Indiana, Our Indiana
"Indiana, Our Indiana" is the official school fight song of Indiana University. The lyrics were written by IU band director, Russell P. Harker, to the tune of "The Viking March" by Karl King, conductor of the Barnum and Bailey Circus Band.
The song was first performed by the IU Band during a football game against Northwestern University in November 1912.
Indiana, Our Indiana
Indiana, we're all for you
We will fight for
the Cream and Crimson
For the glory of old IU
Never daunted, we cannot falter
In the battle, we're tried and true
Indiana, Our Indiana
Indiana, we're all for you!
"Indiana, Our Indiana". Archived from the original on 2005-12-03. Retrieved 2006-04-27.
"Indiana University Athletics - Traditions". Archived from the original on 2006-05-11. Retrieved 2006-04-27.