Storylines of Shortland Street (2013)
This article details the storylines of the TVNZ soap opera Shortland Street in 2013.
Highlights of the year
- Murray survived the accident after a drugged TK drove him down.
- Zac was arrested.
- Luke succumbed to cancer and died before Bella and he could have their honeymoon.
- Lana Jacobs and Jasmine Cooper left Ferndale
- Josh comes out as a hero during the drugs heist at Shortland Street.
- Grace Kwan returned to Ferndale
Storylines by month
- TK is arrested after Murray survived the accident.
- Roimata sought to clear TK's name with the support of Lisa Stone.
- Nicole got the top job after Vasa's demotion.
- Wendy and Murray confirmed their love to each other but kept it quiet when the family found out about Luke's cancer.
- TK had Zac transferred from ED to Zac's chagrin.
- Josh played double agent with Zac who manipulated the situation to come out as a better person.
- Jasmine broke down after pressuring Jared into having sex with her and it brought back memories from Angel.
- The hospital staff learned about Luke's illness.
- Vasa and Nicole clash when Vasa works under Nicole's leadership and criticized her leadership style.
- Bella wanted Luke's baby but he rejected the idea and decided on having a living wake.
- Sarah and Zac renewed their friendship which annoyed TK and Roimata lost her cool.
- TK is saved from prison by Murray's positive Victim Impact Statement.
- TK is ordered to pay a fine, reparation to Murray and is disqualified from driving for six months.
- Josh hatches a plan to make Zac jealous by pretending to be dating Sarah.
- Luke died before Bella and he could go to Cape Reinga.
- Zac kidnapped Roimata.
- Cooper is reunited as a family when Bella moves back home to grieve.
- Zac orchestrated evidences to make out as if Josh kidnapped Roimata, leading to his arrest.
- TK and Lisa realised that Sarah is Zac's weakness, and they asked her to help with promising that TK will be nearby.
- After a time alone, Sarah finally believes that Zac is the bad man and passed on that Zac's watches keep beeping which means Roimata is drugged regularly.
- Zac is arrested; Josh, Sarah, TK and Roimata reaffirmed their friendship.
- Vasa continues to sabotages Nicole leading to her resignation but Rachel won't have it.
- Roimata is finding life after Zac hard and Vinnie decided to raise everyone's moral by taking the nurses to nightclubbing. He ended up in bed with his girlfriend's best mate, Kylie.
- Vasa helped Nicole win the command over the nurses.
- Phoenix acted out when he is fed up with Jared taking the spotlight.
- Sarah is placed in the middle with the power play between Rachel and Seth Packhurst.
- Nicole and Boyd succumbed into passion.
- Kylie bought a house off a patient for Emma, Lana and herself.
- Seth is the temporary CEO when Rachel is away on conference, but Sarah was the original choice for the job.
- Seth ploys to make Rachel's work looks bad and lose her contract with surgical tourism because he is gunning for St. Catherine's CEO job.
- Evan is embarrassed when everyone finds out about Wendy and Murray's sex tape, but it brought him closer with Kylie.
- Sarah plans to fight Seth after learning he brought Brooke on his side and declare that she will apply for St. Catherine's CEO job.
- Vasa and Ula struggle to remains as a flatmate.
- As the month end, Vinnie and Emma breaks up, Josh moved in with Nicole and Brooke fall for Boyd.
- After questioning her integrity, Sarah decided to play clean fight with Seth.
- Josh secretly pines for Roimata.
- Lana left town for a new job with entry-level position in design in Melbourne.
- Brooke tried to play dirty by sabotaging Sarah but it backfired when Seth berated her for it.
- Vasa connects with Jared by supporting him in finding what he want to do.
- Rachel returns and is distraught to arrive in a mess. She hired Henry (Peter Huang) as the PA without realising that Henry is Seth's boyfriend.
- Sarah's confidence wanes in her CEO application when Rachel slapped her down harshly.
- Sarah inadvertently caused Seth and Henry to break up when he won the CEO job.
- Seth and Rachel offered Sarah the Clinical Directorship to both hospital which Sarah accepted with conditions.
- Emma and Kylie struggles without Lana.
- Evan and Kylie kissed.
- Brooke set her sight on Boyd after learning of his wealth.
- Bella returns to work and found Emma and Kylie a new flatmate - Henry.
- When Henry accidentally leaked information to Seth, Rachel accused Sarah of betraying her.
- After feeling like out of place, Jared moved out from the Warners to live with Vasa.
- As the month end, Rachel had a panic attack, Brooke and Boyd gets closer and Jasmine went off the rail.
- Jasmine new rebellious friend, Dayna Jenkins (Lucy Elliot), hit the town.
- Brooke continues to undermining Nicole to try and further the crack between Nicole and Boyd.
- Rachel blames Chris for her panic attacks and start up smoking with Henry.
- After series of failure, a hurt Brooke decided to stop chasing Boyd.
- Evan and Kylie slept together. But she refused to go public, and after an argument, Emma inadvertently found out about the night Kylie and Vinnie slept together.
- After a false pregnancy with TK, Roimata finally succumbed to an affair with Josh.
- Dayna continues to lead Jasmine astray, but hurts her when Dayna kissed Phoenix.
- Chris and Henry teams up to reduce Rachel's stress.
- Roimata is torn between TK and Josh, but decided to try and love them both.
- Ula and Jared started dating in secret.
- Brooke discovered that Seth's gay after tried to bed him.
- After discovering that Bella got everything from Luke's estate, she travels to Laos to see Luke's brother, Rafe.
- Kylie forced her way in back home after a falling out with Emma.
- Phoenix's ex-girlfriend, Britney attempted suicide due to Dayna's bullying. But that was not the case, Britney overdosed because of faulty glucometer.
- Zlata Waldheim (Kate Elliott) returns with Luke's baby. But Murray isn't convinced. After Wendy saw how struggling Zlata is, she convinced Murray to let her move in.
- Jared got a job at Shortland Street as an Orderly.
- Murray is taken down by a peg after Wendy revealed that the doctor believes Zlata has Post-natal depression.
- Sarah is on the warpath to find who is secretly smoking within the hospital ground. When Rachel and Henry is caught in the act, Henry saved Rachel which proves his loyalty further.
- Zlata got Henry's job as a temp PA when Rachel was forced to reprimand Henry to Triage desk.
- Josh is made HOD of ED with Sarah supervision when TK and Roimata went to work for her father's clinic up north.
- As the month ends, Brooke finally won by breaking Nicole and Boyd up. Josh neglected his duty to be with Roimata.
- Due to Josh's absence, Sarah is forced to hire her friend, Harper Whitley (Ria Vandervis) from New York to step in.
- Wendy is overwhelmed with looking after Luca and Murray tried to find a way to get rid of Zlata.
- TK is stunned to discover Roimata's affair with Josh.
- Brooke and Boyd visited Boyd's family in South Island and returned as a married couple, devastating Nicole.
- Henry and Zlata fights for Rachel's attention. Resulting switching Henry back to PA and Zlata down to reception.
- Sarah finds out about TK's situation and resolve to support him, resulting her being fired as Clinical Director for failing to reporting problems at ED. Following that, Harper is promoted to Clinical Director.
- Jasmine and Dayna plans to go to a festival but their parents found out and went to camping instead along with Ula. But Dayna runs off while high on drugs. Ula panicked and resuscitated her with the help from new ambulance officer, Dallas Adams (Cameron Jones).
- TK got Nicole to transfer Roimata to medical ward.
- Chris warns Boyd to be careful with Brooke, so he offered her money but she is hurt because she did this out of kindness. She signed a pre-nuptial agreement.
- TK got Sarah a job at ED and Seth's confrontation with Rachel nearly set her panic attack again.
- Bella returns from Laos and is instantly smitten with baby Luca. But she would not take Zlata's offer to buy the baby. Bella set a mission to make Zlata a better mother.
- Ula and Jared has sex for the first time
- Wendy brings Dayna home because she has nowhere to go, Jasmine was annoyed until she eavesdropped Dayna's distress phone conversation with her mother.
- Ula contemplating working as a paramedic, so she begins her training.
- Rachel and Chris hit rocky patches.
- Dayna made an inappropriate advance on Murray and Murray found a pregnancy kit in the bin belongs to Wendy.
- After seeing how close TK and Emma is, Roimata force herself to be happy with Josh.
- Evan begins his new business - cleaning.
- Chris busted Rachel's lies when Harry discovers her cigarettes and smokes them.
- Jared wants to join the army and Ula is unsure whether to join him or not. But Jared decided to leave Ferndale on his own.
- Josh alienate Roimata so he can rescue her.
- Wendy has an abortion.
- Dallas thought Bella and Zlata were lesbians which led to Bella proposing Zlata into a civil union so she can stay in Ferndale. Zlata agreed to it because it means sharing Luke's wealth.
- As the month ends, Chris had enough with Rachel and ended their relationship, Roimata had enough of Josh's overbearing behaviour and left him and Rachel's stress got better of Henry so he and Seth plotted to get her fired.
- Rachel discover Henry and Seth's relationship and got another panic attack so she steal Bella's Zolopam.
- Bella decided to not to go through with the civil union after she realised that she is holding on to Luke's memory and need to let go. She gave most of the money to Zlata and Luca so they can go back to Romania and bought the Cooper's house in Wendy and Murray's name with the rest of the money, leaving her broke but happy.
- Ula turns 18 and decided to grow up and accept her mother help.
- Rachel and Harper team up against Seth and Henry.
- Sarah returns to ED.
- Vinnie and Nicole kiss.
- TK and Harper begins no-string relationship.
- Rachel is overwhelmed with her work and is dependence on Zolopam which result Harry Warner burning his hands to save the burning dinner.
- Evan decided to upmarket his business and worked on a photoshoot with hot Kylie and Phoenix while Jasmine and Dayna tried to outdo the boys.
- Kylie decided to work for Evan to earn extra money and to be close to Evan.
- Chris struggle to deal the aftermath of the break up with Harry.
- Tensions flares as Roimata, Josh and TK works on same shift.
- Rachel's anxiety is all high when she went to MOH meeting, facing Seth. With Henry taking her Zolopam, she faces him alone but victorious.
- Unable to deal with Wendy's termination, Murray is forced to flee Ferndale for a time out.
- After the MOH meeting, they wanted Rachel in Wellington for a couple of weeks and with Chris going to France, Rachel forced reluctant Harper to step in as acting CEO.
- Josh discovered Harper's secret - her ex from New York is a powerful man and Harper left without letting him know.
- After a bad start, Ula and Emma become a good friend when she works as orderly part-time.
- Brooke's meddling ended badly but was saved when Henry outed Seth and introduced him as his boyfriend.
- Brooke tried to get on Seth's good side while pretending to be on Harper's side.
- Harper introduced Josh to a new acquaintance, Neil.
- After a misunderstanding, Evan finds out about Wendy's termination. And he is furious at Murray for rushing back when Wendy is hospitalised.
- Josh got in deeper with Neil when he get Josh to do all the doctoring for his friends rather than send them to the hospital.
- Vinnie tries to move out to avoid Nicole but Roimata won't let him move in with her, Vasa and Ula.
- Dayna alleged a photographer tried it on with her, but Evan and Jasmine didn't believe her and investigate to discover that she was lying all along.
- Brooke manipulated Harper to get Boyd what he wanted after suspecting her of having an affair with Josh when Harper is trying to hide Josh's illicit operations.
- Evan and Kylie gets closer after working together at the Warner's but want to keep it quiet.
- Josh went to the dark side.
- Henry is alienated by Seth who takes out his frustration on Henry.
- Ula begins her first ambulance shift with Dallas. After a shaky start, she managed to do it okay.
- Determined to be back in Seth's good book, Brooke investigate Josh and discover his wad of cash while Josh tried to end his illicit doctoring but is unable to do so because Neil videoed him and has proof.
- Evan and Kylie tried to find right time to reveal their relationship to Wendy but she beat them to it when she found them kissing in the lift.
- Brooke triumphed in the end, with both Seth and Harper vying for her support. And she chose Seth. Seth discovered Harper's secret via Josh and get her to help bring Rachel down.
- After long angst, Vinnie and Nicole finally got together.
- Evan feels at home with Kylie's flatmates who accepted their relationship.
- As the month ends, Harper is conflicted when she can't warn Rachel who fell into Seth's trap. Murray returns and face Evan's wrath and Josh steals Morphine for Neil
Feature-length episode
- Josh moved out to protect Nicole and Vinnie, tried to alienate himself but Bella feel sorry for him and try to help him.
- Dayna's bad influence on Jasmine continues to disappoint Wendy and Murray but leave Jasmine feeling uneasy. After further hallucination, the doctors discovered that Dayna has mental health problem and must be admit to a mental health unit.
- Rachel's reigns as a CEO comes to an end when Harper cast the deciding vote of no confidence against her, resulting Seth as temporary CEO of both hospital.
- Brooke is relieved when she thought she backed the right person and Seth kept his promises.
- Chris returns and is disappointed to see Rachel given up all hope, and implored her to continue to fight. After some encouragement and evidence from Harper, Rachel stepped up.
- Sarah is stunned to see changes when she arrived back and after challenging Seth's idea for privation the hospital, his figures seems to stack up and Sarah unwittingly fall for his scam.
- Seth has Sarah and Harper swap their job role which upset TK but Sarah figures that it is beneficial for the staff to have her in charge to ensure that they get what they need.
- TK fires Josh but Bella implored Seth to do her a personal favour and he agreed, Josh got his job back. When alone, Josh continues to steal more morphine.
- Vinnie and Nicole worried about feeling settled down at early stage in their relationship so they tried to spice it up in the supply cupboard to Chris' amusement.
- Wendy disapprove of Kylie and pushes Evan away.
- Seth's reigns were not smooth sailing as he expected and is ousted within a week due to serious fraud offense, Rachel tried to give him a chance to avoid the charge.
- Kylie works hard to upset Wendy and bring Evan and Murray closer, which Wendy decide to tolerate.
- Ula moves in with Emma and Kylie with Vasa's support.
- Sarah fears for her job security when she resign as Clinical Director once Rachel return to the swivel chair. But instead, she is working in ED with Harper, TK and Josh.
- Henry is homeless when Seth dumps him, Henry asked to stay with Emma and Kylie, but they had no room. Until Emma remember of small sewing room that Henry refused.
- Brooke worms her way back into Boyd's good book by obliging his idea to babysit Tillie but it backfired on her when she raised the possibility of having children with Boyd who flat out refused having them with her. But after reassess his feelings, he decided he does love her and tore up the contract.
- The DHB decided to install Chris as a permanent CEO after Rachel's mishandling with the fundings for the nurses.
- Chris is disappointed to see Rachel's reaction to his accepting the job as a betrayal. But after she has calmed down, she figured that Chris is the best person other than her to get the job.
- Kylie wants to break up with Evan but he confess his love for her.
- Bella becomes Chris' PA and helped him win the nurses support.
- Neil tricked Josh and brought the drug heist forward. He had his men and Josh stealing all the drugs while setting alarms off. Neil has a man at the security to monitor people via security camera and keep their men safe from the police. Josh rescued Bella when she was held hostage but it backfired on him and while Neil set the ward on fire, Josh attended to that and Neil kidnapped Ula, Adam (her baby) and drugged Bella. Josh and Neil fell in the water and Josh let him drown while hailed as a hero back on the dry land.
- Vinnie and Kylie were stuck in the lift and their passion were ignited, but didn't do anything. Vinnie decide to dump Nicole after the ordeal.
- Emma gets stabbed when fighting with one of Neil's men.
- Chris is forced to transfer all stable patients to the IV.
- Murray's father, Len Cooper (Bruce Phillips) after being kicked out by Murray's mother. After kissing Jasmine, and getting Murray offside, the family realised that Len has early Dementia.
- Josh bask in the hero status, worrying Harper.
- Ula wants her son back, after few weeks battling, she decided to settle on open adoption. She is allowed to visit him any time.
- Brooke wants Sarah and Tillie to move out. Especially after the whole trouble with Henry and Rachel. Forced, Sarah moved out to live with TK.
- Emma falls for TK but was disappointed to find out that Sarah is living with him.
- Chris wins Nurses' support after participating with their bonding exercise.
- Josh is determined to keep his hero status, that he refuse help when he is out of his depth, resulting a telling off from Sarah and a switch in mentor to Harper who is even worse.
- Rachel's defeated to find out that the DHB wants Chris to take over Rachel's job permanently.
- Phoenix goes off the rail with his arts.
- Kylie tried to make Evan dumps her instead of having to dump him. She tried to appear unattractive, clingy and other methods but nothing worked so she dumped him eventually after having a sex with Vinnie in the lift
- As the month ends, Len challenged Jasmine to take up the exchange trip. TK challenged Sarah to trust the friendship and move in permanently. Kylie tried to milk sympathy from Emma but when she learned the truth from Vinnie, she is furious.
- Brooke tried to score points with Chris and Rachel but when Harper turned up at dinner with them, Brooke get jealous as she thought Harper was after Boyd.
- Evan realised that Vinnie had sex with Kylie.
- Emma had enough of Kylie, plans to leave and sell the house when her half brother and Kylie's nephew, Toby Reynolds (Robert Evison), arrived.
- Emma and Kylie struggle with becoming a parent.
- Bella and Jasmine allows Evan to breakdown by himself while they take over his duties.
- Vasa and Roimata planned a ruse to keep Henry in the hospital when he is homeless
- Jasmine went on her exchange to Colombia with the help from Len, annoying Murray until Len reminded that it is his last chance to do something for his grandkid.
- Dallas and Vinnie bond with home brew
- Phoenix goes off rail with his art. He broke the law but doesn't care about that, making Chris furious.
- People are worried about the closeness between Bella and Josh.
- Phoenix apologised when a copycat vandalised Chris' car.
- Rachel and Henry teams up on charity project - for homeless people.
- Vinnie and Kylie are busy with booty call which leads to Toby's admission at the hospital for junk food overload and his body isn't used to it. Emma blasted Kylie for it but TK chides her.
- Rachel works hard to bring the project into fruition despite claims that she's trying to make herself looks good.
- Kylie had to change her approach in parenting and is in despair to not have a relationship with Vinnie
- Wendy disapprove of Josh and is wary of the closure between him and Bella. Murray collapse after a family dinner at the IV. Josh is there to save the day.
- Brooke is appointed acting CEO
- Kylie discover she has chlamydia and is getting a horrible time from Vinnie.
- Emma is tired and wants to end friendship with Kylie. She encourages Kylie to move out.
- Rachel decided to take a backseat and let Henry take charge of the project.
- Sarah and TK take a step closer in becoming a family by redecorate the house.
- Chris tries to inspire Phoenix with his arts, but when a critic does not like his work, Chris buys them but this upsets Phoenix.
- After a scare with Tillie, Sarah is dismay to discover TK has them in different shifts in order to look after Tillie.
- Nicole recognising the self-destruction behaviour in Kylie so she got Kylie to move in with her and Vinnie. Dallas missed out on the room.
- Emma struggles as a parent when Toby is having a hard time at school.
- After facing past demons, Roimata realised that she does not have a future in Ferndale so she resigned. She left town.
- Brooke is on CEO after series of mishaps but finished with a win against a celebrity.
- Phoenix is searching for the meaning of life after offending Evan and Ula.
- Josh manipulate Evan, Murray and Len to win Bella.
- Sarah and Vasa tried to bring Roimata back to Ferndale. She came back to get her stuff and decided to stay after helping a patient.
- As the month ends, Wendy wages a war against Josh when she sees him with another woman and Boyd collapsed of exhaustion in theatre.
- Josh causes an explosion at the Warner Bach.
- Ula finds Travis's body in the hospital apartments' car park.
- Rachel break up with Chris and harry live with Rachel
- Grace gave birth to a healthy baby girl, and now lives with Rachel And Harry
All Year Cast Members
Actor | Character |
Michael Galvin | CEO Dr. Chris Warner |
Angela Bloomfield | Rachel McKenna |
Reid Walker | Harry Warner |
Pua Magasiva | Nurse Vinnie Kruse |
Amanda Billing | Dr. Sarah Potts |
Benjamin Mitchell | HOD Emergency Dr. TK Samuels |
Beth Allen | Dr. Brooke Freeman |
Sally Martin | Director of Nursing Nurse Nicole Miller |
Jacqueline Nairn | Nurse Wendy Cooper |
Frankie Adams | Ula Levi |
Teuila Blakely | Nurse Vasa Levi |
Tyler Read (actor) | Evan Cooper |
Amelia Reid | Bella Cooper |
Matthew Chamberlain | Murray Cooper |
Shavaughn Ruakere | Nurse Roimata Ngatai |
Chris Tempest | Dr. Josh Gallagher |
Sam Bunkall | HOD Surgery Dr. Boyd Rolleston |
Kerry-Lee Dewing | Nurse Kylie Brown |
Amy Usherwood | Nurse Emma Franklin |
New Characters
Actor | Character |
Lucy Elliot | Dayna Jenkins |
Ria Vandervis | Dr Harper Whitley |
Cameron Jones | Paramedic Dallas Adams |
Bruce Phillips | Len Cooper |
Robert Evison | Toby Reynolds |
Josh McKenzie | Nate Clark |
Actor | Character | Reason | |
Gerald Urquhart | Luke Durville | Dying of cancer. | |
Mike Edward | Zac Smith | Arrested for raping and kidnapping Roimata and for drugging TK. | |
Brooke Williams | Lana Jacobs | left to take entry-level position in design in Melbourne. | |
Pearl McGlashan | Jasmine Cooper | Left to go on an exchange trip to Colombia | |
Geordie Holibar | Phoenix Raynor | Left to study in Berlin. | – |
Returned Characters
Actor | Character | Background |
Peter Huang | Henry Lee | Seth Packhurst's boyfriend who worked as Rachel's PA. |
Kate Elliott | Zlata Waldheim | Returned with Luke's baby in town. |
Lynette Forday | Grace Kwan | Returned after 16 years in Australia. |
Rachael Blampied | Bree Hamilton | Brooke Freeman's unhinged sister. |
gollark: Or any modern one honestly.
gollark: Bold of you to assume it can be replaced on my model.
gollark: My phone won't charge at all unless you perform the mystical incantations beforehand, and it uses USB-C.
gollark: Why? Are you *implying* something?
gollark: OR IS IT?
- January 14-18
- January 21-25
- January 28-February 1
- February 4-8
- February 11-15
- February 18-22
- February 25-March 1
- March 4-8
- March 11-15
- March 18-22
- March 25-28
- April 1-5
- April 8-12
- April 15-19
- April 22-26
- April 29- May 3
- April 29-May 3
- May 6-10
- May 13-17
- May 20-24
- May 27-31
- June 3-7
- June 10-14
- June 17-21
- June 24-28
- July 1-5
- July 8-12
- July 15-19
- July 22-26
- July 29- August 2
- July 29-August 2
- August 5-9
Preceded by: 2012 |
Storylines of Shortland Street 2013 |
Followed by: 2014 |
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