Lielais Kristaps

The Big Christopher (Latvian: Lielais Kristaps) is the highest award in Latvian cinema. Established in 1977, it is given out at the Latvian National Film Festival. [1] Due to different reasons, the festival has not been held in 1992, from 1994 to 1995, 1997 and 1999 and held biannually from 2001 to 2009 with no festival in 2010, 2011 and 2013. Since 2014 it was hold every year again.

Lielais Kristaps
Awarded forExcellence in cinematic achievements
Presented byLatvian Filmmakers Union, National Kino Center, Ministry of Culture of Latvia
First awarded1977

Past Winners

Best Film Categories

Year Feature Film Documentary Animated Feature Short Film
(D: Aivars Freimanis)
not awarded not awarded not awarded
1978Theater (Teātris)
(D: Jānis Streičs)
Sieviete, kuru gaida
(D: Ivars Seleckis)
not awarded not awarded
1979not awarded Četri meklē miljonu
(D: Ansis Epners)
not awarded not awarded
1980Novēli man lidojumam nelabvēlīgu laiku
(D: Varis Brasla)
Saruna ar karalieni
(D: Rolands Kalniņš)
Kā es braucu Ziemeļmeitas lūkoties
(D: Roze Stiebra)
not awarded
1981A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve
(Limuzīns Jāņu nakts krāsā)
(D: Jānis Streičs)
not awarded Bimini
(Arnolds Burovs)
not awarded
1982not awarded Strēlnieku zvaigznājs
(D: Juris Podnieks)
not awarded not awarded
1983not awarded Mekleju virieti
(D: Ivars Seleckis)
(D: Roze Stiebra)
not awarded
1984not awarded not awarded Sapnis
(D: Arnolds Burovs)
not awarded
1985Emil's Mischiefs (Emīla nedarbi)
(D: Varis Brasla)
Veļ Sīzifs akmen
(D: Juris Podnieks)
Fantadroms, (episode Sāls)
(D:Ansis Bērziņš)
not awarded
(D: Lūcija Ločmele)
Is It Easy to Be Young?
(Vai viegli būt jaunam?)
(D: Juris Podnieks)
Trilogy Sapnis, Pēdējā lapa, Princese un puma
(D: Arnolds Burovs)
not awarded
1987not awarded Gaismēnas
(D: Arnis Akmeņlauks)
(D: Ansis Bērziņš)
not awarded
1988Par mīlestību pašreiz nerunāsim
(We Won't Talk Now of Love)
(D: Varis Brasla)
The Crossroad (Šķērsiela)
(D: Ivars Seleckis)
(D: Roze Stiebra)
not awarded
(D: Aivars Freimanis)
Izlūkdienesta priekšnieks
(D: Romualds Pipars)
not awarded not awarded
1990Ievas paradīzes dārzs (Eve's Garden of Paradise)
(D: Arvīds Krievs)
Es esmu latvietis
(D: Ansis Epners)
Rezgalības I
(D: Jānis Cimermanis)
not awarded
1991The Child of Man (Cilvēka bērns)
(D: Jānis Streičs)
(D: Juris Podnieks)
not awarded not awarded
(D: Ansis Epners)
(D: Dainis Kļava)
Ness un Nesija
(D: Roze Stiebra)
not awarded
1996not awarded not awarded Munks un Lemijs
(D: Nils Skapāns)
not awarded
1998Izpostītā ligzda
(D: Uldis Pūcītis, Armands Zvirbulis)
Debesu sala
(D: Ivo Kalpenieks)
Pasaciņas. Miega vilcieniņš
(D: Roze Stiebra)
not awarded
(D: Viestur Kairish)
Jaunie laiki Šķērsielā
(D: Ivars Seleckis)
The Two Imps (Velniņi)
(D: Inga Riba)
Latvietis pūš pīlītes'
(D: Agnese Bule)
2001Pa ceļam aizejot (Leaving By The Way)
(D: Viestur Kairish)
Rīga. Desmit gadus pēc
(D: Arta Biseniece
The Unusual Rigans
(Neparastie rīdzinieki')
(D: Roze Stiebra)
(D: Andis Mizišs)
(D: Laila Pakalniņa)
Bet stunda nāk
(D: Juris Poškus
My Grandfather's Honey
(Vectēva medus)
(D: Vladimirs Ļeščovs)
not awarded
2005Waterbomb for the Fat Tomcat
(Ūdensbumba resnajam runcim)
(D: Varis Brasla)
(D: Andis Mizišs)
Insomnia (Bezmiegs)
(D: Vladimirs Ļeščovs)
Aģents iemīlas
(D: Gatis Šmits)
(D: Jānis Kalējs, Gatis Šmits, Jānis Putniņš, Anna Viduleja)
My Husband Andrei Sakharov
(Mans vīrs Andrejs Saharovs)
(D: Ināra Kolmane)
Lotte from Gadgetville
(Lote no Izgudrotāju ciema)
(D: Heiki Ernits, Janno Põldma)
(D: Laila Pakalniņa)
2009Loss (Nevajadzīgie ļaudis)
(D: Māris Martinsons)
Bekons, sviests un mana Mamma
(My Mother's Farm)
(D: Ilze Burkovska-Jakobsena)
Wings and Oars (Spārni un airi)
(D: Vladimirs Ļeščovs)
(D: Ivars Tontegode)
2011Gulf Stream Under the Iceberg
(Golfa straume zem ledus kalna)
(D: Jevgeņijs Paškēvičs)
Documentalist (Dokumentālists)
(D: Ivars Zviedris, Inese Kļava)
To Swallow a Toad (Norīt krupi)
(D: Jurģis Krāsons)
(D: Ivo Briedis, Māra Ķimele)
2014Mother, I Love You
(Mammu, es tevi mīlu)
(D: Jānis Nords)
Uz spēles Latvija
(D: Pēteris Krilovs)
Rocks in My Pockets
(Akmeņi manās kabatās)
(D: Signe Baumane)
Mazliet ilgāk
(D: Stanislavs Tokalovs)
2015not awarded Ruch and Norie (Ručs un Norie)
(D: Ināra Kolmane)
(D: Māris Putniņš)
Pa Pa
(D: Valērijs Oļehno)
2016Mellow Mud (Es esmu šeit)
(D: Renārs Vimba)
Under the Sun (Saules staros)
(D: Vitaly Mansky)
(D: Kārlis Vītols)
(D: Madara Dišlere)
2017The Chronicles of Melanie (Melanijas hronika)
(D: Viestur Kairish)
Liberation Day
(D: Ugis Olte, Morten Traavik)
Pigtail and Mr. Sleeplessness (Bize un Negula)
(D: Demunds Jansons)
not awarded
(D: Inara Kolmane)
Bridges of Time
(D: Kristine Briede, Audrius Stonys)
not awarded Electrician's Day(Elektriķa diena)
(D: Vladimir Leschiov)
(D: Juris Kursietis)
Putin's Witnesses (Svideteli Putina')
(D: Gabriela Bussmann)
(D: Gints Zilbalodis)
not awarded

Acting Categories

Year Actor Actress Supporting Actor Supporting Actress
1977-1985not awarded
1986 Juris Žagars
Zane Jančevska
Valdemars Zandbergs
Gunta Griva
1987 Alvis Hermanis
(Fotogrāfija ar sievieti un mežakuili)
Zane Jančevska (2.)
Ivars Kalnins
(Fotogrāfija ar sievieti un mežakuili)
not awarded
1988 Tinu Karks
(Viss kārtībā)
Ilze Rūdolfa
(Par mīlestību pašreiz nerunāsim)
Valentins Skulme
Vizma Kvepa
(Par mīlestību pašreiz nerunāsim)
1989 Eduards Pāvuls
(Zītaru dzimta)
Indra Briķe
not awarded not awarded
1990 not awarded Baiba Broka
(Valsis mūža garumā)
not awarded not awarded
1991-1993not awarded
1996 Uldis Pucitis
Dace Bonate
not awarded not awarded
1998 Artūrs Skrastiņš
(The Mills of Fate)
Lidija Kovtuna
(Norekinu stunda)
not awarded not awarded
2000 Andris Keišs
Nora Veignere
not awarded not awarded
2001 Renārs Kaupers
(The Mystery of the Old Parish House)
Rēzija Kalniņa
(Labās rokas)
not awarded not awarded
2003 Voldemārs Karpačs
(The Last Soviet Movie)
Kristīne Nevarauska
(Sauja ložu)
not awarded Ilze Pukinska
2005 Rūdolfs Plēpis
(Baltais zvērs)
Akvelīna Līvmane
(Rudens rozes)
Janis Paukstello
(Augstuma robeza)
not awarded
2007 Juris Žagars
(Tumšie brieži)
Iveta Pole
not awarded Regina Razuma
(Rugtais vins)
2009 not awarded not awarded Rolands Zagorskis
Inara Slucka
(Defenders of Riga)

Romualds Ancāns
(Rudolf's Gold)
Iveta Pole (2.)
(Kolka Cool)
Aigars Apinis
(Kolka Cool)
Venta Vecumniece
(Rudolf's Gold)
Andris Keišs (2.)
(Return of Sergeant Lapins)
2014 Jānis Āmanis
(Dream Team 1935)
Vita Vārpiņa
(Mother, I Love You)
Ziedonis Lochmelis

(Dzimlai Rudi Rallalla!)
Rēzija Kalniņa (2.)
2015 Andris Keišs (3.)
(Pa Pa)
Guna Zariņa
(Ordinary People)
not awarded not awarded
2016 Ulrich Matthes
Elīna Vaska
(Mellow Mud)
Andris Keišs (4.)
Liena Smukste
2017 Kaspars Znotiņš
Sabine Timoteo
(The Chronicles of Melanie)
Uldis Dumpis
(Vectēvs, kas bīstamāks par datoru)
Vizma Kalme
(Vectēvs, kas bīstamāks par datoru)
2018 Vilis Daudziņš
(Foam at the Mouth)
Elita Kļaviņa
(Riga (Take 1))
Andris Daugaviņš
(Kriminālās ekselences fonds)
Ilze Blauberga
(The Mover)
2019 Jēkabs Reinis
(Sarkanais mežs)
Kristīne Nevarauska (2.)
(Nothing can stop us now)
Dawid Ogrodnik
Ieva Puke
(Jelgava 94)
gollark: Liquid helium of course.
gollark: I would recommend against submerging your entire server in mineral oil.
gollark: Whatever the latest 4-core ryzen is?
gollark: You need MUCH RAM.
gollark: Allegedly.


  1. "Lielais Kristaps" (in Latvian). Latvijas Kinematogrāfistu Savienība. 2016. Retrieved 29 November 2016.
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