Lucidique is a fictional character created by Clive Barker as part of the Tortured Souls toy line under McFarlane Toys. The daughter of a Senator who had openly opposed Primordium's ruling class, Lucidique encountered Zarles Kreiger after he was ordered to assassinate her father. Feeling a connection with her father's murderer, Lucidique convinced him to meet her the following morning where she introduced him to Agonistes; resulting in his conversion into the Scythe-Meister. After Kreiger slew the Emperor, Lucidique was kidnapped and murdered by his boss.
Tortured Souls character | |
Lucidique | |
Gender: | Female |
Race: | Cenobite |
Significant other(s): | Scythe-Meister |
Status: | Alive |
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