Rocker, Butte

Rocker is a suburb of Butte, Montana, United States, located at the coordinates of N 46° 0'11.74" W 112° 36'22.10". Rocker lies 3 miles west of Butte.

Most known for its 2 truck stops, one each on the North and South side of the highway. There is a nearby Port of Montana transportation hub near the intersection of Interstates 15 and 90.

Rocker has about 150 citizens. There is a small volunteer fire station, but the town relies on the Butte Silver Bow Sheriff's Department and the Montana Highway Patrol for police, and the St James Hospital in Butte 2 miles away for medical. One mile south on I-15 is Silver Bow, a Montana transportation hub, which is served by cargo trains and semis.

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