Texas transfer
Texas transfer, or simply Texas, is a bidding convention in contract bridge. Originated independently by David Carter of St. Louis and Olle Willner of Sweden,[1] and used in response to a notrump opening when holding a six-card or longer major suit, game-going points and no interest in slam, its objective is to make the notrump opener the declarer in a game contract in the major suit.
After a notrump opening, responder bids the suit below[2] his major at the four-level, i.e. if he holds hearts, he bids 4♦ and if he holds spades, he bids 4♥. Opener is obliged to bid the next available major suit, i.e. after a 4♦ bid by responder, he bids 4♥ and after a 4♥ response, he bids 4♠ setting the contract.
In the variant known as South African Texas, responses of 4♣ and 4♦ are used as transfers to hearts and spades respectively.
The standard defense to the Texas Transfer: double is one-suited and lead-directing, 4NT is for the minors, four of responder’s suit is a Michaels cuebid. A delayed double after opener accepts the transfer is a three-suited takeout.[1]
Both Texas and South African Texas transfers may also be used as opening pre-emptive bids. A 4♣ and 4♦ can show a slightly different hand type (usually stronger) compared to a direct 4♥ or 4♠ opening.
- Manley, Brent; Horton, Mark; Greenberg-Yarbro, Tracey; Rigal, Barry, eds. (2011). The Official Encyclopedia of Bridge (7th ed.). Horn Lake, MS: American Contract Bridge League. p. 325. ISBN 978-0-939460-99-1.
- In bridge, the suits are ranked with spades the highest, hearts next, then diamonds and clubs as lowest.