
Panapur is a village in Bihar, India. Panapur has also police station. Panapur is located from 20 km from its district Muzaffarpur. This village has good connectivity with road NH 28 and railway. Nearest railway station is Piprahan. Nearby villages of this village with distance are Kanti (6 km), Motipur(10 km).

Panapur Pin Code is 843109. There is a famous temple in this village named Maa bhasmi devi. This is ancient and famous temple in bihar.

Schools nearby Panapur

  1. Kanti Thermal Power Station is 6 km from panapur which is undertaken by NTPC.
  2. Chandrasheel Vidyapeeth
  3. Motipur Sugar factory.
  4. R C High school Birpur
gollark: [Nn]obody is a moderator!
gollark: ++delete O-class stars
gollark: I mean, it's "unique" inasmuch as it's not exactly the same as every other star in some way, but... so are you, and also me.
gollark: There are billions of G-class stars.
gollark: The sun isn't unique.
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