
Oedipina is a genus of lungless salamanders, which is characterized by their absence of lungs; they instead achieve respiration through their skin and the tissues lining their mouth. Species of Oedipina are endemic to Honduras, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Mexico. The common name of worm salamanders derives from the species' extraordinarily slender form with tiny limbs and digits.

Oedipina taylori
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Urodela
Family: Plethodontidae
Subfamily: Hemidactyliinae
Genus: Oedipina
Keferstein, 1868

See table.


This genus includes the following 38 species:

Binomial Name and AuthorCommon Name
Oedipina alfaroi
Dunn, 1921
Limon worm salamander
Oedipina alleni
Taylor, 1954
Allen's worm salamander
Oedipina altura
Brame, 1968
Cartago worm salamander
Oedipina berlini
Kubicki, 2016
Berlin's flat-headed salamander
Oedipina capitalina
Solis, Espinal, Valle, O'Reilly, Itgen, and Townsend, 2016
Cerro Grande worm salamander
Oedipina carablanca
Brame, 1968
Los Diamantes worm salamander
Oedipina chortiorum
Brodie, Acevedo, and Campbell, 2012
Chorti worm salamander
Oedipina collaris
(Stejneger, 1907)
Collared worm salamander
Oedipina complex
(Dunn, 1924)
Gamboa worm salamander
Oedipina cyclocauda
Taylor, 1952
Costa Rican worm salamander
Oedipina elongata
(Schmidt, 1936)
White-crowned worm salamander
Oedipina fortunensis
Köhler, Ponce & Batista, 2007
Gustavo worm salamander
Oedipina gephyra
McCranie, Wilson & Williams, 1993
La Fortuna worm salamander
Oedipina gracilis
Taylor, 1952
Slender worm salamander
Oedipina grandis
Brame & Duellman, 1970
Cerro Pando worm salamander
Oedipina ignea
Stuart, 1952
Chimaltenango worm salamander
Oedipina kasois
McCrane, Vieites & Wake, 2008
Muralla worm salamander
Oedipina koehleri
Sunyer, Townsend, Wake, Travers, Gonzalez, Obando, and Quintana, 2011
Oedipina leptopoda
McCrane, Vieites & Wake, 2008
Narrow-footed worm salamander
Oedipina maritima
García-París & Wake, 2000
Maritime worm salamander
Oedipina motaguae
Brodie, Acevedo, and Campbell, 2012
Motagua worm salamander
Oedipina nica
Sunyer, & Wake, 2010
Nicaraguan worm salamander
Oedipina nimaso
Boza-Oviedo, Rovito, Chaves, García-Rodríguez, Artavia, Bolaños, and Wake, 2012
Nimaso worm salamander
Oedipina pacificensis
Taylor, 1952
Pacific worm salamander
Oedipina parvipes
(Peters, 1879)
Columbian worm salamander
Oedipina paucidentata
Brame, 1968
El Empalme worm salamander
Oedipina petiola
McCranie and Townsend, 2011
Oedipina poelzi
Brame, 1963
Quarry worm salamander
Oedipina pseudouniformis
Brame, 1968
False Cienega Colorado worm salamander
Oedipina quadra
McCrane, Vieites & Wake, 2008
Honduran lowland worm salamander
Oedipina salvadorensis
Rand, 1952
Oedipina savagei
García-París & Wake, 2000
Savage's worm salamander
Oedipina stenopodia
Brodie & Campbell, 1993
Narrow-footed worm salamander
Oedipina stuarti
Brame, 1968
Stuart's worm salamander
Oedipina taylori
Stuart, 1952
Taylor's worm salamander
Oedipina tomasi
McCranie, 2006
Tomas' worm salamander
Oedipina tzutujilorum
Brodie, Acevedo, and Campbell, 2012
Tzutujil worm salamander
Oedipina uniformis
Keferstein, 1868
Cienega Colorado worm salamander
gollark: The accuracy isn't brilliant, but it works.
gollark: I just got trilateration of signals working. Tell me if there's a specific channel you want monitored or if you want a feed from it somehow.
gollark: OR ARE THEY?
gollark: I'm going to work out automated restocking from my storage system soonish.
gollark: Yes, though it is small and only sells dragon eggs and sugarcane right now.
  • Frost, Darrel R. 2007. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 5.2 (15 July 2008). Oedipina. Electronic Database accessible at http://research.amnh.org/herpetology/amphibia/index.php. American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA. (Accessed: August 1, 2008).
  • AmphibiaWeb: Information on amphibian biology and conservation. [web application]. 2008. Berkeley, California: Oedipina. AmphibiaWeb, available at http://amphibiaweb.org/. (Accessed: August 1, 2008).

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