Memorandum (film)

Memorandum is a one-hour 1965 documentary co-directed by Donald Brittain and John Spotton, following Bernard Laufer, a Jewish Holocaust survivor, on an emotional pilgrimage back to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Produced by John Kemeny for the National Film Board of Canada, the film received several awards including a Golden Gate Award from the San Francisco International Film Festival.[1] Considered by many critics to be Brittain's finest work, the film's title refers to Hitler's memorandum about the "final solution."[2]

Directed by
Produced byJohn Kemeny
Written byDonald Brittain
CinematographyJohn Spotton
Edited byJohn Spotton
Release date
Running time
58 minutes

A detailed analysis of the film's structure is available in Ken Dancyger's The Technique of Film and Video Editing: History, Theory and Practice.[3]


  1. "Memorandum". Collection. National Film Board of Canada. Retrieved 2009-10-09.
  2. "Donald Brittain". Canadian Film Encyclopedia. Film Reference Library. Archived from the original on 2007-09-26. Retrieved 2009-10-09.
  3. Dancyger, Ken (2002). "Analysis of documentary sequences: Memorandum". The Technique of Film and Video Editing: History, Theory and Practice (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Elsevier. pp. 302–314. ISBN 0-240-80420-1.

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