List of Arab newspapers
The Arab newspapers industry started in the early 19th century with the Iraqi newspaper Journal Iraq published by Ottoman Wali, Dawud Pasha, in Baghdad in 1816.[1]
International Arab papers
- Al-Arab (United Kingdom)
- Al-Hayat (United Kingdom)
- Al-Quds al-Arabi (United Kingdom)
- Asharq Alawsat (United Kingdom)
- Hoona London (United Kingdom)


Algerian newspapers in Arabic
- Echorouk (Arabic, English)
- El Ayem El Djazairia
- El Djazaïr
- El Djoumhouria
- El Heddaf
- El Khabar (Arabic, English, French)
- El Massa
Algerian newspapers in French
- Alger Hebdo (French)
- Alger républicain (French)
- Les Annonces Spécialisées (French)
- L'Authentique (French)
- Le Buteur (French)
- Le Carrefour d'Algérie (French)
- Le Citoyen (French)
- Compétition (French)
- Côte Ouest (French)
- Le Courrier d'Algérie (French)
- Les Débats (French)
- La Depeche (French)
- La Dépêche de Kabylie (French)
- L'Echo d'Oran (French)
- El Acil (French)
- El Moudjahid (French)
- El Watan (French)
- L'époque (French)
- L'Est Républicain (French)
- L'Expression (French)
- La Gazette d'Alger (French)
- La gazette des Finances (French)
- L'index (French)
- Infosoir (French)
- It-mag (French)
- Le Jeune Indépendant (French)
- Le jour d'Algérie (French)
- Liberté (French)
- Liberté économie (French)
- Liberté FOOT (French)
- Maracana Hebdo (French)
- Le Maghreb (French)
- Le Mobile GSM (French)
- La Nouvelle République (French)
- Les Nouvelles Confidences (French)
- Ouest Tribune (French)
- Le Quotidien d'Oran (French)
- Le Soir d'Algerie (French)
- Transaction d'Algérie (French)
- La Tribune (French)
- La Voix de l'Oranie (French)


- Akhbar Al Khaleej
- Al Ayam
- Al-Wasat
- Al Watan
- Bahrain Mirror (Arabic, English)
- Daily Tribune (English)
- Gulf Daily News (English)
- Gulf Madhyamam (Malayalam)


- Akhbar el-Yom
- Akher Saa
- Akher Saa Al Musawara
- Al-Ahram
- Al-Ahram Hebdo (French)
- Al-Ahram Weekly (English)
- Al Ahrar
- Al Akhbar
- Al Alam Al Youm
- Al-Arabi
- Al Aroussa
- Al-Dustour
- Al Gomhuria
- Al-Masry Al-Youm
- Al-Maydān
- Al Messa
- Al Moayd
- Al-Osboa
- Al Shaab
- Al Shorouk
- Al Tahrir
- Al-Wafd
- Al-Waqa'i' al-Masriyya (Arabic, Turkish)
- Aqidati
- Arev (Armenian)
- Daily News Egypt (English)
- The Daily Star (English)
- Egypt News (English)
- Egypt Today (English, monthly)
- The Egyptian Gazette (English)
- El Fagr
- El-Ghad
- Housaper (Armenian)
- Middle East Times (English)
- Le Progrès Egyptien (French)
- Tchahagir (Armenian)
- Watani
- Youm7


- Al Anbaa
- Al Mada
- Al-Mashriq
- Al-Mutamar
- Al Sabaah
- Awena (Kurdish)
- Azzaman
- Bahra
- Hawlati (Kurdish)
- Iraq Today (English)
- The Kurdish Globe
- Rozhnama (Kurdish)
- SOMA Digest (English)
- Xebat (Kurdish)


- Ad-Dustour
- Al-Ahali
- Al Anbat
- Al-Arab Al-Yawm
- Al Ghad
- Al-liwa
- Al Ra'i
- Assabeel
- The Jordan Times (English)
- Shihan
- The Star (English)


- Al-Anbaa (Ar)
- Al Kuwaitiya (Ar)
- al-Qabas
- Al Rai
- al-Watan
- Alwasat
- Arab Times (English)
- Kuwait Times (English)
- Taleea
- Gulf Madhyamam (Malayalam)


- Ad Diyar
- Al-Ahd Ul'Jadid
- al-Akhbar
- Al Amal
- Al Anwar
- al-Balad
- Al-Intiqad
- Al Joumhouria
- Al-Kalima
- Al-Kifah al-Arabi
- Al Liwaa
- Al-Massira
- Al-Mustaqbal
- Al-Nadim
- Al-Nahar
- Al-Ousbou' al-Arabi
- Al-Safir
- Al-Sharq
- Al-Waie
- Al-Watan al- Arabi
- Beirut Times
- Daily Star (English)
- Hamzat Wassel (Arabic - French)
- Monday Morning (English)
- L'Orient Le Jour (French)
- La Revue du Liban (French)


- al-Fajr al-Jadid
- al-Jamahiriyah
- Al-Shams
- al-Zahf Al-Akhdar


- Akhbar Nouakchott
- Nouakchott Info (French)


- al-Alam
- al-Ayam (Morocco)
- al-Jarida al-Maghribia (French)
- as-Sabah
- Attajdid
- Aujourd'hui Le Maroc (French)
- Bayane al-Yaoume
- L'Économiste (French)
- La Gazette du Maroc (French)
- Libération (Morocco) (French)
- Le Matin (French)
- Morocco Times
- La Nouvelle Tribune (French)
- L'Opinion (French)
- La Verité (French)
- La Vie Éco (French)


- Al Watan
- Ashabiba
- Oman Observer (English)
- Oman Tribune (English)
- Times of Oman (English)
- Gulf Madhyamam (Malayalam)


- Al Ayyam
- al-Hayat al-Jadida
- al-Karmel
- Al Manar
- Al Massar
- Al Quds
- Filasteen al-Muslimah


- Al Raya
- Al Sharq
- al-Watan
- Gulf Times (English)
- The Peninsula (English)
- Qatar Journal (English)
- Qatar Tribune (English)
- Gulf Madhyamam (Malayalam)

Saudi Arabia

- Al Eqtisadiah (Arabia)
- Al Jazirah (Arabic)
- Al Jeel
- Al Madina
- Al-Riyadh (Arabic)
- Al-Watan (Arabic)
- Al Yaum
- Arab News (English)
- Naseej
- Okaz
- Saudi Gazette (English)
- Gulf Madhyamam (Malayalam)


- Dawan
- Yool (Somali)
- Ogaal Newspaper (Somali)
- Banadir (English)
- Jamhuuriya (Somali)
- Geeska Afrika
- Codka Shacabka Official (Puntland)
- Kaaha-Bari (Puntland)
- Saxansaxo
- Somaliland Today
- Waaberi (English)
- Waaheen (Somali)
- Hubaal (Somali)
- Warsugan (Somali)
- Saxafi (Somali)
- Foore (Somali)
- Haatuf (Somali)
- Sahan (Somali)

South Sudan

- Salaam Junub Sudan


- Al-Ayam
- al-Furat
- Al Jamahir
- Al-Ouruba
- Al Thawra
- Al-Watan
- Al-Wehda
- Syria Times (English)
- Syria Today (English)
- Tishreen


- Al-Chourouk
- Al-Horria
- As-Sabah
- Elkhabar, Journal Électronique
- Es-Sahafa
- L'Économiste Maghrébin (French)
- La Presse de Tunisie (French)
- Le Quotidien (French)
- Le Renouveau (French)
- LeTemps (French)
- Tunis Hebdo (French)
- Le Soir de Tunisie (Arabic)

United Arab Emirates

- al-Bayan
- Al-Ittihad
- Emirates Business 24/7 (English)
- Gulf News (English)
- Khaleej Times (English)
- The National (English)
- Gulf Madhyamam (Malayalam)


- Al Ayyam
- Al Jumhuriya
- Al-Thawra
- Yemen Observer (English)
- Yemen Times (English)
gollark: I guess you may go down a dead end.
gollark: Ah, so NINE hours instead of three.
gollark: I don't see why not. You can progressively swap out bits for more normal implementations.
gollark: That is just *a* way to deobfuscate it.
gollark: That is not undeobfuscateable.
See also
- Arabic-language newspapers published in the United States
Notes and references
- Pickyournewspaper الصحافة العربية.
- Arabic newspapers listed by country
- Arabic newspapers Online - الصحف و الجرائد باللغة العربية - Arabic newspapers listed by country
- Arabic newspapers, Arab news
- Chronology of nineteenth century Arabic periodicals and periodicals in Arabic script, including information on holding institutions
- Abdallah Shalaby, Salah al Din al Jurshi, Mostafa El Nabarawy, Moheb Zaki, Qays Jawad Azzawi, Antoine Nasri Messarra (2010). Towards a Better Life: How to Improve the State of Democracy in the Middle East and North Africa. GPoT. p. 123. ISBN 978-605-4233-21-2.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
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