stories and new information".[27]

The Ring of Fire Press

Many of the continuing serials have been republished as single volume collections by the publishers of the Gazette through their own Ring of Fire Press to make the material easier to access by its readers by not having its readers search through various Gazette back issues to access a previous episode of a particular serial.[28]

Short story awards

Starting in 2017, the Gazette began to offer an award for the best short story that was published during the previous calendar year as determined by its readers.[29]

Year Title Authors Issue
2016 The Winter Canvas: A Daniel Block Story[30] Meriah L. Crawford and Robert E. Waters 67
2017 The Long Road Home, Part 2[31] Nick Lorance 69
2018 Requiem For the Future[32] David Carrico 85

Free Access

Jim Baen believed in the promotional power of library access to books. In the very early days of the Web, he started releasing free e-book copies of many of the books in the company's back list at a website called the Baen Free Library.[33]

Additionally, sample CDs of e-books are bound into many Baen first edition hardcover books. Although the books on these CDs are often not included in the Baen Free Library, the publisher allows fan sites to put these CDs up on the web. The e-book version of the book version (thus containing each "extra" Flint novella) of the first five Grantville Gazettes, along with most of the novels in the series are on CD#23 available on The Fifth Imperium.

Jim Baen's Universe

Starting with magazine issue #19, another Baen magazine was merged into the Grantville Gazette. For the next ten issues, there was no change in the Gazettes beyond a dual title on the title page. In magazine issue #30, Eric Flint introduced the "Universe Annex" to the Grantville Gazette[34] featuring a story slot and columns from Jim Baen's Universe.

List of Gazettes

Start Date










List of Stories

In this table, Volumes of The Grantville Gazette electronic magazine are indicated by Arabic numerals in the title. Volumes of The Grantville Gazette published books are indicated by Roman numerals in the title.[35] Up to volume IV, each book contained the equivalent magazine content plus an additional story. After volume IV, each book contains stories from several magazines. Not all stories from the magazine are included in books, and each book still has an additional story that was not in the magazines.[35] Publication in the book version of the Grantville Gazette are indicated by GG and a Roman numeral in the "book" column. For simplicity, stories from the Ring of Fire anthology series are included in this same table and are indicated by ROF and a Roman numeral I, II, or III in the "book" column.

Title Author Series e-zine
PortraitsEric FlintRubens(none)GG I1633 (?)
Anna's StoryLoren Jones1GG I1631-051631-12
Curio and RelicTom Van Natta1GG I1631-051631-05
The Sewing CircleGorg HuffOPM1GG I1631-061631-12
The Rudolstadt ColloquyVirginia DeMarceCavriani1GG I1633-04

Radio in the 1632 UniverseRick Boatright1GG Inon-fiction
They've Got Bread Mold,
So Why Can't They Make Penicillin?
Bob Gottlieb1GG Inon-fiction
Horse PowerKaren Bergstralh1GG Inon-fiction

Steps In The DanceEric FlintRubensnoneGG II
Collateral DamageMike Spehar2GG IISpring 1634
Euterpe, Episode 1Enrico M. ToroEuterpe (Carissimi)2GG II1633-06
The Company MenChristopher
James Weber
Donovan & North2GG II1632
Just One Of Those DaysLeonard Hollar2GG II1631
God's GiftsGorg Huff2GG II1631-051632-04
Bottom-FeedersJohn Zeek2GG II
An Invisible WarDanita Lee EwingLeahy Medical Center2&3GG II1633-061634-01

A quick and dirty treatise
on historical fencing
Enrico M. Toro2GG IInon-fiction
So You Want To Do
In 1633?
Rick Boatright2GG IInon-fiction
Mente Et Malleo:
Practical Mineralogy And
Minerals Exploration In 1632
Laura Runkle2GG IInon-fiction
The Secret Book Of Zink Andrew Clark
(as Dr. Erasmus Faustus)
2GG IInon-fiction

Postage DueEric FlintRubensnoneGG III
Pastor Kastenmayer's RevengeVirginia DeMarceKastenmayer's3GG III1634-051635-04
The Sound of MusicDavid CarricoFranz Sylwester3GG III16321633-01
Other People's MoneyGorg HuffOPM3GG III1633
If the Demons Will SleepEva Musch3GG III1633-05
Hobson's ChoiceFrancis Turner3GG III16321633
Hell FightersWood Hughes3GG III16311632
Euterpe, Episode 2Enrico M. ToroEuterpe (Carissimi)3GG III1633-08

IronRick Boatright3GG IIInon-fiction
The Impact of Mechanization
on German Farms
Karen Bergstralh3GG IIInon-fiction
Firearms in the 1632 UniverseLeonard Hollar
Bob Hollingsworth
Tom Van Natta
John Zeek
Flint's Lock
Firearms Roundtable
3GG IIInon-fiction
Alchemical DistillationAndrew Clark
(as Dr. Erasmus Faustus)
3GG IIInon-fiction

The Anatomy LessonEric FlintElisabeth StuartnoneGG IV1636?
Poor Little Rich GirlsPaula Goodlett
Gorg Huff
Barbie Consortium4GG IV
'Til We Meet AgainVirginia DeMarce4GG IV
One Man's JunkKaren BergstrahlKudzu Werke4GG IV
Chip's Christmas GiftRuss Rittgers4GG IV
Dice's DrawingsDan Robinson4GG IV
The Class of '34Kerryn Offord4GG IV1934-06
Magdeburg Marines:
The Few and the Proud
Jose J. Clavell4GG IV1633
ElizabethErnest Lutz
John Zeek
TacRail4GG IV
Heavy Metal Music or
Revolution in Three Flats
David CarricoFranz Sylwester4GG IV1633-04

Drillers in DoubletsIver P. Cooper4GG IVnon-fiction
How to Keep Your Old
John Deere Plowing:
Diesel Fuel Alternatives
for Grantville 1631–1639
Allen W. McDonnell4GG IVnon-fiction
How to Build a Machine
Gun in 1634 with
Available Technology:
First View
Leonard Hollar
Tom Van Natta
John Zeek
Flint's Lock
Firearms Roundtable
4GG IVnon-fiction
How to Build a Machine
Gun in 1634 with
Available Technology:
Second View
Bob HollingsworthFlint's Lock4GG IVnon-fiction
A Looming ChallengePam Poggiani4GG IV

Steady GirlEric FlintEddie JunkernoneGG V1635-061635-08
Schwarza FallsDouglas W. Jones5GG V1631-05
RecyclingPhilip Schillawski
John Rigby
6GG V16331633-07
Old Folks' MusicGorg Huff
Paula Goodlett
Grantville is DifferentRuss Rittgers61632-08
The Woman Shall
Not Wear That
Virginia DeMarceKastenmeyer61634-071634-12
Live FreeKaren Bergstrahl16356
Mightier than the SwordJay Robison61634
Got My BuckBarry C. Swift8GG V1632
The Dalai Lama's
Electric Buddha
Victor Klimov6GG V
Canst Thou Send LightningsRick BoatrightSmithson7GG V
Grantville's Greatest Philosopher?Terry HowardJimmy Dick7GG V
The Painter's GambitIver P. CooperFelix & Birgit8GG V1633-101634-04
A Taste of HomeChris Racciato6GG V
Young Love LostJose J. ClavellNCIS9GG V
The Prepared MindKim Mackey10GG V
Capacity for HarmRichard Evans8GG V1633
Little AngelKerryn Offord10GG V1634-01
None So BlindDavid CarricoNCIS10GG V1636-01
On the Matter
of D'Artagnan
Bradley H. Sinor10GG V
A Filthy StoryAamund Breivik10GG V
The Treasure HuntersKaren BergstrahlMichael Tyler11GG V20001634 Fall
Bathing with CoalRuss Rittgers11GG V
Lessons in AstronomyPeter Hobson11GG V
Wish BookGorg Huff
Paula Goodlett
11GG V
O For A Muse of FireJay Robison11GG V
Pilgrimage of GraceVirginia DeMarce11GG V
Twenty-eight MenMark Huston10GG V1635-01

Breaking NewsJay RobisonPrudentia & Jabe51632-081633-10
Ounces Of PreventionKim MackeyRubens/Infante/Essen5
BurmashaveChris Racciato51633-051633-11
Susan's StoryPaula Goodlett & Gorg HuffVelma Hardesty51632-08
Of Masters And MenKaren BergstralhKudzu Werke51631-11
Murphy's LawVirginia DeMarce51634-071635-02
Suite For Four HandsDavid CarricoSylwester5GG VI1633-07
EuterpeEnrico M. ToroEuterpe 351633-10

In Vitro Veritas: Glassmaking After The Ring Of FireIver P. Cooper5non-fiction
Dyes And MordantsLisa Satterlund5non-fiction
What Replaces the SRG?Leonard Hollar, Bob Hollingsworth, John Rigby, Phillip Schillawski, Tom Van Natta, John ZeekFlint's Lock
Firearms Roundtable
The Grantville Brickmaker's PrimerKerryn Offord5non-fiction

Federico and GingerIver P. Cooper6
Old Folks' MusicGorg Huff
Paula Goodlett
Calling Dr. PhilKerryn OffordDr. Phil 161633
Dr. Phil's Amazing
Lightning Crystal
Kerryn OffordDr. Phil 26
Dr. Phil's Aeolian
Kerryn Offord
Dr. Phil 36

Exegesis and Interpretation
of Up-timer Printed Matter
Francis Turner6non-fiction
Bouncing Back: Bringing
Rubber to Grantville
Iver P. Cooper6non-fiction
On the Design, Construction
and Maintenance of
Wooden Aircraft
Jerry Hollombe
Mike Spehar
The Jews of 1632Douglas W. Jones6non-fiction

Mule 'Round The WorldVirginia DeMarceMinnie H7
Von GrantvilleRuss RittgersChad Jenkins71632
Burgers, Fries, And BeerJohn and Patti Friend7
Mama Mia, That's A
Good Pizza Pie!
Jon and Linda SonnenleiterMisadventures of T & V71634-10
SeasonsMark H. Huston71631-051632-05
Not At All The TypeVirginia DeMarce71634-06
Dr. Phil's Amazing
Essence Of Fire Tablets
Kerryn Offord
Rick Boatright
Dr. Phil7
Zinkens A BundleKerryn OffordDr. Phil7
CrucibellusKim MackeyEssen Chronicles7

The Mechanical Reproduction
Of Sound: Developing A Recorded
Music Distribution Industry
Chris Penycate
Rick Boatright
Mass Media In The 1632 UniverseGorg Huff
Paula Goodlett
Railroading In GermanyCarsten Edelberger7non-fiction
Harnessing The Iron Horse:
Railroad Locomotion In
The 1632 Universe
Iver P. Cooper7non-fiction

Into the Very Pit of HellDouglas W. JonesJoseph Hanauer 181631-05
Not a Princess BrideTerry HowardJimmy Dick8
Dear SirChris Racciato8
The Sons of St. JohnJay RobisonCeltic Church8
Prince and AbbotVirginia DeMarceWes & Clara Jenkins81632-12
A Question of FaithAnette PedersenGrunwald81633-12
Flight 19 to MagdeburgJose J. Clavell16358
Rolling OnKaren BergstralhKudzu Werke8
Three Innocuous WordsRuss Rittgers8
Doctor Phil's DistractionKerryn OffordDr. Phil, Kastenmayer8
Louis de GeerKim MackeyEssen Steel 28
A Russian NobleGorg Huff
Paula Goodlett
in the Kremlin 1

Refrigeration and the
1632 World: Opportunities
and Challenges
Mark H. Huston q8non-fiction
New France in 1634 and
the Fate of North America
Michael Varhola8non-fiction
Aluminum: Will O' the Wisp?Iver P. Cooper8non-fiction

Mail StopVirginia DeMarce91633-031633-11
Those Daring Young MenRick Boatright91635
Those Daring Not So Young MenRick Boatright9
A Matter Of TasteKerryn Offord91634
Those Not So DaringRick Boatright9
Anna the BaptistTerry Howard91634-12
Fly Like a BirdLoren Jones9
GearheadMark H Huston9
Water WingsTerry Howard9
Under the Tuscan SonIver Cooper91633-11
Wings on the MountainTerry Howard9
Pocket MoneyJohn and Patti Friend9
MoonrakerKaren Bergstralh9
The Minstrel BoyJohn ZeekTacRail9GG V1634-02
UltralightSean Massey9
Tool or DieKaren BergstralhKudzu Werke9
If at First You Don't Succeed . . .Paula Goodlett9
Waves of ChangePaula Goodlett
Gorg Huff
Try, Try AgainPaula Goodlett9
Little Jammer BoysKim Mackey9
Safe at First BaseMark H Huston9
The Order of the FootRichard Evans91634-10
Trip to ParisKim MackeyEssen Chronicles 39
At the Cliff's EdgeIver P. CooperBatman?9
A 'Merican in MoscowGorg Huff
Paula Goodlett
Butterflies In
The Kremlin 2

Radio in 1632, Part 3Rick BoatrightRadio9non-fiction
The Sound of MicaIver P. Cooper9non-fiction
A Tempest In a BaptistryTerry Howard9non-fiction
The Daily BeerAnette Pedersen9non-fiction
White GoldKerryn Offord9non-fiction

Star CrossedRainaldi10
Lies, Truths and ConsequencesJose J. ClavellRainaldi, NCIS10
The SalonPaula Goodlett
Gorg Huff
The LauncherRichard Evans101634-04
Fiddling StrangerRuss Rittgers10
Grand TourIver P. CooperHobbes10
Franconia!Virginia DeMarceFranconia 1
Tom & Dick Quiney
Doctor Phil's FamilyKerryn OffordDr. Phil10
Boris, Natasha . . .
But Where's Bullwinkle
Butterflies in the Kremlin 310novel

Crude Penicillin:
Potential and Limitations
Vincent W. Coljee10non-fiction
All Roads Lead. . .Iver P. Cooper10non-fiction
The FeastAnette Pedersen10non-fiction

Azrael's BargainTerry HowardJimmy Dick11
Land of Ice and SunKim Mackey11
A Gift of BlanketsKerryn Offord
Vincent Colje
BootstrappingKerryn Offord111631-12
Trommler RecordsGorg Huff
Paula Goodlett
Barbie Consortium11
Second StartsIver P. CooperStretching Out111632-05
Butterflies in the Kremlin 4Gorg Huff
Paula Goodlett
Butterflies in the Kremlin11novel
Hither and Yon: Transportation
Modes, Costs and Infrastructure
in 1632 and after
Iver P. Cooper11non-fiction
Steam: Taming the DemonKevin H. Evans11non-fiction
Adventures in Transportation:
An Examination of Drags, Carts,
Wagons and Carriages Available
in the 17th century
Karen Bergstralh11non-fiction

The Anaconda ProjectEric FlintAnaconda 112
BirdwatchingGarrett W. VanceBirdwatching12GG VI1631-51633-5
The MonsterGorg Huff
Paula Goodlett
TEA12GG VI16331635
One Step Toward the CloudsSean Massey121633-12
The Price of DumplingsTerry Howarddumplings12
Thunder in the MountainsRichard Evans12
Mrs. December, 163612GG VI1636-12
CowspiracyKerryn Offord121633-01
Domestic ViolenceJohn Zeek12
Through A Glass, DarklyDavid Carrico121635-5
Letters From FranceKerryn Offord12
Amazon AdventureIver P. CooperStretching Out 212

So You Want to Build the Internet:
IP Communications in 1633
Charles Prael12non-fiction
Grantville Police DepartmentJohn Zeek12non-fiction
Flying the Virtual Skies:
A Brief History and 1632 Perspective
on Flight Simulation
Sean Massey12non-fiction
My Name is Legion:
Copying the Books of Grantville
Iver P. Cooper12non-fiction
Aircraft in the 1632 UniverseGorg Huff12non-fiction

The Anaconda Project 2Eric FlintAnaconda13
Protected SpeciesGarrett W. VanceBirdwatching131634-07
A Tinker's ProgressTerry HowardJohn Bunyan13GG VI
Nothing's Ever SimpleVirginia DeMarce13GG VI1633-121634-10
The Ear of the BeholderTerry Martin13
Out of a Job?Iver P. Cooper13
The Truth According to BuddhaTerry HowardJimmy Dick13
Sailing UpwindKevin and Karen EvansUpwind13GG VI1633-091635-09
These Things Have No Fixed MeasureDouglas W. JonesJoseph Hanauer 2131631-061631-07
The Dog and Pony ShowGorg Huff & Paula GoodlettButterflies in the Kremlin 513novel
The Music of the Spheres . . . er, RingDavid Carrico13non-fiction
The Wooden Wonders of GrantvilleIver P. Cooper13non-fiction
Guilds 101Karen Bergstralh13non-fiction
The DoodlebuggerIver P. Cooper131634
Supply and DemandRick BoatrightSmithson,Zuendkerze13GG VI
Plugging AlongKerryn OffordZuendkerze13GG VI
The Spark of InspirationGorg Huff
Paula Goodlett
Sunday DriverLaura RunkleSmithson13GG VI
Turn, Turn, TurnVirginia DeMarceSmithson13GG VI

Anaconda Project 3Eric FlintAnaconda14
Jenny and the King's MenMark Huston14GG VI
Mrs. SchumacherGorg Huff
Paula Goodlett
Bats in the BelfryGarrett W. Vance141634-05
A Matter of UnehrlichkeitKim Mackey14GG VI
Gearing UpSean Massey141633-10
Songs and BalladsVirginia DeMarcePrague14
The New RomanticsKerryn Offord141634-021635-05
Stepping UpJack Carroll14
School Days, School Days,
Dear Old Golden Rule Days
Cinco de Mayo . . .
er, der Fünfte Mai
Edith Wild14GG VI1634-05
All Creatures Stand in JudgmentDouglas W. JonesJoseph Hanauer 3141831-07
Maria's MissionIver P. CooperStretching Out 3141633-09
Radio Killed the Video Star:
Mass Communication Development
in the 1632 Universe
Jay Robison14non-fiction
Metallic Fusion: Putting
it Together in 1632
Kevin H. Evans14non-fiction
Second Hand HelpVincent W. Coljee14non-fiction
Navigational Instruments Old and NewIver P. CooperSoundings and Sextants 114non-fiction

The Anaconda Project 4Eric FlintThe Anaconda Project 415
Letters of TradeDavid Dingwall15GG VI1630-10
The Summer of Our DiscontentVirginia DeMarce15
A Pirate's KenIver P. Cooper151634
BreakthroughsJack Carroll15GG VI1634-031634-10
The WhippoorwillJohn ZeekTacRail15
Dog DaysRichard Evans151632-041635-10
Allegro con brioDavid CarricoSonata 1, Sylwester151634-01
The Polish Incident or
The Wet Firecracker War
Gorg Huff &
Paula Goodlett
Butterflies in the Kremlin 615novel
Celestial Navigation MethodsIver P. CooperSoundings and Sextants 215non-fiction
The Geared Locomotive or
What Wood You Shay To?
Kevin H. Evans15non-fiction
The Theobroma Shell GameKaren C. Evans15non-fiction
Tennis: The Game of KingsIver P. Cooper15non-fiction

Duty CallsKaren Bergstralh16GG VI1634-03
E. Coli: A Tale of RedemptionTerry HowardJimmy Dick16
Wedding DazeVirginia DeMarceVelma161634-08
DocGorg Huff
Paula Goodlett
The Galloping GooseHerbert & William SakalaucksGR&S RR16GG VI
Sure ThingKerryn Offord161634-03
Hunting TraditionsGarrett W. VanceWalt Dorrman16
Beyond the LineIver P. CooperStretching Out 4161634-04
Movement II—Andante espressivoDavid CarricoSonata 2161634-01

Tell Me What You Eat, and I'll Tell You Who You AreAnette Pedersen16non-fiction
The High-Stepping BeautiesKevin H. Evans16non-fiction
Seeing the HeavensIver P. Cooper16non-fiction
Unintended Consequences: Dealing with the Population Density ExplosionWalt Boyes16non-fiction

Y'all Come See UsPaula GoodlettCon Announcement17editorial
The Anaconda ProjectEric FlintAnaconda 517
The Anaconda ProjectEric FlintAnaconda 617
Bunny B. GoodeGorg Huff & Paula Goodlett17GG VI
Silver AgeVirginia DeMarceVelma171635-03
Feng Shui for the SoulKerryn OffordDr. Phil17GG VI16331634
Ghosts on the GlassTim Roesch17GG VI
Golden CornTerry HowardOld Joe Jenkins171631-051635-11
Lost In TranslationIver P. Cooper17GG VI
Comedy of ErrorMark H. Huston17
The Patron's PlightJay RobisonHomage to Etruria 1171635-05
Sonata 3David CarricoSonata 3171634-03

The Steam CarKevin H. Evans17non-fiction
Legal and Social AspectsIver P. CooperSafety First: Industrial Safety in 1632 #117non-fiction
The Importance of Having a Pig: Food and Preservation in 1632Anette Pedersen17non-fiction
Scraps of FashionLisa Satterlund17non-fiction
The World Turned Upside DownJohn R. JohnsonBack to the Flash17

Gifted with PascalTim Roesch18
Quintessentially BlondeVirginia DeMarceVelma181635-01
Too Late for SundayMichael Badillo181633-121635-05
Dark as a DungeonJohn Zeek18
The Bloody Baroness of BornholmKerryn OffordBornholm181634-05
And That's How the Money Rolls InTerry Howarddumplings18
The Bureaucrats are RevoltingGorg Huff & Paula GoodlettButterflies in the Kremlin 718
Riding the TigerIver P. CooperStretching Out 5181634-07
Sonata 4David CarricoSonata 4181634-041635-03

What's For Dinner: Typical Dishes From 1632Anette Pedersen18non-fiction
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Mathematics After the Ring of FireWilliam Truderung18non-fiction
Technical AspectsIver P. CooperSafety First: Industrial Safety in 1632 #218non-fiction

It's Getting Closer . . .Paula GoodlettAlbacon19editorial
The Anaconda Project 7Eric FlintAnaconda 719
The Anaconda Project 8Eric FlintAnaconda 819
The Creamed MadonnaKerryn OffordDr. Phil191635-08
First ImpressionsIver P. CooperFelix & Birgit19
A Gentile in the Family?Terry Howard19
The Royal and Ancient GameMark H. Huston19GG VII
High Road to VeniceGorg Huff & Paula GoodlettTEA19GG VII
Turn Your Radio On 1Wood HughesTurn Your Radio On 1191631-091634-04
Hallelujah 1David CarricoHallelujah 1191634-07

An Introduction to ConcreteIver P. CooperBetter Foundations 119non-fiction
Plausibility Denial or
Truth is Stranger Than Fiction
Gorg Huff19non-fiction
Wingless WondersKevin H. Evans19non-fiction

So . . . How was the con?Paula GoodlettAlbacon20editorial
By Hook or By CrookVictoria L'Ecuyer20GG VII
An Electrifying ExperienceJack Carroll20GG VII 1635
One Fine DayJohn ZeekJuergen & Marvin, GPD20
A Bell for St. Vasili'sKeith Robertsson20GG VII 1633-111634-05
Daedalus' New WingsKerryn Offord201634-091634-10
In the Army NowGorg Huff & Paula GoodlettDavid Bartley20
Hallelujah 2David CarricoHallelujah 2201634-11
Turn Your Radio On 2Wood HughesTurn Your Radio On 2201632-091633-11

An Analysis of the Effect of Evangelical Missions on the 1632verseJohn Davis20non-fiction
Putting Concrete to Work qIver P. CooperBetter Foundations 220non-fiction
Fire Breathing HogsKevin H. Evans20non-fiction

More Cons to ConsiderStaffSoonerCon, Westercon21Editorial
The Anaconda Project 9Eric FlintAnaconda 921
The Anaconda Project 10Eric FlintAnaconda 1021
The Pessimist's DaughterMark H. Huston21GG VII 1634-121635-08
The PitchDomenic & DJ diCiacca21GG VII
SignsGorg Huff211631-12
An Irish SitterTerry HowardHoratio Burston21GG VII 1634-09
Nobody Wants To Be a
Pirate in the Baltic
Anette Pedersen
Kerryn Offord
Viktor21GG VII 1635-03
MotifsDavid CarricoHeinrich Schütz211634-12
Turn Your Radio On 3Wood HughesTurn Your Radio On21
King of the JungleIver P. CooperStretching Out 621

Home On the GrangeKevin H. Evans21non-fiction
Hyperinflation: Who Is Going To Do It?Gorg Huff21non-fiction
PropulsionIver P. CooperThe Wind is Free: Sailing Ship Design21non-fiction

Arsenic and Old ItaliansIver P. Cooper22GG VII
The Irish Sitter SingsTerry HowardHoratio Burston22GG VII
Northwest Passage 1Herbert & William SakalaucksNorthwest Passage 122
Deep WaterKerryn Offord221634-06
ElegyDavid CarricoMarla Linder221635-041635-11
As the Bear TurnsGorg Huff & Paula GoodlettButterflies in the Kremlin 822novel
Turn Your Radio On 4Wood HughesTurn Your Radio On 422

Special Edition!Markus Becker22non-fiction
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme: Gardening and Growing Food in 1632Anette Pedersen22non-fiction
SeaworthinessIver P. CooperThe Wind is Free: Sailing Ship Design22non-fiction

Loose CanonKirt LeeWesley23
Game, Set and MatchKim MackeyKaty Boyle23GG VII
Rachel's PlaintDavid CarricoByron & Gotthilf23
Northwest Passage 2Herbert & William SakalaucksNorthwest Passage 223
HomecomingKaren Bergstralh23GG VII 1636-01
Don't Cry Over Frozen MilkTerry Howarddumplings231635-08
Silencing the Sirens' Song23
Turn Your Radio On 5Wood HughesTurn Your Radio On 5231634-031634-05

The Oil Mines at Wietze and PechelbronnJeff Corwith23non-fiction
Mineral Mastery: Discovery and Control of Ore Deposits After the Baltic WarIver P. Cooper23non-fiction

Power PlayDouglas W. Jones24
A Job Well DoneKerryn OffordRonald Chapman241634-071635-12
Venus and MercuryKirt LeeAdam Tyrrell24GG VII
The Dewey SystemIver P. Cooper24
The Duchess is a LeatherneckJose J. ClavellUSMC241635-061635-11
Turn Your Radio On 6Wood HughesTurn Your Radio On 6241634-05

The New Philosopher's StoneIver P. CooperIndustrial Alchemy 124non-fiction
Finding Your Way in Another PlaneKevin H. Evans24non-fiction

Ask An August SkyVirginia DeMarceFranconia! 2
Tom & Dick Quiney
Drama IIVirginia DeMarceFranconia! 3
Tom & Dick Quiney
The Mill on the River KymiTerry Howard
Mic Sjostrom
A Nerd at SeaGorg Huff & Paula GoodlettJeremy Toot251633
The Man in the PocketMark H. HustonGeoffrey Hudson251634-11
A Change of HartKerryn OffordApe & Monkey25
Gajam RaanniIver P. CooperIndia251634-02
If I Had a HammerKevin H. & Karen C. Evans25GG VII

Inorganic Chemical BestiaryIver P. CooperIndustrial Alchemy 225non-fiction
Binding the Land With SteelKevin H. Evans25non-fiction

Advice and CounselVirginia DeMarceMary Ellen Jones26
Still Life with Wolves and CanvasesBradley H. Sinor & Tracy S. MorrisBetsy Springer26
Tortured SoulsThomas RichardsonPieter Freihofer261634-05
The Vice President's Plane is DownKerryn OffordMoney Franchise261635-03
Another Man's TreasureTerry HowardMcAdams Mining26
Which Way is Up?John F. Harvell26GG VII 1634-071635-03
Ya' Gets Yer Money and Ya' Gets Yer ChoiceVirginia DeMarceTom & Dick Quiney26
PreludeDavid CarricoBach261534-07

A Night with VenusGus KritikosSTIs and Their Treatment in the 1630s26non-fiction
The Ox is Slow but the Earth is Patient: A very basic guide to the use of oxenKaren Bergstralh26non-fiction
Organic Chemistry Methods and Canonical AppearancesIver P. CooperIndustrial Alchemy 326non-fiction
Time to Plan the Next ConStaffCon: NASFIC26column

AdagioDavid CarricoBach271634-08
The Truth About That Cat and PupVirginia DeMarce271635-011635-09
The Money FranchiseKerryn OffordViktor
Money Franchise
McAdams' Blue Cheese MineTerry HowardMcAdams Mining271635-08
Water ConservationRay Christiansen27GG VII
No Ship for TranquebarKevin H. & Karen C. EvansUpwind271635-101635-12

Organic Chemical Feedstocks and Product TimelineIver P. CooperIndustrial Alchemy 427non-fiction
What We Have Here Is a Failure to Communicate (Why the Ottomans aren't Talking to Up-timers)Panteleimon Roberts27non-fiction
Stallions vs. Geldings as War and Riding HorsesKaren Bergstralh27non-fiction

The Common MarketTerry HowardKymi281635-011637-04
Time to Spare, Go by AirJack Carroll28
Or the Horse May Learn to SingVirginia DeMarce281634-121635-09
On His Majesty's Secret ServiceKerryn OffordMoney Franchise, Bornholm, HMSS281635-111636-01
InterludeDavid CarricoBach281634-12
A Great Drowning of MenWalt Boyes28GG VII 1627-08
Northwest Passage 3Herbert and William SakalaucksNorthwest Passage 328
No Ship for Tranquebar 2Kevin H. & Karen C. EvansUpwind281635-12

Steaks or Cheese?Karen Bergstralh28non-fiction
Borax BonanzasIver P. Cooper28non-fiction
The New Magdeburg—After the Ring of FireDavid Carrico28non-fiction
Name That Tune—Oops, CharacterVirginia DeMarce28column

Speaking of Uncle AbnerVirginia DeMarce291634-101635-06
The Red Menace: LatencyGus Kritikos & Kerryn Offord291635-11
No Greater LoveJose J. ClavellNCIS291636-03
Yes, DearTerry Howard & James Copley29GG VII
Northwest Passage 4Herbert & William SakalaucksNorthwest Passage291633-091633-11
No Ship for Tranquebar 3Kevin H. & Karen C. EvansUpwind291636-09*

PolymersIver P. CooperIndustrial Alchemy 529non-fiction
Fevers with RashesCommon Childhood Diseases in the 1630s 129non-fiction

Introduction to the Universe AnnexEric Flint30column
Nor the Moon By NightVirginia DeMarce301635-03
The BoatKerryn OffordGeorge Watson301634-041635-04
Blaise Pascal and the Adders of ApraphulTim RoeschBlaise Pascal30GG VII 1634-11
A Tale of Two AlbertsTerry HowardAl Green, Deacon Underwood, Joe Jenkins3019971635-10
A Study in RedheadsBradley H. Sinor & Tracy S. Morris30GG VII
Hair of the DogDavid CarricoHarry Lefferts30GG VII
Historically Well PreservedVirginia DeMarceSt. Alfred's Church30GG VIII1635-07
Northwest Passage 5Herbert & William SakalaucksNorthwest Passage 5301633-11
No Ship for Tranquebar 4Kevin H. & Karen C. EvansUpwind30

The AqualatorRick Boatright as
Fr Nicholas Smithson
What the up-timers don't know that they know 1130non-fiction
The Multihull and the MarinerIver P. Cooper30non-fiction
Time for ReConStructionStaffCon30column
Summerland RentalsR. J. Ortega30Universe
A Logic Named Clement (or Open the Pod Bay Doors, Hal)Bud WebsterBio30non-fiction
Lost WorldsKristine Kathryn RuschNotes From The Buffer Zone30Column

Margarete's RoseJames CopleyHans & Dorotee31
Lion's TowerIver P. CooperLondon311634-01
The Future Is Where You StartedTerry HowardKymi311637-04
Storm SignalsJack CarrollCoast Guard3116361637
The Red Flag of HennebergVirginia DeMarce311635-041635-10
Me Fecit Solingen NichtKim SchoeffelRand Group311632-091633-09
RotkäppchenKerryn Offord311633-08
Euterpe 4Enrico Toro & David Carrico311634-011634-12
Northwest Passage 6Herbert & William SakalaucksNorthwest Passage311634-04

Stitching the Country Together: Railroad System Technology in 1632Iver P. Cooper31non-fiction
The Long FallJason K. Chapman31Universe
Changing TimesKristine Kathryn Rusch31Column

All Steamed UpGorg Huff32
BibelgesellschaftBjorn HasselerBGS32GG VIII
A Marriage of InconvenienceKerryn Offord321634-011634-04
Requiem in BlueNicholas Keyser322000-01
The Baptist Basement Bar and GrillTerry HowardJimmy Dick32
Second Chance Bird 1Garrett W. VancePam Miller321635-04

Treasures of the Earth: Geophysical and Geochemical ProspectingIver P. Cooper32non-fiction
Point SourceGorg HuffEconomics32non-fiction
The Importance of StoriesKristine Kathryn Rusch32column

King of the RoadJohn ZeekSuhl Truck Depot331635-04
TransitJames CopleyHans & Dorotee33GG VIII
Black GoldJeff Corwith & Kerryn Offord331634-021634-10
Fire and BrimstoneTerry HowardAlbert Underwood; Jimmy Dick331636-07
Second Chance Bird 2Garrett W. VanceBird Lady331635-05
Northwest Passage 7Herbert SakalaucksNorthwest Passage331634-01

A Visit to WietzeKerryn Offord33non-fiction
Renaissance Boogie: Dancing in Early Modern EuropeIver P. Cooper33non-fiction
His Name in LightsPatty Jansen33Universe
The Walls Are Falling DownKristine Kathryn Rusch33Univ Column
A Martian? Odd, I See (or A Taste of Milwaukee's Finest)Bud WebsterStanley G Weinbaum33Univ Bio

Portrait of Bees in SpringBradley H. Sinor &
Tracy S. Morris
Betsy Springer34
Going HomeJohn ZeekSuhl Truck Depot34
The Dragon SlayerKerryn OffordPuss Trelli341635-02
Warm SpitVirginia DeMarce341634-09
Orlando DeliversSarah Hays & Terry HowardHA Burston34GG VIII1636-051637-05
Northwest Passage 8Herbert SakalaucksNorthwest Passage341834-051634-07
SacrificeGarrett W. VanceSecond Chance Bird 334

Locomotion: The Next GenerationIver P. Cooper34non-fiction
The Progression of Trauma Care and Surgery after the Ring of Fire 1Gus Kritikos34non-fiction
That Old-Time ReligionKristine Kathryn Rusch34Univ Column
And it's . . . Dragon*Con!StaffCon34Column
How to Catch a Falling StarStuart D. Gibbon34Universe

The BeckiesGorg Huff & Paula GoodlettDavid Bartley35
Fire and IceIver P. CooperJanszoon35
Solemn DutyDavid W. Dove35
Boom ToysKim Mackey35GG VIII
Dueling PhilosophersTerry HowardJimmy Dick351635-09
Arrested DevelopmentVirginia DeMarce351635-05
Saint George Does It Again!Kerryn OffordPuss Trelli35GG VIII1735-06
Northwest Passage 9Herbert SakalaucksNorthwest Passage351634-03
Second Chance Bird 4Garrett W. VanceBird Lady35

Untying the WindIver P. Cooper35non-fiction
The Progression of Trauma Care and Surgery after the Ring of Fire 2Gus Kritikos35non-fiction

InfluencesKristine Kathryn Rusch35Univ Column
The MedicFox Mc Geever35Universe

Modern MedicineKerryn Offord3616321635-06
As Ye Have Done It Unto One of the LeastDavid W. Dove36
Jacob's LadderJohn Zeek36GG VIII
Credit Where It's DueGorg Huff & Paula Goodlett361633-10
Pipe LineTerry HowardKymi361636
AftermathGarrett W. VanceSecond Chance Bird 5; Bird Lady36
Equal Rights 1Jack Carroll & Edith WildEqual Rights361631-06

Highways of the SkyIver P. Cooper36non-fiction
A Trans-Atlantic Airship, HurrahKerryn Offord36non-fiction

The Future of The FieldKristine Kathryn Rusch36Univ Column
The Comfort of Your WakeJ. F. Keeping36Universe

Blood in ErfurtBjorn Hasseler37
Dr. Phil for PresidentKerryn OffordDr. Phil; Kastenmeyer;Prague371634-011636-05
Dreams Can Come True . . .Terry Howard371634-111636
BuddyDavid W. Dove37GG VIII1987
The Society of Saint Philip of the ScrewdriverRick BoatrightSmithson37GG VIII1635-09
Equal Rights 2Jack Carroll & Edith Wild37
One Man's Junk is Another's TreasureGarrett W. VanceSecond Chance Bird 637

Playing Nice in Someone Else’s Sandbox: An Examination of the 1632 Universe and the Grantville GazetteJ. D. McCartney37non-fiction
Climate: The Little Ice Age After the Ring of FireIver P. Cooper37non-fiction

Geek SummerKristine Kathryn Rusch37Univ Column
Strategic DeploymentThomas Allen Mays37Universe

The Game of WarRobert E. Waters381635-04
The Play's the ThingBradley H. Sinor
& Tracy S. Morris
Betsy Springer38
Paper MateKerryn Offord381633-02
The ArrowGorg Huff and Paula Goodlett38GG VIII
Mitzi the KidKevin H. & Karen C. Evans38GG VIII1634-06
The Lesser of the Two EvilsJack CarrollKastenmayer38
Aerial DonkeysHerbert Sakalaucks38GG VIII1635-04
Letters Home, 1 and 2Tim RoeschLeahy Medical381635-03
Second Chance Bird 7Garrett W. VanceSecond Chance Bird 738

The White PlagueBrad Banner38non-fiction
The New Royal Touch: Synthesis of Anti-TB DrugsIver P. Cooper38non-fiction
Hydrogen: The Gas of LevityIver P. Cooper38non-fiction

TMIKristine Kathryn Rusch38Univ Column
City Slickers, Country Bumpkins, Ants, Robots and Mutants, Part 1Bud WebsterClifford Simak38Univ Bio
For the Love of SinGary Cuba38Universe

In the NavyDavid WeberNavy-ROF I
To Dye ForMercedes LackeyTom Stone-ROF I
A Lineman For the CountryAT&L-ROF I
Between the ArmiesAndrew DennisMazarini-ROF I
Biting TimeVirginia DeMarceVeronica Richter-ROF I
Power to the PeopleLoren K. Jones-ROF I
A Matter of ConsultationS.L. Viehl-ROF I
Family FaithAnette M. Pedersen-ROF I
When the Chips are DownJonathan Cresswell
Scott Washburn
American Past TimeDeann Allen and Mike Turner-ROF I
SkeletonsGreg Donahue-ROF I
A Witch to LiveWalt Boyesvon Spee-ROF I
The Three R'sJody Dorsett-ROF I
Here Comes Santa ClausK.D. WentworthAnaconda-ROF I
The Wallenstein GambitEric FlintAnaconda-ROF I

Horse ThievesKaren Bergstralh-ROF II
Second Issue?Bradley H. Sinor-ROF II
Diving BelleGunnar Dahlin
Dave Freer
A Gift from the DuchessVirginia DeMarce-ROF II1633-101634-10
Lucky at CardsAndrew DennisMazarini-ROF II
A Trip to AmsterdamGorg Huff
Paula Goodlett
This'll Be the Day . . .Walt Boyesvon Spee-ROF II
Command PerformanceDavid CarricoFranz Sylwester-ROF II1633-10
Ellis IslandRuss Rittgers-ROF II1632-01
Malungu SeedJonathan Cresswell-Jones-ROF II
TrialsJay RobisonGentileschi-ROF II
The ChaseIver P. CooperHobbes-ROF II1633-07
Eddie and the
King's Daughter
K.D. Wentworth-ROF II
Second ThoughtsVirginia DeMarce-ROF II
The Austro-Hungarian ConnectionEric Flint-ROF II1634-101634-12

Dye Another DayMercedes Lackey-ROF III
Birds of a FeatherCharles E. GannonIrish Wild Geese-ROF III
Falser MessiahTim Roesch-ROF III
Royal Dutch AirlinesGorg Huff & Paula GoodlettTEA-ROF III
Milton’s ChoiceMark HustonEngland-ROF III
To End the EveningBradley H. SinorD’Artagnan-ROF III
Cap and GownJack Carroll-ROF III
Taking of the City of YerevanPanteleimon Roberts-ROF III
Frying PanAnette Pedersen-ROF III1634-10
All God’s Children in the Burning EastGarrett W. Vance-ROF III
Do It Once and Do It AgainTerry HowardWietze oil field-ROF III1634-101636-01
Les Ailes du PapillonWalter H. HuntIroquois-ROF III
And the Devil Will Drag You UnderWalt Boyes-ROF III
SalonicaKim Mackey-ROF III1635-04
The Sound of Sweet Strings: A Serenade in One MovementDavid Carrico-ROF III1634-12
Stone HarvestKaren Bergstralh-ROF III1635-05
An Eye OpenerKerryn Offord & Linda Davidson-ROF III
Make Mine MacraméVirginia DeMarce-ROF III1634-11
Upward MobilityCharles E. Gannon-ROF III1634-06
Four Days on the DanubeEric Flint-ROF III
gollark: Just buy a mendBook\™.
gollark: Just stand under the blazes.
gollark: Weird.
gollark: You have *less* money than I do yet a gigantic well placed and decorated base?
gollark: Do you sell flame books?

See also


  1. "Ring of Fire Series". Baen Books. Retrieved June 11, 2012.
  2. Virginia DeMarce (February 8, 2012). "1632 Tech: Virginia's Grid of Uptime Characters". Baen Books. Retrieved June 7, 2012.
  3. "Submission Instructions and User's Guide". Baen Books & 1632 Inc. Retrieved June 12, 2012.
  4. "Publishing Schedule". Baen Books. Archived from the original on August 11, 2004. Retrieved January 29, 2017.
  5. "Publishing Schedule". Baen Books. Archived from the original on January 16, 2006. Retrieved January 29, 2017.
  6. "Publishing Schedule". Baen Books. Archived from the original on January 14, 2007. Retrieved January 29, 2017.
  7. "Publishing Schedule". Baen Books. Archived from the original on March 9, 2008. Retrieved January 29, 2017.
  8. "Publishing Schedule". Baen Books. Archived from the original on June 28, 2009. Retrieved January 29, 2017.
  9. "Publishing Schedule". Baen Books. Archived from the original on January 21, 2012. Retrieved January 29, 2017.
  10. "Publishing Schedule". Baen Books. Archived from the original on January 18, 2015. Retrieved January 29, 2017.
  11. "Publishing Schedule". Baen Books. Retrieved March 16, 2018.
  12. "Locus Bestsellers, February 2005". Locus. February 2005.
  13. "Locus Bestsellers, March 2005". Locus. March 2005.
  14. "Locus Bestsellers, June 2006". Locus. June 2006.
  15. Lardas, Mark (January 28, 2007). "Fiction has a wide range in anthology". The Galveston County Daily News. Archived from the original on July 16, 2011. Retrieved August 2, 2009.
  16. Lawhorn, Willian (December 26, 2006). "Grantville Gazette III by Eric Flint". SFRevu. Archived from the original on November 10, 2007. Retrieved August 2, 2009.
  17. "Grantville Gazette II – Eric Flint (Editor)". Rosboch Book Reviews. May 16, 2011.
  18. Green, Roland (January 1, 2007). "Grantville Gazette III". Booklist. 103 (9/10). p. 70. Alternate Link via EBSCO (institutional library access).
  19. "Book Review: "Grantville Gazette IV" Edited by Eric Flint". Observe and See. September 22, 2012.
  20. Kimmel, Leigh (April 15, 2009). "Grantville Gazette IV by Eric Flint (editor)". Billion Light-Year Bookshelf.
  21. Green, Roland (August 1, 2009). "Grantville Gazette V". Booklist. 105 (22). p. 45. ISSN 0006-7385. Alternate Link via EBSCO (institutional library access).
  22. Kimmel, Leigh (June 7, 2011). "Grantville Gazette V by Eric Flint, ed". Billion Light-Year Bookshelf.
  23. Lawhorn, Bill (January 3, 2012). "Grantville Gazette VI". SFRevu.
  24. Revers, Beth (January 3, 2012). "Grantville Gazette VI". San Francisco Book Review.
  25. Cassada, Jackie (January 2012). "Grantville Gazette VI: Sequels to 1632". Library Journal. 137 (1). p. 80. ISSN 0363-0277. Alternate Link via EBSCO (institutional library access).
  26. Lawhorn, Bill (March 29, 2016). "Grantville Gazette VII (The Ring of Fire)". SFRevu.
  27. "The Bookwatch". Midwest Book Review. June 2015.
  28. "Announcing Ring of Fire Press". Grantville Gazette. Vol. 48. July 1, 2013.
  29. Boyes, Walt (March 1, 2017). "Best of 2016 Award". Grantville Gazette. Vol. 70.
  30. Hasseler, Bjorn (November 1, 2017). "Best of 2017 Award". Grantville Gazette. Vol. 74.
  31. Boyes, Walt (May 1, 2018). "The Story So Far..." Grantville Gazette. Vol. 77.
  32. Hasseler, Bjorn (August 24, 2019). "Best of 2018". Grantville Gazette. Vol. 85.
  33. Eric Flint. "Baen Free Library - Introduction".
  34. Flint, Eric, ed. (July 2010). "Introduction to the Universe Annex". Grantville Gazette 30. Baen Books.
  35. Flint, Eric, ed. (August 2009). "Preface". Grantville Gazette V. Baen Books.
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