Kong Chang

Kong Chang (fl. 4th century) was military general of Later Zhao during the Sixteen Kingdoms period. One of the first of Shi Le's "Eighteen Riders (十八騎)", he played a particularly more active and notable role against the Jin dynasty (266-420) compared to most of the other riders during Shi Le's tenure as a general of Han Zhao and in his early reign as Prince of Zhao. Nothing much is known about his background and personal life.

Kong Chang
Personal details


At the time when Shi Le was freed from slavery in 304, he assembled a group of men that were later dubbed as the Eighteen Riders. Among the first members of the group was Kong Chang. In 309, after Shi Le's conquered the commanderies of Julu and Changshan, Kong Chang was appointed as Shi's "talon and teeth" (爪牙) along with Zhi Xiong, Kui An, Tao Bao and Lu Ming (逯明).[1]

In 311, Shi Le had captured the Jin prime minister, Wang Yan and many other officials who were preparing Sima Yue's funeral. Before Shi Le decided to execute them all, he noticed the price Sima Fan (司馬範) who was the only one of the prisoners who kept a calm expression. Shi Le asked Kong Chang for his advice, whether he should recruit Fan into his ranks. Kong Chang disagreed, telling him, "They are princes and nobles of Jin, one and all. They will be no use to you in the end." Although Shi Le took his advice, he also decided not to kill them by the sword, rather by pushing them of the walls to their deaths.[2]

The following year, Kong Chang participated in Shi Le's attack on Sima Rui's base in Jianye. However, the campaign was struck by disaster early on when a storm broke out and half of Shi Le's army died of hunger. He gathered his generals to plan out his next move as Sima Rui's army approached. Kong Chang and Zhi Xiong recommended that they launch a night raid on Shouchun before breaking through Danyang. Shi Le considered it but at the advice of Zhang Bin, he decided to abandon the campaign to shift his focus to Yecheng, although he did carry out an attack on Shouchun to demoralise the Jin army.[3]

As Shi Le returned north, his army continued to suffer from hunger, some even resorting to cannibalism. To make matter worse, Jin's Inspector of Jizhou, Xiang Bing (向冰), was defending Fangtou (枋頭, in modern Hebi, Henan), and Shi Le feared that they would be attacked if he tries to cross the Yellow River. Once more at Zhang Bin's expense, Shi Le ordered Kong Chang and Zhi Xiong to capture Xiang Bing's ships at Wenshi Crossing (文石津, around present-day Yanji County, Henan) to use them against him. Xiang Bing was captured and despite Shi not being able to capture Yecheng either, he succeeded in weakening the region.[4]

Later that year, Shi Le attacked the city of Yuanxiang (苑鄕, in present-day Hebei and Beijing), The Youzhou warrlord, Wang Jun sent his general and chieftain of the Xianbei Duan tribe Duan Jilujuan to repel him. Duan laid siege on Shi Le's capital Xiangguo (襄國, in modern Xingtai, Hebei) which worried Shi as his generals failed to rout the chieftain. Most of his generals recommend that they wait for them to retreat before attacking but Kong Chang and Zhang Bin proposed that they carry out a swift and surprise attack on the enemy's prized general, Duan Mopei. Kong Chang led troops against Mopei and retreated back to the city where Mopei was tricked into pursuing and was captured. Duan Jilujuan retreated and Kong striked a successful counter attack as they fled, ending the siege.[5]

In 313, Kong Chang was sent to capture Dingling (定陵縣) in Yingchuan Commandery which was under Wang Jun. Kong successfully did so and killed the Inspector of Yanzhou, Tian Hui (田徽). Many of the populace of the province under Bao Sheng (薄盛) surrendered to Shi Le soon after.[6]

During Shi Le's siege on Tiancheng (坫城, around present-day Shanxi) in 316, the Inspector of Bingzhou, Liu Kun, sent his recently acquired army under Ji Dan (箕澹) to relief the city. Shi Le made Kong Chang his Vanguard General and they greatly routed Ji Dan's army, forcing him to abandon Liu Kun and flee to Dai commandery. Kong Chang pursued Ji and killed him at Dai.[7] Shortly after, Kong Chang campaigned against the bandits Ma Yan (馬嚴) and Feng Zhu (馮䐗) but was then recalled after Shi Le decided to wait for their surrender instead.

Between 319 and 321, he participated in the campaign against Duan Pidi and Shao Xu. In 319, Kong Chang conquered all of Pidi's territory in Youzhou, forcing him to join the Jin loyalist Shao Xu at Laoling (樂陵郡; around present-day Yangxin County, Shandong).[8] The next year, he captured Shao Xu's camps when he was left isolated by Duan Pidi's decision to personally attack Duan Mopei. After Shao Xu was captured, Kong Chang attacked Duan Pidi but this time he was defeated. His final mention in history comes in 321, during the final battle against Duan Pidi in Yanci (厭次, around present-day Dezhou, Shandong) where he seized many of the enemy cities.[9] Nothing is recorded about Kong Chang from this point on.

gollark: It must be a sword because it's enchanted with Sharpness, silly.
gollark: Although that is marginally worse than my own sword.
gollark: Because of things.
gollark: Those are basically lost technology now.
gollark: It is, yes.


  1. (漢安東大將軍石勒寇鉅鹿、常山,衆至十餘萬,集衣冠人物,別爲君子營。以趙郡張賓爲謀主,刁膺爲股肱,夔安、孔萇、支雄、桃豹、逯明爲爪牙。幷州諸胡羯多從之。) Zizhi Tongjian, Volume 85
  2. (獨襄陽王範神色儼然,顧呵之曰︰「今日之事,何復紛紜!」勒謂孔萇曰︰「吾行天下多矣,未嘗見此輩人,當可存乎?」萇曰︰「彼皆晉之王公,終不爲吾用。」勒曰︰「雖然,要不可加以鋒刃。」夜,使人排牆殺之。) Zizhi Tongjian, Volume 87
  3. (孔萇、支雄等三十餘將進曰:「及吳軍未集,萇等請各將三百步卒,乘船三十餘道,夜登其城,斬吳將頭,得其城,食其倉米。今年要當破丹陽,定江南,盡生縛取司馬家兒輩。」勒笑曰:「是勇將之計也。」各賜鎧馬一匹。) Book of Jin, Volume 104
  4. (勒從之,使支雄、孔萇等從文石津縛筏潛渡,勒引其衆自酸棗向棘津。冰聞勒軍至,始欲內其船。會雄等已渡,屯其壘門,下船三十餘艘以濟其軍,令主簿鮮于豐挑戰,設三伏以待之。) Book of Jin, Volume 104
  5. (勒顧謂張賓、孔萇曰:「君以為何如」賓、萇俱曰:「聞就六眷剋來月上旬送死北城,其大衆遠來,戰守連日,以我軍勢寡弱,謂不敢出戰,意必懈怠。今段氏種衆之悍,末柸尤最,其卒之精勇,悉在末柸所,可勿復出戰,示之以弱。速鑿北壘為突門二十餘道,候賊列守未定,出其不意,直沖末柸帳,敵必震惶,計不及設,所謂迅雷不及掩耳。末柸之衆旣奔,餘自摧散。擒末柸之後,彭祖可指辰而定。」勒笑而納之,即以萇為攻戰都督,造突門于北城。鮮卑入屯北壘,勒候其陣未定,躬率將士鼓噪于城上。會孔萇督諸突門伏兵俱出擊之,生擒末柸,就六眷等衆遂奔散。萇乘勝追擊,枕尸三十餘里,獲鎧馬五千匹。) Book of Jin, Volume 104
  6. (其將孔萇寇定陵,害兗州刺史田徵。) Book of Jin, Volume 104
  7. (勒遣孔萇追滅之。) Book of Northern Wei, Volume 23
  8. (孔萇討平幽州諸郡。時段匹磾部衆饑散,棄其妻子,匹磾奔邵續。曹嶷遣使來聘,獻其方物,請以河為斷。桃豹至蓬關,祖逖退如淮南。徙陳川部衆五千餘戶于廣宗。) Book of Jin, Volume 104
  9. (石季龍攻段匹磾於厭次。孔萇討匹磾部內諸城,陷之。匹磾勢窮,乃率其臣下輿櫬出降。季龍送之襄國,勒署匹磾為冠軍將軍,以其其弟文鴦、亞將衛麟為左右中郎將,皆金章紫綬。散諸流人三萬餘戶,復其本業,置守宰以撫之,於是冀、並、幽州、遼西巴西諸屯結皆陷於勒。) Book of Jin, Volume 104
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