Power (Tower of Power album)

Power is a studio album by Tower of Power released in 1987 on the A&M Records-distributed Cypress Records label. It was released a year earlier with additional and/or different songs in Europe under the title T.O.P. (not to be confused with their 1993 album of the same name). This was the only album to feature vocalist Ellis Hall, a protégé of Ray Charles, who also plays keyboards and rhythm guitar. Hall was unique to TOP as he is thus far the only blind lead vocalist of the group. It also marked the final departure of original guitarist Willie Fulton, and the return of original bassist Francis "Rocco" Prestia. It also marks the debut of trumpeter Lee Thornburg, saxophonist Richard Elliot, and drummer Mick Mestek.

Studio album by
Released1986 (Europe)
1987 (US)
GenreSoul, funk
LabelCypress Records (US)
Genlyd Records (Europe)
ProducerEmilio Castillo
Tower of Power chronology
Monster on a Leash

Track listing

US Version


  1. Baby's Got the Power
  2. Credit
  3. Some Days Were Meant for Rain
  4. Boys Night Out


  1. Ball and Chain
  2. Through Lovers' Eyes
  3. Count On Me
  4. On the One*
  5. Up Against Yourself*

European Version as T.O.P.


  1. Baby's Got the Power
  2. Ball and Chain
  3. Heartbreak in the Makin'**
  4. You Ought to Be Havin' Fun (1986 Version)**
  5. Boys Night Out


  1. Credit
  2. Through Lovers' Eyes
  3. Some Days Were Meant for Rain
  4. Doggin' at the Cathouse**
  5. Count On Me

(*) US Version only
(**) European Version only


"Credit" was one of the songs from the Dinosaur Tracks sessions. T.O.P. re-recorded it for this album. Also on the European version, they re-record their 1976 song "You Ought to Be Havin' Fun" which was originally released on Ain't Nothin' Stoppin' Us Now.


  • Ellis Hall - lead vocals, keyboards, rhythm guitar
  • Emilio Castillo - tenor saxophone, backing vocals
  • Stephen "Doc" Kupka - baritone saxophone
  • Greg Adams - trumpet, flugelhorn, backing vocals
  • Francis Rocco Prestia - bass guitar
  • Willie Fulton - lead guitar, backing vocals
  • Lee Thornburg - trumpet, flugelhorn, vocals (lead on "Ball And Chain")
  • Richard Elliot - alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, lyricon
  • Mick Mestek - drums
  • Stanley Benders - percussion on "On The One"
  • Maxayn Lewis, Marilyn Scott, Patty Unatis- background vocals on "On The One"
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