
Kime no kata (極の形) is a series of self-defense oriented katas in judo. Kime no kata, also known as Shinken Shobu no Kata (真剣勝負の形, "the kata of real fighting"), was developed at the Kodokan around 1888. The series is composed of 8 techniques from a kneeling posture (idori waza), and 12 techniques from a standing position (tachi waza). Both sets of techniques contain defenses for both armed and empty-handed attacks.

Kime no kata
Sub classificationKodokan kata
Technique name
EnglishForms of decisiveness

Kneeling techniques (idori waza)

  1. Ryote-dori
  2. Tsukkake
  3. Suri-age
  4. Yoko-uchi
  5. Ushiro-dori
  6. Tsukkomi
  7. Kiri-komi
  8. Yoko-tsuki

Standing techniques (tachi waza)

  1. Ryote-dori
  2. Sode-tori
  3. Tsukkake
  4. Tsuki-age
  5. Suri-age
  6. Yoko-uchi
  7. Ke-age
  8. Ushiro-dori
  9. Tsuki-komi
  10. Kiri-komi
  11. Nuki-kake
  12. Kiri-oroshi
gollark: I'm uploading this kode to hackinate the discord and virtually backtrace your IPs so I can DDOS Visual Basic.
gollark: ```[15] ⍝ LoadSQL 'Xtreme Sample Database 2005' 'Orders' '?' ⍝ fetch all info for table 'Orders'[16] ⍝ LoadSQL 'Northwind' 'Products' ⍝ Fetch the entire Orders table from the NorthWind data source[17] ⍝ LoadSQL 'Northwind' 'Products' ('ProductName' 'UnitPrice') ⍝ Fetch 2 columns[18] ⍝ LoadSQL 'Northwind' 'select first(ProductName), sum(Quantity) from "Order Details" O, Products P where p.ProductID=o.ProductID group by p.ProductID'[19][20] ⎕IO ⎕ML←1 0[21][22] eis←{,(⊂⍣((0≠⊃⍴,⍵)∧1=≡⍵))⍵} ⍝ Enclose if simple and not empty[23][24] (source sql columns)←3↑(eis args),⍬ ⍬ ⍬[25] connected←0[26][27] :If 9≠⎕NC'SQA' ⍝ Bring in local copy of SQAPL if not present[28] ⎕SHADOW'SQA' ⋄ 'SQA'⎕CY'SQAPL'[29] :EndIf[30][31] step←'Initialize SQAPL'[32] →(0<1⊃r←SQA.Init'')⍴ERROR[33][34] step←'Make Connection'[35][36] :If (⊂source)∊conn←⊃¨2 2⊃SQA.Tree'.' ⍝ Already connected[37] conn←source[38] :Else[39] source←eis source[40] conn←1⊃((⊂'LoadSQL'),¨⍕¨⍳1+⍴conn)~conn[41] →(0<1⊃r←SQA.Connect(⊂conn),source)⍴ERROR[42] connected←1 ⍝ Since we made a connection, remember to close[43] :EndIf```
gollark: You may laugh now...
gollark: The NSA.
gollark: Well if you know who it is then what are you now trying to do?

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