James Planché bibliography

This is a list of the theatrical works of the nineteenth-century British playwright James Robinson Planché.


GenreKeyNumber of plays
Burlesque, allegorical burlesque, classical burlesque5
Burlesque burletta3
Comedy, musical comedy, lyrical comedy22
Operatic drama, operatic comedy3
Fairy extravaganza, fairy spectacle23
Vaudeville, comedy vaudeville7
Comic drama, fantastic drama, historical drama, musical drama7
Dramatic review, review7
Historical play, masque, military spectacle, musical farce, pageant, play9


DateTitleGenreNumber of actsTheatreNotes
21 April 1818Amoroso, King of Little BritainBurlesqueOne ActTheatre Royal, Drury Lane
21 December 1818Rodolph, the Wolf ; or, Columbine Red Riding-hoodSpeaking Pantomime.Olympic Theatre
9 February 1819The Troubadours; or, Jealousy Outwitted.Operatic Drama.Olympic Theatre.(not printed)
13 April 1819Abudah ; or, The Talisman of Oromanes.MelodramaTwo Acts.Theatre Royal, Drury Lane,(not printed)
21 June 1819The Czar ; or, A Day in the Dockyards.MelodramaThree ActsSadler's Wells(not printed)
16 August 1819The Caliph and the Cadi ; or, Rambles in Bagdad.BurlettaOne Act(not printed)
29 October 1819Fancy's Sketch ; or, 'Look before you Leap.'BurlettaTwo ActsAdelphi Theatre(not printed)
19 November 1819Odds and Ends ; or, Which is the Manager?BurlettaOne ActAdelphi Theatre(not printed)
9 August 1820The Vampire; or, The Bride of the Isles.MelodramaThree ActsLyceum Theatre (English Opera House), Strand
6 November 1820A Burletta of Errors ; or, Jupiter and Alcmena.BurlettaThree ActsAdelphi Theatre(not printed)
13 November 1820Who's to Father Me ?BurlettaTwo ActsAdelphi Theatre(not printed)
27 November 1820The Deuce is in Her ; or, Two Nights at MadridBurlettaTwo ActsAdelphi Theatre(not printed)
11 December 1820Zamoski ; or, The Fortress and the Mine.Melo-dramaThree ActsAdelphi Theatre(not printed)
6 December 1820Dr. Syntax.Christmas Pantomime.Adelphi Theatre
15 January 1821Giovanni, the Vampire ; or, 'How shall we get Rid of Him?'BurlettaThree ActsAdelphi Theatre(not printed)
8 February 1821Kenilworth Castle ; or, the Days of Queen Bess.MelodramaThree Acts.Adelphi Theatre(not printed)
19 February 1821Lodgings to Let.BurlettaTwo ActsAdelphi Theatre(not printed)
27 February 1821Half-an-hour's Courtship ; or, La Chambre à Coucher.BurlettaOne ActAdelphi Theatre(not printed)
12 March 1821Sherwood Forest.BurlettaThree ActsAdelphi Theatre(not printed)
23 April 1821The Mountain Hut ; or, The Tinker and His SonMelodramaThree ActsSadlers Wells(not printed)
30 July 1821The Witch of Derncleugh.OperaThree ActsEnglish Opera House, Lyceum, Strand(not printed)
1 October 1821Capers at Canterbury.BurlettaThree ActsAdelphi Theatre(not printed)
22 October 1821The Corsair's Bride ; or, The Valley of Mount Etna.MelodramaThree ActsAdelphi Theatre(not printed)
8 November 1821Love's Alarum.BurlettaTwo ActsAdelphi Theatre(not printed)
24 November 1821Le Solitaire ; or, The Unknown of the Mountain.MelodramaThree ActsOlympic Theatre(not printed)
14 January 1822The Pirate.Operatic DramaThree ActsOlympic Theatre
10 July 1822All in the Dark ; or, The Banks of the Elbe.Musical DramaTwo ActsEnglish Opera, Lyceum, Strand
5 September 1822The Fair Gabrielle.OperettaOne ActEnglish Opera, Lyceum
19 October 1822Ali Pacha.MelodramaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
3 December 1822Maid Marian ; or, the Huntress of Arlingford.OperaThree ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
8 May 1823Clari ; or, the Maid of Milan.OperaThree ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
7 August 1823I Will have a Wife.Musical FarceTwo ActsEnglish Opera, Lyceum,(not printed)
27 August 1823Too Curious by Half ; or, Marplot in SpainMusical DramaTwo ActsEnglish Opera, Lyceum(not printed)
5 November 1823Cortez ; or, the Conquest of Mexico.OperaThree ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
19 January 1824St. Ronan's Well.MelodramaThree ActsAdelphi Theatre(not printed)
6 July 1824Military Tactics.InterludeOne ActEnglish Opera House(not printed)
3 September 1824The Frozen Lake.OperaTwo ActsEnglish Opera House
14 October 1824Der FreischützOperaThree ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
9 November 1824The Woman never Vext ; or, The Widow of CornhillComedyFive ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
11 July 1825Pageant of the Coronation of Charles 10th of France.PageantTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
21 October 1823Lilla.OperaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden(not printed)
8 November 1825Jocko ; or, the Brazilian Monkey.MelodramaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
12 December 1825Success ; or, a Hit if you Like it.Allegorical BurlesqueOne ActAdelphi Theatre
12 April 1826Oberon ; or, the Elf King's Oath.OperaThree ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
31 October 1826Returned Killed.FarceTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
15 June 1827All's Right ; or, the Old Schoolfellow.InterludeOne ActTheatre Royal, Haymarket(not printed)
9 July 1827Pay to My Order ; or, A Chaste Salute.VaudevilleOne ActRoyal Gardens, Vauxhall(songs only)
12 July 1827The Rencontre ; or, Love will find out the Way.Operatic ComedyTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Haymarket(not printed)
11 August 1827You Must Be Buried.FarceOne ActTheatre Royal, Haymarket(not printed)
21 January 1828Paris and London.BurlettaThree ActsAdelphi Theatre,
5 February 1828The Merchant's Wedding ; or, London Frolics in 1638ComedyFive ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Gardenaltered from Rowley
27 May 1828Carron Side ; or, the Fête Champêtre.OperaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden(not printed)
16 June 1828A Daughter to Marry.InterludeOne ActTheatre Royal, Haymarket
18 August 1828The Green-eyed Monster.Musical ComedyTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Haymarket
21 October 1828The Mason of Buda.BurlettaTwo ActsAdelphi Theatre
11 December 1828Charles XII.; or, the Siege of Stralsund.DramaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane
20 April 1829Thierna-na-Oge ; or, the Prince of the Lakes.MelodramaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane(songs only)
21 May 1829The Partisans ; or, The War of ParisHistorical DramaFive ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane(not printed)
1 July 1829Manoeuvering.InterludeOne Act (with C. Dance)Theatre Royal, Haymarket(not printed)
25 August 1829Der Vampyr.OperaThree ActsEnglish Opera House(songs only)
18 November 1829The Brigand.DramaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane
4 February 1830The National Guard ; or, Bride and no Bride.Theatre Royal, Drury Lane(not printed)
12 April 1830
Easter Monday
The Dragon's Gift ; or, The Scarf of Flight and the Mirror of Light.MelodramaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane(not printed)
1 May 1830Hofer ; or, The Tell of the Tyrol.OperaThree ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane
9 December 1830The Jenkinses.FarceTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane
3 January 1831Olympic Revels ; or, Prometheus and Pandora.BurlettaOne ActOlympic Theatre(with C. Dance)
3 February 1831The Romance of a Day.OperaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
5 March 1831My Great Aunt ; or, Where there's a Will.ComedyOne ActOlympic Theatre
16 April 1831The Legion of Honour.Musical DramaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane(not printed)
28 June 1831A Friend at Court.ComedyTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Haymarket(not printed)
29 October 1831The Army of the North ; or, The Spaniard's Secret.DramaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden(not printed)
3 November 1831The Love Charm ; or, The Village Coquette.OperaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane(songs only)
26 December 1831Olympic Devils ; or, Orpheus and Eurydice.BurlettaOne ActOlympic Theatre(with C. Dance)
5 April 1832The Compact.PlayThree ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane(not printed)
1 October 1832His First Campaign.Military SpectacleTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden(not printed)
26 December 1832The Paphian Bower ; or Venus and Adonis.BurlettaOne ActOlympic Theatre(with C. Dance)
18 February 1833Promotion ; or, A Morning at Versailles in 1750.VaudevilleOlympic Theatre
4 March 1833Reputation ; or, The Court Secret.PlayFive ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
4 June 1833The Students of Jena ; or, the Family Concert.OperettaOne ActTheatre Royal, Drury Lane(not printed)
9 September 1833The Court Masque ; or, Richmond in the Olden Time.OperaTwo ActsAdelphi Theatre (English Opera Company)(songs only)
30 September 1833High, Low, Jack, and the Game ; or, The Card Party.Burlesque BurlettaOne ActOlympic Theatre(with C. Dance)
13 November 1833Gustavus III.; or, The Masked Ball.OperaThree ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
26 December 1833The Deep, Deep Sea ; or, Perseus and Andromeda.Burlesque BurlettaOne ActOlympic Theatre(with C. Dance)
1 April 1834The Challenge.OperaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden(songs only)
29 April 1834Secret Service.ComedyTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane
29 September 1834The Loan of a Lover.VaudevilleOne ActOlympic Theatre
29 September 1834My Friend, the Governor.VaudevilleOne ActOlympic Theatre
18 October 1834The Regent.DramaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane
15 November 1834The Red Mask.OperaThree ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane(songs only)
26 December 1834Telemachus ; or, the Island of Calypso.Burlesque BurlettaOne ActOlympic Theatre(with C. Dance)
14 March 1835The Court Beauties.BurlettaOne ActOlympic Theatre
26 October 1835The Travelling Carriage.MelodramaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane(not printed)
16 November 1835The Jewess.DramaThree ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane
3 March 1836Chevy Chase.MelodramaThree ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane(not printed)
29 September 1836Court Favour.ComedyTwo ActsOlympic Theatre
8 November 1836Siege of Corinth.OperaThree ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane(songs only)
30 November 1836The Two Figaros.Comedy VaudevilleTwo ActsOlympic Theatre
26 December 1836Riquet with the Tuft.BurlettaOne ActOlympic Theatre(with C. Dance)
3 May 1837A Peculiar Position.FarceOne ActOlympic Theatre
24 June 1837Norma.OperaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane
29 September 1837The New Servant.VaudevilleOne ActOlympic Theatre(not printed)
7 October 1837The Child of the Wreck.MelodramaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane
6 November 1837Caractacus.PlayFive ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane(not printed) (altered from Beaumont and Fletcher)
26 December 1837Puss in Boots.BurlettaOne ActOlympic Theatre(with C. Dance)
10 March 1838The Magic Flute.OperaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane(songs only)
16 April 1838The Drama's Levée ; or, A Peep at the Past.ReviewOlympic Theatre
11 October 1838The Printer's Devil.FarceOne ActOlympic Theatre
3 December 1838The Queen's Horse.FarceOne ActOlympic Theatre(with M.B. Honan)
2 January 1839Blue Beard.Fairy ExtravaganzaOne ActOlympic Theatre(with C. Dance)
28 February 1839Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady.ComedyOne ActOlympic Theatre
1 April 1839The Garrick Fever.FarceOne ActOlympic Theatre
12 February 1840The Fortunate Isles.Masque in honour of Her Majesty's marriageTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
20 April 1840The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood.Fairy ExtravaganzaThree ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
13 October 1840The Spanish Curate.ComedyFive ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden(altered from Beaumont and Fletcher)
26 December 1840Harlequin and the Giant Helmet; or, The Castle of Otranto.PantomimeTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
25 February 1841The Captain of the Watch.ComedyOne ActTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
22 March 1841The Embassy.DramaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden(not printed)
12 April 1841Beauty and the Beast.Fairy ExtravaganzaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
15 March 1842Marriage of Figaro.OperaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
28 March 1842The White Cat.Fairy ExtravaganzaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
5 October 1842The Follies of a Night.Comedy VaudevilleTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane
17 December 1842The Way of the World.ComedyFive ActsTheatre Royal, Haymarket(not printed) (altered from Congreve)
17 April 1843Fortunio ; or, The Seven Gifted Servants.Fairy ExtravaganzaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane
22 August 1843Who's Your Friend? or, the Queensbury Fête.ComedyTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Haymarket
26 December 1843The Fair One with the Golden Locks.Fairy ExtravaganzaOne ActTheatre Royal, Haymarket
22 February 1844Grist to the Mill.ComedyTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Haymarket
8 April 1844The Drama at Home ; or, An Evening with Puff.Dramatic ReviewOne ActTheatre Royal, Haymarket
4 December 1844Somebody Else.ComedyOne ActTheatre Royal, Haymarket
26 December 1844Graciosa and Percinet.Fairy ExtravaganzaOne ActTheatre Royal, Haymarket
24 March 1845The Golden Fleece.Classical BurlesqueTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Haymarket
23 September 1845A Cabinet Question.FarceOne ActTheatre Royal, Haymarket
26 December 1845The Bee and the Orange Tree ; or, The Four Wishes.Fairy ExtravaganzaOne ActTheatre Royal, Haymarket
28 February 1846The Irish Post.Comic DramaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Haymarket
18 April 1846The 'Birds' of Aristophanes.Classical BurlesqueOne ActTheatre Royal, Haymarket
10 October 1846Queen Mary's Bower.ComedyThree ActsTheatre Royal, Haymarket
15 October 1846Spring Gardens.FarceOne ActTheatre Royal, Haymarket
16 December 1846Story Telling ; or, Novel Effects.FarceOne ActTheatre Royal, Haymarket
26 December 1846The Invisible Prince.Fairy ExtravaganzaOne ActTheatre Royal, Haymarket
5 April 1847The New Planet ; or, Harlequin out of Place.Dramatic Review
12 June 1847The Jacobite.DramaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Haymarket
18 October 1847The Pride of the Market.DramaThree ActsTheatre Royal, Lyceum
27 December 1847The Golden Branch.Fairy ExtravaganzaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Lyceum
2 March 1848Not a bad Judge.DramaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Lyceum
25 April 1848Theseus and Ariadne.Classical BurlesqueTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Lyceum
26 December 1848The King of the Peacocks.Fairy ExtravaganzaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Lyceum
8 March 1849A Romantic Idea.Fantastic DramaOne ActTheatre Royal, Lyceum
22 March 1849Hold your Tongue.ComedyOne ActTheatre Royal, Lyceum
9 April 1849The Seven Champions of Christendom.Fairy ExtravaganzaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Lyceum
15 October 1849A Lady in DifficultiesComedyTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Lyceum
26 December 1849The Island of Jewels.Fairy ExtravaganzaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Lyceum
4 February 1850Fiesco ; or, The Revolt of Genoa.Historical PlayFive ActsTheatre Royal, Drury Lane
1 April 1850Cymon and Iphigenia.Fairy ExtravaganzaOne ActTheatre Royal, Lyceum
16 October 1850My Heart's Idol.ComedyTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Lyceum
11 November 1850The White Hood.DramaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Lyceum(not printed)
4 December 1850The Day of Reckoning.MelodramaThree ActsTheatre Royal, Lyceum
26 December 1850"King Charming ; or, The Blue Bird of Paradise.Fairy ExtravaganzaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Lyceum
21 April 1851The Queen of the Frogs.Fairy ExtravaganzaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Lyceum
26 December 1851The Prince of Happy Land ; or, The Fawn in the Forest.Fairy ExtravaganzaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Lyceum
18 October 1852The Mysterious Lady.ComedyTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Lyceum
27 December 1852The Good Woman in the Wood.Fairy ExtravaganzaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Lyceum
28 March 1853Mr. Buckstone's Ascent of Mount Parnassus.Dramatic Review,One ActTheatre Royal, Haymarket
17 October 1853The Camp at the Olympic.Dramatic ReviewOne ActOlympic Theatre
26 December 1853Once upon a time there were Two Kings.Fairy ExtravaganzaTwo ActsTheatre Royal, Lyceum
12 April 1854Mr. Buckstone's Voyage Round World (in Leicester Square).Dramatic ReviewOne ActTheatre Royal, Haymarket
20 May 1854The Knights of the Round Table.ComedyFive ActsTheatre Royal, Haymarket
26 December 1854The Yellow Dwarf.Fairy ExtravaganzaOne ActOlympic Theatre
9 April 1855The New Haymarket Spring Meeting.Dramatic ReviewOne ActTheatre Royal, Haymarket
26 December 1855The Discreet Princess.Fairy ExtravaganzaOne ActOlympic Theatre
26 December 1856Young and Handsome.Fairy ExtravaganzaOne ActOlympic Theatre
22 July 1859An Old Offender.Comic DramaTwo ActsAdelphi Theatre
24 September 1859Love and Fortune.Lyrical ComedyOne ActPrincess's Theatre
12 July 1861My Lord and My Lady.ComedyFive ActsTheatre Royal, Haymarket
3 November 1862Love's Triumph.OperaThree ActsTheatre Royal, Covent Garden
26 December 1865Orpheus in the Haymarket.Classical Burlesque.Theatre Royal, Haymarket
26 December 1871King Christmas.MasqueOne ActGallery of Illustration
29 August 1872Babil and BijouFairy SpectacleFive Acts and a PrologueTheatre Royal, Covent Gardenby Dion Boucicault (songs only)
gollark: MONKEYS
gollark: I think one difference between humans and other monkey-type things is that we're apparently better at learning from other humans.
gollark: Gorillas and stuff aren't exactly *that* far off humans in intelligence.
gollark: It shouldn't be able to.
gollark: It uses a perceptual hash thing.


  • Planché, James (1879). Croker, Thomas F.D.; Tucker, Stephen I. (eds.). The extravaganzas of J. R. Planché, esq., (Somerset herald) 1825-1871. 5. London: S. French. pp. Vol 5, pp316–331.
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