Miss Israel 1969

The winner of the Miss Israel beauty pageant in 1969 was Chava Levy. She went on to place as the 3rd runner up for Miss Universe in the same year.

Miss Israel 1969
VenueInternational Convention Center
WinnerChava Levy


Final ResultsContestant
Miss Israel 1969
  • Chava Levy
1st Runner-Up
  • Tehila Selah
2nd Runner-Up
  • Orit Peleg


  • Miss Haifa-Anat Tsameret


gollark: They're *fixing* this? *Why* are they fixing this?
gollark: ```bashVID="$1"FILENAME="$(basename "$VID")"TITLE="${FILENAME%.*}"VIDCONF="-vf scale=320:-1 -r 12"VP9X="-c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 76k"ffmpeg -i "$VID" $VIDCONF $VP9X -pass 1 -an -f webm -y /dev/null && \ffmpeg -i "$VID" $VIDCONF $VP9X -pass 2 -ac 1 -c:a libopus -b:a 18k -cpu-used 1 -metadata title="$TITLE" -y output.webm```THIS is how you should encode your entire video library.
gollark: Specifically ones I can actually obtain in the UK.
gollark: I have repairability, lifetime, battery life and custom ROM support as high priorities, don't care that much about specs, fancy cameras and whatever.
gollark: What do people here think are the least bad sub-£200-or-so phones around now?
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