Rapture (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)

"Rapture" is the tenth episode of the fifth season of the television science fiction program series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. It is the 108th episode overall, and the first to feature the new design for Starfleet uniforms introduced in the film Star Trek: First Contact, which had just been released a month before this episode aired.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode
Episode no.Season 5
Episode 10
Directed byJonathan West
Story byL. J. Strom
Teleplay byHans Beimler
Featured musicDennis McCarthy
Production code508
Original air dateDecember 30, 1996 (1996-12-30)
Guest appearance(s)

In this episode, Captain Sisko experiences visions that allow him to discover a lost Bajoran city. Meanwhile, Bajor prepares to join the United Federation of Planets, and Sisko's girlfriend Kasidy Yates (guest star Penny Johnson) is released from prison. This episode also guest stars Ernest Perry Jr. as Federation Admiral Whatley; and Louise Fletcher returns as Bajor spiritual leader Kai Winn.

"Rapture"'s premiere was watched by 5.8 million people.[1]


When Sisko sees a painting depicting B'hala, Bajor's legendary lost city, he is inspired to search for the sacred site. The painting depicts an obelisk that, according to legend, marked the city's coordinates. Sisko recreates the obelisk in a holosuite to try to determine what the hidden markings might be. A short circuit in the holosuite system briefly knocks him unconscious. Dr. Bashir tells Sisko his brain has been overloaded, and his senses will be enhanced for a few days; he warns him to return to the infirmary if he experiences any side effects. At dinner, Sisko absentmindedly cuts his fruit into shapes which he realizes are the missing markings from the obelisk.

Meanwhile, Sisko receives news that Bajor has been accepted into the Federation, and the signing ceremony will be held on Deep Space Nine.

Back in the holosuite, Sisko has a vision of B'hala, during which he briefly understands all of Bajor's history and can see its future. Later, Kasidy Yates returns from prison. He tells her he has located B'hala and invites her to accompany him to Bajor to find it. On Bajor, Sisko is stricken with a painful headache, but he soon brings Kasidy to the ruins of B'hala.

The Bajorans regard Sisko's discovery as a miracle and, for the skeptics, confirmation that he truly is the Emissary. When Sisko gets home, he seems to have psychic powers; he has a vision of a swarm of locusts passing by Bajor and attacking Cardassia. Bashir determines that Sisko's headaches are life-threatening and asks to operate immediately. Sisko refuses, unwilling stop his visions. With Kai Winn's help, he consults the mystical Orb of Prophecy.

The ceremony for Bajor's admittance to the Federation begins without Sisko. Sisko bursts in, weak and in pain, and warns that if Bajor joins the Federation now, it will be destroyed by locusts. The Bajorans vote to delay joining the Federation.

Sisko is rushed to the infirmary, where Bashir reports that he must operate immediately to save his life. Since Sisko himself refused the operation, his son Jake, as the next-of-kin, must decide his father's fate. Unwilling to let his father die, Jake permits the operation. Sisko awakens to anguish at the loss of his visions. Kasidy reminds him that while he has lost something very important to him, what he saved—his life with his son—is even more precious.

Arc significance

  • Kasidy Yates returns from six months in Federation prison, her imprisonment having happened in "For The Cause".
  • Benjamin Sisko's vision of "locusts" heading for Cardassia correctly predicts that Cardassia would join the Dominion later in Season 5. Sisko's warning that if Bajor joined the Federation it would be destroyed by the "locusts" refers to Bajor (free from Federation membership) being able to sign a non-aggression pact with the Dominion at the end of Season 5 and thus protecting it from attack during the Federation-Dominion War.


In 2020, Gizmodo listed "Rapture" as one of the "must watch" episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine show.[2]

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gollark: There's actually a problem with that.
gollark: I must make my citizens suffer.
gollark: I should play that more.
gollark: Yes


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