German State Theatre Timișoara
The German State Theatre Timișoara (GSTT) is a publicly funded German-speaking professional theatrical company in Timișoara (German Temeswar), the capital city of Timiș County in western Romania, where German-speaking theatre was first mentioned in 1753. The new theatre was opened in 1875, but closed in 1899 due to the increasing magyarisation in the Kingdom of Hungary. The ceremonial reopening of the German State Theatre Timișoara (GSTT) took place on 27 June 1953. The German State Theatre is located in the right wing of the National Theatre and Opera House with entrance from Strada Alba Iulia. It has a performance hall with 100 seats, which it shares with the Hungarian State Theatre.
The house is a repertoire theatre with about 80 permanent employees with an average age of 30 years. All performances take place in German, partly with Romanian simultaneous translation, both in Timișoara and in regions with German-speaking communities. The programme ranges from classical and contemporary drama through musicals to children's and youth theatre. There are about 5 premieres respectively 80 performances per season.[1]
The GSTT is funded by the city of Timișoara. It also receives project funding from the Institute for Foreign Relations in Stuttgart, the Danube Swabian cultural foundation in Baden-Württemberg and other public and private institutions in Germany and abroad. In 2005, the partnership between the German State Theatre Timișoara and the Bruchsal State Theatre (Germany) was concluded with the support of the Baden-Württemberg’s Minister of the Interior, Heribert Rech, and the Danube Swabian cultural foundation in Baden-Württemberg. The exchange of productions and artists, as well as other joint projects have already been very well received by the public in both Banat and Baden-Württemberg. In autumn 2009, a co-production of the two theatres was created for the first time.[2]
In 2009, the cooperative partnership of the German State Theatre Timișoara with the Bruchsal State Theatre (Germany) was supported with an amount of 20.000.00 euros. The funds were used on the one hand to finance a guest production by the German State Theatre Timișoara in Bruchsal, and on the other hand to finance a co-production of “Goethe, Lenau, Faust, The exploration of a myth”. The premiere took place on October 2, 2009 in Timișoara, and on February 4, 2010, in Bruchsal.
The institutionalised cooperation between the German State Theatre Timișoara and the Bruchsal State Theatre gives the GSTT the opportunity to establish itself as a German-speaking theatre in the Danube region.[3]
-, Horst Fassel: Das Deutsche Staatstheater Temeswar (1953-2003). Vom überregionalen Identitätsträger zum Experimentellen Theater, LIT Verlag, ISBN 978-3-643-11413-6
-, Deutsche Botschaft Bukarest: Deutsches Staatstheater Temeswar, Zugriff Juli 2008
- Archived 2008-05-24 at the Wayback Machine, Istoric, Zugriff Juli 2008
-, Donauschwäbische Kulturstiftung des Landes Baden-Württemberg. Geschäftsbericht 2009