Poetry of Sappho

Sappho was an ancient Greek lyric poet from the island of Lesbos. She wrote around 10,000 lines of poetry, only a small fraction of which survives today.

Textual history

Sappho probably wrote around 10,000 lines of poetry; today, 650 survive.[1] Around the second century BC, these were edited into a critical edition by scholars in Alexandria. The Alexandrian edition of Sappho's poetry was divided up into a number of books: the exact number is uncertain, though there seem to have been at least eight.[2] These books were probably divided up by metre, as ancient sources tell us that each of the first three books contained poems in a single specific metre.[3]

In addition to the Alexandrian edition, at least some of Sappho's poetry was in circulation in the ancient world in other collections. The Cologne Papyrus on which the Tithonus poem is preserved was part of a Hellenistic anthology of poetry.[4]

Today, most of Sappho's poetry is lost. The two major sources of surviving fragments of Sappho are quotations in other ancient works, from a whole poem to as little as a single word, and fragments of papyrus, many of which were discovered at Oxyrhynchus in Egypt.[5] Other fragments survive on other materials, including parchment and potsherds.[6] The oldest surviving fragment of Sappho currently known is the Cologne papyrus which contains the Tithonus poem;[7] it dates back to the third century BC.[8]


Fragment Number Sources Meter lines
Fragment 1P. Oxy. 2288; D.H. Comp. 23Sapphic stanza28
Fragment 2PSI 1300Sapphic stanza17[lower-alpha 1]
Fragment 3P. Berol. 5006; P. Oxy. 424Sapphic stanza18
Fragment 4P. Berol. 5006Sapphic stanza10
Fragment 5P. Oxy. 7; P. Oxy. 2289; P. GCSapphic stanza20
Fragment 6P. Oxy. 2289perhaps Sapphic stanza15
Fragment 7P. Oxy. 2289Sapphic stanza7
Fragment 8P. Oxy. 22895
Fragment 9P. Oxy. 2289; P. GCSapphic stanza20
Brothers Poem[lower-alpha 2]P. Oxy. 2289; P. Sapph. ObbinkSapphic stanza24
Fragment 12P. Oxy. 2289Sapphic stanza9
Fragment 15[lower-alpha 3]P. Oxy. 1231Sapphic stanza12
Fragment 16P. Oxy. 1231; PSI 123; P. GCSapphic stanza20[lower-alpha 4]
Fragment 16AP. Oxy. 1231; PSI 123; P. GCSapphic stanza12
Fragment 17PSI 123; P. Oxy. 1231; P. Oxy. 2166(a); P. Oxy. 2289; P. GCSapphic stanza20
Fragment 18P. Oxy. 1231; P. GC15
Fragment 18AP. GC9
Fragment 19P. Oxy. 1231Sapphic stanza12
Fragment 20P. Oxy. 1231Sapphic stanza24
Fragment 21P. Oxy. 1231; Apollonius DyscolusSapphic stanza15
Fragment 22P. Oxy. 1231Sapphic stanza19
Fragment 23P. Oxy. 1231Sapphic stanza14
Fragment 24aP. Oxy. 1231Sapphic stanza8
Fragment 24bP. Oxy. 2166Sapphic stanza5
Fragment 24cP. Oxy. 1231Sapphic stanza9
Fragment 24dP. Oxy. 1231Sapphic stanza7
Fragment 25P. Oxy. 1231Sapphic stanza7
Fragment 26P. Oxy. 1231, P. Sapph. ObbinkSapphic stanza16
Fragment 27P. Oxy. 1231Sapphic stanza13
Fragment 28aP. Oxy. 12314
Fragment 28bP. Oxy. 12315
Fragment 28cP. Oxy. 12315
Fragment 29aP. Oxy. 12314
Fragment 29bP. Oxy. 12315
Fragment 29cP. Oxy. 1231; P. Oxy. 216611
Fragment 29dP. Oxy. 12314
Fragment 29eP. Oxy. 12313
Fragment 29fP. Oxy. 12317
Fragment 29gP. Oxy. 20814
Fragment 29hP. Oxy. 21668
Fragment 29iP. Oxy. 21665
Fragment 30P. Oxy. 1231Sapphic stanza9
Fragment 31LonginusSapphic stanza17
Fragment 32Apollonius DyscolusSapphic stanza2
Fragment 33Apollonius DyscolusSapphic stanza2
Fragment 34EustathiusSapphic stanza5
Fragment 35StraboSapphic stanza1
Fragment 36Etymologicum GenuinumSapphic stanza?1
Fragment 37Etymologicum GenuinumSapphic stanza3
Fragment 38Apollonius DyscolusSapphic stanza1
Fragment 39Scholiast on Aristophanes PeaceSapphic stanza3
Fragment 40Apollonius DyscolusSapphic stanza2
Fragment 41Apollonius DyscolusSapphic stanza2
Fragment 42Scholiast on PindarSapphic stanza2
Fragment 43P. Oxy. 1232]-uu-ux, possibly Glyconic with 2x dactylic expansion9
Fragment 44P. Oxy. 1232Glyconic with 2x dactylic expansion34[lower-alpha 5]
Fragment 44AaP. Fouad. 239]-uu-uu-ux, possibly Glyconic with 2x dactylic expansion12
Fragment 44AbP. Fouad. 239xx-uu-[10
Fragment 45Apollonius DyscolusGlyconic with 2x dactylic expansion1
Fragment 46HerodianGlyconic with 2x dactylic expansion2
Fragment 47Maximus of TyreGlyconic with 2x dactylic expansion2
Fragment 48JulianGlyconic with 2x dactylic expansion2
Fragment 49Hephaestion; PlutarchGlyconic with 2x dactylic expansion2[lower-alpha 6]
Fragment 50GalenGlyconic with 2x dactylic expansion2
Fragment 51ChrysippusGlyconic with 2x dactylic expansion1
Fragment 52HerodianGlyconic with 2x dactylic expansion?1
Fragment 53Scholiast on TheocritusGlyconic with 2x choriambic expansion1
Fragment 54Julius PolluxGlyconic with 2x choriambic expansion1
Fragment 55StobaeusGlyconic with 2x choriambic expansion4
Fragment 56ChrysippusGlyconic with 2x choriambic expansion3
Fragment 57Athenaeusll.12 uncertain; l.3 Glyconic with 2x choriambic expansion3
Pre-58 (Oxyrhynchus)P. Oxy. 1787Acephalous Hipponacteans with internal double-choriambic expansion[13]10
Pre-58 (Cologne)P. Köln inv.21351+21376Acephalous Hipponacteans with internal double-choriambic expansion[14][lower-alpha 7]}8
Fragment 58P. Oxy. 1787; P. Köln inv.21351+21376Acephalous Hipponacteans with internal double-choriambic expansion12
Post-58 (Oxyrhynchus)P. Oxy. 1787Acephalous Hipponacteans with internal double-choriambic expansion4
Fragment 59P. Oxy. 17873
Fragment 60P. Halle. 3]-uu-u-x, possibly acephalous hipponacteans with 2x choriambic expansion11
Fragment 61P. Oxy. 17872
Fragment 62P. Oxy. 1787x-uu--uu-[, possibly acephalous hipponacteans with 2x choriambic expansion12
Fragment 63P. Oxy. 1787x-uu--uu-[, possibly acephalous hipponacteans with 2x choriambic expansion10
Fragment 64aP. Oxy. 178715
Fragment 64bP. Oxy. 17874
Fragment 65P. Oxy. 1787x-uu-[, possibly acephalous hipponacteans with 2x choriambic expansion11
Fragment 66aP. Oxy. 17873
Fragment 66bP. Oxy. 17874
Fragment 66cP. Oxy. 17873
Fragment 67aP. Oxy. 1787x-uu-[, possibly acephalous hipponacteans with 2x choriambic expansion8
Fragment 67bP. Oxy. 17877
Fragment 68aP. Oxy. 1787]uu--uu-u-x, possibly acephalous hipponacteans with 2x choriambic expansion12
Fragment 68bP. Oxy. 17876
Fragment 69P. Oxy. 17873
Fragment 70P. Oxy. 1787]--uu-[14
Fragment 71P. Oxy. 17878
Fragment 72P. Oxy. 1787]uu--uu-u-x, possibly acephalous hipponacteans with 2x choriambic expansion8
Fragment 73aP. Oxy. 1787-]uu-u-x, possibly acephalous hipponacteans with 2x choriambic expansion9
Fragment 73bP. Oxy. 1787-]uu-u-x, possibly acephalous hipponacteans with 2x choriambic expansion3
Fragment 74aP. Oxy. 17876
Fragment 74bP. Oxy. 17873
Fragment 74cP. Oxy. 17874
Fragment 74dP. Oxy. 17873
Fragment 75aP. Oxy. 17878
Fragment 75bP. Oxy. 17875
Fragment 75cP. Oxy. 17875
Fragment 76P. Oxy. 17877
Fragment 77aP. Oxy. 17879
Fragment 77bP. Oxy. 17876
Fragment 77cP. Oxy. 17874
Fragment 78P. Oxy. 17877
Fragment 79P. Oxy. 17876
Fragment 80P. Oxy. 17876
Fragment 81P. Oxy. 1787; Athenaeusacephalous hipponacteans with 2x choriambic expansion7
Fragment 82aHephaestionacephalous hipponacteans with 2x choriambic expansion1
Fragment 82bP. Oxy. 1787acephalous hipponacteans with 2x choriambic expansion5
Fragment 83P. Oxy. 17877
Fragment 84P. Oxy. 17877
Fragment 85aP. Oxy. 17874
Fragment 85bP. Oxy. 17873
Fragment 86P. Oxy. 1787]-uu--uu-u-x, possibly acephalous hipponacteans with 2x choriambic expansion8
Fragment 87aP. Oxy. 17879
Fragment 87bP. Oxy. 17874
Fragment 87cP. Oxy. 17872
Fragment 87dP. Oxy. 216610
Fragment 87eP. Oxy. 21664
Fragment 87fP. Oxy. 21668
Fragment 88aP. Oxy. 2290-[ ]u--uu-u[-x||
x-[ ]--uu-[u-x||
-[ ]uu-u-x|||
Fragment 88bP. Oxy. 2290-[ ]u--uu-u[-x||
x-[ ]--uu-[u-x||
-[ ]uu-u-x|||
Fragment 90aP. Oxy. 229347[lower-alpha 8]
Fragment 90bP. Oxy. 229315[lower-alpha 9]
Fragment 90cP. Oxy. 22937
Fragment 90dP. Oxy. 229318
Fragment 90eP. Oxy. 22934
Fragment 91Hephaestionacephalous hipponacteans with 2x choriambic expansion1
Fragment 92P. Berol. 9722xx-u[16
Fragment 93P. Berol. 9722]uu-u-5
Fragment 94P. Berol. 9722glyconic ||
glyconic ||
glyconic with dactylic expansion|||
Fragment 95P. Berol. 9722-u-xx-[
xx-uu-u[ (possibly the same as fr.96)
Fragment 96P. Berol. 9722creticus; 3x glyconics; baccheus|||36
Fragment 97P. Berol. 9722uncertain27[lower-alpha 10]
Fragment 98aPap. Haun. 301glyconic||glyconic||creticus glyconic|||12
Fragment 98bPap. Mediol. 32glyconic||glyconic||creticus glyconic|||9
Fragment 100Polluxuncertain1
Fragment 101Athenaeusperhaps: glyconic||glyconic||glyconic with dactylic expansion|||4
Fragment 101ADemetriusuncertain; perhaps glyconic||hipponactean||4
Fragment 102Hephaestioniambus glyconic bacchius2
Fragment 103P. Oxy. 229410
Fragment 103AaP. Cair. Mediol. 79
Fragment 103AbP. Cair. Mediol. 74
Fragment 103BP. Oxy. 2308]--uu--[5
Fragment 103CaP. Oxy. 23578
Fragment 103CbP. Oxy. 23576
Fragment 104aDemetriusl.1: 6 dactyls catalectic, l.2 iamb|pherecratean with 2x dactylic expansion2
Fragment 104bHimeriusuncertain1
Fragment 105aSyrianus on Hermogenes6 dactyls catalectic3
Fragment 105bDemetrius6 dactyls catalectic2
Fragment 106Demetrius6 dactyls catalectic1
Fragment 107Apollonius Dyscolusuncertain1
Fragment 108Himerius1
Fragment 109Homeric Parsings1
Fragment 110Hephaestionpherecratean with dactylic expansion3
Fragment 111Hephaestionuncertain, perhaps pherecratean||iamb||acephalous pherecratean with dactylic expansion||iamb|||8
Fragment 112Hephaestionchoriambus bacchius choriambus bacchius||5
Fragment 113Dionysius of Halicarnassus3x ionics?2
Fragment 114Demetriusl.1 3 choriambus bacchius; l.2 uncertain2
Fragment 115Hephaestionpherecratean with 2x dactylic expansion2
Fragment 116Serviusuncertain1
Fragment 117Hephaestion3 iambs catalectic?1
Fragment 117AHesychius1
Fragment 117BaMarius Plotius Sacerdos1
Fragment 117BbMarius Plotius Sacerdos1
Fragment 118Hermogenesuncertain2
Fragment 119Scholiast on Aristophanes Plutusuncertain1
Fragment 120Etymologicum Magnumglyconic with choriambic expansion2
Fragment 121Stobaeusuncertain2
Fragment 122Athenaeusuncertain1
Fragment 123Ammoniuscreticus hipponactean?1
Fragment 124Hephaestion--uu-uu-(x-u-u--)1
Fragment 125Scholiast on Aristophanes' Thesmophoriasuzaeuncertain1
Fragment 126Etymologicum Genuinumuncertain1
Fragment 127Hephaestionithyphallicus|ithyphallicus||1
Fragment 128Hephaestion3cho ba1
Fragment 129aApollonius Dyscolusuncertain1
Fragment 129bApollonius Dyscolusuncertain1
Fragment 130Hephaestiongld4
Fragment 132Hephaestionuncertain3
Fragment 133Hephaestionia 2io anacl2
Fragment 134Hephaestion3 io anacl1
Fragment 135Hephaestion3 io1
Fragment 136Scholiast on Sophocles' Electrapher2d1
Fragment 137AristotleAlcaic7
Fragment 138Athenaeusia ^gl or ia ^gl ia2
Fragment 139Philo2
Fragment 140Hephaestionpher2c2
Fragment 141Athenaeusll.1 and 4 ^pher?
ll.2-3 and 5-6 uncertain
Fragment 142Athenaeus6 da^ (pher3d)1
Fragment 143Athenaeus6 da^ (pher3d)1
Fragment 144Herodianglxd2
Fragment 145Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius1
Fragment 146Tryphonpherd1
Fragment 147Dio Chysostomuncertain1
Fragment 148Scholiast on Pindaruncertain2
Fragment 149Apollonius Dyscoluspherxd?1
Fragment 150Maximus of Tyregl2c?2
Fragment 151Etymologicum Genuinumpherc1
Fragment 152Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodiusglxd?2
Fragment 153Atilius Fortunatianusuncertain1
Fragment 154Hephaestion^gl ba||2
Fragment 155Maximus of Tyrecr| ^hippd or cr ^gl1
Fragment 156Demetriuspossibly gl2d2
Fragment 157Etymologicum GenuinumSapphics?1
Fragment 158Plutarch2 ad?2
Fragment 159Maximus of Tyreuncertain1
Fragment 160AthenaeusSapphics?2
Fragment 161P. Bouriant1
Fragment 162Choeroboscus1
Fragment 163Julian1
Fragment 164Apollonius Dyscolus1
Fragment 165Apollonius Dyscolus1
Fragment 166Athenaeusglc2
Fragment 167Athenaeusglxd1
Fragment 168Marius Plotinus SacerdosSapphics?1
Fragment 168AEtymologicum Genuinumgl?1
Fragment 168BHephaestion^hipp||4
Fragment 168CDemetriusAlcaics?1


These fragments are isolated words quoted by other ancient authors, arranged alphabetically.

Fragment NumberSources
Fragment 169Scholiast on the Iliad
Fragment 169AHesychius, Lexicon
Fragment 170Strabo, Geography
Fragment 171Photius, Lexicon
Fragment 172Maximus of Tyre, Orations
Fragment 173Choeroboscus on Theodosius
Fragment 174Orion, Lexicon
Fragment 175Apollonius Dyscolus, Adverbs
Fragment 176Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae
Fragment 177Julius Pollux
Fragment 179Phrynichus
Fragment 180Hesychius
Fragment 181Scholiast on Dionysius of Thrace
Fragment 182Scholiast on the Iliad
Fragment 183Porphyry on the Iliad
Fragment 184Choeroboscus on Theodosius
Fragment 185Philostratus, Images
Fragment 186John of Alexandria
Fragment 187Homeric Parsings
Fragment 188Maximus of Tyre
Fragment 189Phrynichus
Fragment 190Scholiast on the Iliad
Fragment 191Julius Pollux
Fragment 192Julius Pollux


Fragment NumberSources
Fragment 194Himerius
Fragment 194AMichaelis Italici
Fragment 195Demetrius
Fragment 196Aristides
Fragment 197Libanius
Fragment 198aScholiast on Apollonius Rhodius
Fragment 198bScholiast on Theocritus
Fragment 198cPausanius
Fragment 199Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius
Fragment 200Scholiast on Hesiod
Fragment 201Aristotle
Fragment 203aAthenaeus
Fragment 203bEustachius
Fragment 203cScholiast on Iliad
Fragment 204aScholiast on Pindar
Fragment 204bPausanias
Fragment 205Aulius Gellius
Fragment 206Servius on Virgil
Fragment 207Servius on Virgil
Fragment 208Himerius
Fragment 209Eustachius
Fragment 210Scholiast on Theocritus
Fragment 211aPseudo-Paelephatus
Fragment 211bPliny
Fragment 211cAelian
Fragment 212Comes Natalis
Fragment 213P. Oxy. 2292
Fragment 213AaP. Oxy. 2506
Fragment 213AbP. Oxy. 2506
Fragment 213AcP. Oxy. 2506
Fragment 213AdP. Oxy. 2506
Fragment 213AeP. Oxy. 2506
Fragment 213AfP. Oxy. 2506
Fragment 213AgP. Oxy. 2506
Fragment 213AhP. Oxy. 2506
Fragment 213AiP. Oxy. 2506
Fragment 213AkP. Oxy. 2506
Fragment 213BPSI (Ommaggio all' XI congresso internationale di papirologia, Florence 1965, 16s.)
Fragment 214Pausanias
Fragment 215Demetrius
Fragment 216Philostratus
Fragment 217Philostratus
Fragment 218Himerius
Fragment 219Maximus of Tyre
Fragment 220Himerius
Fragment 221Himerius
Fragment 222Menander
Fragment 223Philostratus
Fragment 224Horace
Fragment 225Horace
Fragment 226Scholiast on metre of Pindar
Fragment 227Hephaestion
Fragment 228Hephaestion
Fragment 229Hephaestion
Fragment 230Caesius Bassus
Fragment 231Atilius Fortunatianus
Fragment 232Hephaestion
Fragment 233Photius
Fragment 234Servius on Virgil
Fragment 235Suda
Fragment 236Hephaestion
Fragment 237Dionysius of Halicarnassus
Fragment 238Atilius Fortunatianus
Fragment 239Marius Victorinus
Fragment 240Scholiast on Hephaestion
Fragment 242Marius Victorinus
Fragment 243Servius
Fragment 244Seneca
Fragment 245Strabo
Fragment 246Aristoxenus
Fragment 247Menaechmus
Fragment 248Suda
Fragment 249Eusebius
Fragment 250Athenaeus
Fragment 251Parian marble
Fragment 252P. Oxy. 1800
Fragment 253Suda
Fragment 254aHerodotus
Fragment 254bStrabo
Fragment 254cAthenaeus
Fragment 254dPhotius
Fragment 254eSuda
Fragment 254fAppian
Fragment 254gTzetzes
Fragment 255Scholiast on Plato
Fragment 256Aelian
Fragment 257Suda
Fragment 258Maximus of Tyre
Fragment 259Scholiast on Lucian
Fragment 260aHorace
Fragment 260bPorphyrio
Fragment 260cDionysius Latinus
Fragment 261Ovid
Fragment 262Tatian
Fragment 263Heroides 15
Fragment 264Strabo

Uncertain authorship

Fragments which may be by either Sappho or Alcaeus of Mytilene.

Fragment NumberSourcesLines
Fragment 1Scholiast to Odyssey1
Fragment 2Etymologicum Genuinum1
Fragment 3Apollonius Dyscolus1
Fragment 4Homeric Parsings1
Fragment 5aHerodian1
Fragment 5bHerodian1
Fragment 5cHerodian1
Fragment 6Anonymous grammarian1
Fragment 10Herodian2
Fragment 11Herodian1
Fragment 12Homeric Parsings1
Fragment 14Homeric Parsings1
Fragment 15aZenobius1
Fragment 15bScholiast on Aelius Aristides1
Fragment 16Hephaestion3
Fragment 18Anonymous2
Fragment 19Apollonius Dyscolus1
Fragment 20Zonaras1
Fragment 21Hephaestion2
Fragment 22Hephaestion1
Fragment 23Philodemus1
Fragment 25Scholiast on Theocritus1
Fragment 25AEtymologicum Genuinum1
Fragment 25BEtymologicum Magnum1
Fragment 25CEustathius2
Fragment 27P.Vind. 297773
Fragment 28P. Oxy. 22998
Fragment 29P. Oxy. 22992
Fragment 30P. Oxy. 22998
Fragment 31aP. Oxy. 229915
Fragment 31bP. Oxy. 22994
Fragment 32P. Oxy. 229911
Fragment 33P. Oxy. 22993
Fragment 34aP. Oxy. 229917
Fragment 34bP. Oxy. 22995
Fragment 35P. Oxy. 22998
Fragment 36aP. Oxy. 22996
Fragment 36bP. Oxy. 22994
Fragment 37P. Oxy. 229913
Fragment 38P. Oxy. 22993
Fragment 39P. Oxy. 22993
Fragment 40P. Oxy. 22994
Fragment 41P. Oxy. 22997
Fragment 42P. Oxy. 237816


  1. Voigt numbers the lines 1a, followed by 116;[9] line 1a is not in the Lesbian dialect and may not have been part of the original poem.[10]
  2. Follows fragment 9 in Alexandrian edition, called fr.9a by e.g. West 2014, overlaps with fr.11 LP (omitted from Voigt).
  3. Voigt has 15a and 15b
  4. Voigt gives 32 lines; P. GC shows that the final 12 lines of Voigt are a separate poem (16A)
  5. Voight numbers the lines up to 34, including l.3a, which is entirely lost[11]
  6. Though often presented as a single fragment, the lines come from two separate sources, and Rayor & Lardinois 2014 follow Parker 2006 in taking the fragments as separate.[12]
  7. West calls the base of the metre Hagesichoreans rather than Acephalous Hipponacteans;[15] Acephalous Hipponacteans is the standard terminology, however[3]
  8. Voigt divides 90a into Col. II, ll.127, and Col. III, ll.1130
  9. Voigt numbers from l.5
  10. ll.112 and 1923 are illegible
gollark: No, you need to actually call `read` as it is a function.
gollark: `read`
gollark: https://www.lua.org/pil/contents.htmlYou may want to skim bits of the manual for help.
gollark: If you know some Python concepts, the rest is mostly just syntax.
gollark: Yes.


  1. Rayor & Lardinois 2014, p. 7.
  2. Yatromanolakis 1999, p. 181.
  3. Lidov 2011b.
  4. Clayman 2011.
  5. Rayor & Lardinois 2014, pp. 7–8.
  6. Rayor & Lardinois 2014, p. 8.
  7. West 2005, p. 1.
  8. Obbink 2011.
  9. Voigt 1971, p. 33.
  10. McEvilley 1972, p. 324.
  11. Voigt 1971, p. 66.
  12. Rayor & Lardinois 2014, p. 114.
  13. Lidov 2011a.
  14. Skinner 2011.
  15. Skinner 2011, note 2.

Works cited

  • Clayman, Dee (2011). "The New Sappho in a Hellenistic Poetry Book". Classics@. 4.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • Lidov, Joel (2011b). "Acceptance or Assertion: Sappho's New Poem in its Books". Classics@. 4.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • Lidov, Joel (2011b). "The Meter and Metrical Style of the New Poem". Classics@. 4.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • McEvilly, Thomas (1971). "Sappho, Fragment 94". Phoenix. 25 (1).CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • Obbink, Dirk (2011). "Sappho Fragments 5859: Text, Apparatus Criticus, and Translation". Classics@. 4.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • Rayor, Diane; Lardinois, André (2014). Sappho: A New Edition of the Complete Works. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • Skinner, Marylin B. (2011). "Introduction". Classics@. 4.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • Voigt, Eva-Maria, ed. (1971). Sappho et Alcaeus: Fragmenta (in Latin). Amsterdam: Polak & Van Gennep.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • West, Martin. L. (2005). "The New Sappho". Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 151.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • Yatromanolakis, Dimitrios (1999). "Alexandrian Sappho Revisited". Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. 99.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
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