Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor

Golden Rooster for Best Supporting Actor (中国电影金鸡奖最佳男配角) is the main category of Competition of Golden Rooster Awards.Awarding to supporting actor(s) who have outstanding performance in motion pictures.

Award Winners & Nominees


Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
1981Lu Qing卢青Evening Rain巴山夜雨
Shi Ling石灵
Zhong Xinghuo仲星火
1982Sun Feihu孙飞虎The Xi'an Inciden西安事变
Yu Shaokang于绍康In Laws喜盈门
1983Niu Ben牛犇The Herdsman牧马人
Zhi Yitong智一桐Liberation Of Nanjing风雨下钟山
1984Yu Shizhi于是之Qiu Jin秋瑾
Chen Peisi陈佩斯Sunset Street夕照街
Hu Hao胡浩The Land of Rebirth再生之地
Wei Beiyuan位北原Sounds of Home乡音
1985He Wei何玮Wreaths at Foot of Moutainn高山下的花环
1986Xin Ming辛明Wild Mountains野山
Yan Xiang严翔Sunrise日出
He Haiquan赫海泉Zhi Feng Da Zhan直奉大战
Zhai Junjie翟俊杰The Battle of Taierzhuang血战台儿庄
Zheng Zaishi郑再石Hibiscus Town芙蓉镇
1988Li Baotian李保田Ren Gui Qing人鬼情
Xie Yan谢衍Old Well老井
Niu Xingli牛星丽Old Well老井
1989Sun Min孙敏Wan Zhong晚钟
Jin Hua金华Happy Heroes/Yin Yang Jie欢乐英雄、阴阳界
Xie Yuan谢园The Price of Frenzy疯狂的代价


Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
1990Sun Feihu孙飞虎Founding Ceremony开国大典
Liang Tian梁天Black Snow本命年
Ba Teer巴尔特The Knight骑士风云
Ma Enran马恩然Peking Duck Restauran老店
Zhao Fan赵凡Metropolis 1990大城市1990
Fei Yang费洋Xin Xiang心香
You Yong尤勇Bell of Purity Temple清凉寺钟声
Xie Yuan谢园The Weddings高朋满座
1993Wei Zongwan魏宗万San Mao Joins the Army三毛从军记
Lei Kesheng雷恪生Woman Sesame Oil Maker香魂女
Li Ding李丁An Answer from Heaven天堂回信
Li Ruping李如平The Imperial Concubine Yang杨贵妃
1994Fang Zige方子哥No More Applause无人喝彩
Yu Shaokang于少康Hurricane Over the Sea大海风
Zhao Xiaorui赵小锐Red Firecracker, Green Firecracker炮打双灯
Ju Hao句号Back to Back, Face to Face背靠背,脸对脸
1996Zhao Jun赵军Wu Er Ge Qing Shen吴二哥请神
Tu Men涂们The Sorrow of Brook Steppe悲情布鲁克
1997Lin Liankun林连昆The Opium War鸦片战争
Sun Chun孙淳Drug Heroes缉毒英雄
Duo Buji多布吉Red River Valley红河谷
1998Ge Cunzhuang葛存壮Zhou Enlai, a Great Friend周恩来——伟大的朋友
Tao Zeru陶泽如A Time to Remember红色恋人
Sun Min孙敏Settlement安居
1999Du Yuan杜源The Grass House草房子
Liu Ye刘烨Postmen in the Mountains那山那人那狗
Xie Tian谢添The Matchmaker红娘
Zhang Hongjie张宏杰Nan Fu Nu Zhu Ren男妇女主任


Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
2000Lei Ming雷明Final Decision生死抉择
Fu Biao傅彪Sorry Baby没完没了
Zhao Tieren赵铁人Neverland梦幻田园
2001Fu Biao傅彪Escort押解的故事
Sunhaiying孙海英Zou Chu Xi Bai Po走出西柏坡
Zhang Huizhong张惠中The Full Moon月圆今宵
2002Wang Zhiwen王志文Together和你在一起
Sun Haiying孙海英Pretty Big Feet美丽的大脚
2003Zhao Jun赵军The Parking Attendant In July看车人的七月
Huang Haibo黄海波Jing Tao Hai Lang惊涛骇浪
Li Youbin李幼斌Jing Tao Hai Lang惊涛骇浪
2004Feng Yuanzheng冯远征Shanghai Story美丽上海
Wang Xueqi王学圻Warriors of Heaven and Earth手机
Zhang Guoli张国立Cell Phone手机
2005Tang Guoqiang唐国强Zhang Side张思德
Daniel Wu吴彦祖New Police Story新警察故事
Feng Li冯栎Peacock孔雀
Wang Luoyong王洛勇Deng Xiaoping in 1928邓小平1928
2006-2007Wang Ji王霁One Foot Off The Ground鸡犬不宁
Jiang Wu姜武5 Bullets5颗子弹
Liu Zhifeng刘志峰The Forest Ranger天狗
Niu Ben牛犇Classroom两个人的教室
Qiu Lin邱林Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles千里走单骑
2008-2009Wang Xueqi王学圻Forever Enthralled梅兰芳
Deng Chao邓超Assembly集结号
Huang Bo黄渤Iron Man铁人
Jiao Gang焦刚And the Spring Comes立春
Sun Honglei孙红雷Forever Enthralled梅兰芳
Yang Xinmin杨新敏Her Promise阿妹的诺言


Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
2010-2011Xu Caigen徐才根Apart together团圆
Ba Yin巴音Beyond the Sacred Land圣地额济纳
Huang Xiaoming黄晓明The Message风声
Jin Shijie金士杰Blind Cinema盲人电影院
Li Xinmin李新敏Lao Zhai老寨
Zhao Erkang赵尔康Secret Fragrance暗香
2012-2013Wang Qingxiang The Grandmaster
Ding YongdaiFallen City
Liu JianChina Liulaozhuang 82 Warriors
Chen YihengXuhaifeng's Gun
Jiao GangFeng Shui
2014-2015Zhang Yi Dearest
Han Tongshen12 Citizens
Jing BoranLost and Love
Wang QianyuanBrotherhood of Blades
Zhang HuiYan Xiang
2016-2017Yu Hewei I Am Not Madame Bovary
Wang Qianyuan Saving Mr. Wu
Zhu YawenWhen Larry Met Mary
Sun WeiminBattle of Xiangjiang River
Zhang YiCock and Bull
Zhang HuiRelocate
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gollark: Yes. It doesn't exist. Nobody actually believes them, they just claim to.
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gollark: You can always do both™.
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