Ottavio de Carli
Soon after his birth his parents moved to Pakistan. He later returned to Italy and continued his studies, and was awarded a degree at the Pavia University. His first book was Franco Margola (1908–1992)- Catalogo delle opere published in Brescia in 1993. His second book was about the same composer - Franco Margola (1908–1992)- Il musicista e la sua opera (Brescia,1995). He also wrote a presentation for Disney in Italy, called "Ehi-Ho! Il magico incanto di Walt Disney - Presentazione" (1998).
He worked for the University of Milano, and wrote a Presentation of the Ars Canonica of Bach for it.[1]
He wrote the libretti of two Italian operas by composer Domenico Clapasson: Il Giardino del Gigante (2001) and La chiamavan Cappuccetto Rosso (Brescia, La Scuola, 2010).