Laconian vase painting

Laconian vase painting is a regional style of Greek vase painting, produced in Laconia, the region of Sparta, primarily in the 6th century BC.

Name vase of the Rider Painter, cup, circa 550/530 BC. London: British Museum.

The first pottery with ornamental decoration produced in Laconia belongs to the Geometric period.


  • John Boardman: Early Greek Vase Painting, Thames and Hudson, London 1998 . 11th to 6th Century BC. A Handbook, Thames and Hudson, London 1998 (World of Art), p. 185–188 ISBN 0-500-20309-1
  • Thomas Mannack: Griechische Vasenmalerei. Eine Einführung. Theiss, Stuttgart 2002, pp. 125128 ISBN 3-8062-1743-2.
  • Gerald P. Schaus: Geometrische Vasenmalerei, In: Der Neue Pauly Vol. 4 (1998), col. 935-938
  • Matthias Steinhart: Lakonische Vasenmalerei, In: Der Neue Pauly, cols. 1074/1075
  • Conrad M. Stibbe: Lakonische Vasenmaler des sechsten Jahrhunderts v. Chr. [2 Vols], North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam-London 1972
  • Conrad M. Stibbe: Lakonische Vasenmaler des sechsten Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Supplement, von Zabern, Mainz 2004 ISBN 3-8053-3279-3
  • Conrad M. Stibbe: Das andere Sparta, von Zabern, Mainz 2004 (Kulturgeschichte der antiken Welt Vol. 65), p. 163-203 ISBN 3-8053-1804-9
  • Rhomaios, Konstantinos (1955). "Ανασκαφαί κατά την Ανάληψην". Praktika: 241–242.
  • Rhomaios, Konstantinos (1954). "Ανασκαφική έρευνα κατά τηνΑνάληψην". Praktika: 270–286.
  • Rhomaios, Konstantinos (1950). "Ερευνητική περιοδεία εις Κυνουρίαν". Praktika: 234–241.
  • McPhee, Ian (1986). "Laconian Red-Figure from the British Excavations in Sparta". The Annual of the British School at Athens. 81: 153–166.
  • Stroszeck, J. (2006). "Lakonisch-rotfigurige Keramik aus den Lakedaimoniergräbern am Kerameikos von Athen (403 v. Chr.)". Archäologischer Anzeiger. 2: 101–120.
  • Stroszeck, J. (2016). "Laconian Red-Figure Pottery: Local Production and Use". Schierup, S., & Sabetai, V. (eds.), The Regional Production of Red-Figure Pottery: Greece, Magna Graecia and Etruria: 137–155 via Aarhus University Press.
  • Lane, E. A. (1933). "Lakonian Vase-Painting". The Annual of the British School at Athens. 34: 99–189. ISSN 0068-2454.
  • Shefton, B. (1954). Three Laconian Vase-Painters. The Annual of the British School at Athens, 49, 299-310. Retrieved from
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  1. Lane, E. A. (1933). "Lakonian Vase-Painting". The Annual of the British School at Athens. 34: 99–189. doi:10.1017/S006824540000719X. ISSN 0068-2454. JSTOR 30096630.
  2. Shefton, B. (1954). Three Laconian Vase-Painters. The Annual of the British School at Athens, 49, 299-310. Retrieved from
  3. Stibbe, Conrad (1972). Lakonische Vasenmaler des sechsten Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Amsterdam-London: North-Holland Publishing Company.
  4. Stroszeck, J. (2014), 148
  5. Rhomaios, Konstantinos (1950). "Ερευνητική περιοδεία εις Κυνουρίαν". Praktika: 234–241.
  6. Rhomaios, Konstantinos (1954). "Ανασκαφική έρευνα κατά τηνΑνάληψην". Praktika: 270–286.
  7. Rhomaios, Konstantinos (1955). "Ανασκαφαί κατά την Ανάληψην". Praktika: 241–242.
  8. McPhee, Ian (1986). "Laconian Red-Figure from the British Excavations in Sparta". The Annual of the British School at Athens. 81: 153–166. doi:10.1017/S0068245400020128. JSTOR 30102895.
  9. Stroszeck, J. (2006). "Lakonisch-rotfigurige Keramik aus den Lakedaimoniergräbern am Kerameikos von Athen (403 v. Chr.)". Archäologischer Anzeiger. 2: 101–120.
  10. Stroszeck, J. (2016). "Laconian Red-Figure Pottery: Local Production and Use". Schierup, S., & Sabetai, V. (Eds.), the Regional Production of Red-Figure Pottery: Greece, Magna Graecia and Etruria: 137–155 via Aarhus University Press.
  11. Stroszeck, J. (2014). "Laconian Red-Figure Pottery: Local Production and Use". In: Schierup, S., & Sabetai, V. (Eds.), the Regional Production of Red-Figure Pottery: Greece, Magna Graecia and Etruria. Aarhus University Press: 140, cat. no. 5.
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