Kussmaul breathing

Kussmaul breathing is a deep and labored breathing pattern often associated with severe metabolic acidosis, particularly diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) but also kidney failure. It is a form of hyperventilation, which is any breathing pattern that reduces carbon dioxide in the blood due to increased rate or depth of respiration.

Graph showing the Kussmaul breathing and other pathological breathing patterns.

In metabolic acidosis, breathing is first rapid and shallow[1] but as acidosis worsens, breathing gradually becomes deep, labored and gasping. It is this latter type of breathing pattern that is referred to as Kussmaul breathing.


Adolph Kussmaul, who introduced the term, referred to breathing when metabolic acidosis was sufficiently severe for the respiratory rate to be abnormal or reduced.[2] This definition is also followed by several other sources,[3][4] including for instance Merriam-Webster, which defines Kussmaul breathing as "abnormally slow deep respiration characteristic of air hunger and occurring especially in acidotic states".[5] Other sources, however, use the term Kussmaul respiration also when acidosis is less severe, in which case breathing is rapid.[4][6]

Kussmaul breathing occurs only in advanced stages of acidosis, and is fairly rarely reached. In less severe cases of acidosis, rapid, shallow breathing is seen. Kussmaul breathing is a kind of very deep, gasping, desperate breathing. Occasionally, medical literature refers to any abnormal breathing pattern in acidosis as Kussmaul breathing.


Kussmaul breathing is named for Adolph Kussmaul,[2] the 19th century German doctor who first noted it among patients with advanced diabetes mellitus. Kussmaul's sign is also an eponymous finding attributable to Kussmaul, and should be distinguished from Kussmaul breathing.

He published his finding in a classic 1874 paper.[7]


Kussmaul breathing is respiratory compensation for a metabolic acidosis, most commonly occurring in diabetics in diabetic ketoacidosis. Blood gases of a patient with Kussmaul breathing will show a low partial pressure of CO2 in conjunction with low bicarbonate because of a forced increased respiration (blowing off the carbon dioxide). Base excess is severely negative. The patient feels an urge to breathe deeply, an "air hunger", and it appears almost involuntary.

A metabolic acidosis soon produces hyperventilation, but at first it will tend to be rapid and relatively shallow. Kussmaul breathing develops as the acidosis grows more severe. Indeed, Kussmaul originally identified this type of breathing as a sign of coma and imminent death in diabetic patients.

Duration of fasting, presence or absence of liver enlargement and Kussmaul breathing provide clues to the differential diagnosis of high blood sugar in the inborn errors of metabolism.[8]

gollark: > “We thought my poor grandmother’s remains had been buried in accordance with her wishes,” growls Elizabeth’s direct descendant, Catherine Gratwick. “Can’t you let her rest in peace? This is her body that you’re messing with. You can’t just irradiate and poison her; you must ask me first! How would you like it if your family’s remains were exhumed and mutilated? You must never use cells from deceased people without the explicit pre-mortem consent of the patient or their relatives. As for granny - I insist that all remaining samples of her be buried, and that you financially compensate her family for the pain and grief you have caused!”
gollark: > Two generations ago, scientists took a biopsy of a tumor from a cancer patient named Elizabeth Gratwick, who died soon after. Without her knowledge or consent, these cells were preserved in the laboratory and proved to be exceptionally stable in replication. As stable cancer cell lines are highly useful for medical research, “ElGr cells” have been sent to and used by scientists all over the world. However, objections are now being raised by Elizabeth’s descendants.
gollark: Now I need to answer a question!
gollark: And top 1% for crime.
gollark: * 0.8%


  1. Metabolic Acidosis at eMedicine
  2. Kussmaul's respiration at Who Named It?
  3. "Kussmaul breathing". encyclopedia.com. Retrieved 11 March 2010.
  4. "Kussmaul breathing". thefreedictionary.com. Retrieved 11 March 2010.
  5. "Kussmaul breathing". Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary. Archived from the original on 2008-09-23. Retrieved 2008-12-06.
  6. "Kussmaul respiration" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary
  7. A. Kussmaul: Zur Lehre vom Diabetes mellitus. Über eine eigenthümliche Todesart bei Diabetischen, über Acetonämie, Glycerin-Behandlung des Diabetes und Einspritzungen von Diastase in’s Blut bei dieser Krankheit., Deutsches Archiv für klinische Medicin, Leipzig, 1874, 14: 1–46. English translation in Ralph Hermon Major (1884–1970), Classic Descriptions of Disease. Springfield, C. C. Thomas, 1932. 2nd edition, 1939, 3rd edition, 1945.
  8. Robin R Deterding; Hay, William Winn; Myron J. Levin; Judith M. Sondheimer (2006). Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Pediatrics (Current Pediatric Diagnosis and Treatment). McGraw-Hill Medical. p. 989. ISBN 0-07-146300-3.
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