Pride (manga)

Pride (プライド, Puraido) is a manga series by Yukari Ichijo serialized in Chorus magazine. In 2007 it won the Excellence Prize for manga at the 11th Japan Media Arts Festival.[1] It was adapted into a 2009 Japanese live-action film starring Stephanie as the protagonist, aspiring opera singer Shio Asami.

Written byYukari Ichijo
Published byShueisha
Original run20022010
Live-action film
Directed byShūsuke Kaneko
Produced byYoshio Sakai
Ikuo Suo
Written byYukari Ichijo
Miyuki Takahashi
Hidehiro Ito
Music byNobuyuki Shimizu
ReleasedJanuary 17, 2009 (2009-01-17)
Runtime126 minutes


gollark: It doesn't require classes. Hold on.
gollark: I saw `getunicode`, which seems python2-ish since python3 has better unicode handling.
gollark: Also, please use Flask and Python3.
gollark: Any good static-file server will ALREADY probably support the `Range` header.
gollark: Er, no idea of context but you can probably use HTTP range requests to fetch the right segment of big files.


  1. "2007 Japan Media Arts Festival Awards" (in Japanese). Japan Media Arts Plaza, Agency for Cultural Affairs. Retrieved September 19, 2010.

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