HMS Core

HMS Core is a hub for Huawei Mobile Services and serves as a toolkit for app development on Huawei devices. The core comprises Development, Growth and Monetizing.[1]

In February 2020, HMS Core 4.0 was launched and unveiled a new system of ‘open’ cloud capabilities, face detection, text recognition, object detection and tracking, image classification, and landmark recognition were promised.[2]

HMS Core 5.0 was released in May 2020 introducing improved graphics and audio handling as well as support for applications using augmented reality.[3]

There are currently 20+ kits to support open development on the platform, including:

  • Analytics Kit
  • Push Kit
  • Account Kit
  • ML (machine learning) Kit
  • Ads Kit
  • In-App Purchases Kit
  • Game services
  • Location Kit
  • Map Kit
  • Safety Detect
  • FIDO Identity Security

In order to incentivize developers to develop for HMS using the core services, £20,000 was offered to the developer of any app uploaded to the company's App Gallery before 31 January 2020.[4] There are over 1.3 million registered developers and more than 55,000 apps connected to HMS Core worldwide.[5]


  1. Junior, John H. (2020-02-25). "Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) Core: Replacement of Google's developer libraries, here's everything you need to know". Huawei Central. Retrieved 2020-07-27.
  2. Amit (2020-01-16). "Huawei launched HMS Core 4.0 worldwide". Huawei Update. Retrieved 2020-07-27.
  3. "Huawei's HMS Core reaches version 5.0, brings positioning and push notification improvements". Retrieved 2020-07-27.
  4. "Huawei invites app developers to board the HMS Core to grab their pieces of eight". Retrieved 2020-07-27.
  5. January 2020, Mike Moore 16. "Huawei pitches its alternative to Google Play Store". TechRadar. Retrieved 2020-07-27.
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