Telephone numbers in Vanuatu

Vanuatu telephone numbers
Access codes
Country calling code+678
International call prefix00

Number format

National Significant Numbers (NSN):

The minimum number length (excluding the country code) is 5 digits.

Numbering Plan in Vanuatu

NDC (National Destination Code) or leading digits of NSN (National Significant Number)NSN number lengthUsage of E.164 NumberAdditional Information
Maximum lengthMinimum length
00-09Invalid00-09 are invalid
10-19Invalid10-19 are invalid
20-21Invalid20-21 are invalid
22-29FiveFiveFixed network telephone service (Telecom Vanuatu Ltd)22XXX-29XXX are valid, SHEFA Province and Port- Vila Areas
30FiveFiveNon-Geographical30XXX are valid
31-35Invalid31XXX-35XXX are invalid
36FiveFiveFixed network telephone service (Telecom Vanuatu Ltd)36XXX are valid, SANMA Province
37FiveFiveFixed network telephone service (Telecom Vanuatu Ltd)37XXX are valid, Luganville area
380-388FiveFiveFixed network telephone service (Telecom Vanuatu Ltd)380XX-388XX are valid, PENAMA and TORBA Provinces
389Invalid389XX are invalid
390Invalid390XX are invalid
40-47Invalid40XXX-47XXX are invalid
480-483Invalid480XX-483XX are invalid
484-489FiveFiveFixed network telephone service (Telecom Vanuatu Ltd)484XX-489XX are valid, MALAMPA Province
50-52Invalid50XXXXX-52XXXXX are invalid
53-56SevenSevenCellular mobile service (Digicel)53XXXXX-56XXXXX are valid
570-571Invalid570XXXX-571XXXX are invalid
572-575SevenSevenCellular mobile service (Digicel)572XXXX-575XXXX are valid
576-579Invalid576XXXX-579XXXX are invalid
58Invalid58XXXXX are invalid
59SevenSevenCellular mobile service (Digicel)59XXXXX are valid
6InvalidAll numbers commencing with 6 are invalid
70-71SevenSevenCellular mobile service (Telecom Vanuatu Ltd)70XXXXX-71XXXXX are valid
72Invalid72XXXXX are invalid
73-76SevenSevenCellular mobile service (Telecom Vanuatu Ltd)73XXXXX-76XXXXX are valid
77SevenSevenCellular mobile service (Telecom Vanuatu Ltd)77XXXXX are valid
78-79Invalid78XXXXX – 79XXXXX are invalid
80-87Invalid80XXX-87XXX are invalid
88FiveFiveFixed network telephone service (Telecom Vanuatu Ltd)88XXX are valid, TAFEA Province
89Invalid89XXX are invalid
9000-9009SevenSevenCan’l Holding Ltd900XXXX are valid
901-989Invalid901XXXX – 989XXXX are invalid
99Invalid99XXXXX are invalid
gollark: A disincentive to do things which reduce your social standing or whatever, I think.
gollark: Like how saying "people should do X in order to Y" is much less fuzzy than "people should X".
gollark: I sort of agree, but if used responsibly it can be okay.
gollark: Randomly picking an answer is irrational if you want to find a true answer, say.
gollark: Well, I would say that something can only really be "rational" in terms of whether it's a good way to achieve some particular goal.

See also


  1. ITU. "Vanuatu". International Numbering Resources.
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