
Lion-Maru (ライオン丸, Raionmaru) is a Japanese tokusatsu television franchise that began in 1972 by P Productions as Kaiketsu Lion-Maru. The basic premise of the series is that the main character has the ability to transform into a superpowered anthropomorphic lion, usually wielding a katana. The original two series were set in feudal Japan and were, essentially, tokusatsu versions of the samurai dramas that were extremely popular at the time. The 2006 program, Lion-Maru G, is set in the near future, but still uses the samurai motif for the designs of the main characters.


gollark: Just implement `malloc`. It's quite easy.
gollark: A TRUE gamer builds a hyperefficient nanoscale computer out of strong nuclear force interactions.
gollark: <@231520866016428032> Either use `iter_content` as it says or remove `stream=True` and use `.content`.
gollark: I'm 70% sure that the issue is that you're using `stream=True` but then trying to access the entire response in a buffer via `.content`.
gollark: Probably, yes.
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