List of Nevada state agencies

The following is a list of the U.S. state of Nevada's state agencies.

Executive branch

Constitutional entities / officers

  • Attorney General
    • Bureau of Consumer Protection (Consumer's Advocate)
    • Fraud Control Unit for Industrial Insurance
    • Fraud Control Unit for Insurance
    • Unit for the Investigation and Prosecution of Crimes Against Older Persons
    • Medicaid Fraud Control Unit
    • Office of Military Legal Assistance
    • Office of Ombudsman for Victims of Domestic Violence
    • Office of Advocate for Missing or Exploited Children (Children's Advocate)
    • Committee for the Statewide Alert System
    • Office of Statewide Coordinator for Children Who Are Endangered by Drug Exposure
    • Technological Crime Advisory Board
    • Gaming Division
    • Substance Abuse Working Group
    • Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex Offender Registration
  • Secretary of State
    • Advisory Committee on Participatory Democracy (inactive)
    • Commercial Recordings Division
    • Elections Division
    • Notary Division
    • Securities Division
  • Governor
    • Office of Energy
      • Board of Directors of the Nevada Clean Energy Fund
      • New Energy Industry Task Force (inactive)
    • Office of Economic Development
      • Division of Motion Pictures
      • Division of Economic Development
      • Board of Economic Development
    • Office of Finance
      • Budget Division
        • Economic Forum
          • Technical Advisory Committee on Future State Revenues
        • Nevada Advisory Council on Federal Assistance
      • Division of Internal Audits
        • Executive Branch Audit Committee
    • Office of Science, Innovation and Technology
      • Advisory Council on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
    • Agency for Nuclear Projects
      • Commission on Nuclear Projects
      • Division of Technical Programs
      • Division of Planning
    • Office of the Western Regional Education Compact
    • Office of Workforce Innovation
    • Nevada Commission for Persons Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Speech Impaired
  • Lieutenant Governor
  • Controller
  • Treasurer
    • Board of Trustees of the College Savings Plans of Nevada
  • Nevada System of Higher Education
    • Board of Regents
      • Administrative Services
      • Community Colleges
      • State Colleges
      • Universities
      • Research Facilities
      • Committee on Anatomical Dissection
      • Public Service Division
        • Agricultural Extension/Experiment Station
        • Bureau of Mines and Geology
      • State 4-H Camp Advisory Council
    • University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • State Board of Examiners
  • State Board of Finance

Agencies headed by directors appointed by the Governor

  • Department of Administration
    • Administrative Services Division
    • Committee on Deferred Compensation for State Employees
    • Division of Enterprise Information Technology Services
      • Enterprise Application Services Unit
      • Communication and Computing Unit
      • Office of Information Security
      • Information Technology Advisory Board
    • Fleet Services Division
    • Office of Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management
    • Hearings Division
    • Division of Human Resource Management
      • Personnel Commission
      • Employee-Management Committee
      • Committee on Catastrophic Leave
      • Merit Award Board
    • Division of State Library, Archives and Public Records
      • Central Mailing Room
      • State Archives
      • State Publications Distribution Center
      • State Data Center
      • State Historical Records Advisory Board
      • Committee to Approve Schedules for the Retention and Disposition of Official State Records
      • State Council on Libraries and Literacy
    • State Public Works Division
      • State Public Works Board
      • Buildings and Grounds Section
      • Public Works–Compliance and Code Enforcement Section
      • Public Works–Professional Services Section
    • Purchasing Division
    • Risk Management Division
  • State Department of Agriculture
    • State Board of Agriculture
    • Division of Consumer Equitability
    • Nevada Junior Livestock Show Board
    • Rangeland Resources Commission
    • State Predatory Animal and Rodent Committee
  • Department of Business and Industry
    • Nevada Commission on Minority Affairs
      • Office of Ombudsman of Consumer Affairs for Minorities
    • Nevada Athletic Commission
    • Office of the Nevada Attorney for Injured Workers
    • Consumer Affairs Unit
    • Local Government Employee-Management Relations Board
    • Division of Financial Institutions
      • Credit Union Advisory Council
    • Housing Division
    • Division of Industrial Relations
      • Advisory Council
      • Board for the Administration of the Subsequent Injury Account for Associations of Self-Insured Public or Private Employers
      • Board for the Administration of the Subsequent Injury Account for Self-Insured Employers
      • Occupational Safety and Health Review Board
    • Division of Insurance
      • Appeals Panel for Industrial Insurance
    • Office of Labor Commissioner
      • State Apprenticeship Council
    • Division of Mortgage Lending
      • Advisory Council on Mortgage Investments and Mortgage Lending
    • Real Estate Division
      • Commission of Appraisers of Real Estate
      • Real Estate Commission
      • Office of the Ombudsman for Owners in Common-Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels
      • Commission for Common-Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels
    • Taxicab Authority
    • Nevada Transportation Authority
  • State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
    • State Conservation Commission
    • Division of Environmental Protection
      • State Environmental Commission
      • Board for Financing Water Projects
    • Division of Forestry
    • Office of Historic Preservation
      • Commission for Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation
      • Comstock Historic District Commission
    • Division of State Lands
      • State Land Office
        • Board of Review
      • State Land Use Planning Agency
      • Land Use Planning Advisory Council/Executive Council
    • Division of State Parks
    • Division of Water Resources
      • Office of the State Engineer
      • Well Drillers Advisory Board
      • Water Planning Section
    • Commission on Off-Highway Vehicles
    • Sagebrush Ecosystem Council
  • Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation
    • Employment Security Division
      • Commission on Postsecondary Education
    • Employment Security Council/ Board of Review
    • Governor's Workforce Investment Board
    • Board for the Education and Counseling of Displaced Homemakers
    • Rehabilitation Division
      • Bureau of Services to Persons Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired
      • Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation
      • Bureau of Disability Adjudication
    • Nevada Equal Rights Commission
    • Nevada State Rehabilitation Council
    • Nevada Committee of Blind Vendors
    • P-20W Research Data System Advisory Committee
  • Department of Health and Human Services
    • Task Force on Alzheimer's Disease
    • Interagency Panel
    • Grants Management Advisory Committee
    • Advisory Committee on Problem Gambling
    • Board of Examiners for Long-Term Care Administrators
    • Office for Suicide Prevention
    • Committee to Review Suicide Fatalities
    • Early Intervention Interagency Coordinating Council
    • Office for Consumer Health Assistance
      • Bureau for Hospital Patients
      • Office of Minority Health and Equity
        • Advisory Committee on Minority Health and Equity
    • State of Nevada Advisory Council on Palliative Care and Quality of Life
    • Aging and Disability Services Division
      • Nevada Commission on Aging
      • Nevada Commission on Services for Persons with Disabilities
      • Office of the Community Advocate for Elder Rights
      • Office of Attorney for the Rights of Older Persons and Persons with a Physical Disability, an Intellectual Disability or a Related Condition
      • Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman
    • Division of Child and Family Services
      • Youth Parole Bureau
      • Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
      • Caliente Youth Center Bureau
      • Nevada Youth Training Center Bureau
      • State of Nevada Juvenile Justice Commission
      • Executive Committee to Review the Death of Children
      • Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission
        • Advisory Committee to the Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission
    • Division of Health Care Financing and Policy
      • Advisory Committee on Medicaid Innovation
      • Medical Care Advisory Committee
      • Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
      • Drug Use Review Board
    • Division of Public and Behavioral Health
      • Commission on Behavioral Health
      • State Board of Health
        • Advisory Committee on the State Program for Oral Health
      • Regional Behavioral Health Policy Boards
      • Committee on Emergency Medical Services
      • Medical Laboratory Advisory Committee
      • Advisory Board on Maternal and Child Health
      • Advisory Council on the State Program for Wellness and Prevention of Chronic Disease
    • Division of Welfare and Supportive Services
      • Committee to Review Child Support Guidelines
    • Office of the State Public Defender
  • Office of the Military
  • Department of Motor Vehicles
    • Administrative Services Division
    • Division of Central Services and Records
    • Commission on Special License Plates
    • Division of Compliance Enforcement
      • Advisory Board on Automotive Affairs
    • Division of Field Services
    • Division of Information Technology
    • Division of the Office of the Director
    • Division of Management Services and Programs
    • Motor Carrier Division
  • Department of Public Safety
    • State Board of Pardons Commissioners
    • Division of Parole and Probation
    • State Board of Parole Commissioners
    • Nevada State Council for Interstate Adult Offender Supervision
    • Nevada Office of Cyber Defense Coordination
    • Division of Emergency Management
      • Nevada Commission on Homeland Security
      • Intrastate Mutual Aid Committee
      • Board of Search and Rescue
      • Committee on Training in Search and Rescue
    • Records, Communication and Compliance Division
      • Advisory Committee on Nevada Criminal Justice Information Sharing
    • State Emergency Response Commission
    • State Fire Marshal Division
      • State Board of Fire Services
    • Training Division
    • Nevada Highway Patrol
    • Investigation Division
    • Capitol Police Division
    • Committee on Testing for Intoxication
    • Office of Criminal Justice Assistance
  • Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs
    • Division of Tourism
    • Commission on Tourism
    • Nevada Arts Council/Board
    • Division of Museums and History/Board
    • Nevada Indian Commission
  • Department of Veterans Services
    • Nevada Veterans Services Commission
    • Advisory Committee for a Veterans Cemetery in Northern Nevada
    • Advisory Committee for a Veterans Cemetery in Southern Nevada
    • Interagency Council on Veterans Affairs
    • Women Veterans Advisory Committee

Agencies headed by boards or commissions

  • Colorado River Commission of Nevada
  • Department of Corrections
    • Board of State Prison Commissioners
    • Committee on Industrial Programs
  • Department of Education
    • State Board of Education
    • Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association
    • Commission on Educational Technology
    • Council to Establish Academic Standards for Public Schools
    • Commission on Professional Standards in Education
      • Nevada Educator Code of Ethics Advisory Group
    • State Council for the Coordination of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
    • Advisory Council on Parental Involvement and Family Engagement
    • Office of Parental Involvement and Family Engagement
    • State Public Charter School Authority
    • Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment
    • Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada
    • Statewide Council for the Coordination of the Regional Training Programs
    • Nevada Advisory Commission on Mentoring
    • Nevada Early Childhood Advisory Council
  • State Gaming Control Board
  • Commission on Mineral Resources
    • Division of Minerals
  • Board of the Public Employees Benefits Program
  • Public Employees Retirement Board
    • Police and Firefighters Retirement Fund Advisory Committee
    • Public Employees Retirement System
    • Legislators Retirement System
    • Judicial Retirement System
  • Public Utilities Commission of Nevada
    • Division of Consumer Complaint Resolution
  • Department of Taxation
    • Nevada Tax Commission
    • Appraisers Certification Board
    • Office of the State Demographer
    • State Board of Equalization
    • Committee on Local Government Finance
    • Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission
  • Department of Transportation
    • Board of Directors
    • Administrative Division
    • Operations Division
    • Engineering Division
    • Planning Division
    • Nevada State Infrastructure Bank
      • Board of Directors of the Nevada State Infrastructure Bank
    • Nevada Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board
    • Advisory Committee on Transportational Storm Water Management
  • Department of Wildlife
    • Board of Wildlife Commissioners
    • Advisory Board on Dream Tags

Independent boards, commissions, or councils

Policy and other boards and statutory bodies

  • Commission on Ethics
  • Governor's Advisory Council on Education Relating to the Holocaust
  • Southern Nevada Enterprise Community Board
  • Nevada State Board on Geographic Names
  • State Grazing Boards
    • Central Committee of Nevada State Grazing Boards
  • Nevada High-Speed Rail Authority
  • Board of Trustees of the Fund for Hospital Care to Indigent Persons
  • Board for the Regulation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
  • Advisory Council for Prosecuting Attorneys
  • Nevada Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
  • Silver State Health Insurance Exchange/Board
  • Commission to Study Governmental Purchasing
  • Nevada Commission for Women (inactive)
  • Commission to Review the Compensation of Constitutional Officers, Legislators, Supreme Court Justices, Judges of the Court of Appeals, District Judges and Elected County Officers (inactive)

Professional and occupational licensing boards

  • Nevada State Board of Accountancy
  • Board of Examiners for Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Counselors
  • State Board of Architecture, Interior Design and Residential Design
  • Board of Athletic Trainers
  • State Barbers' Health and Sanitation Board
  • Board of Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Chiropractic Physicians Board of Nevada
  • State Contractors Board
  • Commission on Construction Education
  • State Board of Cosmetology
  • Certified Court Reporters Board of Nevada
  • Board of Dental Examiners of Nevada
    • Committee on Dental Hygiene
  • State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors
  • Nevada Funeral and Cemetery Services Board
  • Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners
  • State Board of Landscape Architecture
  • Board of Examiners for Marriage and Family Therapists and Clinical Professional Counselors
  • Board of Massage Therapy
  • Board of Medical Examiners
  • State Board of Nursing
    • Advisory Committee on Nursing Assistants and Medication Aides
  • Board of Occupational Therapy
  • Board of Dispensing Opticians
  • Nevada State Board of Optometry
  • State Board of Oriental Medicine
  • State Board of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Peace Officers Standards and Training Commission
  • State Board of Pharmacy
  • Nevada Physical Therapy Board
  • State Board of Podiatry
  • Private Investigators Licensing Board
  • Board of Psychological Examiners
  • Board of Registered Environmental Health Specialists
  • Board of Examiners for Social Workers
  • Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Board
  • Nevada State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners

Interstate boards and commissions

Legislative branch

  • Senate
  • Assembly
  • Committees of the Legislature
  • Legislative Counsel Bureau
    • Interim Finance Committee
    • Legislative Commission
    • Director's Office
      • Nevada Silver Haired Legislative Forum
      • Nevada Youth Legislature
    • Administrative Division
    • Audit Division
    • Fiscal Analysis Division
    • Legal Division
      • State Printing Office
    • Research Division
    • Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice
      • Subcommittee on Criminal Justice Information Sharing
      • Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice
      • Subcommittee on Victims of Crime
      • Subcommittee to Review Arrestee DNA
      • Subcommittee on Medical Use of Marijuana
      • Nevada Sentencing Commission

Judicial branch

  • Commission on Judicial Selection
  • Commission on Judicial Discipline
  • Judicial Council of the State of Nevada
  • Standing Committee on Judicial Ethics
  • Court System
gollark: According to the political compass data I gathered, which is admittedly rather small sample size and entirely self-selected, we skew vaguely left/libertarian.
gollark: Who is this "person" who is "streaming"?
gollark: No, I mean slogans are entirely orthogonal to what organizations actually do.


  • "Directory of State and Local Government" (PDF). Nevada Legislative Council Bureau. 2016. Retrieved 2017-01-16.
  • "Nevada State Government Organizational Chart" (PDF). Nevada Legislative Council Bureau. June 2018. Retrieved 2019-03-29.
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