List of members of the National Constituent Assembly of 1789

This list aims to display alphabetically the 1,145 titular deputies (291 deputies of the clergy, 270 of the nobility and 584 of the Third Estate-commoners) elected to the Estates-General of 1789, which became the National Assembly on 17 June 1789 and the National Constituent Assembly on 9 July 1789; as well as the alternate delegates who sat.




  • Armand-Gaston Camus (1740–1804), deputy of the Third Estate of the prévôté and of the Viscountcy of Paris.
  • Boniface Louis André de Castellane-Novejean, (1758–1837), deputy of the nobility of the bailiwick of Châteauneuf-en-Thymerais, in the Perche.
  • Charles de la Croix de Castries (1756–1842), deputy of the nobility of the prévôté and of the Viscountcy of Paris.
  • Jacques Antoine Marie de Cazalès (1748–1805), deputy of the nobility of the bailiwick of Rivière-Verdun.
  • Charles Antoine Chasset, (1748–1805), deputy of the Third Estate of the sénéchaussée of Villefranche (Saône-et-Loire).
  • Jean-Antoine-Auguste de Chastenet de Puységur, Archbishop of Bourges, (1740–1815), deputy of the clergy of the bailiwick of Bourges.
  • Louis Marie Florent du Châtelet (1727–1793), deputy of the nobility of the bailiwick of Bar-le-Duc.
  • François-Charles Chevreuil (d. 1792), Chancellor of the Church and of the University of Paris, deputy of the clergy of Paris.
  • Stanislas Marie Adelaide, comte de Clermont-Tonnerre (1757–1792), deputy of the nobility of the prévôté and the Viscountcy of Paris.
  • Robert Coquille
  • Pierre-Paul Colonna de Cesari Rocca, (1748- ?), deputy of the Third Estate of the Island of Corsica.
  • Jean Colson (1734–1801), deputy of the clergy of the bailiwick of Sarreguemines.
  • Félix-François-Dorothée de Balbes de Berton de Crillon (1748–1820)
  • Louis-Pierre-Nolasque de Balbes de Berton de Crillon (Duke of), (1742–1806), deputy of the nobility of Beauvais (Oise).
  • Anne-Emmanuel-François-Georges de Crussol d'Amboise (1726–1794)
  • Alexandre de Culant, (1733–1799), deputy of the nobility of the bailiwick of Angoulême.
  • Adam Philippe, Comte de Custine, (1740–1793), Deputy to the Estates-General, bailiwick of Metz[1]


  • Luc Jacques Édouard Dauchy, (Count), (1757–1817), deputy of the Third Estate of Clermont, (Oise).
  • Lucien David (1730–1792), (Abbot'), deputy of the clergy of the bailiwick of Beauvais, (Oise).
  • Nicolas Pierre Antoine Delacour, deputy of the Third Estate of Senlis, (Oise).
  • Claude-Pierre Dellay d'Agier, (1750–1827), deputy of the nobility of the province of Dauphiné.
  • Guillaume-Antoine Delfaud, (1733–1792), deputy of the clergy of the Diocese of Sarlat.
  • Joseph-Bernard Delilia de Crose, (1739–1804).
  • Thomas-Joseph Desescoutes (1736–1791), deputy of the Third Estate of the bailiwick of Meaux.
  • Pierre-Etienne Despatys de Courteille (1753–1841), deputy of the Third Estate of the bailiwicks of Melun and Moret-sur-Loing.
  • Jean-Nicolas Démeunier (or Desmeunier), (1751–1814), deputy of the Third Estate.
  • René Desmontiers de Mérinville (Bishop of Dijon) (d. 1792), deputy of the clergy of the bailiwick of Dijon.
  • Antoine-Louis-Claude Destutt de Tracy (1754–1836), deputy of the nobility of Bourbonnais.
  • Jean-Claude Dubois (1742–1836), deputy of the Third Estate of the sénéchaussée of Châtellerault.
  • François-Marie Dubuat (1752–1807), alternate deputy of the Third Estate of the bailiwick of Meaux (On 14 May 1790, he replaced the Marquess of Aguesseau, who had resigned).
  • Jean-Baptiste Dumayor (1758 – ca. 1793), alternate deputy of the Third Estate of the bailiwick of Sarreguemines, (On 21 January 1790, he replaced the Count of Helmstatt, who had resigned).
  • Jean-Baptiste Dumouchelle, (1748–1820), deputy of the clergy of Paris.
  • Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours (Pierre-Samuel Dupont, called) (1739–1817), deputy of the Third Estate of the bailiwick of Nemours.
  • Adrien Duport


  • Maurice Joseph Louis Gigost d'Elbée
  • Jean-Louis Emmery
  • Jean-Jacques Duval d'Eprémesnil (1745–1794), deputy of the nobility of Paris
  • Louis Marie d'Estourmel, (1744–1823), deputy of the nobility.




  • Gustave Hainsselin
  • Antoine Bernard Hanoteau, (1751–1822), deputy of the Third Estate of Crépy-en-Valois, (Oise).
  • Mathurin François Hardy de Largère, (1729–1792), mayor of Vitré, deputy of the Third Estate of the sénéchaussée of Rennes, (Ille-et-Vilaine).
  • Maximilien-Auguste Bleickard d'Helmstatt (Count) (1728–1802), deputy of the nobility of the bailiwick of Sarreguemines.
  • Guillaume-Benoît Houdet (1744–1812), deputy of the Third Estate of the bailiwick of Meaux.
  • Philippe d'Humières (Baron of Scorailles), (1748–1822), deputy of the nobility


  • Etienne François Charles de Jaucen, (Baron of Poissac), (1733 – ?), deputy of the nobility of Limousin.
  • François-Antoine-Nicolas Jersey (1754 – ?), alternate deputy of the Third Estate of the bailiwick of Sarreguemines, (On 21 January 1790, he replaced the Count of Gomer, who had resigned).
  • Alexandre Paul Guérin de Tournel de Joyeuse de Chateauneuf-Randon (Marquess) (1757–1827), deputy of the nobility of the bailiwick of Mende.
  • Pierre-Mathieu Joubert, deputy of the clergy of the bailiwick of Angoulême.






  • Armand Jean Simon Brunet de Castelpers de Panat (Abbot), deputy of the clergy of Chaumont-en-Vexin, (Oise).
  • Charles-Antoine Peretti della Rocca (1750–1815), deputy of the clergy of the Island of Corsica.
  • Charles-César Perier (1748–1797), deputy of the clergy of the bailiwick of Étampes.
  • Louis François Marie de Perusse d'Escars, (Count of Cars and Saint Bonnet), (1737–1814), deputy of the nobility of Limousin.
  • Jérôme Pétion de Villeneuve, (1756–1794).
  • Étienne-François-Charles Jaucen de Poissac (baron), (1733–1803), deputy of the nobility of the sénéchaussée of Tulle (Low country of Limousin).
  • Pierre-Louis Prieur called Prieur of the Marne, (1756–1827).
  • Jean Auguste de Chastenet de Puységur, (1740–1815), Archbishop of Bourges, deputy of the clergy of the bailiwick of Bourges (Cher).


  • Jean-Paul Rabaut de Saint-Étienne, (1743–1793), deputy of the Third Estate of the sénéchaussée of Nîmes and of Beaucaire
  • Jean-François Rewbell, called Reubell, (1747–1807)
  • Jean François de Reynaud de Villevert, (Count), (1731 – ?), deputy of the North of the colony of Saint-Domingue.
  • Gilbert de Riberolles, (1749–1823), deputy of the Third Estate of the sénéchaussée of Riom.
  • Guillaume-Amable Robert de Chevannes, (1752–1828), deputy of the Third Estate of the sénéchaussée of Nevers.
  • Maximilien de Robespierre (1758–1794), deputy of the Third Estate of Arras.
  • Pierre-Louis Roederer, (1754–1835)
  • Jean-Joseph Rocque, (1749- ?), deputy of the Third Estate of the sénéchaussée of Béziers.
  • Jean-Joseph de Mougins de Roquefort, (1742–1822), deputy of the Third Estate of the sénéchaussée of Grasse.
  • François Pierre Olivier de Rougé (marquis), (1756–1816), deputy of the nobility,
  • Guillaume-Grégoire de Roulhac (1751–1824), deputy of the Third Estate of the sénéchaussée of Limoges (High country of Limousin).
  • Pierre-Jean de Ruallem (?-?), Abbot of Saint-Faron de Meaux, alternate deputy of the clergy of the bailiwick of Meaux. (On 29 octobre 1789 he replaced Pierre-Louis Barbou, who had resigned.)


  • Pierre-François de Saint-Martial,
  • Claude-Anne de Saint-Simon, (Marquess), (1743–1819), deputy of the nobility of the bailiwick of Angoulême.
  • Christophe Saliceti, (1757–1809), deputy of the Third Estate of the Island of Corsica.
  • Étienne François Sallé de Chou (1754–1832), deputy of the Berry.
  • Louis-Joseph Schmits (1758–1819), deputy of the Third Estate of the bailiwick of Sarreguemines
  • Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès (1748–1836).



  • Marc Guillaume Alexis Vadier (1736–1828)
  • Pierre-Vincent Varin de la Brunelière, (1752–1794), alternate deputy of the Third Estate of the sénéchaussée of Rennes (replaced Étienne Eusèbe Joseph Huard after the latter's death (1789)).
  • Louis Verdet (1744–1819), deputy of the clergy of the bailiwick of Sarreguemines.
  • Théodore Vernier (1731–1818), deputy of the Third Estate of the sénéchaussée of Lons-le-Saunier.
  • François Xavier Veytard (1731–1797), deputy of the clergy of Paris
  • Pierre-André-François Viau de Thébaudières, (1751 – ?), deputy of the North of the colony of Saint-Domingue.
  • Jean-Georges-Charles Voidel (1758 – ca. 1793), deputy of the Third Estate of the bailiwick of Sarreguemines.
  • Alexandre-Eugène Volfius, deputy of the Third Estate of the bailiwick of Dijon, Côte d'Or.
  • Constantin-François Chassebœuf, comte de Volney, (1757–1820)


  • Note 1: The names of alternate deputies who sat are indicated in italics. When known, the names of the deputies they replaced are indicated after the alternates' names.
  • Note 2: For the distinction between bailliage (here given as "bailiwick") and sénéchaussée, see bailiwick.


gollark: Because we know the !!TRUTH!! about Go?
gollark: Deploy basically no abstraction.
gollark: Deploy "lol if err != nil { return err }`.
gollark: Deploy "lol no generics".
gollark: Yes, Golang bad.


  1. Émile Auguste Nicolas Jules Bégin Biographie de la Moselle, Verronais, 1829, vol. 1, pp. 320–370.
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