List of botany journals
The following is a list of botanical scientific journals.
General botany
The following table is a list of scientific journals publishing articles on many areas of botany.
Journal | Homepage | Publisher | Publication History | Language | Publication Frequency |
Acta Amazonica | journal home | National Institute of Amazonian Research | 1971–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Acta Botanica Brasilica | journal home | Sociedade Botânica do Brasil | 1987–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Acta Botanica Gallica | journal home | Taylor & Francis for Société botanique de France | 1853–present | English and French | 4 issues per year |
Acta Botanica Malacitana | journal home | University of Malaga | 1975–present | Spanish, English and French | Continuous, Online |
Acta Botanica Mexicana | journal home | Instituto de Ecologia - CONACYT | 1998–present | Spanish and English | Continuous, Online |
Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica | journal home | Japanese Society for Plant Systematics | 1932–present | English | 3 issues per year |
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae | journal home | Polish Botanical Society | 1923–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Aliso | journal home | Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden | 1948–present | English | 2 issues per year |
American Journal of Botany | journal home | HighWire Press and the Botanical Society of America | 1914–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid | journal home | Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid | 1941–present | Spanish and English | 2 issues per year |
Annals of Botany | journal home | Oxford Journals | 1887–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden | journal home | Missouri Botanical Garden Press | 1914–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Annual Review of Plant Biology | journal home | Annual Reviews | 1950–present | English | 1 issue per year |
AoB PLANTS | journal home | Oxford Journals | 2009–present | English | Continuous, Online |
Aquatic Botany | journal home | Elsevier | 1975–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Arnaldoa | journal home | Antenor Orrego University | 1991–present | Spanish | 3 issues per year |
Arnoldia | journal home | Harvard University | 1911–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Australian Journal of Botany | journal home | CSIRO | 1953–present | English | 8 issues per year |
Australian Systematic Botany | journal home | CSIRO | 1988–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Biologia Plantarum | journal home | Czech Academy of Sciences | 1959–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Blumea | journal home | ingentaconnect and National Herbarium of the Netherlands | 1934–present | English | 3 issues per year |
Blyttia | journal home | Norwegian Botanical Association | 1943–present | Norwegian | 4 issues per year |
Bonplandia | journal home | Universidad Nacional del Nordeste | 1960–present | Spanish, English and Portuguese | 2 issues per year |
Botanica Helvetica | journal home | Springer Science+Business Media and the Swiss Botanical Society | 1890–present | English, German, Italian, French and Romansh | 2 issues per year |
Botanica Pacifica | journal home | Botanical Garden-Institute of the Far Eastern branch of the Russian academy of Sciences | 2012–present | English | 2 issues per year |
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society | journal home | Wiley Online Library | 1856–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Botanicheskii zhurnal | journal home | Russian Botanical Society and Russian Academy of Sciences | 1916–present | English and Russian | 12 issues per year |
Botanisk Tidsskrift | archive | Danish Botanical Society | 1866–1980 | Danish, German, English and French | 4 issues per year |
Botany | journal home | National Research Council Canada | 1929–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Brazilian Journal of Botany | journal home | Springer and Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo | 1976–present | English (formerly Portuguese) | 4 issues per year |
Brittonia | journal home | New York Botanical Garden Press | 1931–present | English | 4 issues per year |
The Bryologist | journal home | American Bryological and Lichenological Society | 1898–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Caldasia | journal home | National University of Colombia | 1940–present | Spanish and English | 2 issues per year |
Candollea | journal home | Conservatory and Botanical Garden of the City of Geneva | 1922–present | English and French | 2 issues per year |
Castanea | journal home | Southern Appalachian Botanical Society | 1936–present | English | 2 issues per year |
Cavanillesia | archive | Institució Catalana d'Història Natural | 1928–1938 | Spanish | 3-4 issues per year |
Chinese Bulletin of Botany | journal home | Chinese Academy of Sciences | 1983–present | Chinese | 6 issues per year |
Contributions of the University of Michigan Herbarium | journal home | University of Michigan Herbarium | 1939–2007 | English | Variable |
Curtis's Botanical Magazine | journal home | Wiley and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew | 1787–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Dansk Botanisk Arkiv | archive | Danish Botanical Society | 1913–1980 | Danish, English, French and German | Variable |
Darwiniana | journal home | Instituto de Botánica Darwinion | 1922–present | Spanish, English | 2 issues per year |
Dinteria | archive | Kuiseb Verlag | 1968–1997 | English | Variable |
Dumortiera | journal home | Meise Botanic Garden | 1975–present | English, Dutch and French | 1-3 issues per year |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany | journal home | Cambridge University Press for the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh | 1954–present | English | 3 issues per year |
Egyptian Journal of Botany | journal home | Academy of Scientific Research and Technology | 1960–present | English and Arabic | 3 issues per year |
Environmental and Experimental Botany | journal home | Elsevier | 1961–present | English | 9 issues per year |
Erigenia | journal home | Illinois Native Plants Society | 1982–present | English | Variable |
Evansia | journal home | American Bryological and Lichenological Society | 1984–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Flora | journal home | Elsevier | 1818–present | English (current) and German (former) | 8 issues per year |
Folia Geobotanica | journal home | Springer and the Czech Academy of Sciences | 1966–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Frontiers in Plant Science | journal home | Frontiers (publisher) | 2010–present | English | Continuous, Online |
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore | journal home | National Parks Board, Singapore | 1912–present | English | 2 issues per year |
The Great Lakes Botanist | journal home | Michigan Botanical Club | 1962–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Harvard Papers in Botany | journal home | Harvard University Herbaria | 1989–present | English | 2 issues per year |
Iheringia. Série Botânica. | journal home | Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul | 1958–present | Portuguese and English | 1 volume per year |
International Journal of Plant Sciences | journal home | University of Chicago Press | 1875–present | English | 9 issues per year |
Italian Botanist | journal home | Italian Botanical Society and Pensoft Publishers | 1969–present | English | 2 issues per year |
Journal of Experimental Botany | journal home | Oxford Journals for the Society for Experimental Biology | 1950–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | journal home | Wiley, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Botanical Society of China | 2005–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Journal of Japanese Botany | journal home | Tsumura | 1916–present | English, Japanese | 6 issues per year |
Journal of Plant Interactions | journal home | Taylor & Francis | 2005–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Journal of Plant Biology | journal home | Springer and Botanical Society of Korea | 1958–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Journal of Plant Physiology | journal home | Elsevier | 1909–present | English | Continuous, Online |
Journal of Plant Research | journal home | The Botanical Society of Japan | 1887–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Journal of Systematics and Evolution | journal home | Botanical Society of China, the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences | 2008–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas | journal home | Botanical Research Institute of Texas | 1962–present | English and Spanish | 2 issues per year |
Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society | journal home | Torrey Botanical Society | 1973–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Kew Bulletin | journal home | Springer and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew | 1887–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Kirkia | journal home | National Herbarium and Botanic Garden, Zimbabwe | 1960–present | English | Variable |
Lagascalia | journal home | Universidad de Sevilla | 1971–present | English, Spanish, Portuguese and French | 1 volume per year |
Lankesteriana | journal home | Lankester Botanical Garden | 2001–present | English and Spanish | 3 issues per year |
Madroño | journal home | California Botanical Society | 1915–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Makinoa New Series | N/A | Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden | 2001–present | English | 1 volume per year |
Mediterranean Botany | journal home | Complutense University of Madrid | 1979–present | English | 2 issues per year |
Missouriensis | journal home | Missouri Native Plant Society | 1979–present | English | 1 volume per year |
Molecular Plant | journal home | Chinese Academy of Sciences and Cell Press | 2008–present | English | 6 issues per year |
New Journal of Botany | journal home | Taylor & Francis and Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland | 1949–2017 | English | 3 issues per year |
New Phytologist | journal home | Blackwell Publishing and the New Phytologist Trust | 1902–present | English | 16 issues per year |
New Zealand Journal of Botany | journal home | Royal Society of New Zealand | 1963–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Nordic Journal of Botany | journal home | Wiley and Nordic Society Oikos | 1981–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Novon | journal home | Missouri Botanical Garden Press | 1991–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Nuytsia | journal home | Western Australian Herbarium | 1970–present | English | 3 issues per year |
Pakistan Journal of Botany | journal home | Pakistan Botanical Society | 1969–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Palaeontographica Abt. B (Paleobotany) | journal home | Schweizerbart Science Publishers | 1933–present | English | 2-3 volumes per year |
PhytoKeys | journal home | Pensoft Publishers | 2010–present | English | Continuous, Online |
Phytotaxa | journal home | Magnolia Press | 2009–present | English | Continuous, Online |
Phytochemistry | journal home | Elsevier | 1961–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Plant Biology | journal home | Wiley, German Society for Plant Sciences and Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands | 1999–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Plant Diversity | journal home | Chinese Academy of Sciences | 1979–present | Chinese | 6 issues per year |
Plant Ecology & Diversity | journal home | Taylor & Francis for Botanical Society of Scotland | 2008–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Plant Ecology and Evolution | journal home | Royal Botanical Society of Belgium and Botanic Garden Meise | 2010–present | English and French | 3 issues per year |
The Plant Genome | journal home | Crop Science Society of America | 2008–present | English | 3 issues per year |
The Plant Journal | journal home | Blackwell Publishing and the Society for Experimental Biology | 1991–present | English | 24 issues per year |
Plant Physiology | journal home | American Society of Plant Biologists | 1926–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | journal home | Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology and French Society of Plant Biology | 1998–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Plant Science | journal home | Elsevier | 1973–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Plant Species Biology | journal home | Wiley and the Society for the Study of Species Biology | 1986–present | English | 3 issues per year |
Plant Systematics and Evolution | journal home | Springer | 1851–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Planta | journal home | Springer | 1973–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Portugaliae Acta Biologica | journal home | University of Lisbon | 1945–present | English and Portuguese | 1 volume per year |
Preslia | journal home | Czech Botanical Society | 1914–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Revista Peruana de Biología | journal home | San Marcos National University | 1974–present | Spanish and English | 4 issues per year |
Rhodora | journal home | New England Botanical Club | 1899–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Richardiana | journal home | Jardin Botanique de Guyane | 2001–present | French and English | Continuous, Online |
Rodriguesia | journal home | Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden | 1935–present | English (Portuguese before 2018) | 2 issues per year |
Selbyana | journal home | Marie Selby Botanical Gardens | 1975–present | English | 2 issues per year |
South African Journal of Botany | journal home | South African Association of Botanists | 1932–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift | journal home | Swedish Botanical Society | 1907–present | Swedish | 5 issues per year |
Systematic Botany | journal home | American Society of Plant Taxonomists | 1976–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Taiwania | journal home | National Taiwan University | 1947–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Taxon | journal home | International Association for Plant Taxonomy | 1951–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Telopea | journal home | National Herbarium of New South Wales, Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust | 1975–present | English | 1 issue per year |
Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) | journal home | Forest Herbarium, Bangkok | 1954–present | English | 1 issue per year |
Thai Journal of Botany | journal home | The Botanical Garden Organization,Thailand | 2009–present | English | 2(3) issue per year |
Webbia | journal home | Firenze University Press | 1905–present | English | 2 issues per year |
Willdenowia | journal home | Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin | 1895–present | English | 3 issues per year |
Wrightia | archive | Southern Methodist University & University of Texas at Dallas | 1945–1984 | English | ? |
Agronomy and horticulture
The following table is a list of botany journals specialising in agronomy, including crop science and horticulture.
Journal | Homepage | Publisher | Publication History | Language | Publication Frequency |
Agronomy Journal | journal home | The American Society of Agronomy | 1907–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Agronomie | journal home | INRA and EDP Sciences | 1981–2004 | English and French | 6 issues per year |
Agronomy for Sustainable Development | journal home | INRA and EDP Sciences | 2005–present | English | 4 issues per year |
American Journal of Potato Research | journal home | Springer Science+Business Media and The Potato Association of America | 1924–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research | journal home | Blackwell Publishing and the Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology | 1995–present | English | 3 issues per year |
The Biology of Canadian Weeds | journal home | Agricultural Institute of Canada | ?–present | English | Variable |
British Sugar Beet Review | journal home | British Sugar | 1926–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Cereal Research Communications | journal home | Akadémiai Kiadó | 1972–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Cereal Chemistry | journal home | AACC International | 1923–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Ceiba | N/A | Escuela Agricola Panamericana | 1950–present | English | ? |
Crop Protection (journal) | journal home | Elsevier | 1982–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Crop Science (journal) | journal home | The Crop Science Society of America | 1961–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Davidsonia | journal home | UBC Botanical Garden | 1970–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Economic Botany | journal home | Society for Economic Botany | 1946–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Erwerbs-Obstbau | journal home | Springer Science+Business Media | 1958–present | German | 4 issues per year |
Euphytica | journal home | Springer Science+Business Media | 1952–present | English | 12 issues per year |
European Journal of Agronomy | journal home | Elsevier and the European Society for Agronomy | 1994–present | English | 8 issues per year |
European Journal of Horticultural Science | journal home | Ulmer | 1935–present | English (current) and German (former) | 6 issues per year |
Field Crops Research | journal home | Elsevier | 1978–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution | journal home | Springer Science+Business Media | 1953–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Grass and Forage Science | journal home | Blackwell Publishing and the British Grassland Society | 1946–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Hilgardia | N/A | University of California, Berkeley | 1925–1996 | English | 9 issues per year |
The Horticulturist | journal home | Institute of Horticulture | 1992–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Horticultural Reviews | journal home | John Wiley & Sons | 1979–present | English | 1 volume per year |
Industrial Crops and Products | journal home | Elsevier | 1992–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Invasive Plant Science and Management | journal home | Weed Science Society of America | 2008–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science | journal home | Blackwell Publishing | 1987–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Journal of Applied Horticulture | journal home | Society for the Advancement of Horticulture | 1999–present | English | 3 issues per year |
Journal of Bamboo and Rattan | journal home | Springer Science+Business Media | 2001–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Journal of Cereal Science | journal home | Elsevier | 1983–present | English | 6 issues |
Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology | journal home | International Society for Horticultural Science | 1925–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research | journal home | Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture | 1993–present | English | 1 volume per year |
Journal of plant nutrition and soil science | journal home | Wiley-VCH | 1923–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Journal of Plant Registrations | journal home | Crop Science Society of America | 2007–present | English | 3 issues per year |
Journal of the American Society of Horticulture | journal home | American Society for Horticultural Science | 1875–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Molecular Breeding | journal home | Springer Science+Business Media | 1995–present | English | 4 issues per year |
PHM | journal home | Hortilien | 1826–present | French | 11 issues per year |
Plant and Soil | journal home | Springer Science+Business Media and the Royal Netherlands Society of Agricultural Science | 1948–present | English | 12 volumes per year |
Plant Breeding (journal) | journal home | Blackwell Publishing | 1986–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Postharvest Biology and Technology | journal home | Elsevier | 1991–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Potato Research | journal home | Springer Science+Business Media and the European Association for Potato Research | 1958–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Rice | journal home | Springer Science+Business Media | 2007–present | English | ? |
Rice Science | journal home | Elsevier and China National Rice Research Institute | 2007–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Scientia Horticulturae | journal home | Elsevier | 1973–present | English | 16 issues per year |
Weed Biology and Management | journal home | Blackwell Publishing and the Weed Science Society of Japan | 2001–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Weed Research | journal home | Blackwell Publishing and the European Weed Research Society | 1961–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Weed Science | journal home | Weed Science Society of America | 1952–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Weed Technology | journal home | Weed Science Society of America | 1986–present | English | 4 issues per year |
the following table is a list of journals that specialize in publishing articles on dendrology.
Journal | Homepage | Publisher | Publication History | Language | Publication Frequency |
Canadian Journal of Forest Research | journal home | National Research Council Canada | 1971–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Dendrobiology | journal home | Institute of Dendrology | 1955–present | English (current) and Polish (former) | 2 volumes per year |
Forest Genetic Resources Bulletin | journal home | FAO | 1973–present | English, Spanish and French | 1 volume per year |
Journal of Dendrology | N/A | The Dendrological Society of South Africa | 1981–present | English and Afrikaans | ? |
New Forests | journal home | Springer Science+Business Media | 1986–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Revista Forestal del Perú | journal home | La Molina National Agrarian University | 1967–present | Spanish | 2 issues per year |
Tree Genetics & Genomes | journal home | Springer Science+Business Media | 2005–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Tree Physiology | journal home | Heron Publishing | 1986–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Trees - Structure and Function | journal home | Springer Science+Business Media | 1987–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Plant pathology
The following table is a list of botany journals specializing in plant pathology.
Journal | Homepage | Publisher | Publication History | Language | Publication Frequency |
African Journal of Plant Pathology | journal home | Agricultural Research Institute, Egypt | 2004–present | English | 3 issues per year |
Annales de Phytopathologie | N/A | Institut national de la recherche agronomique | 1969–1980 | French | Once a year |
Annual Review of Phytopathology | journal home | Annual Reviews | 1963–present | English | Once a year |
Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection | journal home | Taylor & Francis | 1967–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Australasian Plant Pathology | journal home | CSIRO | 1972–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology | journal home | The Canadian Phytopathological Society | 1979–present | French and English | 4 issues per year |
Canadian Plant Disease Survey | journal home | The Canadian Phytopathological Society | 1997–present | French and English | Once a year |
Crop Protection | journal home | Elsevier | 1982–present | English | 12 issues per year |
EPPO Bulletin - A journal of regulatory plant protection | journal home | Blackwell Publishing and the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization | 1972–present | French and English | 3 issues per year |
European Journal of Forest Pathology | journal home | Springer Science+Business Media | 1895–present | English (current) and German (former) | 8 issues per year |
European Journal of Plant Pathology | journal home | Springer Science+Business Media | 1895–present | English | 8 issues per year |
Fitopatologia Brasileira | journal home | Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia | 1976–present | English, Spanish and Portuguese | 6 issues per year |
Iranian journal of plant pathology/Bimarihaye Guiahi | N/A | Iranian Phytopathological Society | 1963–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Journal of General Plant Pathology | journal home | Springer Science+Business Media and The Phytopathological Society of Japan | 1918–present | English (current) and Japanese (former) | 6 issues per year |
Journal of Phytopathology/Phytopathologische Zeitschrift | journal home | Blackwell Publishing | 1929–present | English (current) and German (former) | |
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection | journal home | German Phytomedical Society | ?–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Journal of Plant Pathology | journal home | Italian Phytopathological Society | ?–present | English (current) and Italian (former) | 4 issues per year |
Journal of Plant Protection Research | journal home | Polish Academy of Sciences | 1968–present | English | |
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions | journal home | American Phytopathological Society | 1998–present | English | 8 issues per year |
Molecular Plant Pathology | journal home | Blackwell Publishing and the British Society for Plant Pathology | 2000–present | English | 6 issues per year |
New Disease Reports | journal home | British Society for Plant Pathology | 2000–present | English | 2 volumes a year |
New Zealand Plant Protection | journal home | New Zealand Plant Protection Society | 1948–present | English | Once a year |
Pakistan Journal of Plant Pathology | N/A | Asian Network for Scientific Information | 2002–2003 | English | 3 issues per year |
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology | journal home | Elsevier | 1971–present | English | 12 issues a year |
Phytoparasitica | journal home | Priel Publishers | 1973–present | English | 5 issues per year |
Phytopathologia Mediterranea | journal home | Firenze University Press and Mediterranean Phytopathological Union | 1967–present | English | 3 issues per year |
Phytopathology | journal home | American Phytopathological Society | 1910–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Phytoprotection | journal home | The Quebec Society for the Protection of Plants | 1963–present | French and English | 3 volumes a year |
Plant Disease | journal home | American Phytopathological Society | 1916–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Plant Health Progress | journal home | Plant Management Network | 2000–present | English | Online only |
Plant Pathology | journal home | Blackwell Publishing and the British Society for Plant Pathology | 1952–present | English | 6 issues per year |
The following table is a list of botany journals that contain collections of review papers about general plant science.
Journal | Homepage | Publisher | Publication History | Language | Publication Frequency |
Annual Review of Plant Biology | journal home | Annual Reviews | 1950–present | English | 1 volume per year |
The Botanical Review | journal home | New York Botanical Garden Press | 1935–present | English | 4 issues per year |
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences | journal home | Taylor & Francis | 1981–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Current Advances in Plant Science | journal home | Elsevier | 1972–present | English | 12 issues per year |
Current Opinion in Plant Biology | journal home | Elsevier | 1998–present | English | 6 issues per year |
Trends in Plant Science | journal home | Cell Press | 1996–present | English | 12 issues per year |
gollark: It looks slightly different now.
gollark: I was meaning to begin development on the new tic-tac-toe AI, which would be a superintelligent general AI designed to hate humans to incentivize it to beat them at tic-tac-toe, but there have unfortunately been annoying issues and I have homework.
gollark: The "boss spontaneously reveals next phase" thing is always very !!FUN!!.
gollark: Most of these things are me randomly testing some new piece of tooling.
gollark: Well, yes.
See also
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