List of Agaricales genera
This is a list of mushroom-forming fungi genera in the order Agaricales.
- Rows highlighted in orange contain links to separate pages with lists for families with more than forty genera.
Genus Authority |
Year | Family | Type species | No. of species | Distribution |
Aureofungus[N 1] Hibbett & al.[1] |
2003 | Incertae sedis | Aureofungus yaninguaensis Hibbett & al. |
1 | extinct Dominican amber |
Brunneocorticium Sheng H.Wu[2] |
2007 | Incertae sedis | Brunneocorticium pyriforme Sheng H.Wu |
1 | Taiwan |
Cheilophlebium[N 2] Opiz & Gintl[3] |
1856 | Incertae sedis | Cheilophlebium villosum Opiz |
1 | Germany |
Cleistocybe Ammirati & al.[4] |
2007 | Incertae sedis | Cleistocybe vernalis Ammirati & al. |
2 | Pacific Northwest |
Cribrospora Pacioni & P.Fantini[5] |
2000 ("1999")[N 3] |
Incertae sedis | Cribrospora tulostomoides Pacioni & P.Fantini |
1 | Southern Europe |
Disporotrichum[N 4] Stalpers[6] |
1984 | Incertae sedis | Sporotrichum dimorphosporum (Arx) Stalpers |
1 | Netherlands |
Mesophelliopsis[N 5] Bat. & A.F.Vital[7] |
1957 | Incertae sedis | Mesophelliopsis pernambucensis Bat. & A.F.Vital |
1 | Brazil |
Palaeoagaricites[N 1] Poinar & H.R.Buckley[8] |
2007 | Incertae sedis | Palaeoagaracites antiquus Poinar & H.R.Buckley |
1 | Extinct Burmese amber |
Panaeolina[N 6] Maire[9] |
1933 | Incertae sedis | Panaeolina foenisecii Maire |
2 | |
Panaeolus[N 6] (Fr.) Quél.[10] |
1872 | Incertae sedis | Panaeolus papilionaceus (Bull.:Fr.) Quél. |
15 | |
Phlebophyllum[N 7] R.Heim[11] |
1969 ("1968") |
Incertae sedis | Phlebophyllum vitellinum R.Heim & Gilles |
1 | Gabon |
Plicatura[N 8] Peck[12] |
1872 | Incertae sedis | Plicatura alni Peck |
1 | |
Plicaturopsis[N 8] D.A.Reid[13] |
1964 | Incertae sedis | Plicaturopsis crispa (Pers.:Fr.) D.A.Reid |
2 | Europe, New Zealand |
Sedecula Zeller[14] |
1941 | Incertae sedis | Sedecula pulvinata Zeller |
1 | United States |
Setchelliogaster[N 9] Pouzar[15] |
1958 | Incertae sedis | Setchelliogaster tenuipes (Setch.) Pouzar |
5 | |
Trichocybe Vizzini[16] |
2010 | Incertae sedis | Trichocybe puberula (Kuyper) Vizzini |
1 | Northwestern Europe |
Agaricaceae | |||||
Amanita Pers.[17] |
1797 | Amanitaceae | Amanita muscaria (L.:Fr.) Lam. |
c. 500 | Worldwide |
Catatrama[N 10] Franco-Mol.[18] |
1991 | Amanitaceae | Catatrama costaricensis Franco-Mol. |
1 | Costa Rica, India |
Limacella Earle[19] |
1909 ("1906") |
Amanitaceae | Limacella delicata (Fr.:Fr.) Earle |
c. 20 | |
Saproamanita Redhead, Vizzini, Drehmel & Contu[20] |
2016 |
Amanitaceae | Saproamanita vittadinii (Moretti) Redhead, Vizzini, Drehmel & Contu |
c. 23 | Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North & South America |
Agrogaster D.A.Reid[21] |
1986 | Bolbitiaceae | Agrogaster coneae D.A.Reid |
1 | New Zealand |
Bolbitius Fr.[22] |
1838 | Bolbitiaceae | Bolbitius vitellinus[N 11] (Pers.:Fr.) Fr. |
c. 25 | |
Conocybe Fayod[23] |
1889 | Bolbitiaceae | Conocybe tenera (Schaeff.:Fr.) Fayod |
c. 200 | |
Cyphellopus[N 12] Fayod[23] |
1889 | Bolbitiaceae | Agaricus acetabulosus Sowerby[N 13] |
1 | British Isles |
Cyttarophyllopsis R.Heim[24] |
1968 | Bolbitiaceae | Cyttarophyllopsis cordispora R.Heim |
1 | India |
Galerella Earle[19] |
1909 ("1906") |
Bolbitiaceae | Galerella coprinoides[N 14] (Sacc.) Auct. |
7 | |
Galeropsis Velen.[25] |
1930 | Bolbitiaceae | Galeropsis desertorum Velen. |
16 | |
Gymnoglossum Massee[26] |
1891 | Bolbitiaceae | Gymnoglossum stipitatum Massee |
1 | Australia |
Pholiotina[N 15] Fayod[23] |
1889 | Bolbitiaceae | Pholiotina blattaria (Fr.:Fr.) Fayod |
Worldwide | |
Ptychella Roze & Boud.[27] |
1879 ("1876") |
Bolbitiaceae | Ptychella ochracea Roze & Boud. |
1 | Europe |
Rhodoarrhenia Singer[28] |
1964 ("1963") |
Bolbitiaceae | Rhodoarrhenia pezizoidea (Speg.) Singer |
8 | |
Tubariella E.Horak & Hauskn.[29] |
2002 | Bolbitiaceae | Tubariella rhizophora E.Horak & Hauskn. |
1 | Papua New Guinea |
Tubariopsis R.Heim[30] |
1931 | Bolbitiaceae | Tubariopsis torquipes R.Heim |
1 | Madagascar |
Tympanella E.Horak[31] |
1971 | Bolbitiaceae | Tympanella galanthina (Cooke & Massee) E. Horak |
1 | New Zealand |
Wielandomyces Raithelh.[32] |
1988 | Bolbitiaceae | Wielandomyces robustus Raithelh. |
1 | Europe |
Broomeia Berk.[33] |
1844 | Broomeiaceae | Broomeia congregata Berk. |
2 | Africa, South America |
Camarophyllopsis Herink[34] |
1958 | Clavariaceae[N 16] | Camarophyllopsis schulzeri (Bres.) Herink |
26 | |
Clavaria Vaill. ex L.:Fr.[35] |
1753 | Clavariaceae | Clavaria fragilis Holmsk.:Fr. |
28 | |
Clavulinopsis Overeem[36] |
1923 | Clavariaceae | Clavulinopsis sulcata Overeem |
33 | |
Hyphodontiella Å.Strid[37] |
1975 | Clavariaceae | Hyphodontiella multiseptata Å.Strid |
2 | Northern Europe |
Mucronella[N 17] Fr.[38] |
1874 | Clavariaceae | Mucronella calva (Alb. & Schwein.:Fr.) Fr. |
8 | |
Ramariopsis Corner[39] |
1950 | Clavariaceae | Ramariopsis kunzei (Fr.:Fr.) Corner |
44 | |
Scytinopogon Singer[40] |
1945 | Clavariaceae | Scytinopogon pallescens (Bres.) Singer |
4 | Europe |
Anamika K.A.Thomas & al.[41] |
2002 | Cortinariaceae | Anamika indica K.A.Thomas & al. |
1 | Asia |
Cortinarius[N 18] (Pers.) Gray[42] |
1821 | Cortinariaceae | Cortinarius (L.:Fr.) Gray |
2000+ | Worldwide |
Descolea Singer[43] |
1950 ("1951") |
Cortinariaceae | Descolea antartica Singer |
15 | |
Descomyces[N 19] Bougher & Castellano[44] |
1993 | Cortinariaceae | Descomyces albus (Berk.) Bougher & Castellano |
5 | Australasia |
Hemistropharia Jacobsson & E.Larss.[45] |
2007 | Cortinariaceae | Hemistropharia albocrenulata (Peck) Jacobsson & E.Larss. |
1 | United States |
Mackintoshia Pacioni & C.Sharp[46] |
2000 | Cortinariaceae | Mackintoshia persica Pacioni & C.Sharp |
1 | Zimbabwe |
Nanstelocephala Oberw. & R.H.Petersen[47] |
1990 | Cortinariaceae | Nanstelocephala physalacrioides Oberw. & R.H.Petersen |
1 | United States |
Phaeocollybia R.Heim[30] |
1931 | Cortinariaceae | Phaeocollybia lugubris (Fr.:Fr.) R.Heim |
c. 50 | |
Protoglossum Massee[26] |
1891 | Cortinariaceae | Protoglossum luteum Massee |
8 | |
Pyrrhoglossum Singer[48] |
1944 | Cortinariaceae | Pyrrhoglossum pyrrhum (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Singer |
11 | |
Quadrispora Bougher & Castellano[44] |
1993 | Cortinariaceae | Quadrispora oblongispora (G.W.Beaton & al.) Bougher & Castellano |
3 | Australia |
Stephanopus M.M.Moser & E.Horak[49] |
1975 | Cortinariaceae | Stephanopus azureus M.M.Moser & E.Horak |
5 | South America |
Asterocyphella W.B.Cooke[50] |
1961 | Cyphellaceae | Asterocyphella floccosa W.B.Cooke |
3 | |
Campanophyllum Cifuentes & R.H.Petersen[51] |
2003 | Cyphellaceae | Campanophyllum proboscideum (Fr.) Cifuentes & R.H. Petersen |
1 | |
Catilla Pat.[52] |
1931 | Cyphellaceae | Catilla pandani (Pat.) Pat. |
1 | Europe |
Cheimonophyllum Singer[53] |
1955 | Cyphellaceae | Cheimonophyllum candidissimum (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Singer |
3 | |
Chondrostereum Pouzar[54] |
1959 | Cyphellaceae | Chondrostereum purpureum (Pers.) Pouzar |
4 | |
Cunninghammyces Stalpers[55] |
1985 | Cyphellaceae | Cunninghammyces umbonatus (G.Cunn.) Stalpers |
2 | New Zealand, Réunion |
Cyphella Fr.:Fr.[56] |
1818 | Cyphellaceae | Cyphella digitalis (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr.:Fr. |
2 | |
Gloeocorticium Hjortstam & Ryvarden[57] |
1986 | Cyphellaceae | Gloeocorticium cinerascens Hjortstam & Ryvarden |
1 | Argentina |
Gloeostereum S.Ito & S.Imai[58] |
1933 | Cyphellaceae | Gloeostereum incarnatum S.Ito & S.Imai |
1 | Japan |
Granulobasidium Jülich[59] |
1979 | Cyphellaceae | Granulobasidium vellereum (Ellis & Cragin) Jülich |
1 | North America |
Hyphoradulum Pouzar[60] |
1987 | Cyphellaceae | Hyphoradulum conspicuum Pouzar |
1 | Europe |
Incrustocalyptella Agerer[61] |
1983 | Cyphellaceae | Incrustocalyptella columbiana Agerer |
1 | Circumpacific |
Phaeoporotheleum[N 20] W.B.Cooke[50] |
1961 | Cyphellaceae | Phaeoporotheleum revivescens (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) W.B.Cooke |
2 | Cuba, Argentina |
Seticyphella Agerer[62] |
1983 | Cyphellaceae | Seticyphella tenuispora Agerer |
3 | Europe |
Sphaerobasidioscypha Agerer[62] |
1983 | Cyphellaceae | Sphaerobasidioscypha citrispora Agerer |
2 | New Zealand, Venezuela |
Thujacorticium Ginns[63] |
1988 | Cyphellaceae | Thujacorticium mirabile Ginns |
1 | Canada |
Clitopilus (Fr. ex Rabenh.) P.Kumm.[64] |
1871 | Entolomataceae | Clitopilus prunulus (Scop.:Fr.) P.Kumm. |
30 | |
Entoloma (Fr.) P.Kumm.[64] |
1871 | Entolomataceae | Entoloma prunuloides (Fr.:Fr.) Quél. |
1000+ | Worldwide |
Rhodocybella T.J.Baroni & R.H.Petersen[65] |
1987 | Entolomataceae | Rhodocybella rhododendri T.J.Baroni & R.H.Petersen |
1 | North America |
Fistulina Bull.:Fr.[66] |
1791 | Fistulinaceae | Fistulina hepatica (Schaeff.) With.:Fr. |
6 | |
Porodisculus[N 21] Murrill[67] |
1907 | Fistulinaceae | Porodisculus pendulus (Schwein. ex Fr.:Fr.) Murrill |
2 | Asia, Americas |
Pseudofistulina O.Fidalgo & M.Fidalgo[68] |
1963 ("1962") |
Fistulinaceae | Pseudofistulina brasiliensis[N 22] (O.Fidalgo & M.Fidalgo) O.Fidalgo & M.Fidalgo |
1 | Brazil |
Gigasperma[N 23] E.Horak[31] |
1971 | Gigaspermaceae | Gigasperma cryptica E.Horak |
2 | Australasia, North America |
Hemigaster Juel[69] |
1895 | Hemigasteraceae | Hemigaster candidus Juel |
1 | Sweden |
Hydnangium Wallr.[70] |
1839 | Hydnangiaceae | Hydnangium carneum Wallr. |
Laccaria Berk. & Broome[71] |
1883 | Hydnangiaceae | Laccaria laccata (Scop.:Fr.) Cooke |
Maccagnia Mattir.[72] |
1922 | Hydnangiaceae | Maccagnia carnica Mattir. |
1 | Africa |
Acantholichen P.M.Jørg.[73] |
1998 | Hygrophoraceae | Acantholichen pannarioides P.M.Jørg. |
1 | Central America, South America |
Ampulloclitocybe Redhead & al.[74] |
2002 | Hygrophoraceae | Ampulloclitocybe clavipes (Pers.:Fr.) Redhead |
3 | |
Arrhenia Fr.[75] |
1849 | Hygrophoraceae | Arrhenia auriscalpium (Fr.) Fr. |
25 (c.) | widespread (temperate) |
Camarophyllus (Fr.) P.Kumm.[64] |
1871 | Hygrophoraceae | |||
Cantharocybe H.E.Bigelow & A.H.Sm.[76] |
1973 | Hygrophoraceae | Cantharocybe gruberi (A.H.Sm.) H.E.Bigelow & A.H.Sm. |
3 | |
Chromosera Redhead & al.[77] |
1995 | Hygrophoraceae | Chromosera cyanophylla (Fr.) Redhead & al. |
1 | |
Chrysomphalina [78] |
1982 | Hygrophoraceae | Chrysomphalina chrysophylla (Fr.:Fr.) Clémençon |
4 | Europe |
Eonema Redhead, Lücking & Lawrey[79] |
2009 | Hygrophoraceae | Eonema pyriforme (M.P.Christ.) Redhead, Lücking & Lawrey |
1 | |
Gliophorus Herink[34] |
1958 | Hygrophoraceae | Gliophorus psittacinus (Schaeff.:Fr.) Herink |
Haasiella Kotl. & Pouzar[80] |
1966 | Hygrophoraceae | Haasiella splendidissima Kotl. & Pouzar |
2 | Europe |
Humidicutis (Singer) Singer[81] |
1959 ("1958") |
Hygrophoraceae | Humidicutis marginata (Peck) Singer |
10 | |
Hygrocybe (Fr.) P.Kumm.[64] |
1871 | Hygrophoraceae | Hygrocybe conica (Schaeff.) P.Kumm. |
c. 150 | |
Hygrophorus Fr.[82] |
1836 | Hygrophoraceae | Hygrophorus eburneus (Bull.:Fr.) Fr. |
c. 100 | |
Lichenomphalia Redhead et al.[74] |
2002 | Hygrophoraceae | Lichenomphalia hudsoniana (H.S.Jenn.) Redhead |
8 | |
Pseudoarmillariella (Singer) Singer[83] |
1956 | Hygrophoraceae | Pseudoarmillariella ectypoides (Peck) Singer |
2 | North America, Central America |
Semiomphalina Redhead[84] |
1984 | Hygrophoraceae | Semiomphalina leptoglossoides (Corner) Redhead |
1 | Papua New Guinea |
Auritella Matheny & Bougher |
2006 | Inocybaceae | Auritella dolichocystis Matheny, Trappe & Bougher ex Matheny & Bougher |
7 | Australia |
Chromocyphella De Toni & Levi |
1888 | Inocybaceae | |
5 | |
Episphaeria Donk |
1962 | Inocybaceae (?) | Episphaeria fraxinicola (Berk. & Broome) Donk |
1 | Europe |
Flammulaster Earle |
1909 | Inocybaceae | Flammulaster carpophilus (Fr.) Earle ex Vellinga |
20 | |
Inocybe (Fr.) Fr. |
1836 | Inocybaceae | Inocybe relicina (Fr.) Quél. |
c. 500 | widespread |
Phaeomarasmius Scherff. |
1897 | Inocybaceae | Phaeomarasmius excentricus Scherff. |
20 | |
Phaeomyces (G.Moreno & Esteve-Rav.) E.Horak |
2005 | Inocybaceae | Phaeomyces ibericus (G.Moreno & Esteve-Rav.) E.Horak |
2 | Europe |
Phaeosolenia Speg. |
1902 | Inocybaceae | |
8 | South America |
Tubaria (W.G.Sm.) Gillet |
1876 | Inocybaceae | Tubaria furfuracea (Pers.) Gillet |
c. 20 | |
Tubariomyces Esteve-Rav. & Matheny |
2010 | Inocybaceae | Tubariomyces inexpectatus (M. Villarreal, Esteve-Rav., Heykoop & E. Horak) Esteve-Rav. & Matheny |
2 | Southern Europe; northern Africa (?) |
Limnoperdon G.A.Escobar[85] |
1976 | Limnoperdaceae | Limnoperdon incarnatum G.A.Escobar |
1 | USA, Japan, South Africa, Europe |
Asterophora Ditmar:Fr.[86] |
1809 | Lyophyllaceae | Asterophora lycoperdoides (Bull.) Ditmar:Fr. |
3 | |
Blastosporella T.J.Baroni & Franco-Mol.[87] |
2007 | Lyophyllaceae | Blastosporella zonata T.J.Baroni & Franco-Mol. |
1 | Colombia |
Calocybe Kühner ex Donk[88] |
1962 | Lyophyllaceae | Calocybe gambosa (Fr.:Fr.) Donk |
c. 40 | |
Hypsizygus Singer[89] |
1947 | Lyophyllaceae | Hypsizygus tessulatus (Bull.) Singer |
3 | |
Lyophyllopsis Sathe & J.T.Daniel[90] |
1981 ("1980") |
Lyophyllaceae | Lyophyllopsis keralensis Sathe & J.T.Daniel |
1 | India |
Lyophyllum P.Karst.[91] |
1881 | Lyophyllaceae | Lyophyllum leucophaeatum (P.Karst.) P.Karst. |
c. 40 | |
Ossicaulis Redhead & Ginns[92] |
1985 | Lyophyllaceae | Ossicaulis lignatilis (Pers.:Fr.) Redhead & Ginns |
2 | |
Tephrocybe Donk[88] |
1962 | Lyophyllaceae | Tephrocybe rancida (Fr.:Fr.) Donk |
c. 40 | |
Termitomyces R.Heim[93] |
1942 | Lyophyllaceae | Termitomyces striatus (Beeli) R.Heim |
c. 30 | |
Tricholomella Zerova ex Kalamees[94] |
1992 | Lyophyllaceae | Tricholomella constricta (Fr.) Zerova ex Kalamees |
1 | Asia and Europe |
Marasmiaceae | |||||
Decapitatus[N 24] Redhead & Seifert[95] |
2000 | Mycenaceae | Decapitatus flavidus (Cooke) Redhead & Seifert |
1 | |
Favolaschia (Pat.) Pat.[96] |
1895 | Mycenaceae | Favolaschia gaillardii (Pat.) Pat. |
c. 50 | |
Flabellimycena Redhead[84] |
1984 | Mycenaceae | Flabellimycena flava (Singer) Redhead |
1 | South America |
Hemimycena Singer[97] |
1938 | Mycenaceae | Hemimycena lactea (Pers.:Fr.) Singer |
c. 50 | |
Mycena[N 25] (Pers.) Roussel[98] |
1806 | Mycenaceae | Mycena galericulata (Scop.:Fr.) Gray |
c. 500 | Worldwide |
Panellus P.A.Karst.[99] |
1879 | Mycenaceae | Panellus stipticus (Bull.:Fr.) P.Karst. |
c. 55 | |
Protomycena[N 1] Hibbett et al.[100] |
1997 | Mycenaceae | Protomycena electra Hibbett et al. |
1 | Extinct Dominican amber |
Resinomycena Redhead & Singer[101] |
1981 | Mycenaceae | Resinomycena rhododendri (Peck) Redhead & Singer |
8 | North America |
Roridomyces Rexer[102][N 26] |
1994 | Mycenaceae | Roridomyces roridus (Fr.:Fr.) Rexer |
7 | |
Tectella Earle[19] |
1909 ("1906") |
Mycenaceae | Tectella operculata (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Earle |
3 | |
Xeromphalina[N 27] [103] |
1934 | Mycenaceae | Xeromphalina campanella (Batsch) Kühner & Maire |
c. 30 | |
Flagelloscypha Donk[104] |
1951 ("1949") |
Niaceae | Flageloscypha minutissima (Burt) Donk |
c. 50 | |
Halocyphina Kohlm. & E. Kohlm.[105] |
1965 | Niaceae | Halocyphina villosa |
1 | United States |
Lachnella Fr.[22] |
6 | Niaceae | Lachnella alboviolascens (Alb. & Schwein.:Fr.) Fr. |
6 | |
Merismodes Earle[19] |
1909 ("1906") |
Niaceae | Merismodes fasciculata (Schwein.) Earle |
20 | |
Nia R.T. Moore & Meyers[106] |
1961 ("1959") |
Niaceae | Nia vibrissa R.T. Moore & Meyers |
3 | Northern Hemisphere |
Woldmaria W.B.Cooke[50] |
1962 | Niaceae | Woldmaria crocea[N 28] (P.Karst.) W.B.Cooke |
1 | Europe, North America |
Dictyocephalos Underw.[107] |
1901 | Phelloriniaceae | Dictyocephalos curvatus Underw. |
1 | |
Phellorinia Berk.[108] |
1843 | Phelloriniaceae | Phellorinia inquinans Berk. |
1 | |
Cribbea A.H.Sm. & D.A.Reid[109] |
1962 | Physalacriaceae | Cribbea gloriosa (D.A.Reid) A.H.Sm. & D.A.Reid |
4 | Southern Hemisphere |
Agaricochaete[110] Eichelb.[111] |
1906 | Pleurotaceae | Agaricochaete mirabilis |
4 | Africa, Asia |
Antromycopsis[N 29] Pat. & Trab.[112] |
1897 | Pleurotaceae | Antromycopsis broussonetiae[N 30] Pat. & Trab. |
3 | |
Hohenbuehelia[N 31] Schulzer[113] |
1866 | Pleurotaceae | Hohenbuehelia (Bull.) Schulzer |
c. 50 | |
Nematoctonus[N 31] Drechsler[114] |
1941 | Pleurotaceae | Nematoctonus tylosporus Drechsler |
16 | |
Pleurotus[N 29] (Fr.) P.Kumm.[64] |
1871 | Pleurotaceae | Pleuotus ostreatus (Jacq.:Fr.) P.Kumm. |
c. 20 | |
Chamaeota (W.G.Sm.) Earle[19] |
1909 | Pluteaceae | Chamaeota xanthogramma (Ces.) Earle |
9 | |
Pluteus Fr.[82] |
1836 | Pluteaceae | Pluteus cervinus (Schaeff.) P.Kumm. |
300+ | |
Volvariella Speg.[115] |
1899 | Pluteaceae | Volvariella argentina Speg. |
c. 50 | |
Volvopluteus Vizzini & al.[116] |
2011 | Pluteaceae | Volvopluteus gloiocephalus (DC.) Vizzini & al. |
4 | |
Coprinellus[N 32] P.Karst.[99] |
1879 | Psathyrellaceae | Coprinellus deliquescens (Bull.:Fr.) P.Karst. |
100+ | |
Coprinopsis P.Karst.[91] |
c. 200 | Psathyrellaceae | Coprinopsis friesii (Quél.) P.Karst. |
c. 200 | |
Cystoagaricus Singer[89] |
1947 | Psathyrellaceae | Cystoagaricus strobilomyces |
4 | Subtropical Americas |
Gasteroagaricoides D.A.Reid[21] |
1986 | Psathyrellaceae | Gasteroagaricoides ralstoniae D.A.Reid |
1 | Australia |
Lacrymaria Pat.[117] |
1887 | Psathyrellaceae | Lacrymaria lacrymabunda (Bull.) Pat. |
14 | |
Palaeocybe Dörfelt & Striebich[118] |
2000 | Psathyrellaceae | Palaeocybe striata Dörfelt & Striebich |
1 | Extinct, Germany |
Parasola Redhead et al.[119] |
2001 | Psathyrellaceae | Parasola plicatilis (Curtis) Redhead et al. |
20 | |
Macrometrula Donk & Singer[120] |
1948 | Psathyrellaceae | Macrometrula rubriceps (Cooke & Massee) Donk & Singer |
1 | Found in a Kew Glass house Original range unknown |
Mythicomyces Redhead & A.H.Sm.[121] |
1986 | Mythicomycetaceae | Mythicomyces corneipes (Fr.) Redhead & A.H.Sm. |
1 | |
Psathyrella[N 33] (Fr.) Quél.[10] |
1872 | Psathyrellaceae | Psathyrella gracilis (Fr.:Fr.) Quél. |
c. 400 | |
Actiniceps Berk. & Broome[122] |
1876 ("1877") |
Pterulaceae | Actinicipes thwaitesii Berk. & Broome |
3 | |
Adustomyces Jülich[59] |
1979 | Pterulaceae | Adustomyces lusitanicus (Torrend) Jülich |
1 | Europe, Africa |
Allantula Corner[123] |
1952 | Pterulaceae | Allantula diffusa Corner |
1 | Brazil |
Aphanobasidium Jülich[59] |
1979 | Pterulaceae | Aphanobasidium subnitens (Bourdot & Galzin) Jülich |
15 | |
Chaetotyphula Corner[39] |
1950 | Pterulaceae | Chaetotyphula hyalina (Jungh.) Corner |
7 | Tropics |
Coronicium J.Erikss. & Ryvarden[124] |
1975 | Pterulaceae | Coronicium gemmiferum (Bourdot & Galzin) J.Erikss. & Ryvarden |
5 | |
Merulicium J.Erikss. & Ryvarden[125] |
1976 | Pterulaceae | Merulicium fusisporum (Romell) J.Erikss. & Ryvarden |
1 | Northern Europe |
Parapterulicium Corner[123] |
1952 | Pterulaceae | Parapterulicium subarbusculum Corner |
3 | Brazil |
Phyllotopsis E.-J.Gilbert & Donk ex Singer[126] |
1936 | Pterulaceae | Phyllotopsis nidulans (Pers.:Fr.) Singer |
5 | |
Pterula Fr.:Fr.[127] |
1832 | Pterulaceae | Pterula plumosa (Schwein.) Fr.:Fr. |
c. 50 | |
Pterulicium Corner[39] |
1950 | Pterulaceae | Pterulicium xylogenum (Berk. & Broome) |
1 | South-East Asia |
Radulomyces M.P.Christ.[128] |
1960 | Pterulaceae | Radulomyces confluens (Fr.:Fr.) M.P.Christ. |
10 | |
Auriculariopsis Maire[129] |
1902 | Schizophyllaceae | Auriculariopsis ampla (Lév.) Maire |
1 | |
Schizophyllum [130] |
1815 | Schizophyllaceae | Schizophyllum commune Fr.:Fr. |
6 | Worldwide |
Tricholomataceae | |||||
Lutypha Khurana et al.[131] |
1977 | Typhulaceae | Lutypha sclerotiophila Khurana et al. |
1 | India |
Macrotyphula R.H.Petersen[132] |
1972 | Typhulaceae | Macrotyphula fistulosa (Holmsk.:Fr.) R.H.Petersen |
6 | |
Pistillaria[N 34] Fr.:Fr.[133] |
1821 | Typhulaceae | Pistillaria micans (Pers.) Fr.:Fr. |
c. 50 | |
Pistillina[N 34] Quél.[134] |
1880 | Typhulaceae | Pistillina hyalina Quél. |
4 | |
Sclerotium[N 34][N 35] Tode:Fr.[135] |
1790 | Typhulaceae | Sclerotium complanatum Tode:Fr. |
Typhula[N 34][N 35] (Pers.) Fr.:Fr.[56] |
1818 | Typhulaceae | Typhula phacorrhiza (Reichard) Fr.:Fr. |
68 |
gollark: I think... XNet, another mod, has non-TE cables?
gollark: It's a shame that the code isn't more optimized, so we can have a giant wired network.
gollark: No.
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gollark: <@202992030685724675> You've hired SolarFlame5.
See also
- These are fossil fungi.
- The validity of this poorly known genus is unclear (Kirk & al., 2008:135)
- Conventional mean to indicate that the taxonomic date of publication for the purpose of priority is different from the date given by the work itself.
- These are anamorph genera.
- This genus may represent a species of Geastrum (Kirk & al., 2008:419)
- It is not known whether these two genera fall within Inocybaceae or Psathyrellaceae.
- This name is an illegitimate later homonym of Phlebophyllum Nees (1832; Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3:75), a synonym of Strobilanthes (Acanthaceae).
- It is not entirely clear whether these two genera fall within Amylocorticiales or Agaricales.
- Belongs to either the Bolbitiaceae or the Cortinariaceae
- Studies (Moncalvo & al., Mol. Phylogen. Evol., 23(3):357-400, 2002) have shown that the species falls within Limacella, but this has not been reflected in nomenclature or the Amanitaceae literature.
- Treated as Bolbitius titubans (Bull.:Fr.) Fr.
- The name is of dubious validity according to Kirk & Al. (2008:188)
- Fayod did not properly transfer any species to his proposed genus, and it not clear if any subsequent author did so. Sowerby's species would be the type according to Singer & Smith (Mycologia, 38(3):286, 1946).
- The correct name for the species in Galerella is Galerella plicatella (Peck) Singer.
- The genus is often treated under Conocybe.
- Although they seem to count it in Clavariaceae, Kirk & al. (2008:113) still list it as a tentative member of the Hygrophoraceae.
- A replacement for his earlier Mucronia (Summa Veg. Scand. 2:329, 1849) homonymic with Bentham's Mucronea (Trans. Linn. Soc. London 17:405, 1836; Polygoncaeae).
- Originally published as Cortinaria, the masculine spelling was later conserved.
- The original publication explained in detail how they believed Klotzsch's Hymenangium (Fl. Regni Boruss. 6:no. 382, 1839) was not a synonym because its type was H. virens (a species of Tuber) not H. album, but Kirk & al. (2008:201) and MycoBank disagree with this view.
- According to MycoBank (MB18234 ), the combination is invalid.
- Murril originally (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 30(8):432, 1903) coined Porodiscus, to replace Fries' Enslinia (Fl. Scan.:347, 1835) which was too similar to Rafinesque's Enslenia (Fl. Ludov.:35, 1817; Acanthaceae), but this new name itself had to be replaced as a homonym of Porodiscus Grev. (Trans. Roy. Microscop. Soc. London, 11(3):63; Coscinodiscaceae), a genus of fossil diatoms.
- The species' currently agreed correct name is Pseudofistulina radicata (Schwein.) Burds.
- The two species of this genus are known not to be closely related, but a new genera or combination has yet to be published for Gigasperma americanum.
- The genus' lone species is the anamorph of Mycena citricolor.
- Mycena is "largely polyphyletic" (Kirk & al., 2008:446), but a new classification has yet to be proposed.
- An example of the somewhat uncommon case where a name is published in a dissertation or thesis. This particular case is explicitly acknowledged by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.
- First published as Xeromphalia.
- Now treated as Woldmaria filicina.
- Antromycopsis species are anamorphs of Pleurotus.
- The correct name for this species is Antromycopsis macrocarpa (Ellis & Everh.) Stalpers & al.
- Nematoctonus species are anamorphs of Hohenbuehelia.
- Including its anamorphs in Hormographiella.
- The delimitation of genera and species in Psathyrellaceae is difficult and recent studies (Padamsee et al., 2008, Mol. Phylogen. Evol., 46(2):415-429; Vašutová et al., 2008, Mycol. Res., 112(10):1153-1164) have demonstrated that taxonomic concepts need to be redefined, with Psathyrella in particular being markedly paraphyletic.
- Many modern authors treat Pistillaria, Pistillina and the anamorphic Sclerotium as synonyms of Typhula. This list follows Kirk et al. (2008), which list all three as valid genera.
- Sclerotium are anamorphic forms of Typhula.
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