Splash! Vedete la Apă

Splash! Vedete la Apă[1] is a reality television show which teaches celebrities the art of diving.[2] The first series is featured to start on 7 July 2013, and it will be broadcast by Antena 1. Pepe[3] will be hosting the show, with Roxana Ionescu and Roxana Vancea.[4] The judges were Anda Adam, Daniel Buzdugan, and Cătălin Preda.[5] Now the series broadcast the third season on Antena 1 who it host by Pepe with Diana Munteanu and Alina Pușcaș. Now the judges are Ozana Barabancea, Cosmin Seleşi and Cătălin Preda.

Splash! Vedete la Apă
Presented byPepe(1-)
Alina Puscas(3-)
Diana Munteanu(3)
Roxana Ionescu(1–2)
Bianca Dragusanu(2)
Roxana Vancea(1)
JudgesOzana Barabancea(2–3)
Cătălin Preda(1-)
Cosmin Seleşi(2-)
Anda Adam(1,4-)
Daniel Buzdugan(1)
Country of originRomania
Original language(s)Romanian
No. of seasons1
No. of episodes7
Production location(s)Bacău
Original networkAntena 1
Picture format480i (SDTV)4:3(1)
720p (HDTV) 16:9(2-)
Original release7 July 2013 (2013-07-07) 
External links


The show is broadcast live on Antena 1 on Sunday evenings, and is presented by Pepe with Roxana Ionescu and Roxana Vancea.[6] The celebrities perform seven weeks in front of a panel of judges and a live audience in an Olympic-size diving pool with the result each week partly determined by public vote.

Production history

The series was first mentioned on May 2013, when it was announced that Antena 1 ordered what was called Celebrity Splash straight to series. Based on the Dutch series of the same name, it has celebrities perform dives from extreme heights and each week the challenges increase in difficulty.


On 14 June 2013, Daniel Buzdugan, Anda Adam and Cătălin Preda were confirmed as the three judges of the series.[7]

  • Cosmin Selesi – courage
  • Ozana Barabancea – artistic impression
  • Cătălin Preda – technique

Main series results

Series Premiere date Finale date Number
of stars
of weeks
Honour places
Second place
Third place
Fourth place
Fifth place
7 July 2013[8]
18 August 2013
Marian Drăgulescu
Cornel Păsat
Silvia de la Vegas
11 July 2014
5 September 2014
Cosmin Soare
Ionut Pitbull Atodiresei
Vladimir Draghia
Daniela Crudu
23 and 24 July 2015
TBA 2015

Season summary

Season 1 (2013)

The debut season started airing on 7 July 2013[9] on Antena 1. The first season began with thirty-two Romanian celebrities.[10] Vica Blochina withdrew before the series began, and was replaced by Jean de la Craiova.[11] The first season ended on 18 August 2013.[12] Piticu`, a dancer was declarated the first winner of the series.[13] The runner-up was gymnast Marian Drăgulescu, followed by stripper Cornel Păsat in third place, singer and violinist Silvia de la Vegas in fourth place and rapper CRBL was in the last place.[14]

Season 2 (2014)

On 17 August 2013 was announced the second season of series.[15] In this season in the judges Daniel Buzdugan and Anda Adam are replaced by Cosmin Selesi and Ozana Barabancea with Cătălin Preda. In this season Roxana Vancea, co host of the first season was replaced by the new host, Bianca Draguseanu. The season started in 11 July 2014 and ended in 5 September 2014.Cosmin Soare, a dancer was declarated the second winner of the series.[16] The runner-up was boxer Ionut Atodireserei, followed by actor Vladimir Draghia in third place, model Daniela Crudu in fourth place and singer Ruby was in the last place. This season involved Maria Casian, a 9-year-old girl who is ill but plays this sport.[17]

Season 3 (2015)

On 1 June 2015 was announced the third season of series without a promo. The judges are the same of the past season, the Co host Roxana Ionescu and Bianca Draguseanu are replaced by Diana Munteanu and Alina Pușcaș with Pepe for this season.[18] In this season, there are 40 Romanian Celebrities, they pass 3 on semifinal not 4 on the past 2 seasons. There are a new case, Marina and Andreea Sandu two children without 9 and 12 years, who are small champions of Romania.[19] The season started airing on 23 and 24 July 2015 in two evening.[20] In this season there disqualified 2 celebrities, first time in the history of series.

Overall ratings summary

Season Timeslot (EDT) Season premiere Premiere
(in millions)
Season finale Finale
(in millions)
TV season Rank
1 Sunday 8:30 pm
7 July 2013
1 566[21][22]
18 August 2013
1 086[23]
2 Friday 8:30 pm
18 July 2014[24]
1 112
5 September 2014[25]
1 086
3 Thursday and Friday 8:30 pm
23 and 24 July 2015
TBA 2015
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  1. http://a1.ro/tv/tv-1/splash-vedete-la-apa-show-ul-verii-de-la-antena-1-se-pregateste-de-debut.html.
  2. http://www.libertatea.ro/detalii/articol/pia-slapka-vedete-la-apa-concurs-argentina-atac-de-panica-saritura-de-la-trambulina-451297.html.
  3. http://jurnalul.ro/timp-liber/monden/vedete-la-apa-show-ul-verii-de-la-antena-1-este-prezentat-de-pepe-secondat-de-roxana-ionescu-si-roxana-vancea-643708.html Archived 9 June 2013 at the Wayback Machine.
  4. http://a1.ro/showbiz/funny/video-uite-ce-bine-arata-roxana-vancea-in-costum-de-baie.html
  5. http://a1.ro/tv/tv-1/catalin-preda-juratul-emisiunii-vedete-la-apa-este-student-in-marea-britanie.html.
  6. http://adevarul.ro/entertainment/tv/spectacolsi-risc-vedete-apa-show-ul-verii-antena-1-1_519dd971c7b855ff561b56f0/
  7. http://adevarul.ro/entertainment/tv/video-afost-ales-juriul-show-ului-vedete-apa-1_51bae8aec7b855ff568e9507/.
  8. http://a1.ro/materiale-site/emisiuni-tv/duminica-seara-incepe-emisiunea-verii-la-antena-1-splash-vedete-la-apa.html.
  9. http://www.tvmania.ro/splash-vedete-in-apa-incepe-pe-7-iulie-la-antena-1-118942.html
  10. http://www.bzi.ro/splash-32-de-vedete-autohtone-sunt-pregatite-sa-uimeasca-juriul-375331.
  11. http://splash.a1.ro/vica-blochina-sa-accidentant-la-antrenamente-45.html.
  12. http://www.runvideo.net/2013/08/splash-vedete-la-apa-finala-episodul-7.html.
  13. http://a1.ro/tv/tv-1/piticu-a-castigat-trofeul-splash-vedete-la-apa.html
  14. http://www.libertatea.ro/detalii/articol/piticu-splash-vedete-la-apa-459676.html
  15. http://blog.intactmediagroup.ro/splash-vedete-la-apa-din-culise/#sthash.eXvdGW1z.dpuf
  16. http://a1.ro/tv/tv-1/cosmin-soare-a-castigat-trofeul-splash-vedete-la-apa.html%5B%5D
  17. http://m.spynews.ro/monden/emotii-mari-pentru-concurentii-de-la-splash-vedete-la-apa-vineri-incepe-cel-mai-tare-show-al-verii-38388.html
  18. http://www.paginademedia.ro/2015/06/splash-fara-mama-natura-si-bianca-dragusanu-noul-sezon-va-fi-prezentat-de-alina-puscas-diana-munteanu-si-pepe/
  19. http://splash.a1.ro/stiri/incepe-splash-vedete-la-apa-diana-dumitrescu-flavia-sylvia-roxana-ciuhulescu-cezar-ouatu-liviu-varciu-erban-copot-si-antonio-dos-santos-se-arunca-in-gol-id2011.html
  20. http://m.jurnalul.ro/cultura/jurnalul-tv/doza-dubla-de-splash-vedete-la-apa-la-antena-1-691918.html%5B%5D
  21. http://jurnalul.ro/timp-liber/monden/splash-vedete-la-apa-lider-absolut-de-audienta-647275.html Archived 12 July 2013 at the Wayback Machine.
  22. http://www.paginademedia.ro/2013/07/premiere-de-vara-antena-1-lider-cu-splash-vedete-la-apa-interes-scazut-pentru-vara-tvr-ului/.
  23. http://www.paginademedia.ro/.../cati-romani-au-vazut-finala-splash-vedete-la-apa.html%5B%5D
  24. http://a1.ro/tv/tv-1/prima-editie-a-showului-splash-vedete-la-apa-lider-de-audienta-la-nivelul-publicului-din-mediul-urban-id356179.html
  25. http://a1.ro/tv/tv-1/marea-finala-splash-vedete-la-apa-lider-absolut-de-audienta-pe-toate-categoriile-de-public-id363926.html?play=781346
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