Minister of Agriculture (Hungary)

The Minister of Agriculture of Hungary (Hungarian: Magyarország földművelésügyi minisztere) is a member of the Hungarian cabinet and the head of the Ministry of Agriculture. The current agriculture minister is [[István Nagy, Dr. Minister of Agriculture]].

The position was called Minister of Agriculture, Industry and Trade (Hungarian: földmívelés-, ipar-, és kereskedelemügyi miniszter) from 1848 to 1889, People's Commissar of Agriculture (Hungarian: földmívelésügyi népbiztos) during the Hungarian Soviet Republic in 1919, Minister of Agriculture and Food (Hungarian: mezőgazdasági és élelmezésügyi miniszter) between 1967 and 1990, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (Hungarian: földművelésügyi és vidékfejlesztési miniszter) from 1998 till 2010 and Minister of Rural Development (Hungarian: vidékfejlesztési miniszter) between 2010 and 2014.

This page is a list of Ministers of Agriculture of Hungary.

Ministers of Agriculture, Industry and Trade (1848–1889)

Hungarian Kingdom (1848–1849)

Parties   Opposition Party

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
1 Gábor Klauzál
23 March 1848 2 October 1848 Opposition Party Batthyány Last Diet
1 (1848)

Committee of National Defence 2 October 1848 14 April 1849 Committee of National Defence

Hungarian State (1849)

Parties   Opposition Party

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
(—) Committee of National Defence 14 April 1849 2 May 1849 Committee of National Defence 1 (1848)
Kázmér Batthyány
2 May 1849 11 August 1849 Opposition Party Szemere

After the collapse of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, the Hungarian Kingdom became an integral part of the Austrian Empire until 1867, when dual Austro-Hungarian Monarchy was created.

Hungarian Kingdom (1867–1889)

Parties   Deák Party/Liberal Party

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
2 István Gorove
20 February 1867 23 May 1870 Deák Party Andrássy
3 (1865)
4 (1869)
3 József Szlávy
23 May 1870 14 November 1871 Deák Party Andrássy
14 November 1871 5 December 1872 Lónyay
5 (1872)
4 József Zichy
5 December 1872 21 March 1874 Deák Party Szlávy
5 György Bartal
21 March 1874 2 March 1875 Deák Party Bittó
6 Lajos Simonyi
2 March 1875 20 October 1875 Liberal Party Wenckheim
20 October 1875 21 August 1876 K. Tisza
6 (1875)
Ágoston Trefort
21 August 1876 4 December 1878 Liberal Party
7 (1878)
7 Gábor Kemény
4 December 1878 12 October 1882 Liberal Party
8 (1881)
8 Pál Széchenyi
12 October 1882 8 April 1889 Liberal Party
9 (1884)
10 (1887)
9 Gyula Szapáry
8 April 1889 15 June 1889 Liberal Party

Ministers of Agriculture (1889–1919)

Hungarian Kingdom (1889–1918)

Parties   Deák Party/Liberal Party/National Party of Work   National Constitution Party   F48P/F48P–Károlyi   Constitution Party of '48   National Independence Agrarian Party of '48 (O48FGP)   Independent

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
(9) Gyula Szapáry
15 June 1889 15 March 1890 Liberal Party K. Tisza
10 (1887)
10 András Bethlen
15 March 1890 17 November 1892 Liberal Party Szapáry
11 (1892)
17 November 1892 10 June 1894 Wekerle I
Géza Fejérváry
10 June 1894 16 July 1894 Independent
11 Andor Festetics
16 July 1894 15 January 1895 Liberal Party
15 January 1895 2 November 1895 Bánffy
12 Ignác Darányi
1st term
2 November 1895 26 February 1899 Liberal Party
12 (1896)
26 February 1899 27 June 1903 Széll
13 (1901)
27 June 1903 3 November 1903 Khuen-Héderváry I
13 Béla Tallián
3 November 1903 18 June 1905 Liberal Party I. Tisza I
14 Endre György
18 June 1905 18 October 1905 Liberal Party Fejérváry
14 (1905)
15 Artúr Feilitzsch
18 October 1905 8 April 1906 Liberal Party
(12) Ignác Darányi
2nd term
8 April 1906 17 January 1910 National Constitution Party Wekerle II
15 (1906)
16 Béla Serényi
1st term
17 January 1910 22 April 1912 National Party of Work Khuen-Héderváry II
16 (1910)
22 April 1912 10 June 1913 Lukács
17 Imre Ghillány
10 June 1913 15 June 1917 National Party of Work I. Tisza II
18 Béla Mezőssy
15 June 1917 23 August 1917 F48P Esterházy
23 August 1917 25 January 1918 Wekerle III
Sándor Wekerle
25 January 1918 11 February 1918 Constitution Party of '48
(16) Béla Serényi
2nd term
11 February 1918 31 October 1918 National Party of Work
István Szabó de Nagyatád
30 October 1918 31 October 1918 O48FGP Hadik
not formed
19 Barna Buza
31 October 1918 16 November 1918 F48P–Károlyi M. Károlyi
MNT (—)

Hungarian People's Republic (1918–1919)

Parties   F48P–Károlyi

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
1 Barna Buza
16 November 1918 19 January 1919 F48P–Károlyi M. Károlyi
MNT (—)
19 January 1919 21 March 1919 Berinkey

People's Commissars of Justice (1919)

Hungarian Soviet Republic (1919)


# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
1 Sándor Csizmadia
serving with György Nyisztor,
Jenő Hamburger and Károly Vántus
21 March 1919 3 April 1919 MSZP Central Executive Council
TOGY (—)
1 György Nyisztor
serving with Sándor Csizmadia,
Jenő Hamburger and Károly Vántus
21 March 1919 24 June 1919 MSZP/SZKMMP
1 Jenő Hamburger
serving with Sándor Csizmadia,
György Nyisztor and Károly Vántus
21 March 1919 1 August 1919 MSZP/SZKMMP
1 Károly Vántus
serving with Sándor Csizmadia,
György Nyisztor and Jenő Hamburger
21 March 1919 1 August 1919 MSZP/SZKMMP

Counter-revolutionary governments (1919)

Parties   Independent

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
János Kintzig
5 May 1919 31 May 1919 Independent Arad
31 May 1919 6 June 1919 Szeged I
6 June 1919 12 July 1919 Szeged II

Ministers of Agriculture (1919–1967)

Hungarian People's Republic (1919)

Parties   MSZDP

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
1 József Takács
1 August 1919 6 August 1919

Hungarian Republic (1919–1920)

Parties   National Smallholders and Agricultural Labourers Party (OKGFP)   Independent

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
Loránd Győry
7 August 1919 15 August 1919 Independent Friedrich
1 István Szabó de Nagyatád
1st term
15 August 1919 27 August 1919 OKGFP
2 Gyula Rubinek
27 August 1919 24 November 1919 OKGFP
24 November 1919 29 February 1920 Huszár

Hungarian Kingdom (1920–1946)

Parties   National Smallholders and Agricultural Labourers Party (OKGFP)   EP–NEP–MÉP   Transylvanian Party   Independent

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
1 Gyula Rubinek
29 February 1920 15 March 1920 OKGFP Huszár
15 March 1920 19 July 1920 Simonyi-Semadam
17 (1920)
19 July 1920 15 August 1920 Teleki I
2 István Szabó de Nagyatád
2nd term
15 August 1920 14 April 1921 OKGFP
14 April 1921 3 December 1921 Bethlen
3 János Mayer
1st term
3 December 1921 2 February 1922 OKGFP
(3) 2 February 1922 16 June 1922 EP
(2) István Szabó de Nagyatád
3rd term
16 June 1922 14 October 1924 EP 18 (1922)
István Bethlen
14 October 1924 15 November 1924 EP
(3) János Mayer
2nd term
15 November 1924 24 August 1931 EP
19 (1926)
20 (1931)
4 Béla Ivády
24 August 1931 4 February 1932 EP G. Károlyi
5 Emil Purgly
4 February 1932 1 October 1932 EP
6 Miklós Kállay
1 October 1932 9 January 1935 NEP Gömbös
7 Kálmán Darányi
9 January 1935 12 October 1936 NEP
21 (1935)
12 October 1936 9 March 1938 Darányi
8 Ferenc Marschall
9 March 1938 14 May 1938 NEP
9 Sándor Sztranyavszky
14 May 1938 15 November 1938 NEP Imrédy
10 Mihály Teleki
15 November 1938 16 February 1939 NEP
16 February 1939 30 December 1940 MÉP Teleki II
22 (1939)
11 Dániel Bánffy
30 December 1940 3 April 1941 Transylvanian Party
3 April 1941 9 March 1942 Bárdossy
9 March 1942 22 March 1944
12 Béla Jurcsek
22 March 1944 29 August 1944 MÉP Sztójay
29 August 1944 16 October 1944

Government of National Unity (1944–1945)

Parties   Arrow Cross Party

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
1 Fidél Pálffy
16 October 1944 28 March 1945 NYKP Szálasi

Soviet-backed provisional governments (1944–1946)

Parties   MKP   FKGP

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
1 Imre Nagy
22 December 1944 15 November 1945 MKP Provisional National Government
INGY (1944)
2 Béla Kovács
15 November 1945 1 February 1946 FKGP Tildy
23 (1945)

Hungarian Republic (1946–1949)

Parties   FKGP   NPP

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
1 Béla Kovács
1 February 1946 23 February 1946 FKGP F. Nagy
23 (1945)
2 István Dobi
1st term
23 February 1946 20 November 1946 FKGP
3 Károly Bárányos
20 November 1946 31 May 1947 FKGP
31 May 1947 24 September 1947 Dinnyés
24 (1947)
4 Árpád Szabó
24 September 1947 16 April 1948 FKGP
(2) István Dobi
2nd term
16 April 1948 9 December 1948 FKGP
István Dobi
9 December 1948 10 December 1948
5 István Csala
10 December 1948 11 June 1949 FKGP Dobi
6 Ferenc Erdei
11 June 1949 20 August 1949 NPP Dobi
25 (1949)

Hungarian People's Republic (1949–1967)

Parties   MDP-MSZMP   FKGP   MSZP   Independent

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
1 Ferenc Erdei
1st term
20 August 1949 14 August 1952 Independent Dobi
25 (1949)
14 August 1952 4 July 1953 Rákosi
2 András Hegedüs
4 July 1953 30 October 1954 MDP I. Nagy I
26 (1953)
(1) Ferenc Erdei
2nd term
30 October 1954 18 April 1955 Independent
18 April 1955 15 November 1955 Hegedüs
3 János Matolcsi
15 November 1955 24 October 1956 MDP
4 Béla Kovács
24 October 1956 3 November 1956 FKGP I. Nagy II
5 Imre Dögei
4 November 1956 28 January 1958 MSZMP Kádár I
28 January 1958 15 January 1960 Münnich
27 (1958)
6 Pál Losonczi
15 January 1960 13 September 1961 MSZMP
13 September 1961 30 June 1965 Kádár II
28 (1963)
30 June 1965 14 April 1967 Kállai

Ministers of Agriculture and Food (1967–1990)

Hungarian People's Republic (1967–1989)

Parties   MSZMP   Independent

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
1 Imre Dimény
14 April 1967 15 May 1975 MSZMP Fock
29 (1967)
30 (1971)
15 May 1975 4 July 1975 Lázár
2 Pál Romány
4 July 1975 27 June 1980 MSZMP 31 (1975)
3 Jenő Váncsa
27 June 1980 25 June 1987 MSZMP 32 (1980)
33 (1985)
25 June 1987 24 November 1988 Grósz
24 November 1988 10 May 1989 Németh
4 Csaba Hütter
10 May 1989 7 October 1989 MSZMP
(4) 7 October 1989 23 October 1989 Independent

Hungarian Republic (1989–1990)

Parties   Independent

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
Csaba Hütter
23 October 1989 23 May 1990 Independent Németh

Ministers of Agriculture (1990–1998)

Hungarian Republic (1990–2006)

Parties   FKGP   EKGP   MSZP

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
1 Ferenc József Nagy
23 May 1990 16 January 1991 FKGP Antall
34 (1990)
2 Elemér Gergátz
16 January 1991 24 February 1992 FKGP
(2) 24 February 1992 22 February 1993 EKGP
3 János Szabó
22 February 1993 21 December 1993 EKGP
21 December 1993 15 July 1994 Boross
4 László Lakos
15 July 1994 15 December 1996 MSZP Horn
35 (1994)
5 Frigyes Nagy
15 December 1996 8 July 1998 MSZP

Ministers of Agriculture and Rural Development (1998–2010)

Hungarian Republic (1998–2010)

Parties   FKGP   MSZP

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
1 József Torgyán
8 July 1998 15 February 2001 FKGP Orbán I
36 (1998)
Imre Boros
15 February 2001 25 March 2001 FKGP
2 András Vonza
25 March 2001 27 May 2002 FKGP
3 Imre Németh
27 May 2002 4 October 2004 MSZP Medgyessy
37 (2002)
4 October 2004 1 May 2005 Gyurcsány I
4 József Gráf
1 May 2005 9 June 2006 MSZP
9 June 2006 14 April 2009 Gyurcsány II
38 (2006)
14 April 2009 29 May 2010 Bajnai

Ministers of Rural Development (2010–2014)

Hungarian Republic / Hungary (2010–2014)

Parties   Fidesz

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
1 Sándor Fazekas
29 May 2010 6 June 2014 Fidesz Orbán II
39 (2010)

Ministers of Agriculture (2014–present)

Hungary (2014–present)

Parties   Fidesz

# Picture Name From Until Political Party Cabinet Assembly
1 Sándor Fazekas
6 June 2014 18 May 2018 Fidesz Orbán III
40 (2014)
2 István Nagy
18 May 2018 Incumbent Fidesz Orbán IV
41 (2018)
gollark: > we wasnt made to be gay, it wasnt the intention of any species. period.We weren't made to be anything. There's no intention in evolution.
gollark: There's no *reason* animals exist, they just do and happen to be reasonably good at surviving our current conditions. I mean, mostly.
gollark: *is vegetarian*
gollark: Monogamy is probably partly some sort of purity thing because diseases.
gollark: > well, they fail at a simple biological function that basically every human in the past generations has been able to do. breeding is a very basic function that every human is set ot do at birthI mean, as I said, I care about things beyond "having children" and so do most people.

See also

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