Solenoid (mathematics)

In mathematics, a solenoid is a compact connected topological space (i.e. a continuum) that may be obtained as the inverse limit of an inverse system of topological groups and continuous homomorphisms

(Si, fi),     fi: Si+1 Si,     i 0,
This page discusses a class of topological groups. For the wrapped loop of wire, see Solenoid.
The Smale-Williams solenoid.

where each Si is a circle and fi is the map that uniformly wraps the circle Si+1 ni times (ni 2) around the circle Si. This construction can be carried out geometrically in the three-dimensional Euclidean space R3. A solenoid is a one-dimensional homogeneous indecomposable continuum that has the structure of a compact topological group.

In the special case where all ni have the same value n, so that the inverse system is determined by the multiplication by n self map of the circle, solenoids were first introduced by Vietoris for n = 2 and by van Dantzig for an arbitrary n. Such a solenoid arises as a one-dimensional expanding attractor, or Smale–Williams attractor, and forms an important example in the theory of hyperbolic dynamical systems.

Geometric construction and the Smale–Williams attractor

A solid torus wrapped twice around inside another solid torus in R3
The first six steps in the construction of the Smale-Williams attractor.

Each solenoid may be constructed as the intersection of a nested system of embedded solid tori in R3.

Fix a sequence of natural numbers {ni}, ni 2. Let T0 = S1 × D be a solid torus. For each i 0, choose a solid torus Ti+1 that is wrapped longitudinally ni times inside the solid torus Ti. Then their intersection

is homeomorphic to the solenoid constructed as the inverse limit of the system of circles with the maps determined by the sequence {ni}.

Here is a variant of this construction isolated by Stephen Smale as an example of an expanding attractor in the theory of smooth dynamical systems. Denote the angular coordinate on the circle S1 by t (it is defined mod 2π) and consider the complex coordinate z on the two-dimensional unit disk D. Let f be the map of the solid torus T = S1 × D into itself given by the explicit formula

This map is a smooth embedding of T into itself that preserves the foliation by meridional disks (the constants 1/2 and 1/4 are somewhat arbitrary, but it is essential that 1/4 < 1/2 and 1/4 + 1/2 < 1). If T is imagined as a rubber tube, the map f stretches it in the longitudinal direction, contracts each meridional disk, and wraps the deformed tube twice inside T with twisting, but without self-intersections. The hyperbolic set Λ of the discrete dynamical system (T, f) is the intersection of the sequence of nested solid tori described above, where Ti is the image of T under the ith iteration of the map f. This set is a one-dimensional (in the sense of topological dimension) attractor, and the dynamics of f on Λ has the following interesting properties:

General theory of solenoids and expanding attractors, not necessarily one-dimensional, was developed by R. F. Williams and involves a projective system of infinitely many copies of a compact branched manifold in place of the circle, together with an expanding self-immersion.

Pathological properties

Solenoids are compact metrizable spaces that are connected, but not locally connected or path connected. This is reflected in their pathological behavior with respect to various homology theories, in contrast with the standard properties of homology for simplicial complexes. In Čech homology, one can construct a non-exact long homology sequence using a solenoid. In Steenrod-style homology theories,[1] the 0th homology group of a solenoid may have a fairly complicated structure, even though a solenoid is a connected space.

p-adic solenoids

Solenoids whose have the same value are known as -adic solenoids .[2][3][4]

A ring structure could be defined on in one of two ways: as the direct product of the circle ring and the ring of p-adic integers , or in a process similar to the algebraic construction of the p-adic numbers by inverse limits as follows:

We start with the inverse limit of the rings R/pnZ (see modular arithmetic): a p-adic solenoid m is then a sequence (an)n≥1 such that an is in R/pnZ, and if nl, then anal (mod pn).

Every real number m when expressed in base defines such a sequence (an) by anm (mod pn) and can therefore be regarded as a p-adic solenoid. For example, in this case tau as a 2-adic solenoid would be written as the sequence (0.2831853071..., 0.2831853071..., 2.2831853071..., 6.2831853071..., 6.2831853071..., 6.2831853071..., ...).

The operators of the ring amount to pointwise addition and multiplication of such sequences. This is well defined because addition and multiplication commute with the "mod" operator; see modular arithmetic.

As a result, p-adic solenoids have a base doubly infinite positional notation representation, similar to p-adic integers or real numbers.

Profinite real numbers

A profinite real number is an element of the ring

where indicates the profinite completion of , the index p runs over all prime numbers, and is the p-adic solenoid.

gollark: It is making people do extra busywork for no valid reason.
gollark: This is actually bad, though; it wastes the time of everyone ever.
gollark: The current setup of a market economy and tax-collectingy government is not... backed well by theory/stricter ethical systems, but kind of sort of works?
gollark: What if UBI?
gollark: Oh, THAT'S bad, yes.

See also


  • D. van Dantzig, Ueber topologisch homogene Kontinua, Fund. Math. 15 (1930), pp. 102–125
  • "Solenoid", Encyclopedia of Mathematics, EMS Press, 2001 [1994]
  • Clark Robinson, Dynamical systems: Stability, Symbolic Dynamics and Chaos, 2nd edition, CRC Press, 1998 ISBN 978-0-8493-8495-0
  • S. Smale, Differentiable dynamical systems, Bull. of the AMS, 73 (1967), 747 817.
  • L. Vietoris, Über den höheren Zusammenhang kompakter Räume und eine Klasse von zusammenhangstreuen Abbildungen, Math. Ann. 97 (1927), pp. 454–472
  • Robert F. Williams, Expanding attractors, Publ. Math. IHES, t. 43 (1974), p. 169–203

Further reading

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