Paolo Biagi

Paolo Biagi (born 1948) is an Italian archaeologist specialising in the prehistory of Southeast Europe, Russia and the Caucasus, and Southwest Asia.[1] He is currently a professor at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

Paolo Biagi
Born (1948-01-30) 30 January 1948
Alma materUniversity of Milan
UCL Institute of Archaeology
Scientific career
InstitutionsNatural History Museum of Brescia
University of Genoa
Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Education and career

Biagi obtained a laurea from the University of Milan in 1972 and a PhD from the Institute of Archaeology in London in 1981. He has held academic positions at the Natural History Museum of Brescia (1978–1981), the University of Genoa (1981–1988), and the Ca' Foscari University of Venice (1988–present). He became a full professor (professore ordinario) of prehistory and protohistory in the Department of Asian and North African Studies at Ca' Foscari in 2002.[2]

Biagi has been director of the Italian Archaeological Mission in the Banat and Transylvania (Romania) and is at present the director of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Sindh and Las Bela (Balochistan), Pakistan since 1993. He also directed the Italian Archaeological Expedition in Oman (1990–1991).[2] He is conducting archalogical research in the Central Alpine arc, the Pindos Mountains and the island of Lemnos (Greece), the Caucasus of Georgia, ans Sindh and Las Bela (Pakistan). He is approved High Education Commission of Pakistan supervisor of Quaid-i-Azam PhD students.

Biagi is an Honorary Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London,[3] an honorary professor of Odessa and Nikolaev Universities and was awarded a gold medal from Shah Abdul Latif University in 1999.[2]


  • Biagi P. e Franco C. 2008 - Ricerche Archeologiche in Balochistan e nel Sindh Meridionale. In Gelichi S. (ed.) Missioni archeologiche e progetti di ricerca e scavo dell’Università Ca’ Foscari – Venezia. VI Giornata di Studio. Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia: 9-18. Bretschneider, Roma.
  • Biagi P. e Efstratiou N. 2008 - Prospezioni e scavi nella catena del Pindo in Macedonia Occidentale. In Gelichi S. (ed.) Missioni archeologiche e progetti di ricerca e scavo dell’Università Ca’ Foscari – Venezia. VI Giornata di Studio. Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia: 19-25. Bretschneider, Roma.
  • Biagi P. 2008 - New discoveries of Mesolithic sites in the Thar Desert (Upper Sindh, Pakistan). In Olijdam E. and Spoor R.H. (eds.) Intercultural relations between South and Southwest Asia. Studies in commemoration of E.C.L. During Caspers (1934-1996). BAR International Series, 1826. Society for Arabian Studies Monographs, 7: 78-85. Archaeopress, Oxford.
  • Biagi P. and Starnini E. 2008 - The Bronze Age Indus Quarries of the Rohri Hills and Ongar in Sindh (Pakistan). In Kostov R.I, Gaydarska B. and Gurova M. (eds) Geoarchaeology and Archaeomineralogy, Proceedings of the International Conference: 77-82. St. Ivan Rilski, Sofia.
  • Biagi P., Starnini E. and Voytek B. 2008 - The Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Trieste Karst (northeastern Italy) as seen from the excavations at the Edera Cave. In Bonsall C., Boroneanţ V. and Radovanović I. (eds.) The Iron Gates in Prehistory. BAR International Series, 1893: 251-260. Archaeopress, Oxford.
  • Biagi P. 2007 - The Archaeological Sites of the Rohri Hills (Sindh, Pakistan): the Way they are Being Destroyed. Sindhological Studies, 23 (1-2): 5-26. Jamshoro.
  • Biagi P. 2008 - The shell-middens of the Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf: maritime connections in the seventh millennium BP? In Al-Ansary A.R., Al-Muaikel K.I., Alsharek A.M. (eds.) The City in the Arab World in Light of Archaeological Discoveries: Evolution and Development: 7-16. Riyadh.
  • Біаджі П., Станко В.Н., Кіосак Д.В. 2008 - Нові радіовуглецеві дати поселення Мирне. Ηаукові праці, 83: 33-37. Mykolayiv.
  • Biagi P. e Nisbet R. 2008 - Gli scavi nella stazione preistorica di Vaiale in Valle Sabbia (Lavenone, Brescia). In Mottes E., Nicolis F e Zontini G. (eds.) Archeologia lungo il Chiese. Nuove indagini e prospettive delle ricerca preistorica in un territorio condiviso tra Trentino e Lombardia. Provincia Autonoma di Trento: 25-35.
  • 330. Biagi P. 2008 - The Palaeolithic settlement of Sindh (Pakistan): A review. Archäologischen Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan, 40: 1-26. Eurasien Abteilung, Berlin.
  • Efstratiou N. and Biagi P. 2009 – The Archaeology of Samarina and its region – The research in 2009. The Archaeological Work in Upper Macedonia – AEAM, 1 (2011): 65-74.
  • Biagi P. and Nisbet R. 2010 - The Prehistoric Flint Mines of Jhimpir in Lower Sindh (Pakistan). Antiquity Project Gallery, 84 (325): 1-4. September 2010., Cambridge.
  • Biagi P. and Starnini E. 2010 - A Source in Bulgaria for Early Neolithic "Balkan flint". Antiquity Project Gallery, Antiquity 84 (328): 1-4. September 2010., Cambridge.
  • Biagi P. and Starnini E. 2010 - The Early Neolithic chipped stone assemblages of the Carpathian Basin: typology and raw material circulation. In J.K. Kozłowski and P. Raczky (eds.) Neolithization of the Carpathian Basin: northernmost distribution of the Starčevo/Körös Culture. Polish Academy of Arts Sciences, Kraków-Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Budapest: 119-136.
  • Biagi P. and Nisbet R. 2009 - Ranikot Fort (Jamshoro, Sindh): An AMS Radiocarbon Date from Sann (Eastern) Gate. Journal of Asian Civilizations, 32 (2): 1-8. Islamabad.
  • 336. Biagi P. 2011 - Some aspects of the earliest Neolithic chipped stone assemblages of Transylvania and the Banat (Romania). In Luca S.A. and Suciu C. (eds.) The First Neolithic Sites in Central/South-East European Transect. Volume II: Early Neolithic (Starčevo-Criş) Sites on the Territory of Romania. BAR International Series, 2188: 71-78. Archaeopress, Oxford.
  • Biagi P. and Starnini E. 2011 - Neanderthals at the south-easternmost edge: the spread of Levalloisian Mousterian in the Indian Subcontinent. In Biro K and András M. (eds.) Papers in Honour of Viola T. Dobosi, Budapest National Museum: 5-14.
  • Biagi P. and Kiosak D. 2010 - The Mesolithic of the North-western Pontic Region: New AMS Dates for the Origin and Spread of the Blade and Trapeze Industries in South-eastern Europe. Eurasia Antiqua, 16: 21-41. Eurasien Abteilung, Berlin.
  • Efstratiou N., Biagi P., Angelucci D.E. and Nisbet R. 2011 - Middle Palaeolithic chert exploitation in the Pindus of Western Macedonia (Greece). Antiquity Project Gallery, Antiquity 85 (329): 1-5. April 2011., Cambridge.
  • Biagi P. 2010 - Archaeological surveys in Lower Sindh: Preliminary results of the 2009 season Journal of Asian Civilizations, 33 (1): 1-42. Islamabad.
  • Biagi P. 2011 - Late (Upper) Palaeolithic Sites at Jhimpir in Lower Sindh (Pakistan). In Taskiran H., Kartal M., Özcelik K., Kösem M.B. and Kartal G. (eds.) Işın Yalçınkaya'ya Armagan. Ankara University, Ankara: 67-84.
  • Biagi P. and Starnini E. 2011 - First Discovery of Balkan flint sources and workshops along the course of the Danube river in Bulgaria. Panonski prapovijesni osviti - Zbornik radova posvećen Korneliji Minichreite uz 65. obljetnicu zivotar. Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb: 69-81.
  • Biagi P. and Nisbet R. 2011 - The Palaeolithic sites at Ongar in Sindh, Pakistan: a precious archaeological resource in danger. Antiquity Project Gallery. Antiquity 85 (329): 1-6. August 2011. Cambridge.
  • Biagi P. 2011 - Changing the prehistory of Sindh and Las Bela coast: twenty-five years of Italian contribution. World Archaeology, 43 (4): 523-537. Doi: 10.1080/00438243.2011.624695
  • Starnini E. and Biagi P. 2011 - The Archaeological Record of the Indus (Harappan) Lithic Production: The Excavation of RH862 Flint Mine and Flint Knapping Workshops on the Rohri Hills (Upper Sindh, Pakistan). Journal of Asian Civilizations, 34 (2): 1-61.
  • Biagi P. 2010 - Le stazioni preistoriche della catena del Pindo in Macedonia Occidentale (Grecia). Ad Rem, 4: 7-11. Varsavia.
  • Biagi P. and Starnini E. 2011 - Technological choices and lithic production in the Harappan period: case studies from Sindh (Pakistan). Iranian Archaeology 2: 21-33.
  • Efstratiou, N. and Biagi, P. 2011 - High altitude archaeology in Greece. The Case of the Palaeolithic Pindus in Grevena Region. The Archaeological Work in Upper Macedonia – AEAM, 2 (2011). 23-31.
  • Pisan A., Biagi P., Gasparotto G. 2013 - The stone and shell beads of the shell-midden settlement of RH5 (Muscat, Sultanate of Oman). 2nd Adumatu Conference, Riyadh: 83-94.
  • N. Efstratiou, P. Biagi, P. Karkanas, E. Starnini 2013 - Discovery of a Late Palaeolithic Site at Ouriakos (Island of Limnos, Greece) in the North-Eastern Aegean Sea. Antiquity Project Gallery, 338 (87), March 2013.
  • Biagi P. and Starnini E. 2013 - Pre-Balkan Platform Flint in the Early Neolithic Sites of the Carpathian Basin: its Occurrence and Significance. In Anders A. and Kulcsár G. (eds.) Festschrift to honour the 60th birthday of Pál Raczky. Hungarian Prehistoric Society, 1: 147-160. Budapest.
  • 352. Biagi, P. 2013. The shell middens of Las Bela coast and the Indus delta (Arabian Sea, Pakistan). Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 24, pp. 9-14. doi: 10.1111/aae.12013
  • Biagi P., Fantuzzi T. and Franco C. 2013 - The shell-middens of the Bay of Daun Bay: Environmental Changes and Human Impact along the Coast of Las Bela (Balochistan, Pakistan) between the 8th and the 5th millennium BP. Eurasian Prehistory, 9 (1): 29-49.
  • Biagi P. and D’Amico C. 2013 - The greenstone tools from the Middle Neolithic sites of Fimon and Villa del Ferro in the Berici Hills (Vicenza, Northern Italy). Atti della Società per la Preistoria e Protostoria della Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia, XVIII: 87-105.
  • Biagi P, Nisbet R., Girod A. and Fantuzzi T. 2013 - The Middle Holocene mangrove shellfish gatherers of Las Bela coast (Balochistan, Pakistan): New AMS dates from Lake Siranda shell middens. Antiquity Project Gallery, 87 (337), September 2013.
  • Biagi P. and Starnini E. 2014 - The Levallois Mousterian assemblages of Sindh (Pakistan) and their relations with the Middle Palaeolithic in the Indian Subcontinent. Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia, 57 (1): 18-32 (Russian edition)
  • Biagi P., Girod A. and Nisbet R. 2013 - Prehistoric shell middens, seascapes and landscapes at Lake Siranda (Las Bela, Balochistan): Preliminary results of the 2011 season. Journal of Asian Civilizations, 36 (1): 1-25.
  • Biagi P., Nisbet R. and Girod A. 2013 - The Archaeological Sites of Gadani and Phuari Headlands (Las Bela, Balochistan, Pakistan) Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology, 9: 75-86, 3 colour plates.
  • N. Efstratiou, P. Biagi, E. Starnini 2014 - A New Epipalaeolithic Site at Ouriakos in the Northeast Aegean (Island of Lemnos, Greece). Adalya, XVII: 1-23.
  • N. Efstratiou, P. Biagi, D.E. Angelucci, R. Nisbet 2014 - Highland zone exploitation in northwestern Greece: The Levallois Middle Palaeolithic sites of the Pindus range of Western Macedonia. The SAA Archaeological Record. Special Issue, 14 (3): 38-42.
  • P. Biagi, B. Gratuze, D.V. Kiosak, O.V. Tobulzev, Z.H. Popandopulo 2014 - The Neolithic obsidians from Southeastern Ukraine: First characterization and provenance determination. Anadolu, 40: 1-20.
  • P. Biagi and R. Nisbet 2014 - Sonari: a Bronze Age fisher-gatherers settlement at the Hab River mouth (Sindh, Pakistan). Antiquity Project Gallery, 88 (341) September 2014.
  • P. Biagi and E. Starnini 2014 - The Levallois Mousterian assemblages of Sindh (Pakistan) and their relations with the Middle Palaeolithic in the Indian Subcontinent. Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia, 42 (1): 18-32 (Elsevier English edition). Doi: 10.1016/j.aeae.2014.10.002.
  • P. Biagi and E. Starnini 2014 - Neanderthals at the south-easternmost edge: The spread of Levallois Mousteian in the Indian Subcontinent. In Biró T.K., Markó, A., Bajnok, K.P (eds.) Aeolian Scripts: New Ideas on the Lithic World. Studies in Honour of Viola T. Dobosi. Inventaria Praehistorica Hungariae (IPH), XIII: 11-22. Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, Budapest.
  • P. Biagi 2015 - Modeling the Past: The Paleoethnological Evidence. In W. Henke, I Tattersall (eds) Handbook of Paleoanthropology. Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg (2nd revised Edition) Doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-27800-6_24-3.
  • P. Biagi 2014 - Quarries in Harappa. In H. Selin (ed) Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures. Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht: 1-17. Doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-3934-5_9696-2.
  • P. Biagi 2014 - Shell middens of the Coast of Balochistan. In H. Selin (ed) Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures. Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht: 1-21. Doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-3934-5_10169-1.
  • P. Biagi, E. Starnini and N. Efstratiou 2015 - Gunflints from Greece: a few specimens from Lemnos, and the Pindus range of Western Macedonia. Gunflints – beyond the British and French empires. Occasional newsletter from an informal working group, 4: 3-11.
  • P. Biagi, G.A., Khlopachev and D.V. Kiosak 2014 - The radiocarbon chronology of Shan-Koba rock-shelter, a Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic sequence in the Crimean mountains (Ukraine). Diadora, 28: 7-20.
  • P. Biagi 2015 - The Early Palaeolithic site of Dmanisi in Georgia and its role in the earliest prehistory of Eurasia. Eurasiatica Quaderni di Studi su Balcani, Anatolia, Iran, Caucaso e Asia Centrale, 2: 9-19. Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, Venezia.
  • P. Biagi 2015 - The Middle Neolithic and Chalcolithic Chipped Stone Assemblages of Transylvania: their Exploitation, Manufacture and Trans-Carpathian Trade. In S. Hansen, P. Raczky, A. Anders, A Schweingruber (eds.) Neolithic and Copper Age between the Carpathians and the Aegean Sea. Chronologies and Technologies from the 6th to the 4th Millennium BCE. Archäologie in Eurasien, 31: 243-262. International Workshop Budapest 2012. Berlin, Eurasien Abteilung. Doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3033.0729
  • P. Biagi 2015 - Shell middens/kitchen middens (Køkkenmøddinger): da Worsaae ad oggi. In A. Girod (ed.) Appunti di archeomalacologia. Passato Anteriore, 3: 129-136. All’Insegna del Giglio, Firenze.
  • P. Biagi, R. Nisbet and N. Efstratiou 2015 - Late Palaeolithic and Early Mesolithic finds from the Pindus mountains of Western Macedonia (Greece). Antiquity Project Gallery, 89 (346) August 2015. pp. 1-4, 1 table.
  • P. Biagi and E. Starnini 2015 - Human Settlement and Environmental Exploitation of Valcamonica-Valtrompia Watershed from the Beginning of the Holocene to the Middle Ages. Natura Bresciana, 39: 249-259.
  • P. Biagi, R. Nisbet, R. Michniak and N. Efstratiou 2015 - The Chert Outcrops of the Pindus Range of Western Macedonia (Greece) and their Middle Palaeolithic Exploitation. The Quarry, 11: 3-16.
  • P Biagi, E. Starnini and C. Beltrame 2015 - Gunflints from the sea: The Mercurio shipwreck in the north Adriatic waters (Italy). Gunflints – beyond the British and French empires. Occasional newsletter from an informal working group, New series, No. 7 – December 2015: 4-12.
  • P. Biagi 2016 - The Last Hunter-gatherers of the Northern Coast of the Black Sea and their Role in the Mesolithic of Europe: A view from Crimea. In R. Krauss and H. Floss (eds.) Southeast Europe before Neolithisation. Proceedings of the International Workshop within the Collaborative Research Centres sfb 1070 “Ressourcen Kulturen”, Schloss Hohentübingen, 9th of May 2014. Ressourcekulturen, 1: 113-129. Tübingen University.
  • P. Biagi and E. Starnini 2016 - La Cultura della Ceramica Impressa nella Liguria di Ponente (Italia Settentrionale): Distribuzione, cronologia e aspetti culturali. In. J.J. Cabanilles (ed.) Del neolitico a l’edat del bronze en el Mediterrani occidental. Estudis en Homenatge a Bernat Martí Oliver. TV SIP 119, Valencia: 35-49.
  • P. Biagi, E. Starnini and C. Beltrame 2016 - The Mercurio Gunflints: A techno-typological and cultural assessment. The Antiquaries Journal, 96: 363-389. doi:10.1017⁄s0003581516000214.
  • P. Biagi and B. Gratuze 2016 - New data on source characterization and exploitation of obsidian from Chikiani in Georgia. In A. Ferrari, E. Ianiro (eds.) Armenia, Caucaso e Asia Centrale Ricerche 2016 Eurasiatica Quaderni di Studi su Balcani, Anatolia, Iran, Caucaso e Asia Centrale, 6: 9-35. Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, Venezia. doi: 10.14277/6969-093-8/EUR-6-1.
  • P. Biagi and E. Starnini 2016 - The origin and spread of the Late Mesolithic Blade and Trapeze Industries in Europe: Reconsidering J.G.D. Clark’s hypothesis fifty years after. In Terna, S., Govedarica, B. (eds.) Interactions, changes and meanings. Essays in honour of Igor Manzura on the occasion of his 60th birthday. High Anthropological School, Stratum Plus, Kishinev: 33-45.
  • P. Biagi and E. Starnini 2016. The exploitation of the highland zones: the earliest Mesolithic hunters of the central Alpine arc. In K. Bacvarov and R. Gleser (eds.) Southeast Europe and Anatolia in prehistory: essays in honor of Vassil Nikolov on his 65th anniversary. Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen Archäologie 293: 33-40. R. Habelt, Bonn.
  • П. Бьяджи, Д. Киосак 2017 - Новые даты для финального палеолита и мезолита Горного Крыма (New data on the Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of the mountains of Crimea). In A.A. Prigarin (ed.) Man of History and Culture, volume 3: 187-197. Irbis, Odessa (in Russian).
  • P. Biagi 2017 - Uneasy Riders: With Alexander and Nearchus from Pattala to Rhambakia. In C. Antonetti and P. Biagi (eds.) With Alexander in India and Central Asia, Moving East and back to West. Oxbow Books, Oxford: 255-278.
  • P. Biagi, R. Nisbet, E. Starnini, N. Efstratiou and R. Michniak 2016 - Where Neanderthals and Mountains meet: The Middle Palaeolithic settlement of Samarina in Northern Pindus (Western Macedonia, Greece). Eurasian Prehistory, 13 (1-2): 3-76.
  • P. Biagi, R. Nisbet and B. Gratuze 2017 - Obsidian mines and their characterization: New aspects of the exploitation of the obsidian sources of Mt. Chikiani (Koyun Dağ) in the Lesser Caucasus of Georgia. The Quarry, 12: 2-24.
  • P. Biagi, R. Nisbet and B. Gratuze 2017 - Discovery of obsidian mines on Mount Chikiani in the Lesser Caucasus of Georgia. Antiquity Project Gallery, 91 (357), e5, June 2017: 1-8. doi: 10.15184/aqy.2017.39.
  • E. Starnini, P. Biagi and F. Mazzucco 2018 - The beginning of the Neolithic in the Po Plain (Northern Italy): Problems and Perspectives. Quaternary International, 470: 301-317. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.05.059.
  • P. Biagi 2017 - Why so many different stones? The Late (Upper) Palaeolithic of Sindh reconsidered. Journal of Asian Civilizations, 40 (1): 1-40.
  • P. Biagi, R. Nisbet and T. Fantuzzi 2017 - Exploiting mangroves and rushing back home: Fifteen years of research along the northern coast of the Arabian Sea, Pakistan. In: L. Sperti (ed.) Giornata dell’archeologia: scavi e ricerche del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici. Studi e Ricerche, 11: 9-22. Venezia University Press, Venezia. doi: 10.14277/6969-189-8/SR-11-1.
  • P. Biagi, E. Starnini and R. Nisbet 2017 - Malga Rondeneto: A high altitude Mesolithic camp in the Central Italian Alps: Interpreting the Sauveterrian Boreal settlement in the region. In: M. Mărgărit and A. Boroneanţ (eds.) From Hunter-gatherers to Farmers. Human Adaptations at the end of the Pleistocene and the First Part of the Holocene. Papers in Honour of Clive Bonsall. Editura Cetatea de Scaun, Targoviște: 367-384.
  • P. Biagi and E. Starnini E. 2018 - Neanderthals and Modern Humans in the Indus Valley? The Middle and Late (Upper) Palaeolithic Settlement of Sindh, a Forgotten Region of the Indian Subcontinent. In: Nishiaki Y., Akazawa T. (eds.) The Middle and Upper Paleolithic Archeology of the Levant and Beyond. Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans Series. Springer, Singapore: 175-197. doi:10.1007/978-981-10-6826-3_12.
  • P. Biagi and E. Starnini 2018 - Ongar: A source of chert in Lower Sindh (Pakistan) and its Bronze Age exploitation. In D.H. Werra and M. Woźny (eds.) Between history and archaeology. Papers in honour of Jacek Lech. Archaeopress, Oxford: 79-88.
  • Бьяджи П. 2018 - Малоизвестные материалы к хронологии грота Буран-Кая III (Украина). Starodavne Prichornomor’ya, XII: 97-101.
  • P. Biagi and R. Nisbet 2018 - The Georgian Caucasus ad its resources: The exploitation of Mount Chikiani uplands during the metal ages. Antiquity Project Gallery 92 (362) e7: 1–9. doi: 10.15184/aqy.2018.53.
  • P. Biagi and E. Starnini 2018 - The microlithisation of chipped stones in the Old World: Case-studies from the Crimea and northern Italy. In P. Valde-Nowak, K. Sobczyk, M. Nowak and J. Źrałka (eds.) “Multas per gentes et multa per saecula”. Alter, Krakow: 229-242.
  • P. Biagi 2018 - The Mesolithic settlement of Sindh (Pakistan): New evidence from the Khadeji River course. Praehistoria, 11-12: 59-74.
  • P. Biagi, E. Starnini and R. Michniak 2018 - Chert mines and chert miners: Material culture and social organization of the Indus Civilization chipped stone workers, artisans and traders in the Indus Valley (Sindh, Pakistan). In D. Frenez, G. Jamison, R. Law, M. Vidale and R. Meadow (eds.) Walking with the Unicorn – Jonathan Mark Kenoyer Felicitation Volume. Archaeopress, Oxford: 63-84.
  • P. Biagi 2018 – Introduzione. In BIAGI, P. e STARNINI, E. (a cura di) Gli Scavi all’Arma dell’Aquila (Finale Ligure, Savona): Le Ricerche e i Materiali degli Scavi del Novecento. Società per la Preistoria e Protostoria della Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Quaderno XV: 11-12. Print and Graph, Ronchi dei Legionari (GO).
  • E. Starnini e P. Biagi 2018 - I reperti ceramici dell’Arma dell’Aquila (Finale Ligure, Savona). In Biagi, P. e Starnini, E. (a cura di) Gli Scavi all’Arma dell’Aquila (Finale Ligure, Savona): Le Ricerche e i Materiali degli Scavi del Novecento. Società per la Preistoria e Protostoria della Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Quaderno XV: 49-94. Print and Graph, Ronchi dei Legionari (GO).
  • P. Biagi and B.A. Voytek 2018 - The chipped stone assemblages from Arma dell’Aquila (Finale Ligure, Savona). In Biagi, P. e Starnini, E. (a cura di) Gli Scavi all’Arma dell’Aquila (Finale Ligure, Savona): Le Ricerche e i Materiali degli Scavi del Novecento. Società per la Preistoria e Protostoria della Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Quaderno XV: 119-126. Print and Graph, Ronchi dei Legionari (GO).
  • P. Biagi e E. Starnini 2018 - L’Arma dell’Aquila (Finale Ligure, Savona) nel quadro delle conoscenze dell’Alto Tirreno tra Paleolitico Superiore e Medio Olocene: un bilancio a 70 anni dagli scavi. In Biagi, P. e Starnini, E. (a cura di) Gli Scavi all’Arma dell’Aquila (Finale Ligure, Savona): Le Ricerche e i Materiali degli Scavi del Novecento. Società per la Preistoria e Protostoria della Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Quaderno XV: 287-296. Print and Graph, Ronchi dei Legionari (GO).
  • P. Biagi und R. Nisbet 2018 - Eine Frage der Zeit – Vom Wandel Der Kulturlandschaft des kleinen Kaukasus. Antike Welt, 5/18: 20-23.
  • P. Biagi 2018 - Ca' Foscari and Pakistan: Thirty years of archaeological surveys and excavations in Sindh and Las Bela (Balochistan). In De Giorgi L. and Greselin, F. (eds.) 150 Years of Oriental Studies at Ca’ Foscari, I libri di Ca’ Foscari 8. 1868-2018: storie di un ateneo 3: 113-133. doi: 10.30687/978-88-6969-252-9/010.
  • P. Biagi and R. Nisbet 2018 – Archeologia della pastorizia dei Vlah di Samarina (Macedonia Occidentale, Grecia). In G. Ligi, F. Tamisari e G. Pedrini, "Un accademico impaziente. Studi in onore di Glauco Sanga" Edizioni dell'Orso, Torino: 55-67.
gollark: Is this based on chars or bytes?
gollark: ```java public static String normaliseLabel( String label ) { if( label == null ) return null; int length = Math.min( 32, label.length() ); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder( length ); for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { char c = label.charAt( i ); if( (c >= ' ' && c <= '~') || (c >= 161 && c <= 172) || (c >= 174 && c <= 255) ) { builder.append( c ); } else { builder.append( '?' ); } } return builder.toString();}```
gollark: It doesn't seem to be.
gollark: Also, what are the restrictions on them? I ask because I want to use this as an insane serial protocol.
gollark: <@237328509234708481> What is the max length of labels?


  1. "BIAGI Paolo - ricerca". Retrieved 2016-09-13.
  2. "BIAGI Paolo - cirriculum". Retrieved 2016-09-13.
  3. "About the Fellowship". Archived from the original on 2016-05-09. Retrieved 2016-09-13.


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