List of botany journals

The following is a list of botanical scientific journals.

General botany

The following table is a list of scientific journals publishing articles on many areas of botany.

JournalHomepagePublisherPublication HistoryLanguagePublication Frequency
Acta Amazonica journal home National Institute of Amazonian Research 1971–present English 4 issues per year
Acta Botanica Brasilica journal home Sociedade Botânica do Brasil 1987–present English 4 issues per year
Acta Botanica Gallicajournal homeTaylor & Francis for Société botanique de France1853–presentEnglish and French4 issues per year
Acta Botanica Malacitana journal home University of Malaga 1975–present Spanish, English and French Continuous, Online
Acta Botanica Mexicanajournal homeInstituto de Ecologia - CONACYT1998–presentSpanish and EnglishContinuous, Online
Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanicajournal homeJapanese Society for Plant Systematics1932–presentEnglish3 issues per year
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniaejournal homePolish Botanical Society1923–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Alisojournal homeRancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden1948–presentEnglish2 issues per year
American Journal of Botanyjournal homeHighWire Press and the Botanical Society of America1914–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madridjournal homeReal Jardín Botánico de Madrid1941–presentSpanish and English2 issues per year
Annals of Botanyjournal homeOxford Journals1887–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Gardenjournal homeMissouri Botanical Garden Press1914–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Annual Review of Plant Biologyjournal homeAnnual Reviews1950–presentEnglish1 issue per year
AoB PLANTSjournal homeOxford Journals2009–presentEnglishContinuous, Online
Aquatic Botanyjournal homeElsevier1975–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Arnaldoajournal homeAntenor Orrego University1991–presentSpanish3 issues per year
Arnoldiajournal homeHarvard University1911–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Australian Journal of Botanyjournal homeCSIRO1953–presentEnglish8 issues per year
Australian Systematic Botanyjournal homeCSIRO1988–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Biologia Plantarumjournal homeCzech Academy of Sciences1959–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Blumeajournal homeingentaconnect and National Herbarium of the Netherlands1934–presentEnglish3 issues per year
Blyttiajournal homeNorwegian Botanical Association1943–presentNorwegian4 issues per year
Bonplandiajournal homeUniversidad Nacional del Nordeste1960–presentSpanish, English and Portuguese2 issues per year
Botanica Helveticajournal homeSpringer Science+Business Media and the Swiss Botanical Society1890–presentEnglish, German, Italian, French and Romansh2 issues per year
Botanica Pacificajournal homeBotanical Garden-Institute of the Far Eastern branch of the Russian academy of Sciences2012–presentEnglish2 issues per year
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Societyjournal homeWiley Online Library1856–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Botanicheskii zhurnaljournal homeRussian Botanical Society and Russian Academy of Sciences1916–presentEnglish and Russian12 issues per year
Botanisk TidsskriftarchiveDanish Botanical Society1866–1980Danish, German, English and French4 issues per year
Botanyjournal homeNational Research Council Canada1929–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Brazilian Journal of Botany journal home Springer and Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo 1976–present English (formerly Portuguese) 4 issues per year
Brittoniajournal homeNew York Botanical Garden Press1931–presentEnglish4 issues per year
The Bryologist journal home American Bryological and Lichenological Society 1898–present English 4 issues per year
Caldasia journal home National University of Colombia 1940–present Spanish and English 2 issues per year
Candollea journal home Conservatory and Botanical Garden of the City of Geneva 1922–present English and French 2 issues per year
Castanea journal home Southern Appalachian Botanical Society 1936–present English 2 issues per year
Cavanillesia archive Institució Catalana d'Història Natural 1928–1938 Spanish 3-4 issues per year
Chinese Bulletin of Botany journal home Chinese Academy of Sciences 1983–present Chinese 6 issues per year
Contributions of the University of Michigan Herbariumjournal homeUniversity of Michigan Herbarium1939–2007EnglishVariable
Curtis's Botanical Magazinejournal homeWiley and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew1787–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Dansk Botanisk ArkivarchiveDanish Botanical Society1913–1980Danish, English, French and GermanVariable
Darwinianajournal homeInstituto de Botánica Darwinion1922–presentSpanish, English2 issues per year
Dinteria archive Kuiseb Verlag 1968–1997 English Variable
Dumortiera journal home Meise Botanic Garden 1975–present English, Dutch and French 1-3 issues per year
Edinburgh Journal of Botanyjournal homeCambridge University Press for the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh1954–presentEnglish3 issues per year
Egyptian Journal of Botany journal home Academy of Scientific Research and Technology 1960–present English and Arabic 3 issues per year
Environmental and Experimental Botanyjournal homeElsevier1961–presentEnglish9 issues per year
Erigeniajournal homeIllinois Native Plants Society1982–presentEnglishVariable
Evansia journal home American Bryological and Lichenological Society 1984–present English 4 issues per year
Florajournal homeElsevier1818–presentEnglish (current) and German (former)8 issues per year
Folia Geobotanicajournal homeSpringer and the Czech Academy of Sciences1966–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Frontiers in Plant Sciencejournal homeFrontiers (publisher)2010–presentEnglishContinuous, Online
Gardens' Bulletin Singaporejournal homeNational Parks Board, Singapore1912–presentEnglish2 issues per year
The Great Lakes Botanistjournal homeMichigan Botanical Club1962–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Harvard Papers in Botanyjournal homeHarvard University Herbaria1989–presentEnglish2 issues per year
Iheringia. Série Botânica. journal home Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul 1958–present Portuguese and English 1 volume per year
International Journal of Plant Sciencesjournal homeUniversity of Chicago Press1875–presentEnglish9 issues per year
Italian Botanist journal home Italian Botanical Society and Pensoft Publishers 1969–present English 2 issues per year
Journal of Experimental Botanyjournal homeOxford Journals for the Society for Experimental Biology1950–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Journal of Integrative Plant Biologyjournal homeWiley, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Botanical Society of China2005–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Journal of Japanese Botanyjournal homeTsumura1916–presentEnglish, Japanese6 issues per year
Journal of Plant Interactionsjournal homeTaylor & Francis2005–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Journal of Plant Biologyjournal homeSpringer and Botanical Society of Korea1958–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Journal of Plant Physiologyjournal homeElsevier1909–presentEnglishContinuous, Online
Journal of Plant Researchjournal homeThe Botanical Society of Japan1887–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Journal of Systematics and Evolutionjournal homeBotanical Society of China, the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences2008–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas journal home Botanical Research Institute of Texas 1962–present English and Spanish 2 issues per year
Journal of the Torrey Botanical Societyjournal homeTorrey Botanical Society1973–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Kew Bulletin journal home Springer and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 1887–present English 4 issues per year
Kirkia journal home National Herbarium and Botanic Garden, Zimbabwe 1960–present English Variable
Lagascaliajournal homeUniversidad de Sevilla1971–presentEnglish, Spanish, Portuguese and French1 volume per year
Lankesteriana journal home Lankester Botanical Garden 2001–present English and Spanish 3 issues per year
Madroñojournal homeCalifornia Botanical Society1915–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Makinoa New SeriesN/AKochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden2001–presentEnglish1 volume per year
Mediterranean Botany journal home Complutense University of Madrid 1979–present English 2 issues per year
Missouriensisjournal homeMissouri Native Plant Society1979–presentEnglish1 volume per year
Molecular Plantjournal homeChinese Academy of Sciences and Cell Press2008–presentEnglish6 issues per year
New Journal of Botanyjournal homeTaylor & Francis and Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland1949–2017English3 issues per year
New Phytologistjournal homeBlackwell Publishing and the New Phytologist Trust1902–presentEnglish16 issues per year
New Zealand Journal of Botanyjournal homeRoyal Society of New Zealand1963–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Nordic Journal of Botanyjournal homeWiley and Nordic Society Oikos1981–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Novon journal home Missouri Botanical Garden Press 1991–present English 4 issues per year
Nuytsiajournal homeWestern Australian Herbarium1970–presentEnglish3 issues per year
Pakistan Journal of Botany journal home Pakistan Botanical Society 1969–present English 6 issues per year
Palaeontographica Abt. B (Paleobotany) journal home Schweizerbart Science Publishers 1933–present English 2-3 volumes per year
PhytoKeys journal home Pensoft Publishers 2010–present English Continuous, Online
Phytotaxajournal homeMagnolia Press2009–presentEnglishContinuous, Online
Phytochemistryjournal homeElsevier1961–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Plant Biologyjournal homeWiley, German Society for Plant Sciences and Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands1999–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Plant Diversity journal home Chinese Academy of Sciences 1979–present Chinese 6 issues per year
Plant Ecology & Diversityjournal homeTaylor & Francis for Botanical Society of Scotland2008–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Plant Ecology and Evolutionjournal homeRoyal Botanical Society of Belgium and Botanic Garden Meise2010–presentEnglish and French3 issues per year
The Plant Genomejournal homeCrop Science Society of America2008–presentEnglish3 issues per year
The Plant Journaljournal homeBlackwell Publishing and the Society for Experimental Biology1991–presentEnglish24 issues per year
Plant Physiologyjournal homeAmerican Society of Plant Biologists1926–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Plant Physiology and Biochemistryjournal homeFederation of European Societies of Plant Biology and French Society of Plant Biology1998–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Plant Sciencejournal homeElsevier1973–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Plant Species Biologyjournal homeWiley and the Society for the Study of Species Biology1986–presentEnglish3 issues per year
Plant Systematics and Evolutionjournal homeSpringer1851–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Plantajournal homeSpringer1973–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Portugaliae Acta Biologicajournal homeUniversity of Lisbon1945–presentEnglish and Portuguese1 volume per year
Presliajournal homeCzech Botanical Society1914–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Revista Peruana de Biología journal home San Marcos National University 1974–present Spanish and English 4 issues per year
Rhodorajournal homeNew England Botanical Club1899–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Richardiana journal home Jardin Botanique de Guyane 2001–present French and English Continuous, Online
Rodriguesia journal home Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden 1935–present English (Portuguese before 2018) 2 issues per year
Selbyana journal home Marie Selby Botanical Gardens 1975–present English 2 issues per year
South African Journal of Botanyjournal homeSouth African Association of Botanists1932–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Svensk Botanisk Tidskriftjournal homeSwedish Botanical Society1907–presentSwedish5 issues per year
Systematic Botanyjournal homeAmerican Society of Plant Taxonomists1976–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Taiwania journal home National Taiwan University 1947–present English 4 issues per year
Taxonjournal homeInternational Association for Plant Taxonomy1951–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Telopeajournal homeNational Herbarium of New South Wales, Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust1975–presentEnglish1 issue per year
Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany)journal homeForest Herbarium, Bangkok1954–presentEnglish1 issue per year
Thai Journal of Botanyjournal homeThe Botanical Garden Organization,Thailand2009–presentEnglish2(3) issue per year
Webbia journal home Firenze University Press 1905–present English 2 issues per year
Willdenowia journal home Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin 1895–present English 3 issues per year
WrightiaarchiveSouthern Methodist University & University of Texas at Dallas 1945–1984English?

Agronomy and horticulture

The following table is a list of botany journals specialising in agronomy, including crop science and horticulture.

JournalHomepagePublisherPublication HistoryLanguagePublication Frequency
Agronomy Journaljournal homeThe American Society of Agronomy1907–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Agronomiejournal homeINRA and EDP Sciences1981–2004 English and French6 issues per year
Agronomy for Sustainable Developmentjournal homeINRA and EDP Sciences2005–presentEnglish4 issues per year
American Journal of Potato Researchjournal homeSpringer Science+Business Media and The Potato Association of America1924–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Researchjournal homeBlackwell Publishing and the Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology1995–presentEnglish3 issues per year
The Biology of Canadian Weedsjournal homeAgricultural Institute of Canada?–presentEnglishVariable
British Sugar Beet Reviewjournal homeBritish Sugar1926–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Cereal Research Communicationsjournal homeAkadémiai Kiadó1972–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Cereal Chemistryjournal homeAACC International1923–presentEnglish6 issues per year
CeibaN/AEscuela Agricola Panamericana1950–presentEnglish?
Crop Protection (journal)journal homeElsevier1982–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Crop Science (journal)journal homeThe Crop Science Society of America1961–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Davidsoniajournal homeUBC Botanical Garden1970–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Economic Botanyjournal homeSociety for Economic Botany1946–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Erwerbs-Obstbaujournal homeSpringer Science+Business Media1958–presentGerman4 issues per year
Euphyticajournal homeSpringer Science+Business Media1952–presentEnglish12 issues per year
European Journal of Agronomyjournal homeElsevier and the European Society for Agronomy1994–presentEnglish8 issues per year
European Journal of Horticultural Sciencejournal homeUlmer1935–presentEnglish (current) and German (former)6 issues per year
Field Crops Researchjournal homeElsevier1978–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolutionjournal homeSpringer Science+Business Media1953–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Grass and Forage Sciencejournal homeBlackwell Publishing and the British Grassland Society1946–presentEnglish4 issues per year
HilgardiaN/AUniversity of California, Berkeley1925–1996English9 issues per year
The Horticulturistjournal homeInstitute of Horticulture1992–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Horticultural Reviewsjournal homeJohn Wiley & Sons1979–presentEnglish1 volume per year
Industrial Crops and Productsjournal homeElsevier1992–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Invasive Plant Science and Managementjournal homeWeed Science Society of America2008–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Sciencejournal homeBlackwell Publishing1987–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Journal of Applied Horticulturejournal homeSociety for the Advancement of Horticulture1999–presentEnglish3 issues per year
Journal of Bamboo and Rattanjournal homeSpringer Science+Business Media2001–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Journal of Cereal Sciencejournal homeElsevier1983–presentEnglish6 issues
Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnologyjournal homeInternational Society for Horticultural Science1925–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Researchjournal homeResearch Institute of Pomology and Floriculture1993–presentEnglish1 volume per year
Journal of plant nutrition and soil sciencejournal homeWiley-VCH1923–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Journal of Plant Registrationsjournal homeCrop Science Society of America2007–presentEnglish3 issues per year
Journal of the American Society of Horticulturejournal homeAmerican Society for Horticultural Science1875–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Molecular Breedingjournal homeSpringer Science+Business Media1995–presentEnglish4 issues per year
PHMjournal homeHortilien1826–presentFrench11 issues per year
Plant and Soiljournal homeSpringer Science+Business Media and the Royal Netherlands Society of Agricultural Science1948–presentEnglish12 volumes per year
Plant Breeding (journal)journal homeBlackwell Publishing1986–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Postharvest Biology and Technologyjournal homeElsevier1991–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Potato Researchjournal homeSpringer Science+Business Media and the European Association for Potato Research1958–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Ricejournal homeSpringer Science+Business Media2007–presentEnglish?
Rice Sciencejournal homeElsevier and China National Rice Research Institute2007–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Scientia Horticulturaejournal homeElsevier1973–presentEnglish16 issues per year
Weed Biology and Managementjournal homeBlackwell Publishing and the Weed Science Society of Japan2001–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Weed Researchjournal homeBlackwell Publishing and the European Weed Research Society1961–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Weed Sciencejournal homeWeed Science Society of America1952–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Weed Technologyjournal homeWeed Science Society of America1986–presentEnglish4 issues per year


the following table is a list of journals that specialize in publishing articles on dendrology.

JournalHomepagePublisherPublication HistoryLanguagePublication Frequency
Canadian Journal of Forest Researchjournal homeNational Research Council Canada1971–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Dendrobiologyjournal homeInstitute of Dendrology1955–presentEnglish (current) and Polish (former)2 volumes per year
Forest Genetic Resources Bulletinjournal homeFAO1973–presentEnglish, Spanish and French1 volume per year
Journal of DendrologyN/AThe Dendrological Society of South Africa1981–presentEnglish and Afrikaans?
New Forestsjournal homeSpringer Science+Business Media1986–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Revista Forestal del Perú journal home La Molina National Agrarian University 1967–present Spanish 2 issues per year
Tree Genetics & Genomesjournal homeSpringer Science+Business Media2005–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Tree Physiologyjournal homeHeron Publishing1986–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Trees - Structure and Functionjournal homeSpringer Science+Business Media1987–presentEnglish4 issues per year

Plant pathology

The following table is a list of botany journals specializing in plant pathology.

JournalHomepagePublisherPublication HistoryLanguagePublication Frequency
African Journal of Plant Pathologyjournal homeAgricultural Research Institute, Egypt2004–presentEnglish3 issues per year
Annales de PhytopathologieN/AInstitut national de la recherche agronomique1969–1980FrenchOnce a year
Annual Review of Phytopathologyjournal homeAnnual Reviews1963–presentEnglishOnce a year
Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protectionjournal homeTaylor & Francis1967–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Australasian Plant Pathologyjournal homeCSIRO1972–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathologyjournal homeThe Canadian Phytopathological Society1979–presentFrench and English4 issues per year
Canadian Plant Disease Surveyjournal homeThe Canadian Phytopathological Society1997–presentFrench and EnglishOnce a year
Crop Protectionjournal homeElsevier1982–presentEnglish12 issues per year
EPPO Bulletin - A journal of regulatory plant protectionjournal homeBlackwell Publishing and the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization1972–presentFrench and English3 issues per year
European Journal of Forest Pathologyjournal homeSpringer Science+Business Media1895–presentEnglish (current) and German (former)8 issues per year
European Journal of Plant Pathologyjournal homeSpringer Science+Business Media1895–presentEnglish8 issues per year
Fitopatologia Brasileirajournal homeSociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia1976–presentEnglish, Spanish and Portuguese6 issues per year
Iranian journal of plant pathology/Bimarihaye GuiahiN/AIranian Phytopathological Society1963–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Journal of General Plant Pathologyjournal homeSpringer Science+Business Media and The Phytopathological Society of Japan1918–presentEnglish (current) and Japanese (former)6 issues per year
Journal of Phytopathology/Phytopathologische Zeitschriftjournal homeBlackwell Publishing1929–presentEnglish (current) and German (former)
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protectionjournal homeGerman Phytomedical Society?–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Journal of Plant Pathologyjournal homeItalian Phytopathological Society?–presentEnglish (current) and Italian (former)4 issues per year
Journal of Plant Protection Researchjournal homePolish Academy of Sciences1968–presentEnglish
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactionsjournal homeAmerican Phytopathological Society1998–presentEnglish8 issues per year
Molecular Plant Pathologyjournal homeBlackwell Publishing and the British Society for Plant Pathology2000–presentEnglish6 issues per year
New Disease Reportsjournal homeBritish Society for Plant Pathology2000–presentEnglish2 volumes a year
New Zealand Plant Protectionjournal homeNew Zealand Plant Protection Society1948–presentEnglishOnce a year
Pakistan Journal of Plant PathologyN/AAsian Network for Scientific Information2002–2003English3 issues per year
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathologyjournal homeElsevier1971–presentEnglish12 issues a year
Phytoparasiticajournal homePriel Publishers1973–presentEnglish5 issues per year
Phytopathologia Mediterraneajournal homeFirenze University Press and Mediterranean Phytopathological Union1967–presentEnglish3 issues per year
Phytopathologyjournal homeAmerican Phytopathological Society1910–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Phytoprotectionjournal homeThe Quebec Society for the Protection of Plants1963–presentFrench and English3 volumes a year
Plant Diseasejournal homeAmerican Phytopathological Society1916–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Plant Health Progressjournal homePlant Management Network2000–presentEnglishOnline only
Plant Pathologyjournal homeBlackwell Publishing and the British Society for Plant Pathology1952–presentEnglish6 issues per year


The following table is a list of botany journals that contain collections of review papers about general plant science.

JournalHomepagePublisherPublication HistoryLanguagePublication Frequency
Annual Review of Plant Biologyjournal homeAnnual Reviews1950–presentEnglish1 volume per year
The Botanical Reviewjournal homeNew York Botanical Garden Press1935–presentEnglish4 issues per year
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciencesjournal homeTaylor & Francis1981–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Current Advances in Plant Sciencejournal homeElsevier1972–presentEnglish12 issues per year
Current Opinion in Plant Biologyjournal homeElsevier1998–presentEnglish6 issues per year
Trends in Plant Sciencejournal homeCell Press1996–presentEnglish12 issues per year
gollark: It looks slightly different now.
gollark: I was meaning to begin development on the new tic-tac-toe AI, which would be a superintelligent general AI designed to hate humans to incentivize it to beat them at tic-tac-toe, but there have unfortunately been annoying issues and I have homework.
gollark: The "boss spontaneously reveals next phase" thing is always very !!FUN!!.
gollark: Most of these things are me randomly testing some new piece of tooling.
gollark: Well, yes.

See also

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