List of schools in Libya

This is a list of schools in the African country of Libya.


Middle schools

Downtown (Arabic: بنغازي المركز)

  • 23 July (Arabic: 23 يوليو )
  • Al-Entifada (Arabic: الانتفاضة)
  • Al-Fateh Center for Gifted Students (Arabic: مركز الفاتح للمتفوقين)
  • Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar (Arabic: الجبل الاخضر)
  • al-Ḥasan ibn al-Haytham (Arabic: الحسن بن الهيثم)
  • Arab Unity (Arabic: الوحدة العربية)
  • Arabism (Arabic: العروبة)
  • Blind association (Arabic: جمعية الكفيف)
  • Dawn of freedom (Arabic: فجر الحرية)
  • Gamal Abdel Nasser (Arabic: جمال عبد الناصر)
  • Generation unit (Arabic: جيل الوحدة)
  • Green document (Arabic: الوثيقة الخضراء)
  • Hanien (Arabic: حنين)
  • Imheamed El-Mqareaf (Arabic: امحمد المقريف)
  • Martyrs of the aqelia (Arabic: شهداء العقيلة)
  • Martyrs of the island (Arabic: شهداء الجزيرة)
  • Martyrs of the selmani (Arabic: شهداء السلماني)
  • Ozo (Arabic: اوزو)
  • Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين)
  • People's revolution (Arabic: الثورة الشعبية)
  • Renaissance (Arabic: النهضة)
  • Revolution generation (Arabic: جيل الثورة)
  • Sokaina beint al-Housain (Arabic: سكينة بنت الحسين)
  • The Arabian guerilla (Arabic: الفدائي العربي)
  • Withstand (Arabic: الصمود)
  • World of innovation (Arabic: دنيا الابداع)

Al-Berka (Arabic: البركة)

  • 11 June (Arabic: 11 يوليو)
  • 2 March (Arabic: 2 مارس)
  • 5 October (Arabic: 5 اكتوبر)
  • 7 October (Arabic: 7 اكتوبر)
  • Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (Arabic: أبي بكر الصديق)
  • African Union (Arabic: الاتحاد الافرقي)
  • Al-Bashaer (Arabic: البشائر)
  • Al-Amal al-akhdar (Arabic: الامل الاخضر)
  • Al-Ansar (Arabic: الانصار)
  • Al-Feha (Arabic: الفيحاء)
  • Al-Khoeabia (Arabic: الخويبية)
  • Al-Luaifia (Arabic: اللويفية)
  • Al-Ngila (Arabic: النجيلة)
  • Al-Resala al-moqadasa (Arabic: الرسالة المقدسة)
  • Al-Serag (Arabic: السراج)
  • Al-Solta al-shaabia (Arabic: سلطة الشعب)
  • Al-Sharara al-ola (Arabic: الشرارة الاولى)
  • Al-Shamokh (Arabic: الشموخ)
  • Al-Shahida Sana (Arabic: الشهيدة سناء)
  • Al-Sadik Bala (Arabic: الصادق باله)
  • Al-Sadiqa (Arabic: الصديقة)
  • Al-Taria (Arabic: الترية)
  • Budresa (Arabic: بودريسة)
  • Bufakhra (Arabic: بوفاخرة)
  • Challenger bay (Arabic: خليج التحدي)
  • Córdoba (Arabic: قرطبة)
  • Emrage Al-Barghathi (Arabic: امراجع البرغثي)
  • Flowers of the future (Arabic: زهرات المستقبل)
  • Ganfoda (Arabic: قنفودة)
  • Garyounis (Arabic: قاريونس)
  • Glory (Arabic: المجد)
  • Golden anniversary (Arabic: العيد الذهبي)
  • Granada (Arabic: غرناطة)
  • Green book (Arabic: الكتاب الاخضر)
  • Ibn Khaldoun (Arabic: ابن خلدون)
  • Ibn Sina (Arabic: ابن سينا)
  • Khalid ibn al-Walid (Arabic: خالد بن الويد)
  • Leading thought (Arabic: الفكر الرائد)
  • Martyrs of the Gandoba (Arabic: شهداء جندوبة)
  • Martyrs of the Hawari (Arabic: شهداء الهواري)
  • Migrant (Arabic: المهاجرين)
  • Mus`ab ibn `Umair (Arabic: مصعب بن عمير)
  • New thought (Arabic: الفكر الجديد)
  • Olive branch (Arabic: غصن الزيتون)
  • Seville (Arabic: اشبيليا)
  • Tabarak (Arabic: تبارك)
  • Tagerfet (Arabic: تاقرفت)
  • Tariq ibn Ziyad (Arabic: طارق بن زياد)
  • Teka (Arabic: تيكا)
  • The great march (Arabic: المسيرة الكبرى)
  • Toledo (Arabic: طليطلة)
  • Ubay ibn Ka'b (Arabic: أبي بن كعب)
  • Uqba ibn Nafi (Arabic: عقبة بن نافع)
  • Uthman ibn Affan (Arabic: عثمان بن عفان)
  • Wegda el-wahdawia (Arabic: وجدة الوحدوية)
  • Yousef Boker (Arabic: يوسف بوكر)
  • Youths of Al-Fatih (Arabic: شباب الفاتح)


  • Canadian Academy of Libya (Arabic: الاكاديمية الكندية الليبية )
  • Donia El-Ibdaa School
  • el Nasser secondary school
  • Sila secondary school
gollark: Blue LEDs?
gollark: It's a technological breakthrough in that it... allows us to do new stuff with technology.
gollark: I'm sure there *was* stuff, I just have no idea what it is since it seems to become evident afterward.
gollark: I can't really think of any technological breakthrough stuff in the past 10 years or so, though.
gollark: I mostly just assume that we'll have basically no idea what technology will be around beyond 2050 or so.

See also

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