Kogaratsu is a comics series created by the Belgian comics creators Bosse (pseudonym of Serge Bosmans) and Michetz (pseudonym of Marc Degroide). It was first published in Spirou magazine in 1982. The success of the series, written by Bosse and illustrated by Michetz, inspired then-illustrator and script writer Bosse to give up illustrating in order to focus solely at script writing.
Kogaratsu | |
Publication information | |
Publisher | Dupuis Spirou magazine |
Publication date | 1982 |
No. of issues | 12 |
Main character(s) | Nakamura Kogaratsu |
Creative team | |
Created by | Bosse & Michetz |
Written by | Bosse |
Artist(s) | Michetz |
Publication history
Twelve volumes of Kogaratsu have been published by Dupuis beginning in 1985.
The only English translation to date was one 48-page edition published by the UK-based Acme Press in 1987.
Kogaratsu is about a mercenary named Nakamura Kogaratsu. Caught in a fratricidal war, and confronted with superstitious farmers, Kogaratsu lives the way of the samurai: his honour, his weapons, and his love are the things dearest to him, in that exact order. And in the tumultuous Japan of the 17th century, honour is the small margin between life and death, wielding a weapon is a calling, and love is a weakness.
External links
- Kogaratsu at the Grand Comics Database (Depuis)
- "Kogaratsu". Grand Comics Database. (Acme Press)