Phipps (surname)

Phipps is a surname derived from the given name Philip.

Notable families

Notable people

  • Bill Phipps (born 1942), also known as Reverend William Phipps, Canadian church leader and social justice activist
  • Charles Phipps (disambiguation), several people
  • Ernest Phipps (1900–1963), American singer and Pentecostal preacher
  • Grace Phipps (born 1992), American actress
  • Jennifer Phipps (1932-2019), Canadian actress
  • Jill Phipps (1964–1995), English animal rights activist
  • Lawrence C. Phipps (1862–1958), United States Senator from Colorado
  • Mike Phipps (born 1947), professional football quarterback
  • Polly Phipps, American statistician
  • Steve Phipps (born 1971), American football coach
  • Spencer Phips (1685–1757), nephew and adoptive son of Sir William, lieutenant governor and acting governor of colonial Massachusetts
  • William Phips (1651–1695), colonial governor of Massachusetts
  • William Edward Phipps (1922–2018), Hollywood actor and producer
  • Phipps W. Lake (1789–1860), American politician
  • Bess Phipps Dawson (1916–1994), American painter
gollark: (more easily than the weird regex notation of recursive capture groups)
gollark: I'm sure it lets you define functions.
gollark: As planned.
gollark: Although I actually wrote the regex as```pythonWHITESPACE = r"[\t\n ]*"NUMBER = r"\-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?"ARRAY = f"(?:\[{WHITESPACE}(?:|(?R)|(?R)(?:,{WHITESPACE}(?R){WHITESPACE})*){WHITESPACE}])"STRING = r'"(?:[^"\\\n]|\\["\\/bfnrt]|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})*"'TERMINAL = f"(?:true|false|null|{NUMBER}|{STRING})"PAIR = f"(?:{WHITESPACE}{STRING}{WHITESPACE}:{WHITESPACE}(?R){WHITESPACE})"OBJECT = f"(?:{{(?:{WHITESPACE}|{PAIR}|(?:{PAIR}(?:,{PAIR})*))}})"VALUE = f"{WHITESPACE}(?:{ARRAY}|{OBJECT}|{TERMINAL}){WHITESPACE}"```which is much easier.
gollark: Regex is kind of like the APL of string pattern matching, in that it's very terse and expressive but incomprehensible.

See also


  1. Ellis A. Wasson, The British and Irish Ruling Class, 1660-1945, Vol.2, p.231
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