No Ordinary Baby
No Ordinary Baby, also known as After Amy, is a 2001 television film starring Bridget Fonda. The film revolves around a reporter played by Fonda covering the birth of the first cloned human and the public furor that ensues,[1] along with reputation troubles faced by the doctor involved. Fonda was nominated for the best actress (miniseries or TV film) award at the 2002 Golden Globes for her role in the film.[2]
The film is based on the short story "Carbon Copy", by Richard Kadrey.[3]
- "No Ordinary Baby (2001)". New York Times. Retrieved 2008-06-10.
- "List of Golden Globe Nominations". Fox News. 2001-12-20. Retrieved 2008-06-10.
- "About the Author" section; Butcher Bird, by Richard Kadrey; published 2007 by Night Shade Books
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