List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 1950

List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 1950.

1950 U.S. and Canadian Fellows

  • Robert Arnold Alberty, Professor of Chemistry, School of Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: 1950.
  • Edward Wyllys Andrews, IV, deceased. Anthropology: 1950.
  • Boris Aronson, deceased. Theatre Arts: 1950.
  • Lincoln Barnett, deceased. Letters-General: 1950.
  • Monroe Curtis Beardsley, deceased. Philosophy: 1950.
  • Sidney William Benson, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, University of Southern California: 1950.
  • William Eugene Berg, Professor Emeritus of Zoology, University of California, Berkeley: 1950.
  • David Bidney, deceased. Anthropology: 1950.
  • Julian Himely Bigelow, permanent member, School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey: 1950.
  • Max Black, deceased. Philosophy: 1950.
  • Herbert Bloch, Pope Professor Emeritus of the Latin Language and Literature, Harvard University: 1950.
  • Ralph Philip Boas, Jr., deceased. Mathematics: 1950.
  • Bart Jan Bok, deceased. Astronomy: 1950.
  • Ernest Borek, deceased. Microbiology, 1950, 1957.
  • Rosalie Moore Brown, poet, Petaluma, California: 1950, 1951. Appointed as Rosalie Moore.
  • Edward Charles Cantino, deceased. Biochemistry-Molecular Biology: 1950.
  • Howard I. Chapelle, deceased. Architecture: 1950.
  • Albert William Christ-Janer, deceased. Fine Arts Research: 1950.
  • Robert Donald Clark, Professor Emeritus of Rhetoric and Communication and President Emeritus, University of Oregon: 1950.
  • Isabel Pope Conant, deceased. Music Composition: 1950. Appointed as Pope, Isabel.
  • Bryce L. Crawford, deceased. Professor of Chemistry, University of Minnesota: 1950, 1972.
  • Norman Henry Cromwell, Regents' Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, University of Nebraska-Lincoln: 1950, 1957.
  • Robert Alan Dahl, Sterling Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Yale University: 1950, 1978.
  • Sidney Michael Dancoff, deceased. Particle Physics: 1950.
  • William Garfield Dauben, deceased. Chemistry: 1950, 1965.
  • Frank Host Dickey, Senior Research Consultant, Continental Oil Company: 1950.
  • Aubrey Diller, deceased. Classics: 1950.
  • Paul Mead Doty, Mallinckrodt Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry; Professor of Public Policy, John F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University: 1950.
  • Wolfram Eberhard, deceased. Sociology: 1950, 1951.
  • Franklin Edgerton, deceased. Indian Linguistics, 1950.
  • Samuel Eilenberg, deceased. Mathematics: 1950, 1974.
  • Jean Evans, Writer, Portsmouth, New Hampshire: 1950, 1955.
  • Irving Gifford Fine, deceased. Music Composition: 1950, 1958.
  • Richard Harter Fogle, deceased. University Distinguished Professor Emeritus of English, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: 1950.
  • Robert A. Fowkes, deceased. Professor Emeritus of Linguistics and Germanic Languages, New York University: 1950.
  • John Hope Franklin, James B. Duke Professor Emeritus of History, Duke University: 1950, 1973.
  • Herbert Friedmann, deceased. Biology: 1950, 1953, 1955.
  • Northrop Frye, deceased. 16th and 17th century English literature: 1950.
  • Dave Fultz, Professor of Meteorology, University of Chicago: 1950.
  • Theodore A. Geissman, deceased. Chemistry: 1950, 1964.
  • Howard Scott Gentry, deceased. Biology-: 1950.
  • Dietrich Gerhard, deceased. History: 1950.
  • Rosamond Gilder, deceased. Theatre Arts: 1950.
  • Stephen Gilman, deceased. Renaissance Studies: 1950.
  • Roger John Goeb, composer, Bartlett, Illinois, New York: 1950, 1951.
  • Milton Goldstein, Graphic Artist; Professor of Art, Adelphi University: 1950.
  • Robert McQueen Grant, Carl Darling Buck Professor Emeritus of Early Christianity, University of Chicago Divinity School: 1950, 1953, 1959.
  • W. Cabell Greet, deceased. Linguistics: 1950.
  • Emil J. Gumbel, deceased. Statistics: 1950.
  • Herbert Norman Halpert, Henrietta Harvey Professor of Folklore, Memorial University of Newfoundland: 1950.
  • Bray Hammond, deceased. Economic History: 1950, 1955.
  • Davis Philoon Harding, deceased. 16th and 17th century English literature: 1950.
  • Francis Harper, deceased. Biology, Biography: 1950, 1951.
  • Philip Hartman, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Johns Hopkins University: 1950.
  • Mary Henle, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, New School for Social Research: 1950, 1960.
  • Gilbert Arthur Highet, deceased. Classics: 1950.
  • Henry M. Hoenigswald, Professor Emeritus of Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania: 1950.
  • Hjalmar R. Holand, deceased. Anthropology: 1950.
  • Evan Charles Horning, deceased. Biochemistry-Molecular Biology: 1950.
  • Jean Hamilton Hubener, deceased. Germanics: 1950.
  • Robert E. Hungate, Professor Emeritus of Microbiology, University of California, Davis: 1950.
  • Harold Robert Isaacs, deceased. Far Eastern Studies: 1950.
  • Michael Kasha, Professor of Physical Chemistry, Florida State University: 1950.
  • Pearl Kibre, deceased. Medieval Studies: 1950.
  • M. Amelia Klenke, O.P., deceased. French Literature: 1950.
  • Samuel J. Konefsky, deceased. Political Science: 1950, 1951.
  • Richard Krautheimer, deceased. Fine Arts Research: 1950, 1953, 1963.
  • Lester Peter Kuhn, deceased. Chemistry: 1950.
  • Gerhart B. Ladner, deceased. Medieval Literature: 1950.
  • Victor Lange, John N. Woodhill Professor Emeritus of Modern Languages and Professor Emeritus of German Literature, Princeton University: 1950, 1966.
  • Jay Leyda, deceased. American Literature: 1950, 1951.
  • David A. Lind, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Colorado: 1950.
  • Charles Edward Lindblom, Sterling Professor Emeritus of Economics and Political Science, Yale University: 1950, 1985.
  • Richard W. Lippman, deceased. Medicine: 1950, 1951.
  • Juan López-Morillas, deceased. Spanish & Portuguese Literature: 1950, 1957.
  • Samuel Lubell, deceased. Political Science: 1950, 1953.
  • Julian Ellis Mack, deceased. Particle Physics: 1950.
  • W. Rupert Maclaurin, deceased. Economics: 1950.
  • Sergius Harry Mamay, retired Research Associate, Department of Paleobiology, Smithsonian Institution: 1950.
  • Lauriston C. Marshall, deceased. Physics: 1950.
  • Georges Claude May, Sterling Professor Emeritus of French, Yale University: 1950, 1984.
  • Blaine C. McKusick, Retired Consultant, Chelan Associates, Wilmington, Delaware: 1950.
  • George Edwin McMillan, deceased. U.S. History: 1950.
  • Harlow Burgess Mills, deceased. Biology: 1950.
  • Edwin Seth Morby, deceased. Spanish: 1950, 1964.
  • Malcolm Haynie Myers, Graphic Artist; Professor of Studio Art, University of Minnesota: 1950, 1951.
  • Edwin G. Nourse, deceased. Economics: 1950, 1951.
  • Kenneth Sanborn Pitzer, deceased. Chemistry: 1950.
  • Nicholas Polunin, deceased. Plant Science: 1950, 1951.
  • Stephen Polyak, deceased. Medicine: 1950.
  • Edith Porada, deceased. Near Eastern Studies and Fine Arts Research: 1950, 1982.
  • Lawrence Clark Powell, Professor Emeritus of Library Service, University of California, Los Angeles; Director Emeritus, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library; Professor in Residence, University of Arizona: 1950, 1966.
  • James Z. Rabun, Associate Professor of History, Emory University: 1950.
  • Steve Raffo, deceased. Fine Arts-Painting: 1950, 1951.
  • Andrée Ruellan, artist, Shady, New York: 1950.
  • Francis Joseph Ryan, deceased. Biology: 1950.
  • Bernard Schwartz, deceased. Political Science: 1950.
  • Harry Richard Seiwell, deceased. Applied Mathematics & Earth Science: 1950.
  • Charles S. Singleton, deceased. Italian: 1950, 1954, 1962.
  • Leo Smit, Composer; Professor Emeritus of Music, State University of New York at Buffalo: 1950.
  • David Smith, deceased. Fine Arts Sculpture: 1950, 1951.
  • Ray Fred Smith, Professor Emeritus of Entomology, University of California, Berkeley; Executive Director, Consortium for International Crop Protection, Berkeley, California: 1950.
  • Milton David Soffer, deceased. Chemistry: 1950.
  • Martin Sebastian Soria, deceased. Fine Arts Research: 1950.
  • Benton Murdoch Spruance, deceased. Fine Arts: 1950, 1962.
  • Chester G. Starr, deceased. Classics: 1950, 1958.
  • Marshall Winslow Stearns, deceased. Folk Music: 1950.
  • Norman Earl Steenrod, deceased. Mathematics: 1950.
  • George Winchester Stone, Jr., Professor Emeritus of English and Dean Emeritus, University Libraries, New York University: 1950, 1951, 1963.
  • Hugh Thomas Swedenberg, deceased. 16th and 17th century English literature: 1950.
  • F. H. L. Taylor, deceased. Biochemistry: 1950.
  • Peter M. H. Taylor, deceased. Fiction: 1950.
  • Walter Taylor, deceased. Anthropology & Cultural Studies: 1950.
  • M. C. Terry, deceased. Medicine: 1950.
  • Kenneth V. Thimann, deceased. Biochemistry - Molecular Biology: 1950, 1957.
  • Julian Towster, deceased. Political Science: 1950.
  • Diana Trilling, deceased. General Nonfiction: 1950, 1991.
  • Christopher Tunnard, deceased. Planning: 1950.
  • Francis John Turner, deceased. Earth Science: 1950, 1959.
  • Gregory Vlastos, deceased. Philosophy: 1950, 1958.
  • Eric Herman Wilhelm Voegelin, deceased. Political Science: 1950, 1955.
  • Gerhardt von Bonin, deceased. Medicine: 1950.
  • Ben Brian Weber, deceased. Music Composition: 1950, 1952.
  • George Willard Wharton, Jr, deceased; Professor Emeritus of Entomology, Ohio State University: 1950.
  • John Harold Wilson, deceased. 16th and 17th century English literature: 1950.
  • Edgar Wind, deceased. Fine Arts Research: 1950.
  • Janet Lewis Winters, deceased. Fiction: 1950.
  • George Kingsley Zipf, deceased. Statistics: 1950.

1950 Latin American and Caribbean Fellows

  • José Bebin Bustamante, Professor of Pathology, University of Mississippi School of Medicine, Jackson: 1950, 1951.
  • Augusto A. Camara, physician, Makati Medical Center, Metro-Manila, Philippines: 1950, 1951.
  • Milciades Chaves Chamorro, anthropologist, Bogota: 1950.
  • Mischa Cotlar, Professor of Mathematics, Central University of Venezuela: 1950, 1952.
  • Juan Cruz Reyes, sculptor, Mexico D.F.: 1950.
  • José Cuatrecasas, deceased. Biology-Plant Science: 1950, 1951.
  • Francisco Cuevas Cancino, Ambassador Emeritus, Mexican Foreign Service; Former Permanent Representative of Mexico to UNESCO: 1950.
  • Ismael Escobar Vallejo, former head, Office of the Inter-American Development Bank, Mexico, D.F.: 1950.
  • Ramón Ferreyra Huerta, director, Javier Prado Natural History Museum, University of San Marcos, Lima: 1950.
  • Francisco J. S. Lara, Professor of Biochemistry, University of São Paulo: 1950, 1951.
  • Henri Alain Liogier, taxonomist, University of Puerto Rico Botanical Garden: 1950, 1953, 1957.
  • Simao Mathias, deceased. Chemistry: 1950.
  • Alvaro Ortega, retired; United Nations, Center for Human Settlements; Research Consultant, Montreal: 1950.
  • Osvaldo Argentino Peso, microbiologist, Buenos Aires: 1950.
  • Dioscoro S. Rabor, deceased. Biology & Ecology: 1950, 1956.
  • Veridiana Victoria Rossetti, retired director, Division of Plant Pathology, Biological Institute, São Paulo: 1950.
  • Alberto Soriano, deceased. Biology-Plant Science: 1950.
  • Marcos Tschapek, soil scientist: 1950.
  • Luis Vargas García Alonso, entomologist, Mexico, D.F.: 1950.
gollark: Presumably most of the data on the actual network links is encrypted. If you control the hardware you can read the keys out of memory or something (or the decrypted data, I suppose), but it's at least significantly harder and probably more detectable than copying cleartext traffic.
gollark: Well, yes, but people really like blindly unverifiably trusting if it's convenient.
gollark: Or you can actually offer something much nicer and better in some way, a "killer app" for decentralized stuff, but if you do that and it's not intrinsically tied to the decentralized thing the big platforms will just copy it.
gollark: Yes, users are bad and won't care unless something directly affects them.
gollark: Also, in my experience the more privacy-friendly stuff also is more lightweight due to being designed with a mindset of doing it well and not adding excessive features, versus Facebook and whoever just using whatever allows them to get better time to market and shove in 2000 different weird features ~~stolen from~~ inspired by other platforms.

See also

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