List of Sunrise works
- Hazedon (ハゼドン) (October 1972–March 1973) (TV animation) (Fuji TV) (Studio 1)
- Zero Tester (ゼロテスター) (October 1973–December 1974) (TV animation) (Fuji TV) (Studio 1)
- La Seine no Hoshi (ラ・セーヌの星) (April 1975–December 1975) (TV animation) (Fuji TV) (Studio 2)
- Brave Raideen (勇者ライディーン) (April 1975–March 1976) (TV animation) (in association with Tohokushinsha and Asahi News Agency) (TV Asahi) (Studio 1)
- Kum-Kum (わんぱく大昔クムクム) (October 1975–March 1976) (TV animation) (TBS) (Studio 1)
- Chōdenji Robo Combattler V (超電磁ロボ コン・バトラーV) (April 1976–May 1977) (in association with Toei Company) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 1)
- Dinosaur Expedition Born Free (恐竜探険隊ボーンフリー) (October 1976–March 1977) (in association with Tsuburaya Productions) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 1)
- Robot Child Beeton (ろぼっ子ビートン) (October 1976–September 1977) (TV animation) (TBS) (Studio 3)
- Chōdenji Machine Voltes V (超電磁マシーン ボルテスV) (June 1977–March 1978) (in association with Toei Company) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 2)
- invincible Super Man Zambot 3 (無敵超人ザンボット3) (October 1977–March 1978) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 3)
- Majokko Tickle (魔女っ子チックル) (March 1978–January 1979) (in association with Toei Company, Neomedia and Kaze Pro) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 2)
- Tōshō Daimos (闘将ダイモス) (April 1978–January 1979) (in association with Toei Company) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 2)
- invincible Steel Man Daitarn 3 (無敵鋼人ダイターン3) (June 1978–March 1979) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 1)
- Cyborg 009 (サイボーグ009) (March 1979–March 1980) (in association with Toei Company) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 3)
- Mobile Suit Gundam (機動戦士ガンダム) (April 1979–January 1980) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 1)
- The Ultraman (ザ☆ウルトラマン) (April 1979–March 1980) (in association with Tsuburaya Productions) (TV animation) (TBS) (Studio 4)
- Scientific Adventure Team Tansar 5 (科学冒険隊タンサー5) (July 1979–March 1980) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 5)
- invincible Robo Trider G7 (無敵ロボトライダーG7) (February 1980–January 1981) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 2)
- Space Runaway Ideon (伝説巨神イデオン) (May 1980–January 1981) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 1)
- Strongest Robo Daiohja (最強ロボ ダイオージャ) (January 1981–January 1982) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 2)
- Mobile Suit Gundam (Movie) (劇場版 機動戦士ガンダム) (March 1981) (Anime film) (Studio 4)
- Mobile Suit Gundam: Soldiers of Sorrow (機動戦士ガンダム 哀・戦士) (July 1981) (Anime film) (Studio 4)
- Fang of the Sun Dougram (太陽の牙ダグラム) (October 1981–March 1983) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 1)
- Combat Mecha Xabungle (戦闘メカ ザブングル) (February 1982–January 1983) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 2)
- Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space (機動戦士ガンダム めぐりあい宇宙) (March 1982) (Anime film) (Studio 3)
- White Fang (白い牙 ホワイトファング物語) (May 1982) (OVA) (Studio 1)
- The Ideon: A Contact (伝説巨神イデオン 接触篇 THE IDEON: A CONTACT) (July 1982) (Anime film) (Studio 3)
- The Ideon; Be invoked (伝説巨神イデオン 発動篇 THE IDEON: Be inVOKED) (July 1982) (Anime film) (Studio 3)
- Aura Battler Dunbine (聖戦士ダンバイン) (February 1983–January 1984) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 2)
- Crusher Joe (クラッシャージョウ) (March 1983) (Anime film) (Studio 4)
- Armored Trooper Votoms (装甲騎兵ボトムズ) (April 1983–March 1984) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 1)
- Document Dougram (ドキュメント 太陽の牙ダグラム) (July 1983) (Anime film) (Studio 1)
- Choro-Q Dougram (チョロQダグラム) (July 1983) (Anime film) (Studio 1)
- Xabungle Graffiti (ザブングル グラフィティ) (July 1983) (Anime film) (Studio 2)
- Round Vernian Vifam (銀河漂流バイファム) (October 1983–September 1984) (TV animation) (TBS) (Studio 3)
- Heavy Metal L-Gaim (重戦機エルガイム) (February 1984–February 1985) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 2)
- Giant Gorg (巨神ゴーグ) (April 1984–September 1984) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 4)
- Round Vernian Vifam: News from Kachua (銀河漂流バイファム カチュアからの便り) (October 1984) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- Panzer World Galient (機甲界ガリアン) (October 1984–March 1985) (TV animation) (Nippon TV) (Studio 1)
- Choriki Robo Galatt (超力ロボ ガラット) (October 1984–April 1985) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 3)
- Round Vernian Vifam: The Gathered 13 (銀河漂流バイファム 集まった13人) (December 1984) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- Round Vernian Vifam: The Missing 12 (銀河漂流バイファム 消えた12人) (February 1985) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (機動戦士Ζガンダム) (March 1985–February 1986) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 2)
- Dirty Pair (ダーティペア) (July 1985–December 1985) (TV animation) (Nippon TV) (Studio 4)
- Armored Trooper Votoms: The Last Red Shoulder (装甲騎兵ボトムズ ザ・ラストレッドショルダー) (August 1985) (OVA) (Studio 1)
- Round Vernian Vifam: Kate's Memory (銀河漂流バイファム ケイトの記憶) (September 1985) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- Blue Comet SPT Layzner (蒼き流星SPTレイズナー) (October 1985–June 1986) (TV animation) (Nippon TV) (Studio 3)
- Dirty Pair: Affair of Nolandia (ダーティペアの大勝負 ノーランディアの謎) (December 1985) (OVA) (Studio 1)
- Panzer World Galient: Chapter of Ground (機甲界ガリアン 大地の章) (January 1986) (OVA) (Studio 1)
- Panzer World Galient: Chapter of Sky (機甲界ガリアン 天空の章) (March 1986) (OVA) (Studio 1)
- Arion (アリオン) (March 1986) (Anime film) (Studio 1)
- Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ (機動戦士ガンダムΖΖ) (March 1986–January 1987) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 2)
- Armored Trooper Votoms: Big Battle (装甲騎兵ボトムズ ビッグバトル) (July 1986) (OVA) (Studio 4)
- Panzer World Galient: Chapter of Iron (機甲界ガリアン 鉄の紋章) (August 1986) (OVA) (Studio 4)
- Blue Comet SPT Layzner: Eiji 1996 (蒼き流星SPTレイズナー エイジ1996) (August 1986) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- Blue Comet SPT Layzner: Le Caine 1999 (蒼き流星SPTレイズナー ル・カイン1999) (September 1986) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- Blue Comet SPT Layzner: Engraved 2000 (蒼き流星SPTレイズナー 刻印2000) (October 1986) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- Heavy Metal L-Gaim: Pentagona Window + Lady Gablae (重戦機エルガイム ペンタゴナ ウインドゥ+レディ ギャブレー) (November 1986) (OVA) (Studio 2)
- Heavy Metal L-Gaim: Farewell My Lovely + Pentagona Dolls (重戦機エルガイム フェアウェル マイ ラブリー+ペンタゴナ ドールズ) (January 1987) (OVA) (Studio 2)
- Dirty Pair: From Lovely Angels with Love (ダーティペア ラブリーエンジェルより愛をこめて) (January 1987) (OVA) (Studio 4)
- DOUGRAM vs ROUND-FACER (January 1987) (OVA) (Studio 1)
- Metal Armor Dragonar (機甲戦記ドラグナー) (February 1987–January 1988) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 7)
- Heavy Metal L-Gaim: Fullmetal Soldier (重戦機エルガイム フルメタル・ソルジャー) (March 1987) (OVA) (Studio 7)
- Bats & Terry (バツ&テリー) (March 1987) (Anime film) (Studio 3)
- Dirty Pair: Project Eden (劇場版ダーティペア) (March 1987) (Anime film) (Studio 1)
- City Hunter (シティーハンター) (April 1987–March 1988) (TV animation) (Nippon TV) (Studio 3)
- Dead Heat (デッドヒート) (July 1987) (OVA) (Studio 2)
- Mister Ajikko (ミスター味っ子) (October 1987–September 1989) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 7)
- Original Dirty Pair (ダーティペア) (December 1987–April 1988) (OVA) (Studio 1)
- Armored Trooper Votoms: Roots of Ambition (装甲騎兵ボトムズ 野望のルーツ) (February 1988) (OVA) (Studio 7)
- New Story of Aura Battler DUNBinE (February 1988–August 1988) (OVA) (Studio 1)
- Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack (機動戦士ガンダム 逆襲のシャア) (March 1988) (Anime film) (Studio 2)
- Mobile Suit SD Gundam (機動戦士SDガンダム) (March 1988–August 1991) (OVA) (Studio 5 & Studio 3)
- Mashin Hero Wataru (魔神英雄伝ワタル) (April 1988–March 1989) (TV animation) (Nippon TV) (Studio 7)
- Ronin Warriors (鎧伝サムライトルーパー) (April 1988–March 1989) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 2)
- City Hunter 2 (シティーハンター2) (April 1988–July 1989) (TV animation) (Nippon TV) (Studio 3)
- Starship Troopers (宇宙の戦士) (October 1988–December 1988) (OVA) (Studio 5)
- Armor Hunter Mellowlink (機甲猟兵メロウリンク) (November 1988–April 1989) (OVA) (Studio 1)
- Crusher Joe: The Ice Prison (クラッシャージョウ 氷結監獄の罠) (February 1989) (OVA) (Studio 1)
- The Five Star Stories (ファイブスター物語) (March 1989) (Anime film) (Studio 2)
- Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket (機動戦士ガンダム0080 ポケットの中の戦争) (March 1989–August 1989) (OVA) (Studio 5)
- Jushin Liger (獣神ライガー) (March 1989–January 1990) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 2)
- Ronin Warriors Gaiden (鎧伝サムライトルーパー外伝) (April 1989–June 1989) (OVA) (Studio 2)
- Madō King Granzort (魔動王グランゾート) (April 1989–March 1990) (TV animation) (Nippon TV) (Studio 7)
- Crusher Joe: The Ultimate Weapon: Ash (クラッシャージョウ 最終兵器アッシュ) (June 1989) (OVA) (Studio 1)
- City Hunter: 357 Magnum (シティーハンター 愛と宿命のマグナム) (June 1989) (Anime film) (Studio 3)
- Mobile Suit SD Gundam's Counterattack (機動戦士SDガンダムの逆襲・武者ガンダム参上) (July 1989) (Anime film) (Studio 5)
- Gunhed (ガンヘッド) (July 1989) (Anime film)
- Shin Mashin Hero Wataru (真魔神英雄伝ワタル) (August 1989–September 1989) (OVA) (Studio 7)
- City Hunter 3 (シティーハンター3) (October 1989–January 1990) (TV animation) (Nippon TV) (Studio 3)
- Ronin Warriors: Legend of the inferno Armor (鎧伝サムライトルーパー 輝煌帝伝説) (October 1989–January 1990) (OVA) (Studio 2)
- Mobile Police Patlabor (機動警察パトレイバー) (October 1989–September 1990) (TV animation) (Nippon TV) (Studio 1)
- Dirty Pair: Flight 005 Conspiracy (ダーティペア 謀略の005便) (January 1990) (OVA) (Studio 1)
- Brave Exkaiser (勇者エクスカイザー) (February 1990–January 1991) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 7)
- Mashin Hero Wataru 2 (魔神英雄伝ワタル2) (March 1990–March 1991) (TV animation) (Nippon TV) (Studio 7)
- SD Gundam Gaiden (機動戦士SDガンダム SDガンダム外伝) (March 1990–March 1991) (OVA) (Studio 5)
- Obatarian (オバタリアン) (April 1990) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- City Hunter: Bay City Wars (シティーハンター ベイシティウォーズ) (August 1990) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- City Hunter: Million Dollar Conspiracy (シティーハンター 百万ドルの陰謀) (August 1990) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- Madō King Granzort: The Final Magical Battle (魔動王グランゾート 最後のマジカル大戦) (August 1990–September 1990) (OVA) (Studio 7)
- Patlabor: The New Files (機動警察パトレイバー THE NEW OVA) (November 1990–April 1992) (OVA) (Studio 1)
- The Brave Fighter of Sun Fighbird (太陽の勇者ファイバード) (February 1991–February 1992) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 7)
- Mobile Suit Gundam F91 (機動戦士ガンダムF91) (March 1991) (Anime film) (Studio 2)
- Mobile Suit SD Gundam Scramble (武者・騎士・コマンド SDガンダム緊急出撃) (March 1991–August 1991) (OVA) (Studio 5)
- Ronin Warriors MESSAGE (鎧伝サムライトルーパー MESSAGE) (March 1991–August 1991) (OVA) (Studio 2)
- Future GPX Cyber Formula (新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラ) (March 1991–December 1991) (TV animation) (Nippon TV) (Studio 7)
- City Hunter '91 (シティーハンター'91) (April 1991–October 1991) (TV animation) (Nippon TV) (Studio 3)
- Armored Police Metal Jack (機甲警察メタルジャック) (April 1991–December 1991) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 7)
- Matchless Raijin-Oh (絶対無敵ライジンオー) (April 1991–March 1992) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 5)
- Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory (機動戦士ガンダム0083 STARDUST MEMORY) (May 1991–September 1992) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- Mama is a 4th Grader (ママは小学4年生) (January 1992–December 1992) (TV animation) (Nippon TV) (Studio 2)
- The Brave Fighter of Legend Da-Garn (伝説の勇者ダ・ガーン) (February 1992–January 1993) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 7)
- Madō King Granzort: The Mado Stone (魔動王グランゾート 冒険編) (March 1992–June 1992) (OVA) (Studio 7)
- Genki Bakuhatsu Ganbaruger (元気爆発ガンバルガー) (April 1992–February 1993) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 5)
- Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: The Last Blitz of Zeon (機動戦士ガンダム0083 ジオンの残光) (August 1992) (Anime film) (Studio 3)
- Raijin-Oh FinAL (ライジンオーFinAL) (September 1992–February 1993) (OVA) (Studio 5)
- Future GPX Cyber Formula 11 (新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラ11) (November 1992–June 1993) (OVA) (Studio 7)
- The Brave Express Might Gaine (勇者特急マイトガイン) (January 1993–January 1994) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 7)
- Mobile Suit SD Gundam Festival (機動戦士SDガンダムまつり) (March 1993) (Anime film) (Studio 3 & Studio 1)
- Nekketsu Saikyō Go-Saurer (熱血最強ゴウザウラー) (March 1993–February 1994) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 5)
- Mobile Suit Victory Gundam (機動戦士Vガンダム) (April 1993–March 1994) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 2)
- Iron Leaguer (疾風!アイアンリーガー) (April 1993–March 1994) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 3)
- Mashin Hero Wataru: The Endless Story (魔神英雄伝ワタル 終わりなき時の物語) (October 1993–February 1994) (OVA) (Studio 7)
- Brave Police J-Decker (勇者警察ジェイデッカー) (February 1994–January 1995) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 7)
- Dirty Pair Flash (ダーティペアFLASH) (February 1994–April 1996) (OVA) (Studio 2 & Studio 5)
- Armored Trooper Votoms: Shining Heresy (装甲騎兵ボトムズ 赫奕たる異端) (March 1994–December 1994) (OVA) (Studio 5)
- Future GPX Cyber Formula ZERO (新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラZERO) (April 1994–February 1995) (OVA) (Studio 7)
- Haō Taikei Ryū Knight (覇王大系リューナイト) (April 1994–March 1995) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 1)
- Mobile Fighter G Gundam (機動武闘伝Gガンダム) (April 1994–March 1995) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 2)
- Ryū Knight: Adeu's Legend (覇王大系リューナイト アデュー・レジェンド) (July 1994–May 1996) (OVA) (Studio 1)
- Iron Leaguer: Under of The Banner of Silver Light (疾風!アイアンリーガー 銀光の旗の下に) (November 1994–April 1995) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- The Brave of Gold Goldran (黄金勇者ゴルドラン) (February 1995–January 1996) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 7)
- Wild Knights Gulkeeva (獣戦士ガルキーバ) (April 1995–September 1995) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 3)
- Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (新機動戦記ガンダムW) (April 1995–March 1996) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 1)
- City Hunter: The Secret Service (シティーハンター ザ・シークレット・サービス) (January 1996) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team (機動戦士ガンダム 第08MS小隊) (January 1996–July 1999) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- Brave Command Dagwon (勇者指令ダグオン) (February 1996–January 1997) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 7)
- The Silent Service (沈黙の艦隊) (March 1996–January 1998) (OVA) (Studio 3 (VOYAGE.01 (March 1996)) → Studio 9 (VOYAGE.02 & VOYAGE.03 (September 1997–January 1998))
- Future GPX Cyber Formula EARLYDAYS RENEWAL (新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラEARLYDAYS RENEWAL) (April 1996–June 1996) (OVA) (Studio 7)
- The Vision of Escaflowne (天空のエスカフローネ) (April 1996–September 1996) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 3)
- Gundam Wing: Operation Meteor (新機動戦記ガンダムW オペレーション・メテオ) (April 1996–October 1996) (OVA) (Studio 1)
- After War Gundam X (機動新世紀ガンダムX) (April 1996–December 1996) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 1)
- Ganbarist! Shun (ガンバリスト!駿) (July 1996–March 1997) (TV animation) (Nippon TV) (Studio 5)
- Future GPX Cyber Formula SAGA (新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラSAGA) (August 1996–July 1997) (OVA) (Studio 10)
- Raideen the Superior (超者ライディーン) (October 1996–June 1997) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 8)
- Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz (新機動戦記ガンダムW ENDLESS WALTZ) (January 1997–July 1997) (OVA) (Studio 1)
- The King of Braves GaoGaiGar (勇者王ガオガイガー) (February 1997–January 1998) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 7)
- City Hunter: Good-Bye My Sweetheart (シティーハンター グッド・バイ・マイ・スイート・ハート) (April 1997) (OVA) (Studio 6)
- Brave Command Dagwon: The Boy with Crystal Eyes (勇者指令ダグオン 水晶の瞳の少年) (October 1997–December 1997) (OVA) (Studio 7)
- Ultra Mashin Hero Wataru (超魔神英雄伝ワタル) (October 1997–September 1998) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 6)
- Outlaw Star (星方武侠アウトロースター) (January 1998–June 1998) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 10)
- Round Vernian Vifam 13 (銀河漂流バイファム13) (March 1998–October 1998) (TV animation) (TBS) (Studio 3)
- Sentimental Journey (センチメンタルジャーニー) (April 1998–July 1998) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 6)
- Brain Powerd (ブレンパワード) (April 1998–November 1998) (TV animation) (WOWOW) (Studio 1)
- DT Eightron (DTエイトロン) (April 1998–November 1998) (TV animation) (Fuji TV) (Studio 5)
- Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz -Special Edition- (新機動戦記ガンダムW ENDLESS WALTZ 特別篇) (August 1998) (Anime film) (Studio 1)
- Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team: Miller's Report (機動戦士ガンダム 第08MS小隊 ミラーズ・リポート) (August 1998) (Anime film) (Studio 3)
- GUNDAM Mission to the Rise (August 1998) (OVA) (Sunrise D.I.D)
- Gasaraki (ガサラキ) (October 1998–March 1999) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 9)
- Cowboy Bebop (カウボーイビバップ) (October 1998–April 1999) (TV animation) (WOWOW) (Studio 2)
- Dinozaurs (ダイノゾーン) (December 1998) (OVA) (Sunrise D.I.D)
- Future GPX Cyber Formula Sin (新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラSin) (December 1998–March 2000) (OVA) (Studio 10)
- Crest of the Stars (星界の紋章) (January 1999–March 1999) (TV animation) (WOWOW) (Studio 5)
- Z-Mind (思春期美少女合体ロボ ジーマイン) (February 1999–July 1999) (OVA) (Studio 8)
- City Hunter: Death of the Vicious Criminal Ryo Saeba (シティーハンター 緊急生中継!?凶悪犯冴羽獠の最期) (April 1999) (OVA) (Studio 8)
- Angel Links (星方天使エンジェルリンクス) (April 1999–June 1999) (TV animation) (WOWOW) (Studio 10)
- Betterman (ベターマン) (April 1999–September 1999) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 7)
- Aesop World (イソップワールド) (April 1999–December 1999) (OVA) (Studio 5)
- Turn A Gundam (∀ガンダム) (April 1999–March 2000) (TV animation) (Fuji TV) (Studio 1)
- Firefighter! Daigo of Fire Company M (め組の大吾) (July 1999) (Anime film) (Studio 5)
- Seraphim Call (セラフィムコール) (October 1999–December 1999) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 8)
- The Big O (THEビッグオー) (October 1999–January 2000) (TV animation) (WOWOW) (Studio 6)
- infinite Ryvius (無限のリヴァイアス) (October 1999–March 2000) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 9)
- The King of Braves GaoGaiGar Final (勇者王ガオガイガーFinAL) (January 2000–March 2003) (OVA) (Studio 7)
- Mighty Cat Masked Niyandar (ニャニがニャンだー ニャンダーかめん) (February 2000–September 2001) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 8)
- 'Passage of the Stars - Birth (星界の断章 誕生) (April 2000) (OVA) (Studio 5)
- Crest of the Stars: SPECIAL (星界の紋章 総集編) (April 2000) (OVA) (Studio 5)
- Banner of the Stars (星界の戦旗) (April 2000–July 2000) (TV animation) (WOWOW) (Studio 5)
- Escaflowne: A Girl in Gaea (エスカフローネ) (June 2000) (Anime film) (Animation Production: Bones)
- Dinozaurs: The Series (ダイノゾーン) (July 2000–December 2000) (TV animation) (Studio 10)
- Brigadoon: Marin & Melan (BRIGADOON まりんとメラン) (July 2000–February 2001) (TV animation) (WOWOW) (Studio 7)
- Pokémon 3: The Movie (劇場版ポケットモンスター 結晶塔の帝王 ENTEI) (July 2000) (Anime film) (CG assistance, Animation Production by: OLM, Inc.)
- Argento Soma (アルジェントソーマ) (October 2000–March 2001) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 9)
- Gear Fighter Dendoh (GEAR戦士電童) (October 2000–June 2001) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 10)
- Inuyasha (犬夜叉) (October 2000–September 2004) (TV animation) (Nippon TV) (Studio 1)
- G-Saviour (G-SAVIOUR) (December 2000) (OVA) (Sunrise D.I.D)
- ZOE: 2167 IDOLO (March 2001) (OVA) (Studio 6)
- Z.O.E. Dolores,i (April 2001–September 2001) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 6)
- Afro-Dog (アフロ犬) (June 2001) (OVA) (Sunrise D.I.D)
- Banner of the Stars: SPECIAL (星界の戦旗 特別編) (July 2001) (OVA) (Studio 5)
- Banner of the Stars II (星界の戦旗II) (July 2001–September 2001) (TV animation) (WOWOW) (Studio 5)
- s-CRY-ed (スクライド) (July 2001–December 2001) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 4)
- Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (カウボーイビバップ 天国の扉) (September 2001) (Anime film) (Animation Production: Bones)
- Crush Gear (クラッシュギア) (October 2001–January 2004) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 10)
- Inuyasha the Movie: Affections Touching Across Time (犬夜叉 時代を越える想い) (December 2001) (Anime film) (Studio 5)
- Turn A Gundam: Earth Light (∀ガンダム 地球光) (February 2002) (Anime film) (Studio 1)
- Turn A Gundam: Moonlight Butterfly (∀ガンダム 月光蝶) (February 2002) (Anime film) (Studio 1)
- Argento Soma: Alone and by myself (アルジェントソーマ 孤独と孤独) (February 2002) (OVA) (Studio 9)
- Crush Gear: Kaizaban's Challenge (クラッシュギア カイザバーンの挑戦) (July 2002) (Anime film) (Studio 10)
- Witch Hunter Robin (ウィッチハンターロビン) (July 2002–December 2002) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 7)
- Overman King Gainer (OVERMANキングゲイナー) (September 2002–March 2003) (TV animation) (WOWOW) (Studio 4)
- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED (機動戦士ガンダムSEED) (October 2002–September 2003) (TV animation) (TBS) (Studio 9)
- inuyasha the Movie: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass (犬夜叉 鏡の中の夢幻城) (December 2002) (Anime film) (Studio 5)
- The Big O II (THEビッグオー 2ndシーズン) (January 2003–March 2003) (TV animation) (WOWOW) (Studio 6)
- Machine Robo Rescue (出撃!マシンロボレスキュー) (January 2003–January 2004) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Sunrise D.I.D)
- Tank Knights Fortress (無限戦記ポトリス) (April 2003–March 2004) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 8)
- Kagero Kakun (かげろうかーくん) (May 2003) (OVA) (in association with TMS Entertainment)
- Gundam Evolve (ガンダムEVOLVE) (September 2003–January 2007) (OVA) (Sunrise D.I.D)
- Planetes (プラネテス) (October 2003–April 2004) (TV animation) (NHK) (Studio 4)
- Inuyasha the Movie: Swords of an Honorable Ruler (犬夜叉 天下覇道の剣) (December 2003) (Anime film) (Studio 5)
- Superior Defender Gundam Force (SDガンダムフォース) (January 2004–December 2004) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Sunrise D.I.D)
- Kaiketsu Zorori (かいけつゾロリ) (February 2004–January 2007) (in association with Ajia-do Animation Works) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 5)
- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED AFTER PHASE (機動戦士ガンダムSEED AFTER PHASE) (March 2004) (OVA) (Studio 9)
- Sgt. Frog (ケロロ軍曹) (April 2004–April 2011) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 6)
- Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO (機動戦士ガンダム MS IGLOO) (July 2004–April 2009) (OVA) (Sunrise D.I.D)
- Steamboy (スチームボーイ) (August 2004) (Anime film) (Nerima Studio)
- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Special Edition (機動戦士ガンダムSEED SPECIAL EDITION) (August 2004–October 2004) (OVA) (Studio 9)
- My-HiME (舞-HiME) (September 2004–March 2005) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 8)
- Onmyō Taisenki (陰陽大戦記) (September 2004–September 2005) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 10)
- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny (機動戦士ガンダムSEED DESTinY) (October 2004–October 2005) (TV animation) (TBS) (Studio 3)
- Yakitate!! Japan (焼きたて!!ジャぱん) (October 2004–March 2006) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 1)
- Inuyasha the Movie: Fire on the Mystic Island (犬夜叉 紅蓮の蓬莱島) (December 2004) (Anime film) (Studio 5)
- GaoGaiGar Final -Grand Glorious Gathering- (勇者王ガオガイガーFinAL GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERinG) (April 2005–June 2005) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 7)
- Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam: A New Translation (機動戦士Ζガンダム A NEW TRANSLATION) (May 2005–March 2006) (OVA) (Studio 7)
- Hotori - A Simple Wish for Joy (ほとり 〜たださいわいを希う。〜) (August 2005) (OVA) (Nerima Studio)
- Banner of the Stars III (星界の戦旗III) (August 2005–September 2005) (OVA) (Studio 5)
- Cluster Edge (クラスターエッジ) (October 2005–March 2006) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 1)
- My-Otome (舞-乙HiME) (October 2005–March 2006) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 8)
- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny: FinAL PLUS (機動戦士ガンダムSEED DESTinY FinAL PLUS) (December 2005) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- The Wings of Rean (リーンの翼) (December 2005–August 2006) (OVA) (Nerima Studio)
- Keroro Gunsō the Super Movie (超劇場版ケロロ軍曹) (March 2006) (Anime film) (Studio 6)
- Kaiketsu Zorori: The Battle for the Mysterious Treasure (かいけつゾロリ なぞのお宝大さくせん) (in association with Ajia-do Animation Works) (March 2006) (Anime film) (Studio 5)
- Zegapain (ゼーガペイン) (April 2006–September 2006) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 9)
- Gin Tama (銀魂) (April 2006–March 2010) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 5)
- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny: Special Edition (機動戦士ガンダムSEED DESTinY SPECIAL EDITION) (May 2006–January 2007) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- Cluster Edge Secret Episode (クラスターエッジ SECRET EPISODE) (September 2006) (OVA) (Studio 1)
- intrigue in the Bakumatsu – Irohanihoheto (幕末機関説いろはにほへと) (October 2006–April 2007) (TV animation) (Animax) (Studio 7)
- Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ) (October 2006–July 2007) (TV animation) (TBS) (Studio 4)
- Kekkaishi (結界師) (October 2006–February 2008) (TV animation) (Nippon TV) (Studio 1)
- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED C.E. 73: Stargazer (機動戦士ガンダムSEED C.E.73 STARGAZER) (November 2006) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- My-Otome Zwei (舞-乙HiME Zwei) (November 2006–August 2007) (OVA) (Studio 8)
- Freedom Project (FREEDOM PROJECT) (November 2006–May 2008) (OVA) (Nerima Studio)
- Dinosaur King (古代王者恐竜キング) (February 2007–August 2008) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 10)
- Keroro Gunsō the Super Movie 2: The Deep Sea Princess (超劇場版ケロロ軍曹2 深海のプリンセスであります!)(March 2007) (Anime film) (Studio 6)
- Chibi Kero: Secret of the Kero Ball!? (ちびケロ ケロボールの秘密!?) (March 2007) (Anime film) (Studio 6)
- Idolmaster: Xenoglossia (アイドルマスター XENOGLOSSIA) (April 2007–September 2007) (TV animation) (AT-X) (Studio 8)
- SOS! Tokyo Metro Explorers: The Next (新SOS大東京探検隊) (May 2007) (OVA) (Sunrise D.I.D)
- Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (機動戦士ガンダム00) (October 2007–March 2008) (TV animation) (TBS) (Studio 3)
- Armored Trooper Votoms: Pailsen Files (装甲騎兵ボトムズ ペールゼン・ファイルズ) (October 2007–August 2008) (OVA) (Sunrise D.I.D)
- Code Geass: Black Rebellion (コードギアス BLACK REBELLION) (February 2008) (OVA) (Studio 4)
- My-Otome 0~S.ifr~ (舞-乙HiME 0~S.ifr~) (February 2008–November 2008) (OVA) (Studio 8)
- Keroro Gunso the Super Movie 3: Keroro vs. Keroro Great Sky Duel (劇場版ケロロ軍曹3 ケロロ対ケロロ大決戦であります!) (March 2008) (Anime film) (Studio 6)
- Musha Kero: Debut! Sengoku Planet Ran Big Battle!! (武者ケロ お披露目!戦国ラン星大バトル!!) (March 2008) (Anime film) (Studio 6)
- Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 (コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュR2) (April 2008–September 2008) (TV animation) (TBS) (Studio 4)
- Battle Spirits: Shounen Toppa Bashin (バトルスピリッツ 少年突破バシン) (September 2008–September 2009) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 9)
- Tales of the Abyss (テイルズ オブ ジ アビス) (October 2008–March 2009) (TV animation) (Tokyo MX) (Studio 1)
- Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season (機動戦士ガンダム00 2ndシーズン) (October 2008–March 2009) (TV animation) (TBS) (Studio 3)
- Urusei Yatsura: The Obstacle Course Swim Meet (うる星やつら ザ・障害物水泳大会) (December 2008) (OVA) (Studio 8)
- Pailsen Files the Movie (装甲騎兵ボトムズ ペールゼン・ファイルズ 劇場版) (January 2009) (Anime film) (Sunrise D.I.D)
- The Girl Who Leapt Through Space (宇宙をかける少女) (January 2009–June 2009) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 8)
- Black God (黒神) (January 2009–June 2009) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 11)
- Keroro Gunso the Super Movie 4: Gekishin Dragon Warriors (超劇場版ケロロ軍曹4 撃侵ドラゴンウォリアーズであります!) (March 2009) (Anime film) (Studio 6)
- Kero 0: Depart! Assembly of Everyone!! (ケロ0 出発だよ!全員集合!!) (March 2009) (Anime film) (Studio 6)
- Code Geass: Zero Requiem (コードギアス ZERO REQUIEM) (July 2009) (OVA) (Studio 4)
- Battle Spirits: Shounen Gekiha Dan (バトルスピリッツ 少年激覇ダン) (September 2009–September 2010) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 9)
- Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Special Edition (機動戦士ガンダム00 SPECIAL EDITION) (October 2009–February 2010) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- Inuyasha: The Final Act (犬夜叉 完結編) (October 2009–March 2010) (TV animation) (Nippon TV) (Studio 1)
- Hipira: The Little Vampire (ヒピラくん) (December 2009) (OVA) (Nerima Studio)
- Black God: Tiger and Wings (黒神 虎と翼) (December 2009) (OVA) (Studio 11)
- My-HiME: The Black Dance (舞-HiME 黒の舞) (January 2010) (OVA) (Studio 8)
- Keroro Gunso the Super Movie: Creation! Ultimate Keroro, Wonder Space-Time Island (超劇場版ケロロ軍曹 誕生!究極ケロロ 奇跡の時空島であります!!) (February 2010) (Anime film) (Studio 6)
- Chō Denei-ban SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors (超電影版SDガンダム三国伝 Brave Battle Warriors) (February 2010) (Anime film) (Nerima Studio)
- My-Otome: The Holy Maiden's Prayer (舞-乙HiME 乙女の祈り) (March 2010) (OVA) (Studio 8)
- Armored Trooper Votoms: The Phantom Chapter (装甲騎兵ボトムズ 幻影篇) (March 2010–October 2010) (OVA) (Sunrise D.I.D)
- Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn (機動戦士ガンダムUC) (March 2010–June 2014) (OVA) (Studio 1)
- Gintama: The Movie (銀魂 新訳紅桜篇) (April 2010) (Anime film) (Studio 5)
- SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors (SDガンダム三国伝 Brave Battle Warriors) (April 2010–March 2011) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Nerima Studio)
- King of Thorn (いばらの王) (May 2010) (Anime film) (Nerima Studio)
- Colorful (カラフル) (August 2010) (Anime film) (Animation production by Ascension)
- Model Suit Gunpla Builders Beginning G (模型戦士ガンプラビルダーズ ビギニングG) (August 2010–December 2010) (OVA) (Sunrise D.I.D)
- Mobile Suit Gundam 00 the Movie: A Wakening of the Trailblazer (劇場版 機動戦士ガンダム00 -A wakening of the Trailblazer-) (September 2010) (Anime film) (Studio 3)
- Battle Spirits Brave (バトルスピリッツ ブレイヴ) (September 2010–September 2011) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 9)
- Armored Trooper Votoms: Case;Irvine (装甲騎兵ボトムズ CASE;IRVinE) (November 2010) (OVA) (Studio 8)
- Votoms Finder (ボトムズファインダー) (December 2010) (OVA) (Sunrise D.I.D)
- Armored Trooper Votoms: Alone Again (装甲騎兵ボトムズ 孤影再び) (January 2011) (OVA) (Sunrise D.I.D)
- Coicent (コイ☆セント) (February 2011) (OVA) (Nerima Studio)
- Five Numbers! (ノラゲキ!) (April 2011) (OVA) (Nerima Studio)
- Tiger & Bunny (TIGER&BUNNY) (April 2011–September 2011) (TV animation) (Tokyo MX) (Studio 6)
- Gintama' (銀魂') (April 2011–March 2012) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 5)
- Sacred Seven (セイクリッドセブン) (July 2011–September 2011) (TV animation) (Tokyo MX) (Studio 7)
- Battle Spirits: Heroes (バトルスピリッツ 覇王) (September 2011–September 2012) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 9)
- Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere (境界線上のホライゾン) (October 2011–December 2011) (TV animation) (Tokyo MX) (Studio 8)
- Mobile Suit Gundam AGE (機動戦士ガンダムAGE) (October 2011–September 2012) (in association with Level-5) (TV animation) (TBS) (Studio 3)
- Phi Brain: Puzzle of God (ファイ・ブレイン 神のパズル) (October 2011–March 2014) (TV animation) (NHK) (Studio 10)
- s-CRY-ed: Alteration TAO (スクライド オルタレイションTAO) (November 2011) (Anime film) (Studio 4)
- Sacred Seven: Wings of Gingetsu (セイクリッドセブン 銀月の翼) (January 2012) (Anime film) (Studio 7)
- Daily Lives of High School Boys (男子高校生の日常) (January 2012–March 2012) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 9)
- s-CRY-ed: Alteration QUAN (スクライド オルタレイションQUAN) (March 2012) (Anime film) (Studio 4)
- Natsuiro Kiseki (夏色キセキ) (April 2012–June 2012) (TV animation) (TBS) (Studio 11)
- Accel World (アクセル・ワールド) (April 2012–September 2012) (in association with GENCO) (TV animation) (Tokyo MX) (Studio 8)
- Code Geass: Nunnally in Wonderland (コードギアス ナナリーinワンダーランド) (July 2012) (OVA) (Studio 4)
- Good Luck Girl! (貧乏神が!) (July 2012–September 2012) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 9)
- Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 2nd Season (境界線上のホライゾンII) (July 2012–September 2012) (TV animation) (Tokyo MX) (Studio 8)
- Code Geass: Akito the Exiled (コードギアス 亡国のアキト) (August 2012–February 2016) (OVA) (Studio 4)
- Tiger & Bunny: The Beginning (TIGER&BUNNY THE BEGinNinG) (September 2012) (Anime film) (Studio 6)
- Battle Spirits: Sword Eyes (バトルスピリッツ ソードアイズ) (September 2012–September 2013) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 9)
- Accel World: Awakening of the Silver Wings (アクセル・ワールド 銀翼の覚醒) (October 2012) (OVA) (Studio 8)
- Gintama' Overtime (銀魂' 延長戦) (October 2012–March 2013) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 5)
- Aikatsu! (アイカツ!) (October 2012–March 2016) (Later animation provided by Bandai Namco Pictures) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 9 & Studio 5)
- Nerawareta Gakuen (ねらわれた学園) (November 2012) (Anime film) (Studio 8)
- Zorori's Big Big Big Big Adventure! (かいけつゾロリ だ・だ・だ・だいぼうけん!) (December 2012) (in association with Ajia-do Animation Works) (Anime film) (Studio 5)
- Love Live! (ラブライブ!) (January 2013–March 2013) (TV animation) (Tokyo MX) (Studio 8)
- Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team: Battle in Three Dimensions (機動戦士ガンダム 第08MS小隊 三次元との戦い) (February 2013) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- Valvrave the Liberator (革命機ヴァルヴレイヴ) (April 2013–December 2013) (TV animation) (MBS/TBS) (Nerima Studio)
- Gintama: The Movie: The Final Chapter: Be Forever Yorozuya (劇場版 銀魂 完結篇 万事屋よ永遠なれ) (July 2013) (Anime film) (Studio 5)
- Short Peace (ショート・ピース) (July 2013) (Anime film) (Nerima Studio) (Received an Academy Award nomination for Best Animated Short Film for its segment Possessions (九十九))
- Mobile Suit Gundam AGE: Memory of Eden (機動戦士ガンダムAGE MEMORY OF EDEN) (July 2013) (in association with Level-5) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- Battle Spirits: Saikyou Ginga Ultimate Zero (最強銀河究極ゼロ ~バトルスピリッツ~) (September 2013–September 2014) (TV animation) (TV Asahi) (Studio 9)
- Gundam Build Fighters (ガンダムビルドファイターズ) (October 2013–March 2014) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 3)
- Kaiketsu Zorori: Protect It! The Dinosaur Egg (かいけつゾロリ まもるぜ!きょうりゅうのたまご) (December 2013) (in association with Ajia-do Animation Works) (Anime film) (Studio 5)
- Buddy Complex (バディ・コンプレックス) (January 2014–March 2014) (TV animation) (Tokyo MX) (Studio 8)
- Tiger & Bunny: The Rising (TIGER&BUNNY THE RISinG) (February 2014) (Anime film) (Studio 6)
- KERORO (ケロロ 〜KERORO〜) (March 2014–September 2014) (TV animation) (Animax) (Studio 6)
- Love Live! 2nd Season (ラブライブ! 2ndシーズン) (April 2014–June 2014) (TV animation) (Tokyo MX) (Studio 8)
- Mobile Suit Gundam-san (機動戦士ガンダムさん) (July 2014–September 2014) (TV animation) (Tokyo MX) (Studio 6)
- Buddy Complex: The Final Chapter (バディ・コンプレックス 完結編) (September 2014) (OVA) (Studio 8)
- Tribe Cool Crew (トライブクルクル) (September 2014–October 2015) (in association with Ajia-do Animation Works) (TV animation) (TV Asahi)
- Gundam Reconguista in G (ガンダム Gのレコンギスタ) (October 2014–March 2015) (TV animation) (MBS/TBS) (Studio 1)
- Gundam Build Fighters Try (ガンダムビルドファイターズトライ) (October 2014–April 2015) (TV animation) (TV Tokyo) (Studio 3)
- Cross Ange: Rondo of Angels and Dragons (クロスアンジュ 天使と竜の輪舞) (October 2014–March 2015) (TV animation) (Tokyo MX) (Nerima Studio)[1]
- Aikatsu! The Movie (劇場版アイカツ!) (December 2014) (Anime film) (Studio 5)
- Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin (機動戦士ガンダム THE ORIGIN) (February 2015–November 2016) (OVA)
- Love Live! The School Idol Movie (ラブライブ! THE SCHOOL IDOL MOVIE) (June 2015) (Anime film) (Studio 8)
- Kaiketsu Zorori: Heroes of Space (かいけつゾロリ うちゅうの勇者たち) (September 2015) (in association with Ajia-do Animation Works) (Anime film) (Studio 5)
- Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans (機動戦士ガンダム 鉄血のオルフェンズ) (October 2015–March 2016) (TV animation) (TBS) (Studio 3)
- Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt (機動戦士ガンダム サンダーボルト) (December 2015-June 2016) (Original net animation)
- Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 (機動戦士ガンダムUC RE:0096) (April 2016–September 2016) (TV animation) (TV Asahi)
- Accel World: Infinite Burst (アクセル・ワールド inFinITE∞BURST) (July 2016) (in association with GENCO) (Anime film) (Studio 8)
- Love Live! Sunshine!! (ラブライブ! サンシャイン!!) (July 2016–September 2016) (TV animation) (Tokyo MX) (Studio 8)
- Gundam Build Fighters Try: Island Wars (ガンダムビルドファイターズトライ アイランドウォーズ) (August 2016) (OVA) (Studio 3)
- Zegapain ADP (ゼーガペインADP) (October 2016) (Anime film) (Studio 9)
- Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans: 2nd Season (機動戦士ガンダム 鉄血のオルフェンズ 2ndシーズン) (October 2016–March 2017) (TV animation) (TBS) (Studio 3)
- Magic-kyun Renaissance (October 2016-January 2017) (TV animation) (Studio 8)
- Classicaloid (クラシカロイド) (October 2016–April 2017) (TV animation)[2] (NHK) (Studio 5)
- Mobile Suit Gundam: Twilight Axis (June 2017) (ONA)
- Gundam Build Fighters: GM's Counterattack (August 2017) (ONA)
- Gundam Build Fighters: Battlogue (August 2017) (ONA)
- Love Live! Sunshine!! 2nd Season (ラブライブ! サンシャイン!! 2ndシーズン) (October 2017–December 2017) (TV animation) (Tokyo MX) (Studio 8)
- Gundam Build Divers (ガンダムビルドダイバーズ) (April 2018–September 2018) (TV animation)
- Isekai Izakaya ~Koto Aitheria no Izakaya Nobu~ (異世界居酒屋〜古都アイテーリアの居酒屋のぶ〜) (April 2018–September 2018) (ONA)
- Double Decker! Doug & Kirill (DOUBLE DECKER! ダグ&キリル) (October 2018–December 2018) (TV animation)
- Love Live! Sunshine!! The School Idol Movie Over The Rainbow (ラブライブ! サンシャイン!! THE SCHOOL IDOL MOVIE OVER THE RAINBOW) (Anime film) (Studio 8)
- City Hunter the Movie: Shinjuku Private Eyes (シティーハンター) (February 2019) (Anime film) (Studio 1)
- Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection (コードギアス 復活のルルーシュ) (February 2019) (Anime film)
- Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin - Advent of the Red Comet (機動戦士ガンダム THE ORIGIN) (April 2019–August 2019) (TV animation)
- SD Gundam World Sangoku Soketsuden (SDガンダムワールド 三国創傑伝) (July 2019–) (Original net animation)
- Gundam Build Divers Re:Rise (ガンダムビルドダイバーズRe:RISE) (October 2019–) (Original net animation)
- Wave, Listen to Me! (波よ聞いてくれ) (April 2020–June 2020) (TV animation)
- Mashin Eiyūden Wataru: Seven-Souled Ryūjinmaru (魔神英雄伝ワタル 七魂の龍神丸) (April 2020– ) (Original net animation)
- King's Raid: Heirs of the Will (キングスレイド 意志を継ぐものたち) (October 2020– ) (TV animation)
- Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon (半妖の夜叉姫) (October 2020– ) (TV animation)
- Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club (ラブライブ! 虹ヶ咲学園スクールアイドル同好会) (TBA) (TV animation)
- Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash (機動戦士ガンダム 閃光のハサウェイ) (TBA) (Anime film series)
- Orbital Era (TBA) (Anime film)
gollark: I think someone answered that up a bit...
gollark: ++magic py```pythonimport eventbusawait eventbus.remove_bridge_link(bot.database, ("discord",, ("apionet", "#" "e"),True)```
gollark: Oops.
gollark: ++magic py```pythonimport eventbusawait eventbus.remove_bridge_link(bot.database, ("discord",, ("apionet", "#", "e"),True)```
gollark: ???
- "2014年 10月 原画". Retrieved 2015-02-13.
- "Sunrise Reveals Classicaloid Comedy TV Anime for 2016". Anime News Network. 2015-07-03. Retrieved 2016-03-23.
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