Josef Zezulka

Josef Zezulka (30 March 1912 – 13 December 1992) (sometimes translated as Joseph Zezulka) was a Czech philosopher, healer and the founder of the biotronics discipline. He is the author of many philosophical works. BYTÍ - EXISTENCE - A Philosophy for Life is his most famous work. The work encompasses specific topics such as the birth of space and its life, evolution of a being, karma, vegetarianism and life energetics.

Josef Zezulka
Born(1912-03-30)30 March 1912
Died13 December 1992(1992-12-13) (aged 80)
Notable work
BYTÍ - EXISTENCE - A Philosophy for Life, Přednášky I [Lectures I], Přednášky II [Lectures II]
Era20. century
Main interests
biotronics, philosophy, healing, vegetarian


Excerpted from the book The Life of Přinašeč - a Bringer [1] Josef Zezulka was born in Brno on 30 March 1912 but he lived in Prague all his life. He ran a sweet shop before the Second World War. During the war he was actively involved in the Western resistance, and after the 1948 Czechoslovak coup d'état his sweet shop was confiscated. He worked as an accountant in the National Museum and later, as a result of further persecution, as a museum guard. However, he is well known for his other activities – the life philosophy of Existence and, as part of it, biotronics - both initiated by him at Easter 1945 when he experienced a kind of awakening, a state of open consciousness, and thereupon he practised and developed them both for all his lifetime.

In 1968, with the assistance of the Czechoslovak Minister of Health, Mr. Vlček, biotronics got closer to its incorporation within the national healthcare system but all those efforts were interrupted by the August 1968 occupation by the Warsaw Pact allied forces. In 1982 Josef Zezulka conducted research into biotronics treatment in the Vimperk hospital. The research was managed by the Psychoenergetic Laboratory of Professor Kahuda. Josef Zezulka practised healing mainly in his own flat where people used to go and seek help. He practised healing for more than 40 years.

His lectures on the philosophy of Existence were more or less secret (the communist Czechoslovakia period was not favourable for such activities) and numerous lectures were held in various private flats. One of the exceptions was the International Congress on Psychotronic Research held in Prague in 1973, where he gave a very successful public speech. At the same time he was secretly writing the teaching down while his friends were transcribing and making copies of his books and essays. The essays were also published in western countries within various publications.[2][3] His philosophical-religious books were published only after 1989. He died in 1992.

Josef Zezulka Biotronics

It was Josef Zezulka who conceived and fulfilled the word biotronics as one of the healing forms.[4] According to Zezulka, humans are made of three basic components: matter, spirit and vitality.[5] Diseases are subject to the same categorization. Zezulka’s biotronics pertains to complementing and harmonization of the vital body forces in particular. He claims that every human has a basic quota of body forces that are necessary for life.[6] Furthermore, each organ and cell has its own force system. All these systems are interlinked, and the healer-biotronic focuses healing on those force systems when they are disrupted or harmed. Zezulka practised healing completely free of charge.[7] His disciple and entrusted successor Tomáš Pfeiffer says that biotronics does not replace medicine[8] but wants to take care of a vital forces area in which conventional medicine is failing. Currently, Petition for Support of Biotronics is being carried out; it is aimed at having biotronics accepted into the public healthcare system[9] – which is what also Josef Zezulka was striving for.

Filozofie Bytí [Philosophy of Existence]

Excerpted from the book BYTÍ - EXISTENCE - A Philosophy for Life [10]

His philosophy of Existence encompasses a wide range of philosophical and religious phenomena. It also deals with cosmology and biophysics. The Podstata (God) from which everything that exists emerged by dividing. This gave rise to matter, spirit, and vitality that permeates the first two, bringing them to life. Matter, spirit and vitality are composed of four basic elements which are centripetal force, centrifugal force, heat and cold; Josef Zezulka calls this process and division The Creative Four. All is subject to the same laws of nature. He sees cycles, oscillation in everything – in the breath of a man, in the breath of the planet (cycles of the seasons), but also in the so-called breath of universe where four phases cyclically rotate. We are currently in the centripetal-cold phase during which everything is cooling down. In this phase matter and spirit permeated through each other and therewith the first being emerged, the first ‘I am’.

A being develops, it reincarnates into higher and higher species. The process of rebirth (reincarnation) is an integral part of the teaching as well as the so-called Law of Reflection (Zákon odrazu) which is known as Karma by the people of India. The law states that whatever the being does, it receives the same back, usually in its next life. Over time more and more new evolutionary species emerge. The particularity of the concept is that it does not end with humans, however, he claims that after humans a higher species will emerge, then even a higher one and so forth and so on. The whole cycle shall be completed by merging with God – Podstata. It also emphasises the planetary cycles, e.g. the Platonic year that lasts about 24,000 years – on the ridge of which a crisis period apparently rises; we currently live in one such period, and this is why there are those disturbances and terror in the world.

Vegetarianism is strongly emphasised in the teaching, here the term You shall not kill is extended to all animals. An integral part is the contemplation on the meaning of life which, according to Josef Zezulka, is To be a positive component of the Creative Work. Time represents another variable he describes as follows: there is in fact no time, everything still exists, persists. Only we, with our consciousness as we live our life, are firmly fixed to time. Furthermore, he divides the thinking into equal parts: belief (intuition) and knowledge (reason). It is a mistake to solely believe, it is a mistake to solely use reason. Ideal is the balance – kalokagathia.

Publication activities

  • Prior to November 1989 none of his books could be officially published in Czechoslovakia. They have only been progressively published since 1990 in the Publishing House Tomáš Pfeiffer - Dimenze 2+2, Praha:
  • ZEZULKA Josef, Bytí životní filosofie [BYTÍ - EXISTENCE - A Philosophy for Life], Dimenze 2+2, 2012, ISBN 978-80-85238-85-3
  • ZEZULKA Josef, Přednášky I [Lectures I], Dimenze 2+2, 2001, ISBN 80-85238-23-3
  • ZEZULKA Josef, Přednášky II [Lectures II], Dimenze 2+2, 2014, ISBN 978-80-85238-44-0
  • ZEZULKA Josef, Odpovědi [Answers], Dimenze 2+2, 2014, ISBN 978-80-85238-46-4
  • Seznam děl v Souborném katalogu ČR, jejichž autorem nebo tématem je Josef Zezulka [List of works in the Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic, where the author or topic is Josef Zezulka]
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  1. Tomáš Pfeiffer. Život přinašeče [The Life of Přinašeč - a Bringer]. Dimenze 2+2 Praha, 2012,
  2. Stanley Krippner, Alberto Villoldo: The Realms of Healing, 3rd ed. (Celestial Arts Press) (rev. ed. 1977) ISBN 0-89087-474-3 pp. 177-195
  3. Stanley Krippner: Psychoenergetic Systems: The Interface of Consciousness, Energy and Matter (Gordon & Breach) 1979 pp. 131-133
  4. "Josef Zezulka | ZIVOTNI ENERGIE". Archived from the original on 2015-10-01. Retrieved 2016-11-18.
  5. ZEZULKA Josef, Bytí životní filosofie [BYTÍ - EXISTENCE - A Philosophy for Life], Dimenze 2+2, 2012, p. 22,
  6. collected by Tomáš Pfeiffer, Zezulkova Biotronika [Zezulka’s Biotronics], Dimenze 2+2, 2012,
  7., p. 16
  8. "BIOTRONIKA - rozhovor s Tomášem Pfeifferem". Retrieved 2016-11-18.
  9. "Petition for support of biotronics". Retrieved 2016-11-18.
  10. ZEZULKA Josef, Bytí životní filosofie [BYTÍ - EXISTENCE - A Philosophy for Life], Dimenze 2+2, 2012, p. 22,
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