Runciman Award

The Runciman Award is an annual literary award offered by the Anglo-Hellenic League for a work published in English dealing wholly or in part with Greece or Hellenism.[1] The award is named in honour of the late Sir Steven Runciman.

Previous winners have included Mark Mazower, Antony Beevor, Richard Clogg and Bruce Clark.


UK prizes

Prizes awarded for books published in the United Kingdom in the previous year:

1986David ConstantineTravellers in GreeceCambridge University Press
1987No award--
1988John S. KoliopoulosBrigands with a Cause:Brigandage and Irredentism in Modern Greece, 1820-1921Oxford University Press
1989Rowland J. MainstoneHagia Sophia: Architecture,Structure and Liturgy of Justinian’s Great ChurchThames and Hudson
1990John GouldHerodotusWeidenfeld & Nicolson
1991Sir Hugh Lloyd-JonesThe Academic PapersOxford University Press
1992Mark MazowerGreece and the Inter-War Economic CrisisOxford University Press
1992Antony BeevorCrete: the Battle and the ResistanceJohn Murray
1993Richard CloggA Concise History of Greece Cambridge University Press
1994Paul MagdalinoThe Empire of Manuel I Komnenos, 1143-1180Cambridge University Press
1995Roderick BeatonAn Introduction to Modern Greek LiteratureOxford University Press
1996Sir John BoardmanThe Diffusion of Classical Art in AntiquityThames and Hudson
1996Dr Rosemary MorrisMonks and Laymen in Byzantium, 843-1118Cambridge University Press
1997Andrew DalbySiren Feasts: A History of Food and Gastronomy in GreeceRoutledge
1997Oliver Rackham & Jennifer MoodyThe Making of the Cretan LandscapeManchester University Press
1997Gelina HarlaftisA History of Greek-owned Shipping: the Making of an International Tramp Fleet, 1830 to the present day Routledge
1997Nigel SpiveyUnderstanding Greek Sculpture:Ancient Meanings, Modern ReadingsThames and Hudson
1998George CawkwellThucydides and the Peloponnesian WarRoutledge
1998Dr Martin WestThe East Face of Helicon: West Asiatic Elements in Greek Poetry and MythClarendon Press, Oxford
1998Prof. Robin CormackPainting and the Soul: Icons, Death Masks and ShroudsReaktion Books
1998Patricia StoraceDinner with PersephoneGranta Books
1999Ian MacNivenLawrence Durrell: a Biography Faber & Faber
1999Christopher StrayClassics Transformed: Schools, Universities and Society in England, 1830-1960Clarendon Press, Oxford
1999Dr Jenny MarchDictionary of Classical MythologyCassell
2000Prof. J. V. LuceCelebrating Homer’s LandscapesYale University Press
2000Dr Reviel NetzThe Shaping of Deduction in Greek Mathematics: A Study in Cognitive HistoryCambridge University Press
2001Dr Cyprian BroodbankAn Island Archaeology of the Early CycladesCambridge University Press
2002James WhitleyThe Archaeology of Ancient GreeceCambridge University Press
2003Sir John BoardmanThe Archaeology of Nostalgia:How the Greeks re-created their Mythical PastThames and Hudson

UK and Greece prizes

From 2004, prizes have been awarded for books published in the UK and Greece in the previous year:

2004Roderick BeatonGeorge Seferis – Waiting for the Angel – A BiographyYale University Press
2005Mark MazowerSalonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and JewsHarper Collins
2006Robin Lane FoxThe Classical WorldTime Warner Book Group
Tom HollandPersian FireAllen Lane
2007Bruce ClarkTwice a StrangerGranta Books
Robert Holland & Diana MarkidesThe British and the HellenesOxford University Press
2008Imogen GrundonThe Rash Adventurer: A Life of John PendleburyLibri Publications
2009K.E. FlemingGreece - A Jewish HistoryPrinceton University Press
2010Juliet du BoulayCosmos, Life and Liturgy in a Greek Orthodox VillageDenise Harvey Publishers
2011Molly GreeneCatholic Pirates and Greek Merchants: A Maritime History of the Early Modern MediterraneanPrinceton University Press
Emily GreenwoodAfro-Greeks: Dialogues Between Anglophone Caribbean Literature and Classics in the 20th CenturyOxford University Press
2012Peter ThonemannThe Maeander ValleyCambridge University Press
2013Simon GoldhillSophocles and the Language of TragedyOxford University Press
2014Roderick BeatonByron’s War: Romantic Rebellion, Greek Revolution[2]Cambridge University Press
2015Armand M. LeroiThe Lagoon: How Aristotle Invented ScienceBloomsbury Publishing
2016Sharon E. J. GerstelRural Lives and Landscapes in Late ByzantiumCambridge University Press
2017a (jointly)Ivan DrpićEpigram, Art and Devotion in Later ByzantiumCambridge University Press
2017b (jointly)Marc Domingo GygaxBenefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek CityCambridge University Press
2018a (jointly)Matthew SimontonClassical Greek OligarchyPrinceton University Press
2018b (jointly)Colm TóibínHouse of NamesPenguin/Viking
2019a (jointly)Paul J. KosminTime and its Adversaries in the Seleucid EmpireBelknap Press of Harvard
2019b (jointly)Robin OsborneThe Transformation of Athens: Painted Pottery and the Creation of Classical GreecePrinceton University Press
gollark: Oh, and regarding your claim that Jesus is "good", consider the following:
gollark: 0th? -1st? πth? 3.3rd?
gollark: Who's 4th to 10th?
gollark: Also, your status is demonstrably false; I'm in a house *right now*, and as far as I know it isn't owned by any "lord".
gollark: I'm not sure why you would like Boris Johnson, as opposed to not liking Boris Johnson.


  1. Runciman Award goes to two winners, Kathimerini (edition in English), page 6, Life / Books section, Thursday, June 7, 2007
  2. The Runciman Award 2014 goes to Byron’s War
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