HC Lada Togliatti songs and anthems

Although being non-official, the following songs could all be considered as the anthems to HC Lada Togliatti in one or other way. One could hear them before, during or after hockey games in Togliatti, being sung by fans or played through ice arena acoustic equipment.

Chto ty delayesh s nami, khokkey?!?

This bard song (its name could be translated as "What are you doing to us, hockey?!?") was designed as a tribute not only to ice hockey in Togliatti, but as one to the ice hockey in general, complementing the famous "Trus ne igraet v khokkey". It was composed by Lev Vaynshtein, VAZ veteran, author of several bard songs about Togliatti. As a tribute to its now deceased author, the song became an obligatory final theme for every home game of Lada.


Russian English translation (lit.)

Вот и этот закончился матч -
Всё на свете имеет свой срок...
Череду неудач и удач
Подытожит судейский свисток.
Пусть не даст нам уснуть до утра
Эта схватка ледовых парней -
Завтра ждёт нас другая игра:
Что ты делаешь с нами, хоккей?!?

Засыпает ледовый дворец,
Отдыхает расстерзанный лёд,
Растревоженный стуком сердец,
Не спешит расходиться народ...
Но, увы, расставаться пора -
Отдохнуть от бурлящих страстей
Завтра ждёт нас другая игра:
Что ты делаешь с нами, хоккей?!?

Острых лезвий хоккейных коньков
В наших душах оставленный след:
Поражений бесславный итог
И великая радость побед...
Позабудем, кто прав - кто неправ,
Мы ведь вместе с командой своей.
Завтра ждёт нас другая игра:
Что ты делаешь с нами, хоккей?!?

Спят погасшие окна домов
И не слышно дыханья трибун;
Но взлетит после первых бросков
В небо грозный болельщитский гул...
И вперёд, и сам чёрт нам - не брат!
Лишь бы завтра пришло поскорей...
Завтра ждёт нас другая игра:
Что ты делаешь с нами, хоккей?!?

И вперёд, и сам чёрт нам - не брат!
Лишь бы завтра пришло поскорей...
Завтра ждёт нас другая игра:
Мы всегда будем вместе, хоккей!

That's all, that game is over as well -
Everything under the sun has its term...
The tally of good and bad luck
Would be added up by referee's whistle.
Even if we couldn't sleep until the morning after
This battle of ice guys -
Tomorrow, new game awaits:
What are you doing to us, hockey?!?

Ice palace sleeps in peace,
Torn to shreds ice has its rest as well,
With anxious heartbeat,
People are in no haste to leave...
But, still, it's time to part,
To have a rest from boiling passion.
Tomorrow, new game awaits:
What are you doing to us, hockey?!?

Sharp blades of hockey skates
Leave their patterns within our souls:
The fame-less result of losses
And the great joy of victories...
Let's forget, who is right and who is wrong,
Because we're still with our team.
Tomorrow, new game awaits:
What are you doing to us, hockey?!?

The dark houses' windows are sleeping
And stands' breath couldn't be heard;
But should the first shots come
And stern fans' buzz will be heard in skies...
Go ahead, no devil could stop us!
Provided that tomorrow will come soon...
Tomorrow, new game awaits:
What are you doing to us, hockey?!?

Go ahead, no devil could stop us!
Provided that tomorrow will come soon...
Tomorrow, new game awaits:
We will always be together, hockey!


Hey, hey, "Lada"!

This song, composed and performed by Togliatti famous radio DJ, Sergei Pitertsev is dedicated to the Russian champion titles won by Lada against their main rivals, HC Dynamo Moscow, in 1994 and 1996. There are two versions of the song, with difference in first verses: new version is more politically correct while old bashes Moscow teams in general.

Lyrics (new version)

Russian English translation (lit.)

Всем доказала "Лада" блеском своих побед:
С нею никто не сладит, равных в хоккее ей - нет!
Золото чемпионов - главный хоккейный приз...
Рвётся к вратарской зоне шайбы победной диск.

Хей, хей, хей, хей, "Лада"!
Ла-ла-ла-ла Ла-да!
Хей, хей, "Лада"!
Ла-ла-ла Ла-да!
Хей, хей, хей, хей, "Лада"!
Ла-ла-ла-ла Ла-да!
Хей, хей, "Лада"!
Ла-ла-ла Ла-да!

Лучшим всегда не сладко марку свою держать:
В каждой ледовой схватке - драться и побеждать.
Грянул свисток мажором - "Лада" идёт вперёд...
И весь дворец с задором этот припев поёт!


"Лада" у нас - что надо, круче команды нет!
Будут ещё награды, будет восторг побед!!!
Грянул свисток мажором - "Лада" идёт вперёд...
И весь дворец с задором этот припев поёт!

Припев (x2).

"Lada" has proved to everyone with its shining victories:
Nobody could deal with it, there are no equals to it in hockey!
Champions' gold is a main trophy of ice hockey...
Moving toward the crease is the disс of game-winning goal puck.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, "Lada"!
La-la-la-la La-da!
Hey, hey, "Lada"!
La-la-la La-da!
Hey, hey, hey, hey, "Lada"!
La-la-la-la La-da!
Hey, hey, "Lada"!
La-la-la La-da!

It's always tough for the best to uphold their reputation:
To fight and win in every ice battle.
The whistle sounds in major - and "Lada" goes ahead...
And the whole ice palace sings this song with joy!


Our "Лада" is what we need, there is no better team!
There will be more awards, there will be joy of victories!!!
The whistle sounds in major - and "Lada" goes ahead...
And the whole ice palace sings this song with joy!

Chorus (x2).


Nasha "Lada"!

This rhythmic song of Sergei Pitertsev become very popular between Lada fans. It often could be heard when situation on ice is near critical; and it is believed to give hockey players that little bit which separates them from scoring one more goal. One could call it the true anthem of "Lada", despite some lack of formal logic – its name (lit. "Our Lada") proves this fact quite well.


Russian English translation (lit.)

"Лада", не робей и будет всё о'кей...
Наша "Лада"!!!
"Лада", покажи тольятинский хоккей!
Наша "Лада"!!!
Это всё не сон - российский чемпион -
Наша "Лада"!!!
Знает вся страна - победами сильна
Наша "Лада"!!!

Ну давай, "Лада", смелей!
Ну давай, шайбу забей!
Ну давай, "Лада", смелей!
Ну давай, шайбу забей!

Каждому своё игра в хоккей даёт...
Наша "Лада"!!!
Знает весь народ: сильнейшему везёт...
Наша "Лада"!!!
Верим в твой успех и веруем в тебя -
Наша "Лада"!!!
Разве можно жить хоккея не любя?!?
Наша "Лада"!!!

Припев (x2)

"Lada", don't be shy, and everything will be OK...
Our "Lada"!!!
"Lada", show us Togliatti kind of hockey!
Our "Lada"!!!
This is not a dream - the Russian Champion is
Our "Lada"!!!
And the whole nation knows that victorious is
Our "Lada"!!!

Go, go, go, "Lada" - be bold!
Go, go, go - and score a goal!
Go, go, go, "Lada" - be bold!
Go, go, go - and score a goal!

Everybody has their reason to love hockey...
Our "Lada"!!!
And everybody knows: the strongest has the luck...
Our "Lada"!!!
We believe in your success, and in you we trust -
Our "Lada"!!!
Is it possible to live and not to love hockey?!?
Our "Lada"!!!

Chorus (x2)


Komanda "Lada"

Komanda "Lada" (Russian for Team "Lada") is a commemorative song dedicated to Lada becoming runners-up in Russian Superleague season 2004-05 playoffs. Making finals after eight-year pause was a considerable milestone for the team. Komanda "Lada" was a part of silver medals celebration ceremony.


Russian English translation (lit.)

Хоккейные баталии: турниры, кубки, сборы -
Знакомы нашей "Ладе" уже немало лет.
Но результат высокий в игре достигнуть чтоб,
Необходимо много одержанных побед...
Играют в нашей сборной настоящие мужчины,
Их скоростью и силой гордится Автоград.
Достойно завоёван на Первенстве России
Заслуженный комплект серебрянных наград!

Команда "Лада", да!
Почёт тебе и слава!
Команда "Лада", да!
И лучшая награда - быть с тобою, "Лада"!

Пусть светят впереди вам новые высоты,
Взлёты и победы, красивая игра.
Для истинных болельщиков главное, чтобы
Любимая команда на льду была всегда!
Играют в нашей сборной настоящие мужчины,
Их скоростью и силой гордится Автоград.
Достойно завоёван на Первенстве России
Заслуженный комплект серебрянных наград!

Команда "Лада", да!
Почёт тебе и слава!
Команда "Лада", да!
И лучшая награда - быть с тобой!
Команда "Лада", да!
Почёт тебе и слава!
Команда "Лада", да!
И лучшая награда - быть с тобою, "Лада"!

Hockey battles: tournaments, cups, training —
Are familiar to our "Lada" for quite a lot of years.
But to reach high results in play,
Many games should be won...
In our team play real men,
Their speed and power is a pride for Avtograd.
Their attempt of Russian Championship conquest was rewarded in a worthy manner
With a well-deserved set of silver awards!

Team "Lada", yeah!
Respect and honor are yours!
Team "Lada", yeah!
Our best reward is to be with you, "Lada"!

May your further way to have new heights to conquer,
More hot streaks and wins, beautiful play.
And for the true fans it is only important that
Their favorite team would always be on the ice!
In our team play real men,
Their speed and power is a pride for Avtograd.
Their attempt of Russian Championship conquest was rewarded in a worthy manner
With a well-deserved set of silver awards!

Team "Lada", yeah!
Respect and honor are yours!
Team "Lada", yeah!
Our best reward is to be with you!
Team "Lada", yeah!
Respect and honor are yours!
Team "Lada", yeah!
Our best reward is to be with you, "Lada"!


"Lada", net puti nazad!

This march (music and lyrics by Sergei Nemov) is a recent (season 2005-06) addition to fans' repertoire. Its refrain: "Lada, Lada, net puti nazad/Lada — vperyod!" ("Lada, Lada, there is no way back/Lada — go ahead!") is often used by home arena DJs to cheer up the team after it got a severe penalty or allowed to score a goal against it.


Russian English translation (lit.)

Это - судьба трубит с трибун в трубы!
Играйте, парни, раз пришла пора
Играть за честь Тольятти в суперклубе.
Большой хоккей - азартная игра!

Противник опытный силён,
Но только не прорвётся он -
Вновь ставится на кон престиж команды!
Ну, бомбардир, не подведи,
В девятку шайбу закрути!
Победа рядом, впереди...

"Лада", "Лада" - клуб-чемпион!
Клуб что надо!
"Лада", "Лада", "Лада" - чемпион!
Наша "Лада"!
"Лада", ждёт победы Автоград!
Верит и ждёт...
"Лада", "Лада" - нет пути назад,
"Лада" - вперёд!

Болельщик - вот работа не из лёгких,
Игре служи - все средства хороши.
Болей, во всю используй силу лёгких,
И клуб любимый честно поддержи!

Противник опытный силён,
Но только не прорвётся он -
Вновь ставится на кон престиж команды!
Ну, бомбардир, не подведи,
В девятку шайбу закрути!
Победа рядом, впереди...
Лада! Лада! Лада! Лада! Лада! Лада!...

Клуб что надо...
Наша "Лада"...
Верит и ждёт...
"Лада", "Лада" - нет пути назад,
"Лада" - вперёд!

"Лада", "Лада" - клуб-чемпион!
Клуб что надо!
"Лада", "Лада", "Лада" - чемпион!
Наша "Лада"!
"Лада", ждёт победы Автоград!
Сердце поёт...
"Лада", "Лада" - нет пути назад,
"Лада" - вперёд!

This is fate who blows the trumpets!
Play, guys, since it's time for you
To play for Togliatti honor in super-team.
Big hockey is a game of chance!

Experienced rivals are strong,
But they won't be let to pass through -
As team' prestige is the stake in this game!
Hey, shooter, don't fail us,
Twist the puck right into the net!
The win is near, it is ahead...

"Lada", "Lada" - is Champion team!
Team we need!
"Lada", "Lada", "Lada" - is our champion!
Our "Lada"!
"Lada", Avtograd waits for a victory!
It believes and awaits...
"Lada", "Lada" - there is no way back,
"Lada" - go ahead!

To be a hockey fan is not an easy job,
So serve the game - no means are wrong for that.
Shout loud, use all the power of your lungs,
And support your favorite team!

Experienced rivals are strong,
But they won't be let to pass through -
As team' prestige is the stake in this game!
Hey, shooter, don't fail us,
Twist the puck right into the net!
The win is near, it is ahead...
Lada! Lada! Lada! Lada! Lada! Lada! Lada! Lada! Lada!...

Team we need...
Our "Lada"...
It believes and awaits...
"Lada", "Lada" - there is no way back,
"Lada" - go ahead!

"Lada", "Lada" - is Champion team!
Team we need!
"Lada", "Lada", "Lada" - is our champion!
Our "Lada"!
"Lada", Avtograd waits for a victory!
The heart is singing...
"Lada", "Lada" - there is no way back,
"Lada" - go ahead!


gollark: ???
gollark: But map makes your intentions clearer.
gollark: A for loop internally.
gollark: If you want to, say, add 1 to every element of a list, you can much more clearly capture the actual intention with `list.map(x => x + 1)` than `local out = []; for (let x of list) { out.push(x + 1) }; return out`.
gollark: Yes.
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