List of parodies in Gintama

The Japanese anime series Gin Tama often parodies other anime, manga, films and television series. The following is a list of those parodies.

Parodied workEpisodesNotes
Detective Conan25Gintoki, Shinpachi and Kagura try to solve an issue, capture a black shadow and uncover the secret of an unknown message
Bleach89Gintoki, Shinpachi and Kagura awake in the world of Toyako, Gintoki's bokken.
Saw148, 149Hijikata and Okita wake up in an abandoned building and learn they have been kidnapped by Jigzaw.
Dragon Ball242Gin, Shinpachi, Kagura visit a host club with others. After Ms Yagami, a customer, mentions she drinks Oolong Highball, a discussion starts among the characters about their favorite Dragon Ball characters.
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