Telephone numbers in Honduras

Format: +504 2ABC XXXX (fixed lines)
or +504 YABC XXXX for Y = 3,7,8,9 (mobile)

Country Code: +504
International Call Prefix: 00

National Significant Numbers (NSN): eight digits.

Number plan

In 2010 fixed telephone numbers in Honduras increased from seven to eight digits by adding the digit 2 at the beginning of all fixed line numbers.

ExchangeDestinationOld numbersNew numbers
Polo PazPolo200 XXXX2200 XXXX
Polo PazPolo201 XXXX2201 XXXX
Res. Centro AméricaResca209 XXXX2209 XXXX
El PicachoPicac211 XXXX2211 XXXX
Rdsi Tegucigalpa ( Pri3 )Pri3212 XXXX2212 XXXX
Telef. Inalámbrica Tegucig.Inateg213 XXXX2213 XXXX
Principal 3Pri3216 XXXX2216 XXXX
Principal 3Pri3220 XXXX2220 XXXX
Almendros 2Alme2221 XXXX2221 XXXX
Principal 2Pri2222 XXXX2222 XXXX
Polo PazPolo223 XXXX2223 XXXX
Cerro GrandeCerro224 XXXX2224 XXXX
La GranjaLgran225 XXXX2225 XXXX
LoarqueLoarq226 XXXX2226 XXXX
Res. Centro AméricaResca227 XXXX2227 XXXX
Kennedy 2 Y 1Kend2/1228 XXXX2228 XXXX
El Ocotal F. M.Ocotl229 XXXX2229 XXXX
Kennedy 2Kend2230 XXXX2230 XXXX
Miraflores 2Mir2231 XXXX2231 XXXX
Principal 3Pri3231 XXXX2231 XXXX
Miraflores 2Mir2232 XXXX2232 XXXX
Toncontín 1Tonc1233 XXXX2233 XXXX
Toncontín 2Tonc2234 XXXX2234 XXXX
Miraflores 2Mir2235 XXXX2235 XXXX
Almendros 1Alme1236 XXXX2236 XXXX
Principal 2Pri2237 XXXX2237 XXXX
Principal 2Pri2238 XXXX2238 XXXX
Miraflores 2Mir2239 XXXX2239 XXXX
Kennedy 1Kend1d240 XXXX2240 XXXX
La Vega 1Lveg1245 XXXX2245 XXXX
La Vega 2Lveg2246 XXXX2246 XXXX
El HatoHato255 XXXX2255 XXXX
Prados UniversitariosPrauni257 XXXX2257 XXXX
Toncontin 2Tonc2290 XXXX2290 XXXX
Toncontin 2Tonc2291 XXXX2291 XXXX
Ceiba 3Ceib3423 XXXX2423 XXXX
SabaSaba424 XXXX2424 XXXX
UtilaUtila425 XXXX2425 XXXX
San Alejo / MesapaSalej/Mesap429 XXXX2429 XXXX
San Francisco AtlantidaSfratl431 XXXX2431 XXXX
ArenalArena433 XXXX2433 XXXX
TrujilloTruji434 XXXX2434 XXXX
OakridgeOakri435 XXXX2435 XXXX
La MasicaMasic436 XXXX2436 XXXX
Bonito OrientalBonor438 XXXX2438 XXXX
Centros ComunitariosCencc3439 XXXX2439 XXXX
La Ceiba 3Ceib3440 XXXX2440 XXXX
La Ceiba MiramarCeibm441 XXXX2441 XXXX
La Ceiba 2Ceib2442 XXXX2442 XXXX
La Ceiba 2Ceib2443 XXXX2443 XXXX
TocoaTocoa444 XXXX2444 XXXX
Coxin HoleCoxin445 XXXX2445 XXXX
OlanchitoOlanc446 XXXX2446 XXXX
TelaTela448 XXXX2448 XXXX
SonagueraSonag451 XXXX2451 XXXX
Coyoles CentralCoyol452 XXXX2452 XXXX
GuanajaGuana453 XXXX2453 XXXX
French HarbourFrench455 XXXX2455 XXXX
Inalámbrica SpsInasps543 XXXX2543 XXXX
Rdsi San PedroSula Rdsi544 XXXX2544 XXXX
San Pedro Sula 5Sps5545 XXXX2545 XXXX
San Pedro Sula 5Sps5550 XXXX2550 XXXX
Monte PrietoMontp551 XXXX2551 XXXX
San Pedro Sula 3Sps3552 XXXX2552 XXXX
San Pedro Sula 3Sps3553 XXXX2553 XXXX
Monte PrietoMontp554 XXXX2554 XXXX
Rivera HernandezRiver555 XXXX2555 XXXX
La PuertaLpuer556 XXXX2556 XXXX
San Pedro Sula 4Sps4557 XXXX2557 XXXX
San Pedro Sula 4 Y 5Sps4/5558 XXXX2558 XXXX
Col. SatéliteSate1559 XXXX2559 XXXX
ChamelecónChame565 XXXX2565 XXXX
Jardines Del ValleJardi566 XXXX2566 XXXX
Zip BúfaloZipbu574 XXXX2574 XXXX
C. ComunitariosCencs5640 XXXX2640 XXXX
C. ComunitariosCencs5641 XXXX2641 XXXX
C. ComunitariosCencs5642 XXXX2642 XXXX
Santa BárbaraSbarb643 XXXX2643 XXXX
ProgresoProgr647 XXXX2647 XXXX
Progreso/Santa CruzProgr648 XXXX2648 XXXX
S. Manuel/ R. LindoSmanu650 XXXX2650 XXXX
Cucuyagua/CopánCucuy651 XXXX2651 XXXX
Agua CalienteAguac652 XXXX2652 XXXX
Nueva OcotepequeNocot653 XXXX2653 XXXX
Santa CruzScruz654 XXXX2654 XXXX

Changes in 2007

Mobile telephone numbers in Honduras increased from seven (7) to eight (8) digits. The new dialling instructions are as follows:

  • Dial 9 + seven-digit number for calls placed to subscribers of Celtel (Tigo)
  • Dial 8 + seven-digit number for calls placed to subscribers of Digicel Honduras
  • Dial 7 + seven-digit number for calls placed to subscribers of Hondutel
  • Dial 3 + seven-digit number for calls placed to subscribers of Sercom (Claro)

Fixed numbers in Honduras remained unchanged at seven digits in length until 2010.

gollark: It's an alignment chart, as in some roleplaying games.
gollark: Radical anticentrism would be strongly believing in a specific thing and disliking centrism. In this, your political beliefs average out to 0.
gollark: TRUE centrism is alternating between all possible political beliefs at 17kHz.
gollark: This means "and you, child", or possibly "and you, young animal".
gollark: ?rps bees

See also


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