Sharada (Unicode block)

Sharada is a Unicode block containing historic characters for writing Kashmiri, Sanskrit, and other languages of the northern Indian subcontinent in the 8th to 20th centuries.

Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
U+1118x ๐‘†€ ๐‘† ๐‘†‚ ๐‘†ƒ ๐‘†„ ๐‘†… ๐‘†† ๐‘†‡ ๐‘†ˆ ๐‘†‰ ๐‘†Š ๐‘†‹ ๐‘†Œ ๐‘† ๐‘†Ž ๐‘†
U+1119x ๐‘† ๐‘†‘ ๐‘†’ ๐‘†“ ๐‘†” ๐‘†• ๐‘†– ๐‘†— ๐‘†˜ ๐‘†™ ๐‘†š ๐‘†› ๐‘†œ ๐‘† ๐‘†ž ๐‘†Ÿ
U+111Ax ๐‘†  ๐‘†ก ๐‘†ข ๐‘†ฃ ๐‘†ค ๐‘†ฅ ๐‘†ฆ ๐‘†ง ๐‘†จ ๐‘†ฉ ๐‘†ช ๐‘†ซ ๐‘†ฌ ๐‘†ญ ๐‘†ฎ ๐‘†ฏ
U+111Bx ๐‘†ฐ ๐‘†ฑ ๐‘†ฒ ๐‘†ณ ๐‘†ด ๐‘†ต ๐‘†ถ ๐‘†ท ๐‘†ธ ๐‘†น ๐‘†บ ๐‘†ป ๐‘†ผ ๐‘†ฝ ๐‘†พ ๐‘†ฟ
U+111Cx ๐‘‡€ ๐‘‡  ๐‘‡‚   ๐‘‡ƒ  ๐‘‡„ ๐‘‡… ๐‘‡† ๐‘‡‡ ๐‘‡ˆ ๐‘‡‰ ๐‘‡Š ๐‘‡‹ ๐‘‡Œ ๐‘‡ ๐‘‡Ž ๐‘‡
U+111Dx ๐‘‡ ๐‘‡‘ ๐‘‡’ ๐‘‡“ ๐‘‡” ๐‘‡• ๐‘‡– ๐‘‡— ๐‘‡˜ ๐‘‡™ ๐‘‡š ๐‘‡› ๐‘‡œ ๐‘‡ ๐‘‡ž ๐‘‡Ÿ
1.^ As of Unicode version 13.0
(96 code points)
Major alphabetsKashmiri
Assigned96 code points
Unused0 reserved code points
Unicode version history
6.183 (+83)
7.085 (+2)
8.094 (+9)
13.096 (+2)
Note: [1][2]


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Sharada block:

VersionFinal code points[lower-alpha 1]CountL2 IDWG2 IDDocument
6.1U+11180..111C8, 111D0..111D983L2/05-377N3245Pandey, Anshuman (2005-11-21), Request to Allocate the Sharada Script in the Unicode Roadmap
L2/08-017Pandey, Anshuman (2008-01-18), Draft Proposal to Encode the Sharada Script in ISO/IEC 10646
L2/08-200Pandey, Anshuman (2008-05-05), Draft Proposal to Encode the Sharada Script in ISO/IEC 10646
L2/09-104Moore, Lisa (2009-05-20), "E.3", UTC #119 / L2 #216 Minutes
L2/09-074R2N3595Pandey, Anshuman (2009-08-05), Proposal to encode the Sharada Script in ISO/IEC 10646
N3703 (pdf, doc)Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2010-04-13), "M55.27", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting no. 55, Tokyo 2009-10-26/30
L2/10-330RSharma, Shriramana (2010-09-14), Concerning the Brahmi and Sharada characters for jihvamuliya and upadhmaniya
L2/10-440Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken (2010-10-27), "4. Jihvamuliya and Upadhmaniya characters in Brahmi and Sharada", Review of Indic-related L2 documents and Recommendations to the UTC
L2/11-308Sharma, Shriramana (2011-07-28), A clear policy on encoding OM characters
L2/12-019Sharma, Shriramana (2012-01-12), Recommendation against use of 111C4 SHARADA OM for now
L2/12-028Anderson, Deborah (2012-01-23), Representation of JIHVAMULIYA and UPADHMANIYA in Sharada
L2/12-031Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken (2012-01-27), "2. SHARADA OM, 3. SHARADA JIHVAMULIYA and UPADHMANIY", Review of Indic-related L2 documents and Recommendations to the UTC
L2/12-224Sharma, Shriramana (2012-07-06), Annotation for 111C4 SHARADA OM
L2/12-267Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken (2012-07-21), "VII. SHARADA", Review of Indic-related documents and Recommendations to the UTC
L2/13-028Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh (2013-01-28), "18", Recommendations to UTC on Script Proposals
L2/13-074N4417Pandey, Anshuman (2013-04-25), Request to reallocate some recently-approved Sharada characters
L2/15-183RPournader, Roozbeh (2015-07-28), Candidate characters for Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Prepend
L2/15-187Moore, Lisa (2015-08-11), "Consensus 144-C6", UTC #144 Minutes, Change the Grapheme_Cluster_Break property of the 12 characters listed in L2/15-183R to "Prepend" for Unicode 9.0.
L2/15-255A, Srinidhi; A, Sridatta (2015-10-23), Request to change the representative glyph of Sharada Vowel Signs Vocalic L and Vocalic LL
L2/16-004Moore, Lisa (2016-02-01), "D.3", UTC #146 Minutes
7.0U+111CD1L2/12-171RN4269Pandey, Anshuman (2012-05-03), Proposal to encode the SUTRA MARK for Sharada
L2/12-112Moore, Lisa (2012-05-17), "D.4.2", UTC #131 / L2 #228 Minutes
L2/12-291Pandey, Anshuman (2012-08-01), Request for name change for U+111CD SHARADA SUTRA MARK
U+111DA1L2/11-430RN4158Pandey, Anshuman (2011-11-02), Proposal to Encode the Sign EKAM for Sharada
L2/12-031Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken (2012-01-27), "1. SHARADA EKAM", Review of Indic-related L2 documents and Recommendations to the UTC
L2/12-007Moore, Lisa (2012-02-14), "D.4.2", UTC #130 / L2 #227 Minutes
L2/12-285Pandey, Anshuman (2012-07-29), Proposal to Reallocate Sharada EKAM
L2/12-216RAnderson, Deborah (2012-08-01), Annotation for SHARADA EKAM in nameslist
L2/12-239Moore, Lisa (2012-08-14), "Consensus 132-C17", UTC #132 Minutes, Move Sharada Ekam from U+111C9 to U+111DA.
N4253 (pdf, doc)"M59.16a", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 59, 2012-09-12
8.0U+111C91L2/12-322N4330Pandey, Anshuman (2012-09-27), Proposal to encode the SANDHI MARK for Sharada
L2/12-343R2Moore, Lisa (2012-12-04), "Consensus 133-C14", UTC #133 Minutes
N4353 (pdf, doc)"M60.15d", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 60, 2013-05-23
L2/17-247Whistler, Ken; Iancu, Laurenศ›iu (2017-07-26), Proposed Property Changes for U+111C9 SHARADA SANDHI MARK
L2/17-222Moore, Lisa (2017-08-11), "Consensus 152-C5", UTC #152 Minutes, Change the properties for U+111C9 SHARADA SANDHI MARK as documented in L2/17-247, for Unicode 11.0.
U+111CA..111CC3L2/12-147Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken (2012-04-25), "IX. SHARADA", Review of Indic-related L2 documents and Recommendations to the UTC
L2/12-239Moore, Lisa (2012-08-14), "D.4.4", UTC #132 Minutes
L2/12-124RN4265Pandey, Anshuman (2012-08-29), Proposal to Encode Signs for Writing Kashmiri in Sharada
N4353 (pdf, doc)"M60.15a", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 60, 2013-05-23
U+111DB1L2/12-318N4331Pandey, Anshuman (2012-09-27), Proposal to encode the sign SIDDHAM for Sharada
L2/12-343R2Moore, Lisa (2012-12-04), "Consensus 133-C14", UTC #133 Minutes
N4353 (pdf, doc)"M60.15c", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 60, 2013-05-23
L2/13-132Moore, Lisa (2013-07-29), "Consensus 136-C14", UTC #136 Minutes, Move characters...
N4403 (pdf, doc)Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2014-01-28), "9.2.1 Reallocating recently approved characters within the Sharada block", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 61, Holiday Inn, Vilnius, Lithuania; 2013-06-10/14
U+111DC1L2/12-324N4337Pandey, Anshuman (2012-09-29), Proposal to encode the HEADSTROKE for Sharada
L2/12-343R2Moore, Lisa (2012-12-04), "Consensus 133-C14", UTC #133 Minutes
N4353 (pdf, doc)"M60.15b", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 60, 2013-05-23
L2/13-132Moore, Lisa (2013-07-29), "Consensus 136-C14", UTC #136 Minutes, Move characters...
N4403 (pdf, doc)Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2014-01-28), "9.2.1 Reallocating recently approved characters within the Sharada block", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 61, Holiday Inn, Vilnius, Lithuania; 2013-06-10/14
U+111DD1L2/12-319N4329 (pdf, doc)Pandey, Anshuman (2012-09-27), Proposal to encode the CONTINUATION SIGN for Sharada
L2/12-343R2Moore, Lisa (2012-12-04), "Consensus 133-C14", UTC #133 Minutes
N4353 (pdf, doc)"M60.15e", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 60, 2013-05-23
L2/13-132Moore, Lisa (2013-07-29), "Consensus 136-C14", UTC #136 Minutes, Move characters...
N4403 (pdf, doc)Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2014-01-28), "9.2.1 Reallocating recently approved characters within the Sharada block", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 61, Holiday Inn, Vilnius, Lithuania; 2013-06-10/14
U+111DE..111DF2L2/12-325N4338Pandey, Anshuman (2012-09-30), Proposal to encode section marks for Sharada
L2/12-343R2Moore, Lisa (2012-12-04), "Consensus 133-C14", UTC #133 Minutes
N4353 (pdf, doc)"M60.15f", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 60, 2013-05-23
L2/13-132Moore, Lisa (2013-07-29), "Consensus 136-C14", UTC #136 Minutes, Move characters...
N4403 (pdf, doc)Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2014-01-28), "9.2.1 Reallocating recently approved characters within the Sharada block", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 61, Holiday Inn, Vilnius, Lithuania; 2013-06-10/14
13.0U+111CE1L2/17-214RN4931A, Srinidhi; A, Sridatta (2017-10-13), Proposal to encode the Prishthamatra for Sharada
L2/17-255Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Moore, Lisa; Liang, Hai (2017-07-28), "10. Nandinagari", Recommendations to UTC #152 July-August 2017 on Script Proposals
L2/18-039Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Moore, Lisa; Liang, Hai; Cook, Richard (2018-01-19), "15. Nandinagari", Recommendations to UTC #154 January 2018 on Script Proposals
L2/18-115Moore, Lisa (2018-05-09), "D.5.2", UTC #155 Minutes
N5020 (pdf, doc)Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2019-01-11), "10.3.4", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 67
U+111CF1L2/17-428N4930Pandey, Anshuman (2017-12-14), Proposal to encode the INVERTED CANDRABINDU for Sharada
L2/18-039Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Moore, Lisa; Liang, Hai; Cook, Richard (2018-01-19), "b. INVERTED CANDRABINDU for Sharada", Recommendations to UTC #154 January 2018 on Script Proposals
L2/18-115Moore, Lisa (2018-05-09), "D.15", UTC #155 Minutes
N5020 (pdf, doc)Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2019-01-11), "10.3.3", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 67
  1. Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names
gollark: --achieve test
gollark: Apparently, yes.
gollark: --achieve test
gollark: specter of communism
gollark: Oops.


  1. "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-07-09.
  2. "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-07-09.
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