Luca Bracali

Luca Bracali (born in Pistoia, April 12, 1965) is an Italian photographer, film maker and explorer

Stopover during the trek to the geographic North Pole at -35°.
Geographic North Pole, at 90°, reached after 8 days of skiing.
Inside Bolterdalen ice grotto in the Svalbard islands.
Ballstad, Lofoten islands. Under the light of the aurora borealis
Norway . A meeting with the wolves in a center dedicated to Arctic wildlife
The plateau of Chajnantor, at 5,100 meters, where the headquarters of ALMA, the largest station of radio telescopes in the world
Uyuni, Bolivia, the world's widest salty surface at 3.650 meters.
Ranu Raraku, Rapa Nui, tufa stone "furnace" where Moai used to be extracted and sculpted.
Together with Padaung ethnic group, better known as "giraffe women" in Kayah village, Myanmar.
Inside Antelope canyon, Navajo land, Arizona.
In the steppes of Mongolia to the west following the last hunters with eagles
Cerro Paranal, Chile . During a service at the V.L.T., the four giant mirror telescopes in the Atacama Desert
The Waves, on the border between Arizona and Utah, among the most distinctive geological formations of our planet


Luca Bracali (Pistoia, 12 April 1965) began his career as a photographer and reporter for sports newspapers and as a correspondent for the Motocross World Championships, MotoGP, and later Formula 1.

During his career he has written many articles for travel, culture and tourism magazines and thirteen of his books have been published (Storia Illustrata di Pistoia[1], I colori del viaggio, SOS Pianeta Terra[2], A rose is a rose is a rose[3], Amor Maris. I miti scolpiti di Alba Gonzales[4], Fantasie della Terra[5], Myanmar. The true essence[6], Pianeta Terra. Un mondo da salvare[7], L’Italia vista da Parigi, Rapa Nui. Genesi di un restauro fra storia, leggende e misteri, India. Sulle tracce di Madre Teresa di Calcutta, Il respiro della natura 1, Il respiro della natura 2). In 27 years of reportage he has travelled to 145 countries.

Luca Bracali is closely involved with environmental issues, such as the ice-melt and global warming, as can be seen from the photos he has taken in the Antarctic and Arctic regions. Through photographic projects he has collaborated with polar researchers from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks and the Barneo Ice Camp, which was the starting point for a Ski Eco-Expedition to the geographic North Pole in 2009. Thanks to these Polar expeditions, broadcast on more than forty radio and television programmes, he was able to become a member of APECS (Association of Polar Early Career Scientists) and subsequently has collaborated with IASC (International Arctic Science Committee).

Since 2010 his pictures have been exhibited in museums and galleries in Roma, Milano, Napoli, Bologna, Sofia Kiev, Odessa Copenaghen, Hofn, Bruxelles, Yangon, Montreal and New York City, showing his own particular way of conceiving a photograph - a geometric composition of saturated colours where light plays a fundamental role. Luca Bracali is also busy in the television industry and after one year as the tv host of a travel and adventure program aired on Sky satellite, he became the director of "Easy Driver"[8], a weekly television program on Rai 1. Subsequently he has worked with RAI 2, especially with TG2 TG2 and Stories and with Rai 1 in two daily programs: "Uno Mattina" and "Il caffè di Rai Uno" with documentaries and services dedicated to its explorations in documentary style, in addition to RAI 3 in "Kilimangiaro" . He is the 'author and producer of a project called Planet Explorer, a live-video and photo tour, designed specifically for the web, which in 2017 was the eleventh edition after Iceland, South Africa, United States, Greece, Morocco, Norway and Vietnam, Ireland, Scotland, Switzerland, Australia, Malta and Azores. As Professor of photography for the Lorenzo de Medici and The Darkroom in Florence, he has taught photography courses at the Academy of Canon and then he subsequently became "ambassador" for Fujifilm. He has received thirteen awards at international photography competitions related to photography and reportage. He is the author of the cover of The last Thule, the latest album of Francesco Guccini and eighteen reports published by National Geographic[9] as well as various publications on the New York Post, USA Today Post, Lens Culture, Fox News, PetaPixel, Daily Express, Daily Star, Daily Telegraph and The Sun. His most important exhibition, "Arctic under attack", will be exhibited in April 2017 in the European Parliament. Also in 2017 he became ambassador of the non-profit association "Save the Planet". The Minor Planet Center in Cambridge[10] (USA) gave his name to the 198.616° asteroid discovered.


  • 1989: He began his career as a sport correspondent in the motocross world championship, road racing and Formula 1
  • 1990: He completed his first travel report through 11 European countries
  • 2004: Antarctica. In icebreaker to Vernadsky Research Base, a research center where Jonathan Shanklin first discover the ozone hole.
  • 2008: Arctic Sun on My Path. From the title of a book by the Norwegian explorer Willie Knutsen, took place the project of a crossing between Canada and Alaska to document the migration of polar bears the aurora borealis and the Inuit life.
  • 2009: Eco-expedition to the geographic North Pole. A crossing on skis in food self-sufficiency and logistics to Barneo, a Russian base-camp on drifting ice.
  • 2010: Debut as an artist in photography.
  • 2011: (February) Television presenter at Fuoriporta, Sky satellite, channel 237.
  • 2011: (March) Canon photography teacher for Academy Passion Suite courses.
  • 2011: (September) Planet Explorer Iceland. A live-tour to tell about Iceland on the web through stories, photos and video.
  • 2011: (November) Director for Easy Driver, a program aired on Rai 1, Italian main TV channel.
  • 2012: (Aprile) Director “Un Giro per la Vita” (Life Tour), the first Eco-Tour by Porsche along the Italian coastline.
  • 2012: (October) Producer and Director of Planet Explorer 2 South Africa
  • 2012: (November) Photographer of the cover of “L’Ultima Thule”, latest album of Francesco Guccini
  • 2013: Producer and Director of Planet Explorer 3 US National Parks
  • 2014: Producer and Director of Planet Explorer 4 Greece and Planet Explorer 5 Morocco
  • 2015: Producer and Director of Planet Explorer 6 Norway and Planet Explorer 7 Vietnam.
  • 2016: Producer and Director of Planet Explorer 8 Ireland and Planet Explorer 9 Scotland.
  • 2017: Ambassador of the non-profit association "Salviamo il Pianeta"
  • 2017: Producer and Director of Planet Explorer 10 Switzerland and Planet Explorer 11 Australia.
  • 2019: Producer and Director of Planet Explorer 12 Malta and Planet Explorer 13 Azores.
  • 2017: Quarterly responsible director of "Good Style Mag".
  • 2017: "Global Warming" conference cycle - Bocconi University of Milan, Museum of Natural History of Milan, University of Pisa, Concordia University, Montreal.
  • 2017/2018: Conductor SIPA Contest, awards ceremony, Teatro dei Rozzi, Teatro dei Rinnovati, Siena
  • 2018: "Wildlife and Arctic" conference cycle - Meyer Hospital, Museum of Natural History Pisa
  • 2015-2019: IASC (International Arctic Science Committee) photo contributor
  • 2019: "Globa Warming" conference cycle - Bocconi University of Milan, Rovereto Meteorology Festival


  • 2005 Storia Illustrata di Pistoia (Edifir)
  • 2006 I colori del viaggio (Gli Ori)
  • 2010 SOS Pianeta Terra (Electa Mondadori)
  • 2013 A rose is a rose is a rose (Mondadori)
  • 2014 Amor Maris. I miti scolpiti di Alba Gonzales (Arte'm)
  • 2015 Fantasie della terra (Edizioni Zerotre)
  • 2015 Myanmar. The true essence (Edizioni Zerotre)
  • 2016 Pianeta Terra. Un mondo da salvare (Silvana Editoriale)
  • 2016 L’Italia vista da Parigi (ASUD)
  • 2016 Rapa Nui. Genesi di un restauro fra storia, leggende e misteri (Lorenzo de’ Medici Press)
  • 2017 India. Sulle tracce di Madre Teresa di Calcutta (Lorenzo de’ Medici Press)
  • 2018 Il respiro della natura 1 Un viaggio dall’Alaska allo Zambia (Silvana Editoriale)
  • 2018 Il respiro della natura 2 Romiti Vivai. La tradizione secolare del vivaio toscano nel mondo (Silvana Editoriale)

Documentaries RAI TV

RAI 1 / Uno Mattina

RAI 2 / Niagara

RAI 3 / Kilimangiaro


  • 1999 Knight of the Somali Republic to the Holy See
  • 2008 Member, as contributor, dell'Apecs (Association of Polar Early Career Scientists)
  • 2012 World Ambassador for Camaiore
  • 2013 Fujifilm X-Photographer
  • 2014 Minor Planet Center of Cambridge (USA) named the 198.616th discovered asteroid after him.
  • 2017 Ambassador of the "Save the Planet" non-profit association
  • 2017 Career Award “Pianeta azzurro” Fregene
  • 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award "45th Sulmona Prize 2018 Contemporary Art and Culture"
  • 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award “Anello Verde” Ligurian final
  • 2019 “Hummingbird of honor” as ambassador of the association Save the Planet
  • 2019 “Culture Award” "Banca Alta Toscana" Foundation

Photo Awards

  • 1995 Fujifilm Euro 1995 World Press Photo Awards 1994 - First prize section reports
  • 2007 Orvieto Fotografia - First prize, a category report, with the book "I colori del viaggio"
  • 2011 Glanzlichter (Intl. Photo Competition) – First prize category “Animal community”
  • 2011 Glanzlichter (Intl. Photo Competition) – Highlight category “Nature as Art”
  • 2015 SIPA Contest - First Prize Category "The cultural value dimension man-eating"
  • 2015 SIPA Contest - Special Mention "The cultural value dimension man-eating"
  • 2015 MIFA Photography Awards - Special Mention "Architecture-Buildings"
  • 2015 MIFA Photography Awards - Special Mention "People-Portrait"
  • 2017 Travel Photographer of the Year – Special mention ”Earth & climate”
  • 2017 TIFA Photography Awards - Special mention "Nature-Aerial"
  • 2017 TIFA Photography Awards - Special mention "People-Culture"
  • 2018 Life Framer – Special mention “The face of the earth”
  • 2018 TIFA Photography Awards – Silver winner for “Nature-Aerial”
  • 2019 PORTRAIT OF HUMANITY – Winner selected


  • 1992 Tourist Office APT Montecatini Terme - "Archetypes of the great North"
  • 1995 Arengario Palace, Milano - "Canon Photographer Profession"
  • 2003 BZF Vallecchi gallery, Florence - "The reasons for the trip"
  • 2006 The Buffalo Art Gallery, Florence - "Travel and Travellers"
  • 2010 Artribù art-house, Rome - "Refractions"
  • 2010 Central Art Gallery, Fabriano - "Silence, colors and shapes of nature"
  • 2010 Photoshow, Canson booth, Rome
  • 2010 Agora Art Gallery, New York - "Altered states of reality"
  • 2010 Amarillo Art Gallery, Reggio Emilia - "Incantations of nature"
  • 2010 European Photography 2010, Reggio Emilia - "Incantations of nature"
  • 2010 Norweek010, Milano - "Norway. Powered by nature "
  • 2010 Etna Photo Meeting, Catania - "Silence, colors and shapes of nature"
  • 2010 Blue Planet, Pietrasanta - "Real and Imaginary journeys"
  • 2010 Academy of Artists, Burgas - "The power of imagination: the third eye of the photographer and the creativity of the sculptress. Exhibition of Alba Gonzales and Luca Bracali "
  • 2010 National Library SS. Cyril and Methodius, Sofia - "Real and Imaginary journeys"
  • 2011 San Francesco Museum, Montone (PG) – “1° International Biennial”
  • 2011 Nettuno Square - Hotel Roma, Bologna – “Ecosystems”
  • 2012 National Art Academy, Kiev - “Ecosystems”
  • 2012 Ethnographic Museum, Lviv - “Ecosystems”
  • 2013 Picture Gallery, Kerch – “Ecosystems”
  • 2013 Museum of literature, Odessa – “Ecosystems”
  • 2013 Ecological University, Odessa - “Ecosystems”
  • 2013 State University, Mariupol - “Ecosystems”
  • 2014 Palazzo Turati, Milano - "Norway. The color of light"
  • 2014 Pianeta Azzurro, Pietrasanta - "Amor Maris. I miti scolpiti"
  • 2014 Dome of Visions, Copenaghen - "A tribute to Planet Earth"
  • 2014 Leonardo da Vinci Center, Montreal - "A tribute to Planet Earth" - "Norway. The color of light" - "A rose is a rose is a rose"
  • 2014 Italian Cultural Institute, New York - "A rose is a rose is a rose"
  • 2014 Castello Orsini, Avezzano - "A tribute to Planet Earth" - "Norway. The color of light"
  • 2015 Dell'Ovo Castle, Naples - "2015 Year of the Light" - "Tribute to planet earth"
  • 2015 Roseto degli Abruzzi - "2015 Year of the Light" - Tribute to planet earth "
  • 2015 Corigliano Calabro - "Cold from the South"
  • 2015 Orecchiella Park - "Fantasies of the Earth"
  • 2015 Pietrasanta - "A rose is a rose is a rose"
  • 2015 Santa Severina Castle, Crotone - "First International Art Exhibition"
  • 2016 Hofn Cultural and Conference Center, Akureyri, Iceland - "Year of the Northern light"
  • 2016 Palazzo Sozzifanti, Pistoia - "Planet Earth. A world to save"
  • 2016 Leonardo da Vinci Center, Montreal - "Planet Earth. A world to save"
  • 2016 Duccio di Buoninsegna institute, Cloister of St. Domenico, Siena - "Planet Earth. A world to save"
  • 2017 Parlamento Europeo, Bruxelles – “Arctic under attack"
  • 2017 KZL Art – Studio & Gallery, Yangon, Birmania – “Myanmar. The true essence"
  • 2017 NAG Art Gallery, Pietrasanta – “Tribute to the Planet”
  • 2018 Marino Marini Museum, “Arctic. A melting world”
  • 2018 Embassy of Chile – “Rapa Nui”
  • 2018 The Center, Arese - "Objective Nature At the Center"
  • 2018 Factory NoLo, Milano – “Tribute a kind of green”
  • 2018 Bio Photo Festival, Budoia– “Planet Earth. A world to save”

National Geographic

TV Interviews

gollark: Which is generally not the case with their targets.
gollark: Well, if they *ask* you to look up data on them.
gollark: > although I secretly prefer highly unethical bothI think this is in favour of my point.
gollark: You seem to also just advocate doxxing random people without telling them?
gollark: This is of course stupid because they're just presupposing that egoism/hedonism is "correct".


  1. Storia illustrata di Pistoia, Edifir
  2. SOS Pianeta Terra, Electa
  3. A rose is a rose is a rose, Mondadori
  4. Amor Maris. I miti scolpiti di Alba Gonzales, Artem
  5. Fantasie della Terra, Edizioni ZeroTre
  6. Myanmar. The true essence, Edizioni ZeroTre
  7. Pianeta Terra. Un mondo da salvare, Silvana Editore
  8. Easy Driver, Rai 1 television program
  9. National Geographic
  10. Minor Planet Center


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