List of eponymous fractures

Eponymous fractures and fracture-dislocations are most commonly named after the doctor who first described them. They may also be named after an activity with which they are associated.

FractureNamed afterDescriptionMechanism of injuryReference
Bankart's fractureArthur Bankartfracture of anterior glenoid associated with anterior shoulder dislocationexternal rotation and abduction of shoulderAnterior Dislocation of the Shoulder at
Barton's fractureJohn Rhea Bartondistal radius fracture involving the articular surface with dislocation of the radiocarpal jointfall on outstretched handBarton's fracture at Who Named It?
Bennett's fractureEdward Hallaran Bennettintra-articular fracture of base of Thumb metacarpalaxial load along metacarpal in a partially flexed thumbBennett's fracture at Who Named It?
Bosworth fractureDavid M. Bosworthfracture of distal fibula with posterior dislocation of the proximal fibula behind the tibiasevere external rotation of the foot"Bosworth fracture dislocation". Medcyclopaedia. GE.
Boxer's fractureBoxersfracture of neck of little metacarpalpunching solid objectBoxer's fracture at Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics online
Bumper fractureCar bumpercompression fracture of lateral tibial plateauforced valgus of knee when struck from side by car bumperBumper fracture at
Chance fractureGeorge Quentin Chancehorizontal fracture of vertebral bodyhyperflexion of spine, seen in car accidents when lap belts were usedChance fracture at Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics online
Chauffeur's fracture[1]Chauffeursintra-articular fracture of radial styloidforced ulnar deviation of the wrist causing avulsion of the radial styloidChauffeur's fracture at Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics online
Chopart's fracture-dislocationFrançois Chopartfoot dislocation through talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints with associated fractures, usually after ankle twisting.treated in a non weight bearing cast for 6–8 weeksChopart's fracture dislocation at Who Named It?
Clay shoveller's fractureClay shovellersspinous process fracture of C6, C7 or T1forced hyperflexion of neck"Clay shovellers fracture". Medcyclopaedia. GE.
Colles' fractureAbraham Collesdistal radius fracture with dorsal angulation, impaction and radial driftfall on outstretched handColles' fracture at Who Named It?
Duverney fractureJoseph Guichard Duverneyisolated fracture of the iliac wingdirect trauma"Duverney fracture". Medcyclopaedia. GE.
Essex-Lopresti fracturePeter Essex-Lopresticomminuted radial head fracture with interosseous membrane disruption and distal radioulnar joint subluxationfall from heightEssex Lopresti fracture at Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics online
Galeazzi fractureRicardo Galeazziradius shaft fracture with dislocation of distal radioulnar jointblow to forearmGaleazzi fracture at eMedicine
Gosselin fractureLeon Athanese GosselinV-shaped distal tibia fracture extending into the tibial plafondGosselin's fracture at
Hangman's fractureHangmanfracture of both pedicles of C2distraction and extension of neckHangman's fracture at Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics online
Hill–Sachs fractureHarold Arthur Hill
Maurice David Sachs
impacted posterior humeral head fracture occurring during anterior shoulder dislocationHill Sachs Lesion at Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics online
Holstein–Lewis fractureArthur Holstein
Gwylim Lewis
fracture of the distal third of the humerus resulting in entrapment of the radial nerveHolstein-Lewis fracture at Orthopedic Weblinks
Holdsworth fractureSir Frank Wild Holdsworthunstable spinal fracture-dislocation at the thoracolumbar junctionThoracic Spine Fractures and Dislocations at eMedicine
Hume fractureA.C. Humeolecranon fracture with anterior dislocation of radial headRonald McRae, Maxx Esser. Practical Fracture Treatment 5th edition, page 187. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2008. ISBN 978-0-443-06876-8.
Jefferson fractureSir Geoffrey Jeffersonfracture of first cervical vertebracompression of neckJefferson fracture at Who Named It?
Jones fractureSir Robert Jonesfracture of base of 5th metatarsal extending into intermetatarsal jointinversion of ankleJones fracture at Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics online
Le Fort fracturesRené Le Fortseries of facial fracturesdirect trauma to faceLeFort I at Who Named It?
LeFort II at Who Named It?
LeFort III at Who Named It?
Le Fort's fracture of the ankleLéon Clément Le Fortvertical fracture of distal fibula with avulsion of medial malleolusLeFort's fracture of the ankle at Who Named It?
Lisfranc fractureJacques Lisfranc de St. Martinfracture dislocation of midfootforced plantar flexion of foot or dropping heavy weight on footLisfranc fracture at Who Named It?
Maisonneuve fractureJules Germain François Maisonneuvespiral fracture of proximal fibulaexternal rotation of ankleMaisonneuve fracture at Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics online
Malgaigne's fractureJoseph-François Malgaignevertical pelvic fracture through both pubic rami and the ilium or sacroiliac joint with vertical displacementhigh energy impact to pelvis (front to back)Malgaigne's fracture at
March fractureMarchingstress fracture of a metatarsal shaftheavy or unaccustomed exerciseMetatarsal Stress Fracture at eMedicine
Monteggia fractureGiovanni Battista Monteggiaproximal ulna fracture with dislocation of radial headblow to forearmMonteggia fracture at Who Named It?
Moore's fractureEdward Mott Mooredistal radius fracture with ulnar dislocation and entrapment of styloid process under annular ligamentMoore's fracture at
Pipkin fracture-dislocationG. Pipkinposterior dislocation of hip with avulsion fracture of fragment of femoral head by the ligamentum teresimpact to the knee with the hip flexed (dashboard injury)Type II-V: Posterior Fracture Dislocations at Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics online
Pott's fracture[2]Percival Pottbimalleolar fracture of the ankleeversion of anklePott's fracture at Who Named It?
Rolando fractureSilvio Rolandointra articular comminuted fracture of base of first metacarpalaxial load along the metacarpal causing splitting of the proximal articular surfaceRolando's fracture at Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics online
Runner's fractureRunningstress fracture of distal fibula 3–8 cm above the lateral malleolusrepeated axial stress on fibulaGoogle books result Marko Pećina, Ivan Bojanić. Overuse injuries of the Musculoskeletal System, page 331. Informa Health Care, 2004. ISBN 978-0-8493-1428-5.
Salter–Harris fractureR.B. Salter, W.R. Harris[3]fractures involving a growth platevariousSalter–Harris fractures at Medscape
Segond fracturePaul Segondlateral tibial plateau avulsion fracture with anterior cruciate ligament tearinternal rotation of the kneeSegond fracture at Who Named It?
Shepherd's fractureFrancis J. Shepherdfracture of the lateral tubercle of the posterior process of the talusShepherd's fracture at Mondofacto online medical dictionary
Smith's fractureRobert William Smithdistal radius fracture with volar displacementfall on outstretched hand with wrist in flexed positionSmith's fracture at Who Named It?
Stieda fractureAlfred Stiedaavulsion fracture of the medial femoral condyle at the origin of the medial collateral ligamentStieda's fracture at
Tillaux fracturePaul Jules TillauxSalter–Harris III fracture of the tibiaforced lateral rotation of footTillaux fracture at Who Named It?
Toddler's fractureToddlersundisplaced spiral fracture of distal tibia in children under 8 years oldlow-energy trauma, often rotationalThe toddler's fracture revisited at Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics online


  1. also known as Hutchinson's fracture
  2. also known as Dupuytren's fracture
  3. Injuries involving the epiphyseal plate. RB Salter, WR Harris. JBJS (1963) 45: 587–632.
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